• Thread starter geezer1791
The weight adjustments seemed to work ok and mix things up a bit, I think we will keep them the same for next week.

I have not watched the replays yet but looking forward though to seeing the Karts at the Nordschleife :lol:

Next weeks combo's in case anyone wants to practise

Test Season Week 2 23rd June
Race 1...N400 Toyota SFR Concept 16 at Suzuka. Tuning open. Power 135% (N500) Weight 100% (apart from weight adjusted cars)
Race 2...GRX Redbull at Monza
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The weight adjustments seemed to work ok and mix things up a bit, I think we will keep them the same for next week.

I have not watched the replays yet but looking forward though to seeing the Karts at the Nordschleife :lol:

Next weeks combo's in case anyone wants to practise

Test Season Week 2 23rd June
Race 1...N400 Toyota SFR Concept 16 at Suzuka. Tuning open. Power 135% (N500) Weight 100% (apart from weight adjusted cars)
Race 2...GRX Redbull at Monza

Stream of Sunday already posted. The Kart @ Nordschleife start @ 3:01:30
I will edit and post the GT replay of that. :cheers::cheers:
Replay of the karts looks quite cool and was fun as well at the time. Replay of Alsace reverse is good as well, good close clean racing. Still have to watch Yamagiwa,

I need to get us more recruits to join in. I am also going to ask Minikhl to see if we can have a challenge race or something someday, would be good to get a 16 driver race.
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Thanks Steve for the racing. It is different. While I applaud you for trying something different, it’s just not my thing. Too much down time for me. I like to race. So I will set out next Sunday. Thanks again
Hi Steve and Sunday racers, I'm gonna have to go with Scotty, I certainly do not ask that you change or halt these races, you guys are having a good time and can hang together very well 👍👍 BUT for me these events are just not in my wheelhouse:banghead:. My skills simply aren't good enough to be competative so it's just not much fun and unfortunately I'm accepting they will never be good enough to race with you guys. Extended longer distance events, no boost leaves me out of the picture so I'm gonna respectfully bow out on Sundays as well. You guys press on though! I should be sleeping anyway, which is what I decided to do yesterday. We had a housefull of kids and grandkids with us for Dad's day so sleep rather than play was what I needed. You fellas were having a blast,lots of chatter so I just quietly exited, shut the game and PS down and went to the couch for some much needed sleep. See ya next Saturday morning :)
I agree that they are fun Cory. For me, as a host, I have become a little bored with it though which is why I have tried these longer races.

I have been hosting now for a little over a year and it is time for me to step down. I will still join in with the fun races but I will also, at a time that does not clash, try to get some interest for the longer races.​
good morning to all, I am the newcomer to the club and I never talk with you in chat, you, on the other hand, definitely talk like old wives on the doorstep and haven't found a solution yet ? :D :boggled:
I like both short and long races, (a little less now, in the summer, given the time, I also sweat underpants ), but, above all, I like the unity of the club. We all must always be there, at least on Saturdays and Sundays when I can participate.
Find a solution, maybe we could do a long race once a month for a geezer championship :cheers:
I agree that they are fun Cory. For me, as a host, I have become a little bored with it though which is why I have tried these longer races.

I have been hosting now for a little over a year and it is time for me to step down. I will still join in with the fun races but I will also, at a time that does not clash, try to get some interest for the longer races.​
I don’t think you need to step down, why not try 2 rooms on Sunday. Those that want to run the longer races can run them, and those that want shorter races can run in the other room. Best of both worlds. I will open a room on Sunday. We can see how it goes
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Geezers and Friends. HYUNDAI NIGHT. All cars are available from the N300 through GrX. For grins and giggles we will start at Northern Isle for a 15 lap down and dirty race in the N300. RM. no tune. Boost weak. Then move to RedBull short for 5 laps N300 usual race. After that I will choose someone to pick. Bluemoon finale as usual Gr2 or club vote. Lobby opens 6:30 central or before. First race at 7:00 sharp. Later lads..
I agree that they are fun Cory. For me, as a host, I have become a little bored with it though which is why I have tried these longer races.

I have been hosting now for a little over a year and it is time for me to step down. I will still join in with the fun races but I will also, at a time that does not clash, try to get some interest for the longer races.​
I'm not going to click the "LIKE" as I can't say I like it, but I have read it and I wish you'd reconsider Steve. Your rooms are fun bud,, it's just as I said previous, the longer races just aren't something I can do. Skills aren't there for me but it is what it is and I accept that. I'm joing others who hope you reconsider and conntinue hosting Sundays races our friend.
I don’t think you need to step down, why not try 2 rooms on Sunday. Those that want to run the longer races can run them, and those that want shorter races can run in the other room. Best of both worlds. I will open a room on Sunday. We can see how it goes

Thanks for the suggestion Scott but that is not going to happen, Main reason is this. Usually we have 8/10 guys in the room. If we split that 50/50 we would get 4/5 in each room. That is not good. I think all of us would prefer more numbers in the room as it makes for more enjoyable racing. As an extreme example, 2 guys racing in a room is no where near as exciting as 16 racing.

I am not going to do anything that would cause a split in our group. Two rooms open at the same time might well cause that, or I might be racing on my own haha :lol::lol:
I'm not going to click the "LIKE" as I can't say I like it, but I have read it and I wish you'd reconsider Steve. Your rooms are fun bud,, it's just as I said previous, the longer races just aren't something I can do. Skills aren't there for me but it is what it is and I accept that. I'm joing others who hope you reconsider and conntinue hosting Sundays races our friend.

Thanks John for your kind words and it is very much appreciated. 👍

Before I announced this league/championship I spoke to you as I was concerned that you might struggle because of your eye strain. From what you have said now I do not think it is your eye strain but more that you do not think your skills are good enough. We all have different skill levels and personally I am no where in the same league as Cal, BT or Reda. This is why I wanted to experiment with weights in this second test season so that it equals out our skill levels and all of us have a chance of at least getting on the podium. I wanted to use this test season as a way of getting the weights right so as we all had a chance. Reducing weight for those finishing towards the rear and increasing it for the guys that always win etc. That way, theoretically, it should make for close racing and all of us have a chance of victory.

Personally I like to race longer races without boost etc as I am a racer at heart. Even everyday in my own car I am looking for a burn up with someone. Sad but true :lol:

I have become bored with hosting as for me it is the same old thing ever week. I do love the banter and the chat and fun etc but all I do is change the track and car and then pull the trigger. Any of you guys can do that. Whether I host or not I can still have a laugh in the party chat. With the league thing it would given me something more to do and would have been more enjoyable for me, as a host.

As for continuing to host. I have given commitment every Sunday, apart from my needs to sort the kitchen out, for a year. And I have enjoyed it. If I was to continuing hosting I would like someone to help me out. I thought JR was up for that but he bailed. It is not easy to give up a Sunday every week, bearing in mind that this starts early afternoon for me, which is a whole day I cannot do anything else.

I like Cals suggestion, that might work ok for all, to race the league races once a month. I do want to do this because to me it is proper racing.

I hope all of that makes sense. I have had a couple of glasses of wine so not sure my end :cheers::cheers:
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Thanks John for your kind words and it is very much appreciated. 👍

Before I announced this league/championship I spoke to you as I was concerned that you might struggle because of your eye strain. From what you have said now I do not think it is your eye strain but more that you do not think your skills are good enough. We all have different skill levels and personally I am no where in the same league as Cal, BT or Reda. This is why I wanted to experiment with weights in this second test season so that it equals out our skill levels and all of us have a chance of at least getting on the podium. I wanted to use this test season as a way of getting the weights right so as we all had a chance. Reducing weight for those finishing towards the rear and increasing it for the guys that always win etc. That way, theoretically, it should make for close racing and all of us have a chance of victory.

Personally I like to race longer races without boost etc as I am a racer at heart. Even everyday in my own car I am looking for a burn up with someone. Sad but true :lol:

I have become bored with hosting as for me it is the same old thing ever week. I do love the banter and the chat and fun etc but all I do is change the track and car and then pull the trigger. Any of you guys can do that. Whether I host or not I can still have a laugh in the party chat. With the league thing it would given me something more to do and would have been more enjoyable for me, as a host.

As for continuing to host. I have given commitment every Sunday, apart from my needs to sort the kitchen out, for a year. And I have enjoyed it. If I was to continuing hosting I would like someone to help me out. I thought JR was up for that but he bailed. It is not easy to give up a Sunday every week, bearing in mind that this starts early afternoon for me, which is a whole day I cannot do anything else.

I like Cals suggestion, that might work ok for all, to race the league races once a month. I do want to do this because to me it is proper racing.

I like to race and hang with you guys.
That been said I'll say that I will be around sat and sun no matter what kind of race will be.
I like longer races (it's a pain for my shoulders but I try to ignore it) as I like short races.
As I am present in both rooms Saturday an Sundays I can help occasionally on Sundays if you need. :cheers:
Thanks John for your kind words and it is very much appreciated. 👍

Before I announced this league/championship I spoke to you as I was concerned that you might struggle because of your eye strain. From what you have said now I do not think it is your eye strain but more that you do not think your skills are good enough. We all have different skill levels and personally I am no where in the same league as Cal, BT or Reda. This is why I wanted to experiment with weights in this second test season so that it equals out our skill levels and all of us have a chance of at least getting on the podium. I wanted to use this test season as a way of getting the weights right so as we all had a chance. Reducing weight for those finishing towards the rear and increasing it for the guys that always win etc. That way, theoretically, it should make for close racing and all of us have a chance of victory.

Personally I like to race longer races without boost etc as I am a racer at heart. Even everyday in my own car I am looking for a burn up with someone. Sad but true :lol:

I have become bored with hosting as for me it is the same old thing ever week. I do love the banter and the chat and fun etc but all I do is change the track and car and then pull the trigger. Any of you guys can do that. Whether I host or not I can still have a laugh in the party chat. With the league thing it would given me something more to do and would have been more enjoyable for me, as a host.

As for continuing to host. I have given commitment every Sunday, apart from my needs to sort the kitchen out, for a year. And I have enjoyed it. If I was to continuing hosting I would like someone to help me out. I thought JR was up for that but he bailed. It is not easy to give up a Sunday every week, bearing in mind that this starts early afternoon for me, which is a whole day I cannot do anything else.

I like Cals suggestion, that might work ok for all, to race the league races once a month. I do want to do this because to me it is proper racing.

I hope all of that makes sense. I have had a couple of glasses of wine so not sure my end :cheers::cheers:
Thanks Steve and your notes are absolutely and clearly understood. We can understand becoming tired of committing every Sunday afternoon, which really does wipe out the whole day for you where as we over here, we Yanks (wink) have the afternoon to do what ever we choose, cudos to you for hosting over the last year. I should take a turn myself since I'm there almost every week,, we'll talk about that this Saturday but for now Scotty hss volunteered snd I am happy as a lark to join in, with YOU among us as a participant. (emoji's aren't working so,,) :-)
Saturday Geezer Races
8:30 AM ET (Early Bird @ 8:45 - First race @ 9:06)

Gr.3 - Any Group 3 car with FR Drivetain
Gr.4 - Any Group 4 car with FF Drivetrain
N500 - Road Car of the week (the one available @ the Mile Exchange this week is the Corvette c7)
N300 - Toyota GR Supra RZ '19 (PS1)

Cars will be set by its original power and weight (100% X 100%)
Gr3 and Gr4 cars will be on BoP
After each race, 4th place decides the combo for next race (car and track) if the racer is in chat, if not I'll move to the next in chat.

Gr.3 -> RH
Gr.4 -> RH
N500 -> RH
N300 -> SS

Race will be set by time (10 to 15 min depending on the length of the track)
Grid (Based on last race results, first is first)
Boost = weak
Slipstream = weak
Fuel will have initial set @ 60 liters and consumption @ 6X for all cars
No tire consumption

Early Bird - Blue Moon Infield A + N300
First Combo - Autopolis + N500

Final race @ Blue Moon (people in lobby decides what to do)

See ya there!

PS1 - For the N300 Tuning will be open (link below). The purists can run it stock.
PS2 - There will be no time for tuning between races, i suggest to do it before race day (like, today) we will try to keep time between races to a minimum.
PS3 - If we have 6 or more in the lobby by 8:45 we will start a Early Bird race to set the grid for the first race
PS4 - Lobby is friends only, if you are a Geezer (+60 yrs) and would like to participate, send a FR to PSN: GT-RaceAce

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Geezers and Friends SUNDAY FUNDAY RUN WHAT YOU WANT DAY. Start at Yamagiwa-Miyabi with the Toyota S-FR Racing Concept’16 X 5 laps. RM. No tune, boost weak. After that I’ll choose someone to pick track, car, tires, laps. Group vote at the end for Bluemoon, special x, for the finale. We can switch back and forth if you want.? Lobby opens at 7:00 am central time. First official race starts at 8:00. Minimum time between races. LETS HAVE SOME FUN LADS!! Later
Geezers and Friends. Infiniti/Jaguar night. Cars available: Infiniti GrX concept VGT. Jaguar Gr1 XJR-9’88, Gr3 F-Type Gr4 F-Type, N600 F-Type R ‘14, and N300 E-Type. Start at BB Raceway(reverse) in the N600. RM.No tune boost weak smash and bang 10 laps. Then turn it around for 10 clean laps. Lobby opens 6:30 central if not before. Finale group vote. Later lads..
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Saturday Geezer Races
8:30 AM ET (Early Bird @ 8:45 - First race @ 9:06)

Gr.3 - Any Group 3 car with MR Drivetain
Gr.4 - Any Group 4 car with FR Drivetrain
N300 - Chevrolet Camaro Z28 '69
N200 - Renault Sport Clio V6 24V '00

Cars will be set by its original power and weight (100% X 100%)
Gr.3 and Gr.4 cars will be on BoP
After each race, 4th place decides the combo for next race (car and track) if the racer is in chat, if not I'll move to the next in chat.

Gr.3 -> RH
Gr.4 -> RH
N300 -> SS
N200 -> SH

Race will be set by laps depending on the length of the track - 5 to 7
Grid (Based on last race results, first is first)
Boost = weak
Slipstream = weak
No fuel consumption
No tire consumption

Early Bird - Sardenha Road Track B + N300
First Combo - Sardenha Road Track A + Gr.3

Final race @ Blue Moon (people in lobby decides what to do)

See ya there!

PS1 - If we have 6 or more in the lobby by 8:45 we will start a Early Bird race to set the grid for the first race
PS2 - Lobby is friends only, if you are a Geezer (+60 yrs) and would like to participate, send a FR to PSN: GT-RaceAce