Some of you "elders" will enjoy this old video. The title led me in only to discover there's very little about Ken Miles,, BUT I enjoyed seeing this one anyway. Memories,, they are fun to share with friends. Something so obvious, so plain as day, sort of like the "forest for the trees" has finally occured to this geezer. As we watch these racers do their best to stay aboard the track the inevitable failure to maintain adhesion between rubber and asphalt will happen. These old fellers didn't QUIT,, something I fear I am all to guilty of when a race doesn't go well for me. I have made myself a promise that henseforth I intend getting back on the track and do my best to finish "the race" no matter the position. Most of you do so but I oft times do not for any number of reasons. Recognizing GTS is only a game BUT the Spirit of Racing is within us and I intend to play the game with that same spirit. If I do not want to, if I don't like that particular race, I shant start but will wait for the race I do want to participate in. Enjoy this vintage film and I will see all you fellas this Wednesday eve.