What are these 'goodies' purposely held back that we didn't know about? What are the substantial features patched in? The only thing I can think of is Course Maker for GT6 which was neither held back or not known before being added.
Samus, my man, I'm speaking of news of the upcoming game. I know that with GT4, we knew most of the details of the game at E3 2004, but we did learn a few more tidbits at TGS as well. With GT5, there was a steady drip of info up to the game's release. Some of it caused some kerfuffle like the full details on the Standard cars, but there were nice surprises as well. We didn't know about used cars until a month before GT5 was released. Standards yes, but I loved them. As others have stated I'm expecting details to drip out a bit at a time up to a month before Sport is released.
Going further, using the decal editor to create number boards for your custom racing championship and creating the livery for your safety car.
Woah, now this guy is a thinker. That hadn't occurred to me, but it stands to reason that if you want to create your own racing leagues, having your own pace/safety car goes hand in hand with that.
I still insist though that if you want something, ask for it, and a polite to desperate tone works a lot better than "If this isn't in GT Sport, I'm going to fly to Japan and eat all of Kaz's shoes!" All sorts of things were added to GT6, so keep asking. I can imagine most of our requests will be reserved for GT7, but with the focus on sports in... well, Sport, I don't think asking for an Event Maker is all that askew from the concept, or many other things.
The chance to set up a full calender with qualifying etc would be a great addition.
Quoted for emphasis. I have a pretty okay idea on occasion.

And this is definitely one of them, many others have proposed the same thing with lots of variations. But this, providing an Event Maker so full featured that it can be used online as a League Builder tool, and offline to making an entire racing season with championships, would make GT Sport playable for as long as anyone wanted to stick with it.