GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Not sure how I was being "clever" but point still stands: That's abit iffy and its not guaranteed at all to be true or even specifically related to this title.

Completely misread your image and I apologize.
You meant to take whatever I linked with a grain (or whole can) of salt. Not that I was "salty".

I just copied the topic address not noticing it was for the last post viewed, I updated my post 5 minutes before you posted.
Yes, very curious that they'll continue using successful partnerships to promote both.

You know what I meant. No matter how successful it's still different to see a GT game promoted with a lot of fictional cars, unrecognisable to casual car fans.

Keep making history. Drive the next 100 years in motorsport. Bugatti VGT reveal. Mazda continued use of the LM55. The Hyundai N. Saving both the Bugatti and the Hyundai for GTS.

That was a rhetorical question.

Or maybe, just maybe I meant in the forthcoming promotion of the game, whenever that may be. A trailer that already happened isn't soon, is it?
Completely misread your image and I apologize.
You meant to take whatever I linked with a grain (or whole can) of salt. Not that I was "salty".

All is good, that's the only reason I'd ever use that image. Well that and I'm a firm believer some food just isn't the bee's knees without salt :P
You know what I meant. No matter how successful it's still different to see a GT game promoted with a lot of fictional cars, unrecognisable to casual car fans.

In fact, it's kind of the antithesis of how GT became popular in the first place. By being a game with a large number of "normal", non-supercar vehicles.
You know what I meant. No matter how successful it's still different to see a GT game promoted with a lot of fictional cars, unrecognisable to casual car fans.

I dunno, that's hard to pinpoint because it's hard to specify and quantify the "casual car fan".

If we remove the "videogame users" subset, I think it would still be safe to say that the remaining "casual car fan" set would be the majority in:
IAA 2015, where Bugatti shown their car, had 931k visitors. Tokyo Auto Salon 2015 had 300k visitors, LM55 is exposed there this year. Goodwood's Festival of Speed in 2014, where Aston's DP-100 debuted had ~200k visitors, 2015 had the LM55 in the statue. Wouldn't know the numbers of car magazines and websites and their visitors, or numbers of all manufacturer followers in Instagram or Facebook, but they seem to have featured most VGTs too.
To contrast, E3 2015 had 52k visitors.

That's not to say that being exposed to them means they have outstanding memory retention (for their recognition), but that can be said about any car I suppose.

That was a rhetorical question.
Or maybe, just maybe I meant in the forthcoming promotion of the game, whenever that may be. A trailer that already happened isn't soon, is it?

Then it was all rhetorical. Unless those 6 cars are the only new ones, that guarantees others will be revealed later.

All is good, that's the only reason I'd ever use that image. Well that and I'm a firm believer some food just isn't the bee's knees without salt :P

It embarrassed me because I didn't bother to read the post I had linked, just saw some random image and didn't associate the two at all. Serves me right. :ouch:

And yeah, can't have unsalted french fries!

In fact, it's kind of the antithesis of how GT became popular in the first place. By being a game with a large number of "normal", non-supercar vehicles.

I was going to write (in another place some time ago) about how racing games are lacking common/high sellers (old and current) production cars from various regions because I believe not having cars you own (or could own, or know someone that has owned) contributes to the apparent decline of racing games interest, but even the GT series (from 3 onwards, especially) doesn't escape from that.

But your post made me go look for old GT ads to see how they were marketed and I found this. Too good.
I'm not sure I understand how a video that features GT6 online in the background has any indication of GT Sport being released at any point.

Because the title of the video literally translates to " 'Gran Turismo Sport' 2016 Release?".

Plus, the girl says "Gran Turismo Sport will be released this autumn" at 00:21 in the video, to which the guy jokingly (I suppose) responds "I already have it".
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Meh, realistically it was either autumn or winter. It had to be after the open beta and there had to be enough time between beta and release for them to actually make changes.

Autumn is the earliest it could possibly have been released, really. Although historically they've tended to release in November/December, for which there are good marketing reasons. Unless they've got a specific FIA event that they're targeting, I'd be surprised if they didn't hold it for the Christmas season again.
As I already said four posts above, the girl in the video states that GT Sport is being released autumn 2016 (keep in mind we only knew it was coming 2016 previously).
That's the only logical time it would have released this year. The beta is sometime this spring. They don't release games in the summer. That leaves autumn.
New picture taken directly from the Tokyo event stream (sorry for the bad quality, best I could get)

Nice find :) Just speculation at the moment, but the lighting seems to suggest the dynamic time of day function has returned. The first trailer featured Brands Hatch in midday conditions. This looks more evening/early morning conditions.
Indeed (expect we didn't know it was autumn of 2016 previously). I was simply refuting your statement of the video being irrelevant to GT Sport's release.
Not Autumn, December 31st. :D

Track side details are muck better in GT sport, look at trees in background. Its shame that GT6 picture is not in mid day for better comparation, its to dark.
I didn't even look too the side of the track, good spot. :) But could it be another composition photo like we saw a few weeks ago?
Not Autumn, December 31st. :D

I didn't even look too the side of the track, good spot. :) But could it be another composition photo like we saw a few weeks ago?

No, that grass on the right is clearly a game texture, among other things.
found this on twitter

it´s the place from the leaked picture

do you think it´s the real background or 3D?
The lights on that new image seem to have that common Gran Turismo sparkle effect, but it's probably nothing. I can't say my hopes have been raised.

Could you link us to where you found it? Who knows.. PD works in mysterious ways...