If you look at everything that isn't online, it is identical to GT4 Prologue in terms of Arcade Mode and how the main mode is just driving practice, it isn't just an online game, it is a focus but so was GT5 Prologue in its hay day since it was the first GT game with online, like how this is the first game to support E-sport.
That to me, makes me think it is all a Prologue. I think GT7 will support the E-Sport Idea and be expanded.
You are missing the point. iRacing is a full featured game that people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on and yet it has less than what GT Sport is offering. There is always the quality over quantity argument, of course I have no idea what the quality of GTS will be but up until now GT is currently a joke in regards of quality. So for a moment forget all the spin PD has told you about GT in the past and focus on what is important. If GT7 was released today and was little more than GT6 HD for PS4 what would the reaction be? Sales would be terrible and the game would be considered a joke. The standard of driving games has been raised, everything has improved, physics have improved, sounds have improved and most importantly features have improved. iRacing would have to be one of the best optimised games in existence and I have a PC that stomps all over a PS4 and yet I can easily max my CPU and GPU at 100% with iRacing and need to turn down some feature for an optimal experience. Don't get me wrong iRacing could easily be made to run on a PS4 and it would easily be the best game on the PS4 if it did but iRacing is already getting to the point where the features it currently has are maxing out the current top end consumer CPU's with more features on the way, everytime a new feature is added the complaints start rolling in that iRacing has broken something but the truth is our CPU's are already being maxed out and the only way they can work with the new features is to turn the game down some more. The more complex the physics are the more processing power you need and then every feature you start throwing on top of that will use more CPU, Complex realistic directional sounds which will be a must include feature with VR will require more processing, things like dynamic particles, dynamic surfaces, dynamic weather, dynamic debris, realistic damage and collisions all require a ton of processing if you want them to be realistic, and then you have the effects to process on top of all that.
But these features also need to be developed before they even start to stress our CPU's and as I said what GT has in their bag is currently a joke in the sim racing world and not fit for a serious esports title. So that can mean starting again but no matter how they improve the game the price of quality is time and that takes time away from developing content. You can't have it both ways, you can't expect a massive improvement in quality and expect to maintain the same level of content, it isn't like you can wave a magic wand over the old content and bring it up to date. The development time for modern AAA games is far greater than the development times of the past so if you consider how long PD took to come out with games in the past either they must take longer or they must include less.
I wonder how much experience you have with other racing games. Assetto Corsa is constantly mentioned as a benchmark but it is very light in content and online is not the focus, that is a full featured title coming to console that is praised simply based on the superior physics and FFB it provides. iRacing has no offline content at all other than the forum and admittedly some members pay for a subscription just to get access to the forum but people pay the premium for iRacing because of the service it provides. And that is what GT Sport is promising to provide for less money.
I can't see any comparison between GT5 prologue and GT Sport. I see why you would compare GT4P to GTS and to be fair GT4P also had arcade racing but it still isn't close to being the same. Apart from the scapes mode which seems out of place as a feature in this title everything serves a purpose in this game and the purpose of this game is to bring an esports online racing service to console. It is no small task and a traditional GT online progression simply has no place in this title. What this title needs is realism features and polish. Any development time spent on adding GT7 features to GTS comes at the cost of the final GTS product.
Did you miss the point of the thread?
No, GT Sports will not feature a typical GT single player career career. In fact the OP doesn't claim anything has been removed and nothing has been removed. In fact the OP goes on to say at the end of his post
So, thoughts? Is this really it, or will they add offline events as we know from previous games?
When you start with a new spin off game you essentially start with only what you decide to bring from the existing franchise. Nothing is removed because it is a new game, a new direction and not part of the existing series, everything is added even if it was in an old game. Kaz has already said that these other things will be in GT7, nothing is removed from the numbered series yet but people need to get their head around this not being part of the numbered series and possibly not the game they are looking for.
Again, the point of the thread?
Here is the link so you can read it again as I'm sure you have not understood the original point of the thread.
That's if you think it is like I Racing and not a Prologue.

It is an iRacing rip off for console. The focus is online racing and the systems they are using are based on systems iRacing uses, for example Sportmanship Rating is virtually the same thing as Safety Rating on iRacing, the only thing that remains to be seen is the implementation since SR is one of the jokes of iRacing since it is so easy to get an A license therefore it plays almost no part in the quality of drivers you are matched against on iRacing. But it could very well be the implementation on GT Sport is the same. Both are a no fault system that iRacing is currently the only sim to use and one of the defining features of iRacing. iRacing uses 3 systems to influence driving standards in official online racing and it is currently the only sim to take this approach. Safety Rating, iRating and a protest system and even though iRacing doesn't have enough members to test the effectiveness of its matchmaking system iRacing is the only racing sim to actually have a matchmaking system. iRacing is also the first racing sim to have a crack at serious esports with major prizes available and iRacing also has racers receiving real world sponsorships. Also iRacing is currently also the only sim where drivers who win the Championship are recognised by an official real world racing body and treated the same as real life drivers and receive their awards alongside the drivers of the real life series. Seem familiar? It should because all of these are features iRacing did first and now GTS is not only doing but also have been bold enough to claim they are breaking new ground as if no one has done these things already.
iRacing is known as being the best online racing simulation. It is easy to be the best when you are the only game in town. People have managed to create great leagues using other sims but the other games on their own are not really online racing sims, they are online racing games that can be used as a foundation to create a racing sim using a league. GT Sport is the first game to try and take on iRacing and if anyone thinks of it as anything else I can only imagine that they know nothing about iRacing or they are choosing to ignore it for some reason.
Not really since it has offline features that are focused on (Campaign Mode with 117 "Events"). If you looked at the PS3 GTs (GT5P, GT5, GT6) the later games focused more on Online than the other and with Single Player lacking and letting players win so not really buying what you are saying
The later remarks make GT Sport like a Prologue for GT7.

Make up your mind, does GTS feature a single player mode or not? You can't have it both ways. The Campaign mode has the purpose of preparing drivers for online racing, a safe offline mode for them to get ready to race online. 117 events will no doubt include challenges that take longer to load then complete but even if they have managed to reduce loading times some of the challenges will take a good driver a few seconds to complete. Even if it is similar to former GT titles which I imagine it will be the purpose as stated on the GT Sport site is as a driver development tool for online racing.
As for GT5 it was still insanely big so I am not sure how you can possibly say it wasn't focussed on single player racing.
This doesn't really mean anything, other games do this (even Mario Kart) and support Single (and sometimes Local) Player to allow players to get engage.
Name a racing sim other than iRacing that does matchmaking. And even iRacing doesn't do it well. If GT Sport can successfully match people with not only similar skill levels but with drivers who share the same etiquette level as they are claiming this will be a first for sim racing, in fact I can't think of another game that does matchmaking like this so it may be a first in any game but I am not sure. I am sure it will be a first in race sims if they do what they are saying on the tin. Technically iRacing claim to do the same thing but it doesn't actually work in iRacing. Of course we have every reason to doubt PD are capable of actually delivering on this claim just as iRacing doesn't deliver considering the reason iRacing wouldn't improve their system is some people already claim that the license system is too hard. This is mainly iRacings fault as those people usually don't understand how the system works and I would be surprised if that ends up being the case with GTS.
Remove it and make the game look outdated compared to other games who have it. Who is going to play GT Sport for Sim Wise if other games do that Sim thing better with dynamic weather.
COD and Battlefield are not even close to being in the same league of features and quality and yet they are both as popular as each other.
Do you realise that until recently pretty much everything was outdated on iRacing compared to other modern sims? iRacing was on DX9 and the graphics looked dated. iRacing had static tracks and static weather because it didn't want to release these features if they were unrealistic. Not too long ago RF2 was held as the standard for dynamic tracks and even Assetto Corsa was considered by some to be better because the track would gain grip as you raced. Then iRacing showed everyone why they had to wait for a dynamic track when they released theirs and any other dynamic track is a joke in comparison. In AC you go from less grip to unrealistic full grip in a few laps and this is a programmed thing not based on cars driving on the track. RF2 did the dynamic track a little better but when iRacing did dynamic tracks the surface of the track is heated based on where the sun is shining and cooler in the shadows and the track temps are directly impacted by the tyres of the cars running over them where the tyre makes contact and the temperatures are continually changing in the same way that they do in real life and the rubber that is laid on the track is laid in the same way it is in real life, where the tyres make contact and marbles are thrown off and recollected and thrown off again realistically as they would be in real life and then the track temps and rubber interact realistically and effect your tyre temps are effected realistically by these along with pressure, camber, toe, downforce, and vehicle cross weight all being factors calculated based on physics calculations not some simple IF THEN code. It isn't some gimmick, the track changes constantly in a realistic way and this can effect a race. Depending on the setup combined with conditions the car might come to one driver and go from his competitor. This is how iRacing implements features and it should then be obvious why it doesn't yet have dynamic change of time or rain, those features need to work realistically in combination with the existing features like the dynamic track.
On the other hand if I play AC I turn the track to old or slow because AC's grip isn't realistic and the track isn't dynamic and I feel the best setting is the less grippy setting that doesn't improve much. And yet AC is hardly a game that people laugh about because it does the actual driving experience so well.
So no one does the sim thing as good as iRacing yet people play other sims. Each sim that people appreciate has its strengths, something that it does very well. For GT Sport this will be online racing and esports as it will have no competition at all on console. GT Sport will be bigger than iRacing despite iRacing being better for a simple reason, the same reason the popular classes stay popular on iRacing and the unpopular ones stay unpopular, people want to race people and there will be more competition on GT Sport. If GT Sport also has the best prizes on offer I will be sure of that. Ultimately those who want to race will race, GT Sport will need to be particularly bad for people not to race on it and while people may complain or wish for something better as long as no one else is doing the esports thing and as long as online racing is actually fun on GT Sport people will race on it without all those realism features.
I disagree, it allows the players to be engage easier before stepping into the online realm. No one is going to go play Campaign mode if it is just lessons, Online is hard to access without actual experience first in the game. You would have to rely in Arcade Mode but hardly anyone does except for the people who never touch Online. You might be attracting the people but if you don't allow new players to be welcomed then it is a flop.
Have you even looked at the official GT Sport site? Go here and click all the links
Well I'm getting my information from the makers of the game and from experience with other games.