GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Sorry if this has been posted already, but:

gtsporttease.jpg corsa&pi=SY200_QL40&qid=1453520777&ref=plSrch&ref_=mp_s_a_1_2&sr=8-2

I hope this is a hoax, because the wait for the full game is too damn long for me. :confused:
I believe it was said that GT Sport would not be a full-priced game, so I'm pretty sure that that's fake.
Not again. It's a placeholder date for 2016 games. When they know the real date they change it. No games come out the week after Christmas, it would be utter madness.

Also you're never going to believe this, but that's also placeholder artwork.


I mean, Dec 30 sure is going to be a busy release day.

Final Fantasy XV
The Last Guardian
GT Sport
Tomb Raider
Horizon Zero Dawn
Gears Of War 4

All releasing that day. Or not.
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I've had a slightly irritating thought.

The thing about GT games is that they always sound stunningly good on paper - take GT5, for instance:

1000 cars!
Course Maker!
Dynamic time!
Dynamic weather!

Sounds tremendous, right? However, the issue with GT is not in the ideas department, but the execution bit of the process. Now, look at the list of ideas again, with the caveats that come with trying to incorporate them into the game:

1000 cars! (200 of which are PS4 ready, 800 are PS2 quality)
Rally! (A smattering of current rally cars, no real point to point courses)
NASCAR! (only two locations, Daytona and Indianapolis, 16 car grids maximum)
Damage! (varying levels of damage detail depending on the car, some have detachable parts, standards get smudgy scratches only)
Course Maker! (no control over actual layout, minimal adjustments allowed)
Dynamic time! (not on all tracks)
Dynamic weather! (not on all tracks)

My point is, we've only had the "on paper" announcement for GT Sport - a next-gen racing game with more focus, less bloat, more consistency of visuals, eSports components supervised by the FIA, new cars, new sounds, better damage...

It sounds great. It could very well be great. But didn't GT5 sound oh so great when it was initially revealed? With that in mind, what will taking GT Sport from the idea phase and making it an actual game actually entail? How will the brief that has been laid out for the game actually be achieved? Things like how the damage will be improved, how the sounds will be improved, how will it really simulate real motorsports, how will the AI improve, and so the questions go on.

I know from my own life and work that the great ideas that I have are all well and good, but if they can't be done, they can't be done. Sadly, that's something Polyphony don't recognise - they have all these wonderful ideas, without consideration of how to practically and realistically make them work. It all sounds great at this point, because it always does, but we need to know the practicalities of it. It's something seemingly lacking in official explanation and discussion so far, and hopefully, it will be brought to light soon. The beta, perhaps, will hold some clues as to how this whole thing will work.
How many of those were the direct result of PS3 hardware not keeping up with PD's ambition? Other games weren't even attempting to tackle those. We could've gotten GT5 that had 200 cars, static conditions, or only 8 car grids, pre baked scratches for damage, etc. Would people be happier then?
How many of those were the direct result of PS3 hardware not keeping up with PD's ambition? Other games weren't even attempting to tackle those. We could've gotten GT5 that had 200 cars, static conditions, or only 8 car grids, pre baked scratches for damage, etc. Would people be happier then?

None? Let's take a look.

1000 cars! - limited by manpower, not hardware.
Rally! - limited by manpower, not hardware.
NASCAR! - 16 cars grids are a hardware limitation, the generally minimal implementation of the NASCAR license is not.
Damage! - viable damage models are doable on PS3 level hardware as seen in other games. Design choice.
Course Maker! - design choice, we can see that more complex course makers are viable on PS3.
Dynamic time! - limited by manpower, not hardware.
Dynamic weather! - limited by manpower, not hardware.

So maybe not none, but only the 16 car NASCAR grids. Everything else is how it is because of lack of manpower to fully implement, or design choices.

People need to stop blaming the PS3 for what was mostly poor design choices and an unwillingness to throw money at the assets team. The PS3 was a known quantity going in.
How many of those were the direct result of PS3 hardware not keeping up with PD's ambition? Other games weren't even attempting to tackle those. We could've gotten GT5 that had 200 cars, static conditions, or only 8 car grids, pre baked scratches for damage, etc. Would people be happier then?

That is true. As impressive and fun as Forza is, you realise how much is sacrificed for consistency. Static weather conditions (although those puddles :drool:), a damage system that is, although perfectly acceptable and functional, is not really on the same level as PCARS, and that sort of thing. I do wonder if Polyphony developing beyond the limitations of the PS3 for so long, and thereby appearing in some ways on the back foot compared to Forza on X360, especially in terms of framerate, actually put them in good stead for PS4. GT6 puts up one heck of a fight against FM5 and FM6, considering the gulf in hardware and ease of development for it. I remember Eurogamer's Digital Foundry analysis of GT6's performance said something along the lines of "if Polyphony were to port GT6 to the PS4, thereby freeing the engine from the constraints of the PS3, it would be on the way to the makings of an impressive PS4 title". Simply taking GT6's engine and cranking it all up to 11 on PS4, would already provide a quite impressive game with a minimum of effort.
None? Let's take a look.

1000 cars! - limited by manpower, not hardware.
Rally! - limited by manpower, not hardware.
NASCAR! - 16 cars grids are a hardware limitation, the generally minimal implementation of the NASCAR license is not.
Damage! - viable damage models are doable on PS3 level hardware as seen in other games. Design choice.
Course Maker! - design choice, we can see that more complex course makers are viable on PS3.
Dynamic time! - limited by manpower, not hardware.
Dynamic weather! - limited by manpower, not hardware.

So maybe not none, but only the 16 car NASCAR grids. Everything else is how it is because of lack of manpower to fully implement, or design choices.

People need to stop blaming the PS3 for what was mostly poor design choices and an unwillingness to throw money at the assets team. The PS3 was a known quantity going in.
Going to assume that these "other games" are also running at the detail level of GT5/GT6. Right?
Going to assume that these "other games" are also running at the detail level of GT5/GT6. Right?
I'm gonna say that's another poor design choice. 1080p/60fps? on PS3?? When I first heard this I knew it was a bad idea and I personally believe it's this that causes most performance problems in GT6.
Also, I think Forza suffers from this too. They pored so much into graphics that there's not room for much else.
This thread has been off topic for the best part of 3 months, to be fair.

Very true. A somewhat on topic thought though, is the fact that from GT6's initial reveal, we had practically one trailer per month up until release, a playable demo, peppered with interviews, screenshot releases, and opportunities to play more fully featured demos of the game prior to release. GT6 was revealed some time in May of 2013, and released in early December (meaning a period of around 4-5 months between reveal and release). So far, with GT Sport, in the 3 months since reveal, we've had one trailer, one interview (conducted on stage at PGW, so a fairly PR-fluffy interview at that), a teeny weeny bit of extra info courtesy of Jordan (which seems to have been exclusively revealed to GTP), and a handful of leaked promo art images. Quite an odd contrast in approach, really, considering the prospect of a PS4 GT game seemingly different in approach and content (and therefore a very intriguing proposition) compared to a PS3 game firmly rooted in the approach and style of its preceding game. Do Polyphony not want us to take an interest in GT Sport?
That is true. As impressive and fun as Forza is, you realise how much is sacrificed for consistency. Static weather conditions (although those puddles :drool:), a damage system that is, although perfectly acceptable and functional, is not really on the same level as PCARS, and that sort of thing. I do wonder if Polyphony developing beyond the limitations of the PS3 for so long, and thereby appearing in some ways on the back foot compared to Forza on X360, especially in terms of framerate, actually put them in good stead for PS4. GT6 puts up one heck of a fight against FM5 and FM6, considering the gulf in hardware and ease of development for it. I remember Eurogamer's Digital Foundry analysis of GT6's performance said something along the lines of "if Polyphony were to port GT6 to the PS4, thereby freeing the engine from the constraints of the PS3, it would be on the way to the makings of an impressive PS4 title". Simply taking GT6's engine and cranking it all up to 11 on PS4, would already provide a quite impressive game with a minimum of effort.
Hell, even on PS3 GT does things that Forza doesn't on X1, things like real time shadows for all cars and the environment, real time reflections on cars' bodies, generally better shaders, better AI, better skyboxes, etc.
Hell, even on PS3 GT does things that Forza doesn't on X1, things like real time shadows for all cars and the environment, real time reflections on cars' bodies, generally better shaders, better AI, better skyboxes, etc.

I was with you until you said better AI. :lol:

I'm not a huge fan of Forza's overly aggressive Drivatar system, but I'm really not a fan of GT's rolling roadblock AI. Anything would be better than that (and I feel that poor AI is the biggest failing of GT6).

I do agree that GT does do some clever visual stuff, though, and that can only help create a better base for a PS4-ready graphic engine.
I come on this topic to see news, images, trailers of GT Sport. Not to see a debate already seen one million times since the release of Gran Turismo 5.

A little "off topic" doesn't bother me but there is one point where we need to say "stop".