I didn't feel like wasting an hour or more of my precious free time to go ferreting up info
That's convenient, the old "I don't have time for this" get out of jail free card, guaranteed to get you out of losing arguments every time
Now look, this is really off topic, so let's make some effort to swing it back on the topic in some form or fashion...
I agree, if only someone hadn't made ridiculous off topic claims they couldn't back up we wouldn't have gone off on that particular tangent.
and you can go back to liking each other's posts.
Believe it or not, me and Johnny don't always agree, I just find I agree with him more often than not. I am always willing to admit fault, or when I'm proven wrong, and I don't blindly like people's posts just to spite you believe it or not. I like posts I agree with, regardless of who's posts they are. If you post something I agree with, or which I find useful, I'll give it a like without a second thought, so there's no need to be childish about it.
It's funny how well I get along over at Sector 3 forums, even when I raise issues over there, go figure.
If the "issues" you had raised in this forum had any correlation to reality, you wouldn't have found any opposition. Don't play the victim.
Right now, all we can see of any offline stuff to play with are those lovely driving school and challenge things, and Arcade Mode. The PCARS version, Solo Race, is good enough for me because PCARS has no discrete rewards besides trophies and accolades. If nothing else is revealed at E3, do you think we should ask for goodies to beef up Arcade Mode. Ask for a separate single player something, like an Event Maker?
Now this I can agree with. Personally, I prefer the career mode in Pcars, even though the scripted weather annoys me. Solo Race is great for setting up everything how you like it, including customising the weather to be how you want it, or just going random, However, I was hugely disappointed that SMS didn't include custom championships. I mean, once you've finished the career, you've got nothing but hotlaps and one off races to do. There's no point replaying seasons of career you've already done, because the weather will be the same as the last time. Hopefully custom championships make it into Pcars 2, considering it's a highly requested feature.
As for having something like that in GTS, it would only be useful if they've overhauled the AI. If it's the same brain dead rubber band AI as last time, it's probably not such a bad thing that they've binned most of the single player modes. If they can dish up some decent AI, then I think a race, or even better championship, creator would be very much appreciated by fans.