Thanks John for your kind words and it is very much appreciated. 👍
Before I announced this league/championship I spoke to you as I was concerned that you might struggle because of your eye strain. From what you have said now I do not think it is your eye strain but more that you do not think your skills are good enough. We all have different skill levels and personally I am no where in the same league as Cal, BT or Reda. This is why I wanted to experiment with weights in this second test season so that it equals out our skill levels and all of us have a chance of at least getting on the podium. I wanted to use this test season as a way of getting the weights right so as we
all had a chance. Reducing weight for those finishing towards the rear and increasing it for the guys that always win etc. That way, theoretically, it should make for close racing and all of us have a chance of victory.
Personally I like to race longer races without boost etc as I am a racer at heart. Even everyday in my own car I am looking for a burn up with someone. Sad but true
I have become bored with hosting as for me it is the same old thing ever week. I do love the banter and the chat and fun etc but all I do is change the track and car and then pull the trigger. Any of you guys can do that. Whether I host or not I can still have a laugh in the party chat. With the league thing it would given me something more to do and would have been more enjoyable for me, as a host.
As for continuing to host. I have given commitment every Sunday, apart from my needs to sort the kitchen out, for a year. And I have enjoyed it. If I was to continuing hosting I would like someone to help me out. I thought JR was up for that but he bailed. It is not easy to give up a Sunday every week, bearing in mind that this starts early afternoon for me, which is a whole day I cannot do anything else.
I like Cals suggestion, that might work ok for all, to race the league races once a month. I do want to do this because to me it is proper racing.
I hope all of that makes sense. I have had a couple of glasses of wine so not sure my end