Before I enter the text wall I'll mention this. There is another very good reason not to include the traditional GT career in the first esports game that is emphasising sportmanship. GT has typical trained drivers to race dirty, the bump and run against AI is a very common technique. Perhaps this is also an attempt to start fresh and leave all we know about GT behind because now they want to create a real racing service.
Not your first
Actually I didn't, read it again
It is irrelevant how the prologue conversation started. We may have started debating it when I replied to the post where you accused Kaz of lying about it not being a Prologue but the way you have carried on about what isn't in this title can only be taken as complaining.
Said it in Marketing I reckon (said it multiple times including the name GT Sport being nothing but pure Marketing like names normally are),
@Imari has told you that Marketing is not a Source
Actually it is a source, saying it isn't doesn't make it so. You have no source to back up it is a Prologue. The creator gets to decide what it is or isn't.
While it is a feature I disagree with the GT4P like Campaign, I think it is just a heavy focus feature like Pokemon's online feature's.
That is probably the most hilarious thing you have said. They held an event where they brought in racers to compete against each other specifically to demonstrate what? Online racing is exactly what this title is about, it is the main focus of everything they talk about. You may not like it but that is the way it is. But you do claim there isn't enough of anything besides yet you will not accept what they continually talk about as the main focus of the game.
Except for Online Racing being big, I think the Prologue's have more similarities.
Oh look you admit the Online Racing being big. If they get it right it is bigger than big. If they get it wrong this game is a dud. That right there should tell you this is different than a prologue, the campaign is there to lead you to online racing, if the online racing turns out to be a dud the campaign is pointless and therefore the whole game is a dud.
Lets see; AC has more, GRID Autosport has more, PCars has more, GT6 has more, GT5 has more.
Oh dear wrong again.
GT5 and GT6 are not modern games. GRID is not a similar game, that leaves PCARS and AC.
GTS had 137 Cars and 19 locations
PCARS has 74 Cars and 30 locations
AC has 52 Cars and 17 locations
PCARS and AC are different games with more of a focus on offline play while GTS has an online focus. Do you have AC? The campaign is fairly limited and pretty boring really, I honestly prefer GT legends for this but GT legend is no where near as enjoyable to drive.
As I said GTS is comparable to similar current games even if PCARS and AC really are not similar at all and GTS is more similar to iRacing.
Pure speculation but I can imagine Kaz has looked at what others are bringing out for full price and wondered why PD needs to release 10 times the content at release, then they can make more money with DLC like everyone else does.
And Kaz is right, people like me hate the grind of previous GT games and the career progression is insane and not fun at all. In this regard PCARS is better. But then a real racing career is much better than a pretend one and racing against real people is much more fun than AI so I prefer an online racer and that's why I love iRacing. But GT has taken this to the next step, they are creating a career progression for online racing and I think it is brilliant if it works. First you learn how to be a race driver, then you choose a path, Manufacturer or Nations (or both I imagine). Now I can only speculate how manufacturer works but with Nations apparently you start by competing regionally and then progress to competing nationally until you are able to represent you Nation against the World if you are good enough. I love the idea.
Also it really does seem that you underestimate what is involved in creating a good online racer. There is a reason iRacing is the only game in town, this is a big deal and GTS is trying to take it to the next level.
Take away the E-Sport bit (which isn't even very different) and it is just another GT Game with the same old similarities except that one feature is removed.
Um yeah because online racing is this games thing, der.
This discussion is about GTS, no need to praise iRacing like a god here.
Apart from the fact that as far as a racing simulation goes it is a god that stuff was relevant and to make a point, GTS is directly comparable to iRacing, there are a few areas where iRacing is ahead, some where GTS will be ahead and some where if GTS pulls it off they could also be ahead but realistically iRacing can cost more and will not ba as big and iRacing has a good reason to be better, it has been worked on for 10 years.
Haven't played iRacing so I don't know what they had but GTS gives you less than other titles.
I have already shown that to be not true but as you haven't played iRacing which it is directly comparable to then it is worth comparing.
iRacing is subscription only plus you pay for extra content. If your subscription expires you can not use iRacing or any content you have purchased.
Currently you can get a one year sub for $59 and if you are smart you can renew it every year for less than $50.
That will give you 13 cars and 14 tracks.
But in reality that only gives you access to just a few of the Rookie series, you do get some cars that race outside of the rookie series but if you want to run a full series you will need to buy more tracks.
Additional tracks cost $15 additional cars cost $12. If you buy 3 pieces of content at a time you get 10% off. If you buy 6 pieces of content at a time you get 20% off. Once you have purchased 40 pieces of content you get a discount of 25% of any content you buy and no longer need to buy in bulk for a discount.
A couple of times a year you can buy 1 lot of $100 of iRacing credit for $75 which can be spent on cars, tracks, membership renewal or hosted sessions.
There is no offline play at all, even solo testing sessions require a membership and internet connection. Every session is launched from an online browser, there is no other way to launch the sim outside of the iRacing website. However it is a sim that runs on your PC not a browser game. Even if you buy a membership from Steam this is the same.
iRacing has official racing series, official time trials, private testing and official practice sessions and a forum that are included in your membership price. Hosted sessions are charged at 50c an hour and the host pays for them but they are hosted on iRacing's premium servers. These are used for the many Leagues that run on iRacing and this is another place you can get the most out of the included content in your membership. iRacing has the best Leagues and League services available.
But iRacing is nothing more than an online racing service. It just does that so well nothing else is required. And the members fill in the gaps with teams, help, training, setups, forum mayhem and trolling galore.
As for the official racing. That is divided into Oval and Road with a separate license for each. The license is based on a no fault system of safety rating which is calculated from a corner per incident count over a mostly unknown number of recent laps depending on your license. The license is fairly pointless and a bit of a grind at first but very easy to obtain whatever licence you need except for Pro which are only given out through a qualifying process each year for the Pro series. Both Oval and Road are divided into a number of series at various license levels and each of these series are mostly based on either current of former real life race series. Most series have an official race every 2 hours some have a race every hour. There are also some special events and special event series. Team endurance series race 4 times per week. Normal races typically range in length from 20 minutes to an hour but rarely longer. Team series normally race for 3 hours. Some special events race longer. iRacing can and does have 24 hour events. Team series have driver changes and team members can be anywhere in the world.
The racing on iRacing is real racing, it is as close as you will get to racing in real life. The damage is very realistic although the collision model doesn't always work as expected it has improved a lot. It has realistic dynamic tracks, they heat up and cool down like they would in real life, the rubber moves around like it would in real life, weather is dynamic but there is no rain and the skybox is currently static although both of those are currently being worked on. But iRacing is the most realistic dynamic simulation available and this really transforms racing. And it is a big part of why iRacing really needs nothing else other than online racing BUT...
It does need more and GTS is really filling in those missing gaps that iRacing doesn't have.
Firstly iRacing boasts about 60k members and the fact there are 1600 people online right now and often more online is pretty amazing however not all of them are racing, technically I'm online right now. There is plenty of racing to be had though however not all series race around the clock. This is because there really isn't enough members so most members stick to the popular series. That's okay because GT3 is one of the most popular series and you really don't need anything else

But iRacing really needs more members. GTS will have more members by being more accessible. Most iRacers will think that is a bad thing since most do not want to race against someone who is racing with a controller, iRacers are paying for serious racing. But if GTS works as advertised serious guys will get matched with serious guys so again more members is great.
Secondly GTS will train new drivers. Currently on iRacing new members often jump straight into a race and after one or a few if they haven't left they often come into the forum complaining about cheating or all that is wrong with iRacing. Few have read the sporting code which is a requirement of membership, few have taken any time to learn anything about how iRacing works. Because they thought they were fast on GT there must be something wrong with iRacing or those other guys who just lapped them must be cheating. Their FOV is wrong, their setup is wrong, they haven't practiced, they have no idea what they are doing. They probably thought if they entered a real life race series that they would also come first. The forums are very unforgiving to these guys and often scare them away. The guys who simply come in and ask for help get a very different reception.
Although iRacing talks about career and progression by making the license system so easy there really is no career on iRacing unless you are chasing Pros. To get to Pro you need to get your iRating very high first so you can make it into the strongest races to get the highest points. Then in 3 series NASCAR, F1 and Blancpain Endurance (teams) there is a qualifying period. If you finish in a qualifying position at the end of the season and have an A license you will receive a Pro license which will make you eligible to compete in that Pro series the next year. Pro driver are competing for a significant prize pool with a first prize of $10,000 for each series. The NASCAR champions also are officially recognised and awarded by NASCAR at the annual presentations alongside drivers from the real life NASCAR series and they also receive the same championship ring that the real life NASCAR champions receive as it is an officially sanctioned NASCAR championship. While these are prestigious championships they do not apply to the regular member. There are many series on iRacing, many of them are officially sanctioned and recognised by the real life series such as V8SC, the Blancpain GT series and Mazda Cup to name a few. Mazda cup has also produced a few race drivers like the GT Academy has through the Mazda cup season with the winners of season 1 and 2 being offered and opportunity to compete for a real life drive. There are also a number of real life race drivers on iRacing like Shane Van Gisbergen and recently Rubens Barrichello made a bit of a stir when he pushed his son over the line. You never know when you will bump into one of these guys, I've crashed into a V8SC driver a couple of times in practice. But as impressive as this seems there really isn't a progression to speak of other than your own development as a driver. GTS seems to be tackling this as well and again if they pull it off this could be an improvement over iRacing. I look forward to see how the series are implemented on GTS.
iRacing is too spread out for its own good. There are too many series for the number of members so many series are more like leagues and only race a few times a week. If you live in the wrong part of the world and can't make that time slot then you can't race that series, bad luck. And matchmaking is pretty much pointless on iRacing and mostly doesn't work anyway because most of the time races do not split. In certain series in the time slots I can race in I can often just race around the front with no competition. I've come close to lapping the entire field in a sprint race a couple of times and I'm not an alien. GTS will have a massive membership but from the looks of it much fewer series also which will test matchmaking out but if matchmaking works that will test sportmanship rating out and if sportmanship works that will produce some incredible racing. Those are some pretty big ifs because they claimed those guys racing on GTS the other day were the best in the world and that was some of the worst racing I have seen, most racing in iRacing Rookies is better than that and it is a good thing the race didn't have damage because in iRacing I'm not sure many of those guys would have finished the race. It really was pathetic and I hope that id not the future of esports because if so I'm not interested. That isn't racing. But I'm hoping the systems will work and I am hoping that the reason the race was so bad was because the guys were not allowed enough time to prepare. Also they were simply selected and although they were called the best in the world lets see if they are there next year and then lets see if the racing has improved. But that event was pretty embarrassing.
I could go on but if you haven't tried iRacing then that explains why you are debating this. I'll say it again GTS is iRacing for console and if they were shooters it looks like iRacing is the Insurgency or Battlefield and GTS may be the COD.
I don't really have a horse in this race, but have you actually read some of Kaz's previous claims about various GT games? What he says doesn't often correlate with reality
Of course I have and it is why I repeat my lack of faith continually but this one is beyond question. They get to decide what it is and call it what they want so if they say it isn't a prologue it isn't. But regardless of what they say there is more than enough evidence to support their claim. This title is more than worthy of being called a stand alone full release in 2016. I take it further if they can actually achieve what they are claiming then the asking price is a bargain.
It isn't an interface per see of course but the software has to make compensations to either the physics or the control inputs or both with a controller. With Gran Turismo it is definitely both in my opinion. You are correct in that the physics are dumbed down somewhat. To be honest I think they are too in Assetto Corsa but to a lesser degree than GT. It's a necessary evil I think but better than having the game an unenjoyably difficult experience with a controller. Technically you could argue that a sim is not a sim when driving with a controller.

If you are accustomed to racing pretty much exclusively with a wheel then going to a controller in any racing sim won't be easy or enjoyable. I am most accustomed to racing with a controller and AC stands out to me as being the best so far with a controller while still retaining a mostly natural feel to the driving (if that makes sense) - GT is easier but the car behaviour is less natural.
Racing Sims are really built to be used with a wheel and it's here you can properly judge the physics. In GT the cars behave quite differently with a wheel and do behave much more as you would expect them to - not as good as AC or pCARS with a wheel admittedly. It remains to be seen how much better their latest physics are but I'll be happy with any improvement.
I haven't actually done any specific comparisons but I am always faster overall with a wheel. Mostly I'm using a controller due to lack of space - small house and the computer is tucked away in a little corner with no room to set up my rig. But I have set it up briefly a couple of times when I've wanted a decent driving session.
That is a debate that no one will win. I've found out certain people on iRacing were racing with a controller when they announced they got their first wheel and I can tell you I had no idea before that. They were clean, smooth and still reasonably quick. I have been properly surprised twice. If it means more people racing that is also great especially if they are enjoying themselves and especially if it means some of them go out and buy wheels and get more serious. And of course if GTS can actually match people against those of similar skill and sportmanship then I really don't care what they are using as a controller if I can have a clean hard fought race with no bumping, crashing or cheating. However I'm into sim racing and the simulation part is very important to me. I really can't imagine enjoying anything worse than Assetto Corsa. AC might be easy but it is familiar and very realistic. Because I want to simulate racing this includes the physics of racing so I don't want it dumbed down or easier than real life and I want it to feel real. And I don't want controllers to have an advantage and I don't want my wheel gimped to help controllers. What GT did to manual shifting really is unforgivable and completely unnecessary. If I make a mistake and should spin I want to spin and I want the same for everyone. Teach people how to drive, if guys can learn to race with a controller on iRacing there is no excuse. And yes I want those controller guys to be able to race but if racing with a controller is harder than a wheel and also slower and that means a controller can't compete against a wheel then that is how it is and special concessions shouldn't be made. PD said there will be fun racing for those of all levels in GT Sport so there is no need to make it unrealistically easy, I think. If you need a wheel to compete at the highest level you should get one if you want to compete at that level. It is the highest level, it seems ridiculous to make the level easier for those finding it hard to drive with a controller.
If driver aids are made optional they should come with a performance cost. The aim should be to learn to drive without aids. By that I only mean aids that are not used in real life but that is something GTS will not get right because it isn't a real simulator. Still series like GT3 have driver aids so I have nothing against using the actual aids in the real cars but GT doesn't work like this because it isn't a real simulator. In iRacing the cars are accurately modelled and the TC or stability control in that car is modelled on the real life car so each setting does the same thing as the real life race car and the systems will be completely different going from a Merc to a BMW to a McLaren. In GT you have a one size fits all TC or ASM.
As you can see I'm a little on the fence because numbers are important but simulation needs to meet a minimum standard for me to be able to enjoy it and if it doesn't then the numbers really don't mean much.