GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Well, english isn't my first language, almost all my experience with the language is this forum, musics, movies and games. So, make fun of my mistake.

And yes, i read all you wrote... but that don't change my opnion.

And Johnnypenso, what you are saying in this thread ins't so useful as you think, you just stating that have better sims than GT, on a thread about trailers and screenshots about GTS. So... how useful that can be?

Yes, i do think that there's better sims than GT, but as a game, for me it is the best racing/driving/drifting/car game outhere. When i'm playing it, i do feel the difference between the cars, i do have fun while playing it. For me, thats enough.

PS: I was playing PCars with some friend with the a GT3 Ruf with no stock tunning for everyone and heel, it was so funny!
Well, english isn't my first language, almost all my experience with the language is this forum, musics, movies and games. So, make fun of my mistake.

Nobody's making fun of your English. Just what you choose to write.

And yes, i read all you wrote... but that don't change my opnion.

Well, you didn't understand it then. Because your opinion of it is totally wrong.

Want to know why?

Yes, i do think that there's better sims than GT, but as a game, for me it is the best racing/driving/drifting/car game outhere. When i'm playing it, i do feel the difference between the cars, i do have fun while playing it. For me, thats enough.

Because I said almost the exact same thing as this.

I happen to agree, I think that GT was and is good as a semi-sim. Realistic enough to be believable, but not so much that it gets in the way of the fun of just driving for those who aren't quite as skilled.

Gran Turismo's approach to a racing game may be the best, because it offers a wider range of play. But it's not a better oval racing sim than iRacing, it's not a better road racing sim than AC, and it's not a better rally sim than RBR or Dirt Rally. It's jack of all trades, master of none, as has been said many times. That maybe makes it a better game, but it does not in any form make it a better simulation.

That GT chooses to limit the fidelity of their physics model to focus on things like graphics is a design choice, and frankly a pretty good one. As demonstrated adequately in the last couple of pages, most people can't tell good physics apart from great physics, and so it would be largely wasted effort.

Which is exactly the clever thing that GT does. How good do your physics have to be before the vast majority of people can't tell the difference between them and AC/iRacing or whatever the current top consumer grade sim is? GT apparently hits it pretty much dead on, with regularity.

GT isn't the best sim, but it's a good game. A great game, if we're talking about the PS1 and PS2 versions. I said similar things several times, and yet you accuse me of trying to prove that GT is a bad game.

Trying so hard to prove that GT is bad game, and game A or B is better etc.

No matter what kind of atrocity someother say, they like it only because they are attacking/saying something bad about GT.

I didn't even try to prove it was a bad sim, just that it's not as good a sim as a lot of people would like to make out. It's unpleasant to hear if you really like Gran Turismo, but it's unfortunately true.

And so you label that as an atrocity, and say that people only like it because it's attacking GT. Which is totally wrong. There are plenty of steadfast GT supporters who are well aware that GT is an average or slightly better than average simulator, and that it's main strengths are in other areas.

You were the one that started all this by claiming that GT was the first simulator. Don't get all mad because it turned out that you were wrong.

I know it's tough with English as a second language, but how about you take a moment and realise that maybe you're not understanding what you read as well as you think, before you start making wild accusations?
@Imari maybe what @Cocomoto said are actually directed to @Johnnypenso.

Yes, perhaps he's referring to atrocities such as this, which is my only comment on GT in the last 3 pages.

Sounds like you are just trying too hard to ensure the outcome is, "GT is the best simulator".:lol: As I said earlier, real life is the test. In your example above you are talking about the tire model and you'll have a tough time trying to convince anyone that understands real car behaviour, that GT's tire model stands up well against any current sim. That's not to say that GT isn't fun to drive or that it doesn't feel good or that it isn't challenging etc..but those things aren't the measure of simulation, reality is.

The latter part of my response is pretty much the same as this but with different words:
Yes, i do think that there's better sims than GT, but as a game, for me it is the best racing/driving/drifting/car game outhere. When i'm playing it, i do feel the difference between the cars, i do have fun while playing it. For me, thats enough.

I don't understand what the atrocity is when we're saying the same thing.
He mentined penso on the post, though.


Like I said, we can't know because he doesn't quote, but given that he then goes on to say "And Johnnypenso...", I think it's fairly clear that the first part of the post was directed at someone else.

I posted this in response to him on the last page:

It's amusing how often someone neglects to actually read what I write, just because they assume that they already know.

I think it's a fair assumption that at least that first part of his post was directed at me, in response to my last post to him. That's the only part I responded to, I just used the rest to show that actually we were in agreement, despite his opinion that we are not.

I assume English isn't your first language either, so at the moment we've got two non-native English speakers trying to tell me that I don't understand English. ;)

By all means, continue.
Umm, I don't mean to be rude here but How many on the forums don't know how to speak English or at least don't know how to spell the words, because from what I seen, the guy who wrote "In decenber, whe a have news about GTS" really needs to work on his grammar, also he seems to be a phantom member because I never seen him before...

Anyways this thread has gotten way off topic, We really don't know anything about the game yet and we shouldn't be talking about physics and such because most of the cars in the teaser trailer weren't moving at all except the few shots of Nurburgring, Brands Hatch and that shot that showed the Buggati and Mazda VGT racing each other, we really should wait for more info before we assume anything right?
Umm, I don't mean to be rude here but How many on the forums don't know how to speak English or at least don't know how to spell the words
Most people in other countries that English isn't common try to speak it because some members here don't know their homeland's language. Not really their fault English is new to them.
Most people in other countries that English isn't common try to speak it because some members here don't know their homeland's language. Not really their fault English is new to them.
I get that, but then again, how did they get to the site? and how did they sign up? Unless the site is in their native language for them, I don't see how they managed to do that and not know how to properly write it at least.
I get that, but then again, how did they get to the site? and how did they sign up? Unless the site is in their native language for them, I don't see how they managed to do that and not know how to properly write it at least.
Can't really give an answer to those type of questions...maybe a moderator can explain..
People arrive on the 'Planet from a variety of sources. We're on the first page of results for a "Gran Turismo" Googling. It's also not hard to have a page translated, so a sign-up page in English only isn't the hurdle people expect it to be. Allowing people to sign up using Facebook makes the process even easier.

Since the AUP requires all posts be in English, it's commendable that the vast majority of the over-quarter-million users do it to the best of their abilities. Speaking of that number, it's more than a bit rude to refer to a member as a phantom simply because you haven't previously crossed paths.

Now, since this has devolved even further off-topic – due to a run-on sentence about said off-topicness no less – we can get back to the topic at hand.

Another comparison between GT6 and GTSport.
Honestly, this is why I consider PD the king of 3D modeling. 6 months very well spent for this (even if it's a comparision between the NC-ND Miata)!!! :drool::drool:

It's the lighting they're kings at more than anything. Anyone skilled in the craft can really create an accurate model and do a relatively good job with the texturing, but it's the lighting engine that really makes the difference.
It's the lighting they're kings at more than anything. Anyone skilled in the craft can really create an accurate model and do a relatively good job with the texturing, but it's the lighting engine that really makes the difference.
That too!!
Comparing two different generation of car is a poor comparison.

Not if you are comparing materials behaviour, shadow/light quality, polycount. The other picture could be a Ferrari but at least a similar car allows for similar position and same expected materials on the wheel, dashboard, seat head and door.
I'd say the strong direct light from Gema Solar in the GT6 picture is the poor thing about it since it blows the materials.
The lighting is going to be different. One is parked at a massive solar facility, outside, and the other is parked in a nicely lit indoor room. It would make more sense to compare two of the same car, which isn't possible yet with interior shots.
The lighting is going to be different. One is parked at a massive solar facility, outside, and the other is parked in a nicely lit indoor room.

Agreed. \/
I'd say the strong direct light from Gema Solar in the GT6 picture is the poor thing about it since it blows the materials.

But even with that, it's possible to see how it accounts for angle now with the hard and soft edges at the dashboard, and how it bounces on the brushed metal at the wheel. And of course the improved self-shadowing.
Then again, it's not the best image to compare materials and lighting either because it's a GIF and thus limited to 256 colours. It's 20XX, use something modern like WebM already! :sly:
Then again, it's not the best image to compare materials and lighting either because it's a GIF and thus limited to 256 colours. It's 20XX, use something modern like WebM already! :sly:
There's a lot more than 256 colors there. Probably a 16bit gif, 65536 colors.

I think they both look incredible.

Edit: I zoomed in, GTS model has it looks like at least 4 or 8 times the polygon count. This isn't a good sign...
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