GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Pretty meh trailer IMHO, at least as a gameplay trailer.

How much of that was even gameplay? It seemed like nearly the entire thing was pre-rendered cgi crap that won't be in the game. Also, I didn't see the usual disclaimer saying it was actual gameplay.

So... Fall 2017 (Sept-Dec) and night racing confirmed?
What track is PCR? It's not Blue Moon Bay renamed is it? Also, I'm confused about the track in the mountains which looks a bit like the Bull Ring. Is it an original track or is it real? Shown towards the end and somewhere in the middle of the trailer. No, it is not Dragon Trail so please don't correct me.

Edit: That Group 3 Beetle is hilarious...

"It became more about collecting cars. We want change."

I may be sharing a very unpopular opinion right now, but I'm not sure if I could welcome such a change with open arms, immediately anyway.

I loved collecting cars...

Nah, I think that's pretty much everyone's opinion about this game.

I find that trailer funny, it's almost like PD is making a joke about the recycled duplicate cars from GT5/6. Then they "burned it to the ground"
Nah, I think that's pretty much everyone's opinion about this game.

I find that trailer funny, it's almost like PD is making a joke about the recycled duplicate cars from GT5/6. Then they "burned it to the ground"
It's not my opinion, I'm all for what they are doing with the game. I'm a racer not a car collector but that's just what I'm into.
Wow, i absolutely LOVE that jurassic park-ish music in the new trailer :bowdown::lol:

I also really hope we get the touristenfahrten layout, it does so much to the atmosphere in AC just to be have to get out of the parking lot and slowly drive onto the track!
Nah, I think that's pretty much everyone's opinion about this game.

I find that trailer funny, it's almost like PD is making a joke about the recycled duplicate cars from GT5/6. Then they "burned it to the ground"
Not even close to everyone's opinion. GT5 and GT6 trophy stats revealed that serious car collecting was something only a tiny minority of the player base engaged in. The vast majority of players had less than 100 cars.
Wow, i absolutely LOVE that jurassic park-ish music in the new trailer :bowdown::lol:

I also really hope we get the touristenfahrten layout, it does so much to the atmosphere in AC just to be have to get out of the parking lot and slowly drive onto the track!
Kaz must have said to the music director regarding GT trailers, "Needs more Jurassic Park."

Am I alone in wanting GT to have more interactivity to it?


As a spectator in an online lobby (or anywhere else), it would be so nice to have a pre-race grid walk. Customize your outfit, bring an umbrella, or just have a DSLR on hand to take this in as a photo mode opportunity. Bump into Brundle, Coulthard, Buxton and the models, virtual celebrities, fans wearing sandals over socks. I think it would make for an amazing feature. I can't be alone on this. And with a good car customizing feature in the game. . . Ahhhh. As a racing fan, this would bring great joy to me. PD would have to execute this, not flawlessly, but with great care, making it ooze with authenticity.

Edit -

Please please please please. Beta testers. Please, let them know this is a feature with "VR" written all over it.
Not even close to everyone's opinion. GT5 and GT6 trophy stats revealed that serious car collecting was something only a tiny minority of the player base engaged in. The vast majority of players had less than 100 cars.
Of the +15 million playthroughs in GT5 and 6 (with people buying used copies and buying new copies more than once), it's quite doubtful more than 10% of them played this kind of "game" longer than and with as much attention or dedication to as they might have to Destiny, Halo, Uncharted or even something like Dying Light.

The vast majority of the majority of casual racing gamers aren't looking to race kei cars nor do they care to learn about what made many cars in GT memorable and iconic in the world of car enthusiasts. I know I don't care to buy some cars which many people have to have. Still, because of GT's massive library, I found I really like two generations of the Silvia and a highly unknown Korean car in the Spirra.

How many people must have skipped over so many cars in the few months they played GT to get to something like a Veyron, then move on to a different game like the great, great vast majority of gamers and very, very unlike the tiny majority who still play GT6 (and GT5, and GT4. . . and GT3. . . AND even GT2 and 1.) I even mess around with GT HD. Gran Turismo is the best in my perception. Such a timeless experience within each version. I don't gold any game, so I'm not looking to buy every car in GT5 or 6 even though I can easily get the credits to do so.

That is all based on how I perceive it. Could possibly be wrong. It isn't blasphemy though. Not denying your factual account. I don't have the best facts. I do have a decent intuition.
Of the +15 million playthroughs in GT5 and 6 (with people buying used copies and buying new copies more than once), it's quite doubtful more than 10% of them played this kind of "game" longer than and with as much attention or dedication to as they might have to Destiny, Halo, Uncharted or even something like Dying Light.

The vast majority of the majority of casual racing gamers aren't looking to race kei cars nor do they care to learn about what made many cars in GT memorable and iconic in the world of car enthusiasts. I know I don't care to buy some cars which many people have to have. Still, because of GT's massive library, I found I really like two generations of the Silvia and a highly unknown Korean car in the Spirra.

How many people must have skipped over so many cars in the few months they played GT to get to something like a Veyron, then move on to a different game like the great, great vast majority of gamers and very, very unlike the tiny majority who still play GT6 (and GT5, and GT4. . . and GT3. . . AND even GT2 and 1.) I even mess around with GT HD. Gran Turismo is the best in my perception. Such a timeless experience within each version. I don't gold any game, so I'm not looking to buy every car in GT5 or 6 even though I can easily get the credits to do so.

That is all based on how I perceive it. Could possibly be wrong. It isn't blasphemy though. Not denying your factual account. I don't have the best facts. I do have a decent intuition.
I get that everyone plays the game their own way, but if you're trying to make a larger point I'm not seeing it.
Engine sounds are really good in the trailer - but for some reason, to me, they sound very similar to what I've become accustomed to hearing in the beta. Could this be the first time where PD use in-game engine sounds for a trailer?
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