GT Sport Bug Report Thread

  • Thread starter VBR
server connections are currently appalling with The game constantly throwing people out with network connection issues - perhaps volume with global lockdown is too much for the servers


Cars go to the grid, some cars are left frozen to the grid when the lights go out - cars behind don’t know and run into them.. this is a regular occurrence now and needs fixing
These sound like you're having lobby issues. Lobbies are peer-to-peer (each end user's console is both server and client; there are no servers involved), and almost all network issues in lobbies are down to poorly optimised local internet connections (because GT has very finicky netcode).
These sound like you're having lobby issues. Lobbies are peer-to-peer (each end user's console is both server and client; there are no servers involved), and almost all network issues in lobbies are down to poorly optimised local internet connections (because GT has very finicky netcode).
Thanks for the clarification
Maximum power: 374 BHP


WHAT 🤬 just happened???
I'm in Race A (FF cars only, aka the TT Cup) and the guy starting in third is in the 911.
He does 49.500s
as the race leader after bumping me out in T2. (Top Time is 50:800)

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WHAT 🤬 just happened???
I'm in Race A (FF cars only, aka the TT Cup) and the guy starting in third is in the 911.
He does 49.500s
as the race leader after bumping me out in T2. (Top Time is 50:800)

View attachment 922928

No 🤬 way. A Gr.3 car in a Gr.4 FF only Sport Mode race? Holy 🤬. Someone 🤬 up big time. :lol: Great, another 50 minutes of downloading and installing when the emergency patch comes out. :banghead:
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I later tried getting in the 911 from the garage, but it didn't do anything.
His quali time was pretty average, so I doubt he did that in the 911. But maybe he just entered late and bottled it.
There is no Top 10 time in the 911, too.
Maybe a singularity event :crazy: where his car spontaneously had a quantum leap.
I've seen someone post an other picture of something like that a few weeks ago on gtp for a daily race at Interlagos. It seems that what could be happening is that it skips the argument to check to see if the car is valid for the event before entering the race. Or it could be that the game forgot to change cars after he selected a car he wanted to pick and the user is as confused as to why he's in a gr3 when he arrives in the lobby. So far I've only seen two picture of this happening. Both of them were gr4 races where a gr3 car entered the race.
The game still keeps crashing when playing FIA race replays if you have to fast forward or rewind at any point. Very frustrating when you can't skip the 2 minute start sequence either
During a league race yesterday a couple of cars noticed they were lacking pace. After watching the replay we found that the game was holding on the brakes even coming out of the corners. Any suggestions?
During a league race yesterday a couple of cars noticed they were lacking pace. After watching the replay we found that the game was holding on the brakes even coming out of the corners. Any suggestions?
Controllers I would say. Either pedals or triggers.
For the love of god, why hasn't the open lobby pit bug and the getting stuck on the grid bug been fixed. The games been out for around 3 years and it still hasn't been fixed. Absolute ******* joke.

You sign up for racing leagues to have fun races with other players, and then you can't even race because the game is broken. Get in the bin PD.
For the love of god, why hasn't the open lobby pit bug and the getting stuck on the grid bug been fixed. The games been out for around 3 years and it still hasn't been fixed. Absolute ******* joke.

You sign up for racing leagues to have fun races with other players, and then you can't even race because the game is broken. Get in the bin PD.
It's usually (but not always) an indication of someone in the lobby having a poorly optimised connection - and it happened in GT6 and GT5 too.
It's usually (but not always) an indication of someone in the lobby having a poorly optimised connection - and it happened in GT6 and GT5 too.

Ive seen people mention that it happened in GT5 & 6, somehow i got lucky and never experienced it in those games.

If it is to do with connection issues, then that's another reason why PD needs to get rid of the p2p system for GT7 because p2p is outdated and just absolute crap in general.
In the Lewis Hamilton challenge, the "car record" section of the HUD shows incorrect best and opt times. I guess they're from the Mazda time trial challenge which I had played just before. Attached image shows the Car Record HUD on the LH Nurburgring challenge. I think it's the case for the other tracks in the challenge.
Sorry if it's been reported already, haven't been through the 97 previous pages :)


  • LHCarRecord.png
    129.7 KB · Views: 30
Hi everyone, with regards to the “pit bug”, where you car just crashes into the pit wall over and over.
I remember a while back I joined a random lobby and was getting stuck in the pits and noticed that it was happening only when I added steering when applying throttle to “release” the car.
I remember it vividly but have not tested it out, now I always “release” my car with the steering 100% straight. (Out of habit)
I have no idea if this is a real thing or just a fluke but I very rarely get the pit bug now, and if I do, there’s always been a chance I’ve added steering input. So I leave and rejoin, make sure I have zero steering input and I have no issues.

Hoping someone out there can verify a similar experience??

edit: I’m going to test this out and see if I can get footage
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Currently doing Race C (Autopolis) Qualifying Time Trial
I have several strange effects (aka bugs) with loading my own ghost.
I have save three different 'best laps'. Each has 577kB and is fine when watching it via the library.

When I load each as a ghost and set offset to 1.0sec, one of the following things happens:
  1. The ghost does not show at all (File 1)
  2. The ghost shows correctly, then disappears at Turn 1. (File 2)
  3. The ghost shows ~1sec behind me. (also File 2)
  4. The ghost works (File 3)
  5. There's always a stutter crossing the line, loading the ghost (this is old, but still annoying)
Ive had this happen Three times in the last week when entering an online practice lobby. On leaving the pits my car appears to others to be travelling normally but my view (bumper cam) is looking backwards, the only thing that cures it is a complete reboot
Currently doing Race C (Autopolis) Qualifying Time Trial
I have several strange effects (aka bugs) with loading my own ghost.
I have save three different 'best laps'. Each has 577kB and is fine when watching it via the library.

When I load each as a ghost and set offset to 1.0sec, one of the following things happens:
  1. The ghost does not show at all (File 1)
  2. The ghost shows correctly, then disappears at Turn 1. (File 2)
  3. The ghost shows ~1sec behind me. (also File 2)
  4. The ghost works (File 3)
  5. There's always a stutter crossing the line, loading the ghost (this is old, but still annoying)

I wondered if it has anything to do with the connection problems that day. Should be a local thing, but who knows. Was on update day.
But same issue today.

Ive had this happen Three times in the last week when entering an online practice lobby. On leaving the pits my car appears to others to be travelling normally but my view (bumper cam) is looking backwards, the only thing that cures it is a complete reboot
Maybe the "look behind" key or "analog stick down" was somehow engaged? just checking.
Please report all bugs & issues you find in the Demo & the full game here. Also, try to be as thorough as possible when reporting, & include as much information as you can. If we collate everything into one thread, then we can make PD's job easier to identify & fix any issues that have slipped through the net

Currently with the penalty system in online racing: I've gotten numerous penalties and DR/SR deductions for being the receiver of bad driving.

Almost every collision that happens to the rear of my vehicle from an offending driver gives me a penalty, and more than often I receive a 1-2s "Forcing Driver off Track" penalty when I am the one getting rammed/shoved off track. Anywhere from .5s to 2s for other contacts that occur at the rear of my vehicle happen very often as well.

PD needs to refine their penalty system to better identify at-fault racers and not punish the ones who are getting scrooged at the apex of a turn.

Also they need to start enforcing community "time-out's" for people who go willingly missiling themselves into a pack of vehicles on a turn. Repeat offenders can just be banned, I couldn't care less about em'.

I'm going to start recording and documenting each incident so I can post on YT, hopefully to catch PD's attention with such terrible penalty AI.
Yeah, the biggest BUG of all is this penalty system incapable of recognizing the obvious 4 dirty moves:
  • Braking too late and punting leading car off
  • PIT maneuver to spin opponent around
  • Forcing opponent off track by actively steering into him
  • Being slow due to some incident and then actively blocking
In all these cases the perpetrators usually get away with it. Some even practice that.

I guess if this would happen at the top level - the top drivers voices would be heard, but 'unfortunately' they drive clean.
There was this ridiculous system some weeks ago, where they (PD) seemed to listen to the complaints.
Found a bug related to another bug I already mentioned (I am referring to the transmission whine bug where turning it down has no effect in cockpit view). This new bug presents in some road cars that do not have any gear tuning at all: when the transmission whine is turned all the way up & the engine noise all the way down, you can hear the whine in cockpit view, but not in any other views.
I cant use gr3 supra in round 10 manufacturers race when I own it

I think you “have” to use the car they loan to you, from memory it’s got a yellow blob by it to designate it as a “sponsored car”. You can’t use your own car even if it’s the same car.
I may be wrong, no doubt someone will correct me if I am :lol:
In the Lewis Hamilton challenge, the "car record" section of the HUD shows incorrect best and opt times. I guess they're from the Mazda time trial challenge which I had played just before. Attached image shows the Car Record HUD on the LH Nurburgring challenge. I think it's the case for the other tracks in the challenge.
Sorry if it's been reported already, haven't been through the 97 previous pages :)
Confirmed. No need to feel sorry.
Not only does it show times from an old session, it also reverts back to some older values once you drive a new personal best.
I've had opti showing a slower time than my new best lap.
PD are so bad with respect to storing (duplicated) data in the HUD/UI (which is an absolute no-go in good programming practices) If coded cleanly no such thing can ever happen.
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I think you “have” to use the car they loan to you, from memory it’s got a yellow blob by it to designate it as a “sponsored car”. You can’t use your own car even if it’s the same car.
I may be wrong, no doubt someone will correct me if I am :lol:
That is correct
Cheers guys I am kinda new to this, I chose the supra last time so I could use it, then when I had to pick again after the last update I didn't think it mattered. Ah well I know for next time, guess its just nations cup for me as the vgt seems terrible compared to the supra
Any ideas of how to at least circumvent the ghost bug??? Drives me crazy.

The issue - simplified:
  1. Saved a single "best lap" Race A (in Qualifying Time Trial)
  2. Loaded it as ghost
  3. Ghost disappears after 5 seconds.
  4. Lap looks fine when viewed in library
  5. Restarting everything does not help - must be a flaw in the replay itself
Any ideas of how to at least circumvent the ghost bug??? Drives me crazy.

The issue - simplified:
  1. Saved a single "best lap" Race A (in Qualifying Time Trial)
  2. Loaded it as ghost
  3. Ghost disappears after 5 seconds.
  4. Lap looks fine when viewed in library
  5. Restarting everything does not help - must be a flaw in the replay itself
Too many replays saved? It adds all replays on the console, across accounts, to one sum.