GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
What audio format did you use ? PCM, DTS ? Does the capture card received the audio unaltered ?
I use LPCM, as it means the audio files as included by the dev are used directly. If they have used uncompressed lossless audio then that's what will get, if its been compressed (as both Dolby Digital and DTS do, and unless its HD versions of those it would also be lossy audio as well).

That audio is then sent directly to the capture card via HDMI, its as close to a direct interface audio recording as you are ever going to get on a PS4.
Have zero hands on experience with RaceRoom, but that game sounds like its devs might be at the forefront of replicating a true race car. Not only does the car sound better, but you can hear all sorts of faint details like small debris bouncing off the under carriage, or how the chassis bumps over rumble strips.

Haven't played it myself, but it's known to be amongst the best (if not the best) racer in terms of Audio.

Fun fact: Their Audio guy applied for a position at PD...... he didn't get accepted :lol:
This is the same thing that has been said for every previous GT title, when will this end. If you don't demand more you will never see it.

No. No it hasn't. Gran Turismo 1 and 2 were pretty decent for their time. GT 3 and 4 were fine, they were largely equivalent to other console games of the era, although it was starting to become obvious that they didn't really sound that much like the real thing.

GTHD and GT5P were really the start of people noticing that while the graphics were incredible, the sounds had barely progressed beyond what GT3 was doing in 2001 and were starting to feel horribly out of place. The fact that Polyphony was using dubbed sounds in trailers was painfully obvious. GT5 had it's sound panned at release, and GT6 got a relative kicking for being hardly any different at all.

GTS is the first significant step in the right direction since GT3. It's not enough to keep up with other racing games yet, but it's not a million miles away either. What they've got is unbalanced, but it sounds OK. If they decide to add more layers of effects and work on the tyre sounds and how shifting gear affects the engine I suspect it will be quite good.

We demanded more, and we're starting to see it. I don't think anyone is under the misapprehension that what we've got now is all we want to see, but by the same token to refuse to see the improvement is just myopic. Give Polyphony (ie. Mike Caviezel) credit for what he's achieved so far, and we can all hope that we will continue to see more improvements to really put Gran Turismo at or near the top of the list of games that sound :censored:ing great.
No. No it hasn't. Gran Turismo 1 and 2 were pretty decent for their time. GT 3 and 4 were fine, they were largely equivalent to other console games of the era, although it was starting to become obvious that they didn't really sound that much like the real thing.

GTHD and GT5P were really the start of people noticing that while the graphics were incredible, the sounds had barely progressed beyond what GT3 was doing in 2001 and were starting to feel horribly out of place. The fact that Polyphony was using dubbed sounds in trailers was painfully obvious. GT5 had it's sound panned at release, and GT6 got a relative kicking for being hardly any different at all.

GTS is the first significant step in the right direction since GT3. It's not enough to keep up with other racing games yet, but it's not a million miles away either. What they've got is unbalanced, but it sounds OK. If they decide to add more layers of effects and work on the tyre sounds and how shifting gear affects the engine I suspect it will be quite good.

We demanded more, and we're starting to see it. I don't think anyone is under the misapprehension that what we've got now is all we want to see, but by the same token to refuse to see the improvement is just myopic. Give Polyphony (ie. Mike Caviezel) credit for what he's achieved so far, and we can all hope that we will continue to see more improvements to really put Gran Turismo at or near the top of the list of games that sound :censored:ing great.
I can't believe I actually agree with you on something...
No. No it hasn't. Gran Turismo 1 and 2 were pretty decent for their time. GT 3 and 4 were fine, they were largely equivalent to other console games of the era, although it was starting to become obvious that they didn't really sound that much like the real thing.

GTHD and GT5P were really the start of people noticing that while the graphics were incredible, the sounds had barely progressed beyond what GT3 was doing in 2001 and were starting to feel horribly out of place. The fact that Polyphony was using dubbed sounds in trailers was painfully obvious. GT5 had it's sound panned at release, and GT6 got a relative kicking for being hardly any different at all.

GTS is the first significant step in the right direction since GT3. It's not enough to keep up with other racing games yet, but it's not a million miles away either. What they've got is unbalanced, but it sounds OK. If they decide to add more layers of effects and work on the tyre sounds and how shifting gear affects the engine I suspect it will be quite good.

We demanded more, and we're starting to see it. I don't think anyone is under the misapprehension that what we've got now is all we want to see, but by the same token to refuse to see the improvement is just myopic. Give Polyphony (ie. Mike Caviezel) credit for what he's achieved so far, and we can all hope that we will continue to see more improvements to really put Gran Turismo at or near the top of the list of games that sound :censored:ing great.

Let me make it simple you use the terms "pretty decent", GT 3 and 4 "were fine "and not even going to talk about 5 and 6 and no were did you type good or great. People keep saying its good enough will never get PD to be better.
The one thing I take from that is just how much more real everything seems in PCars. The sound is the obvious one. But looking at GTS, particularly from cockpit view, the car seems to be floating a couple of feet above the ground because the ride is just so, so smooth. In PCars the car is moving and pitching on the surface of the track as you would expect.

Shift2 will helmet cam I loved it for some 20-30mins. It was like I am really inside the car but soon realized the lag in control. It was a broken mess. I really like Pcars FOV, cockpit but other than that there is nothing good about Pcars games
If any of you guys have access to PC iRacing Simulator, try drive Porsche 991 GT3. That's the current standard of sound, physics, cockpit cam in PC Sim.everything just done right at least for me.
Let me make it simple you use the terms "pretty decent", GT 3 and 4 "were fine "and not even going to talk about 5 and 6 and no were did you type good or great. People keep saying its good enough will never get PD to be better.

Talk about your high standards. So if it's not best in class by a country mile, it's not good enough, is that what you're saying?

I disagree. I recognise that there's only so much time and money that is able to be put into development. While I don't think that any part of a game should be actively distracting or annoying to the player, I totally understand making some parts simply acceptable in order to focus resources on other areas.

Look at Assetto Corsa. Graphics are OK, but not great. They're mostly not obnoxious and they do their job just fine, but few people are raving about how incredible they are. And that's fine, the game developers had a limited amount of resources. They made a graphical system that is good enough and spent the rest of the time and money on things that they thought brought more to the game.

There's nothing wrong with simply being decent in some areas if you're using that in order to achieve excellence in others. Of course we'd all like everything to be exceptional, but this is the real world and it simply doesn't work like that. I don't say anything wrong with saying "this is ok, it's not incredible but it's not awful either".

Apparently you think that anything that isn't world class is a problem. You'll find out otherwise when you get a job.
Sorry what?
If you drive the F40 backwards and turn the wheel hard, it doesn't whip around. I didn't do this test on a lot of cars, I noticed it backing onto the track.

So reality is, for you, the wrong benchmark to use to see how accurate (to reality) a sim is?
Reality is exactly the benchmark.
If you drive into a corner and purposely break the rear loose, and immediately counter steer to opposite lock, you should spin back the other way and crash. In AC, you continue spinning almost as if you never counter steered at all. Even if you completely lift throttle.(which can help or hurt, but either way doesn't work)
That's wrong.

Couple of problems you make with the rather broad assumptions you make here.

The first being that I don't drive on the road as if i'm an immortal going full pelt on the 'ring, nor do I drive on a track or at a proving ground as if I'm immune from death. Doing so would make me a moron.
I never suggested you should. But why do you automatically assume (conveniently I say) I'm talking about full-tilt racing? I'm talking about simply breaking the back end loose with power for fun. People do it all the time.

If I'm somehow in a room full of people so sheltered they don't know people powerslide all over the world every day, what's going on? You guys like cars? U got 2 b kiddng m3

Secondly I don't spin out and lose control 90% of the time in AC.
Racing? Drifting? Joyfully powersliding? What do you mean exactly?
I can drive fast(ish) laps, but that doesn't mean the cars are predictable or rational in their response to over steer and counter steer. It just means I can avoid it.

Some of its based on personal perspective (and therefore subjective), some of its not. That GTS beta mid-engine cars are breaking the basic laws of physics, isn't subjective.
I'm pretty sure that F40 is, too.

Hmm. How interesting. It's almost as if all phases of cornering affect each other.

You claimed oversteer is impossible to catch in AC. The only situation in which that is really true is if you fling it at a corner way too fast. Or if you simply plant your foot and hope, but I did decide to give you credit for not being that stupid. One doesn't get to D1G without learning throttle control. On the other hand, how GT deals with braking and corner entry is significantly different to something like AC.

I rather think you'd find that your oversteer "problem" would be solved if you stopped driving like you expect to be able to catch everything. That's not how cars work. You can absolutely get enough rotation on that a spin is unsaveable. Generally, you can avoid the situation by slowing down on corner entry and not getting yourself out of shape to start with. But I wouldn't know, I'm not as fast as you.
I "think" you haven't seen me drive.
How are you going to sit there and tell me what I'm doing wrong? While at the same time trying to criticize me for being arrogant? :lol:

Cool. Abuse.

It's almost like in Gran Turismo you can just pick a point and hammer the brakes, yet in AC it's really important how you apply them and come off them too. But I wouldn't know, I'm not as fast as you.
It's not abuse. At a certain point it's called "whining".
You do not always want to hammer the brakes in GT6 for the fastest lap. But you wouldn't know, you're not as fast as me.

Certainly am assuming a lot of things, but you're not exactly proving me wrong here. You're still appealing to your own authority as if because you find it difficult it's the game doing things wrong instead of you not being able to drive the way the game requires you to.
Which you've determined based only on the fact that I disagree with you on the game.
Bias much? Because I disagree I have to be driving wrong? What an argument. Yes, tell me I'm going on nothing. :)

So? It doesn't make any difference. There will be some similarities between what you know already and some completely new things. You still have to spend the time to figure out the correct set of skills for the specific game, even if they're all known to you already individually.
To which you've determined on nothing, again.
Other than the fact that I disagree with your game. :lol:

Of course you are, dear. I don't know why I doubted you. You are the gaming love child of a threesome between Fangio, Senna and Schumacher. Frankly, I think you're wasted on these petty video games and it's criminal that you're not driving a Mercedes in F1 instead of Lewis Hamilton. Your driving brilliance dazzles me even through that system of pipes that we call the internet, and I'm not sure that I'm even worthy to play the same games as a leading light such as yourself.
I know, the second anyone says they're good at something we have to knock them down. We complain about abuse and bullying, but really, we are micro-aggressive bullies ourselves. That's the love of GTPlanet. I could name 10 of you off the top of my head.
You just bully by the rules and call if different. ;)

I certainly was wrong to have attempted to call you on an appeal to your own authority. I should have made it an appeal to your own godhood, although that might be underselling it a bit.

Do you find that you bump your ego on doors when you go through, or does it fit all right?
I know, I said I'm good at something, and that isn't possible! Nobody is ever good at anything!
Obviously, you have to exaggerate the hell out of it. Of course blatant exaggeration typically means one doesn't feel an honest point would have enough "impact".

Ridiculous compared to what? Gran Turismo? Or real life?

Because Assetto Corsa is trying to replicate real life, where under some circumstances you have to counter steer very, very quickly indeed if you want to have any hope at all of holding it. Or some spins just cannot be saved. That's a thing too.

It's very different, driving a simulation that tries to replicate real driving instead of a game that is trying to bend the rules and flatter you that you're an amazing driver.
I never asked or wanted it to be like GT. You've seen me complain about GT physics a bunch of times.
It's really interesting you've chosen to pretend that that is what I am after then. :odd:

Maybe pretend something believable?

Go right ahead. I hope you enjoy the feeling of righteous anger being sure that you know better. Clearly being D1G entitles you to win any argument about how a game should work simply because of your incredible hot lapping speed. Anyone who dares to disagree should immediately wilt under the pressure of your amazing speed, regardless of whether you can muster a cogent and logically consistent argument or not.

If you had a solid argument to stand on, you'd have presented it. You don't like AC and how it drives, but you can't explain why that's not accurate to real life. Only that it doesn't match up with your peerless driving experience in Gran Turismo, a game which is known for not really being that great a sim.

See what Animera, another D1G, had to say about unlearning bad habits from Gran Turismo. He said basically what I did, but with less words.
Am I Animera? Why do I have to be exactly like Animera? Why can't I just have a different opinion than you? Why can't I believe that powersliding is significantly easier in real life?

u sEriOusly dnt kno ppl pwerslide ever day all over da w0orld?

How interesting. It's almost like he learned what you haven't.

If you want to discard your ego and have a real conversation about Assetto Corsa and it's physics compared to GTS, then I'd be happy to do that. I know that you actually have some good experience and knowledge in there behind the ego. But as long as you keep trying to sell your opinions based purely on your speed in GT6, I will continue to point out how ridiculous that is.
You decided it was about my ego. Because YOU decided how I was driving and what I must be doing wrong, all based on the sole principal that I don't think this game is realistic in this particular way.

Because I don't think it's real, I must be driving wrong. Because no other opinions are possible. What a laugh.
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If you drive the F40 backwards and turn the wheel hard, it doesn't whip around. I didn't do this test on a lot of cars, I noticed it backing onto the track.

Reality is exactly the benchmark.
If you drive into a corner and purposely break the rear loose, and immediately counter steer to opposite lock, you should spin back the other way and crash. In AC, you continue spinning almost as if you never counter steered at all. Even if you completely lift throttle.(which can help or hurt, but either way doesn't work)
That's wrong.

I never suggested you should. But why do you automatically assume (conveniently I say) I'm talking about full-tilt racing? I'm talking about simply breaking the back end loose with power for fun. People do it all the time.

If I'm somehow in a room full of people so sheltered they don't know people powerslide all over the world every day, what's going on? You guys like cars? U got 2 b kiddng m3

Racing? Drifting? Joyfully powersliding? What do you mean exactly?
I can drive fast(ish) laps, but that doesn't mean the cars are predictable or rational in their response to over steer and counter steer. It just means I can avoid it.

I'm pretty sure that F40 is, too.
You just don't know how to drive. I spent a couple of hours last night driving Porsches round the Ring. I had lots of oversteer moments. The majority I caught and it all felt very natural. I did spin a few times but every time I did it was my own fault, I hit a curb too hard or asked too much of the rear tyres for too long. Which wheel do you use?

Shift2 will helmet cam I loved it for some 20-30mins. It was like I am really inside the car but soon realized the lag in control. It was a broken mess. I really like Pcars FOV, cockpit but other than that there is nothing good about Pcars games

Keep burying your head in the sand. GT will be fine.
You just don't know how to drive. I spent a couple of hours last night driving Porsches round the Ring. I had lots of oversteer moments. The majority I caught and it all felt very natural. I did spin a few times but every time I did it was my own fault, I hit a curb too hard or asked too much of the rear tyres for too long. Which wheel do you use?
I do know how to drive. Here's some fun facts for you guys, which might burst the bubble on braking.
I'm using a G920, and the brake pedal is so stiff I have a really hard time reaching even 90% brake power. I drive with ABS off and almost never have I locked the brakes, because braking modulation is something I'm actually pretty good at, and then this pedal makes it really hard to brake that hard. Anything over 50% takes significant effort, with or without shoes.

I'm not diving into corners. I was never talking about corner entry. (Scaff brought up corner entry and I used GT abilities as a reference, to which Imari's imagination went wild, and everyone actually bought it. Go ahead, take a look back.)
Corner entry is really excellent in AC. (shocked face)
It's the exit oversteer snapping entirely too fast. Just because you can learn to catch it, doesn't make it accurate, and that's actually a pretty ridiculous notion, if you think about it.

You guys keep talking about getting used to it. If it were that real, you wouldn't have to get used to it. That's the whole point.
I do know how to drive. Here's some fun facts for you guys, which might burst the bubble on braking.
I'm using a G920, and the brake pedal is so stiff I have a really hard time reaching even 90% brake power. I drive with ABS off and almost never have I locked the brakes, because braking modulation is something I'm actually pretty good at, and then this pedal makes it really hard to brake that hard. Anything over 50% takes significant effort, with or without shoes.

I'm not diving into corners. I was never talking about corner entry.
Corner entry is really excellent in AC. (shocked face)
It's the exit oversteer snapping entirely too fast. Just because you can learn to catch it, doesn't make it accurate, and that's actually a pretty ridiculous notion, if you think about it.

You guys keep talking about getting used to it. If it were that real, you wouldn't have to get used to it. That's the whole point.

I didn't have to get used to it. It feels incredibly natural. The vast majority of the time it happens with zero thought process. I'm looking at the track, feeling what the car is doing through my wheel and my 30 years of real world driving and sim racing experience do the rest.

You tell us you are a racing God, yet I, who am a decent racer but not close to being a deity like yourself, find it easy to deal with oversteer in AC as I do in all the multiple sims I play. Don't you think that's a bit odd? Can you give us a run down of your sim racing history? What games have you spent a lot of time with?
You guys keep talking about getting used to it. If it were that real, you wouldn't have to get used to it. That's the whole point.

If it were real, you wouldn't have to get used to it if you were a trained race driver in reality.

If you're a guy who spends a lot of time going really fast in not so accurate simulations, you may well have to get used to it. Or if you're a guy whose head isn't so big that he assumes that anything he can't deal with is physically inaccurate.

Play it. Learn to deal with it. Then come back and tell us how the responses required to deal with oversteer are inaccurate. People here are telling you that it can be done, and if you can't do it then that sort of negates the complaint. The rest of us can catch countersteer quite naturally, and in my limited experience with real cars it feels remarkably similar. I'm not the only one, as you can see from this thread.

Here is a video that may be of use to you:

Here's a video with Slaptrain (who admittedly does a lot of drifting in various games) but you can see his hands and what he's doing with them. Doesn't look too unnatural to me:

There are many more of these on Youtube if you want to see other people sliding around in AC. It's quite popular with sim drifters.
If you drive the F40 backwards and turn the wheel hard, it doesn't whip around. I didn't do this test on a lot of cars, I noticed it backing onto the track.
That's not rear wheel steering.

Now please explain, with reference to real world physics, what it does, why its wrong and what it should be doing.

Reality is exactly the benchmark.
If you drive into a corner and purposely break the rear loose, and immediately counter steer to opposite lock, you should spin back the other way and crash. In AC, you continue spinning almost as if you never counter steered at all. Even if you completely lift throttle.(which can help or hurt, but either way doesn't work)
That's wrong.
Sorry, but your explanation here reads as a bit of a jumble.

Could you state a car and corner and break into down into what you are doing, what happens and why its wrong.

I never suggested you should. But why do you automatically assume (conveniently I say) I'm talking about full-tilt racing? I'm talking about simply breaking the back end loose with power for fun. People do it all the time.

You gave no other context and provided how fast you are in GT6 as a reference. Its a reasonable assumption to make given that.

If I'm somehow in a room full of people so sheltered they don't know people powerslide all over the world every day, what's going on? You guys like cars? U got 2 b kiddng m3
Even in humour don't do this.

Racing? Drifting? Joyfully powersliding? What do you mean exactly?
I can drive fast(ish) laps, but that doesn't mean the cars are predictable or rational in their response to over steer and counter steer. It just means I can avoid it.
All of them added up, I do not lose control 90% of the time.

I'm pretty sure that F40 is, too.
Excellent you will have no problem at all describing what ts doing, why it breaks the laws of physics and what it should be doing.
If it were real, you wouldn't have to get used to it if you were a trained race driver in reality.

If you're a guy who spends a lot of time going really fast in not so accurate simulations, you may well have to get used to it. Or if you're a guy whose head isn't so big that he assumes that anything he can't deal with is physically inaccurate.

Play it. Learn to deal with it. Then come back and tell us how the responses required to deal with oversteer are inaccurate. People here are telling you that it can be done, and if you can't do it then that sort of negates the complaint. The rest of us can catch countersteer quite naturally, and in my limited experience with real cars it feels remarkably similar. I'm not the only one, as you can see from this thread.

Here is a video that may be of use to you:

Here's a video with Slaptrain (who admittedly does a lot of drifting in various games) but you can see his hands and what he's doing with them. Doesn't look too unnatural to me:

There are many more of these on Youtube if you want to see other people sliding around in AC. It's quite popular with sim drifters.

I would add these as well, as they are relevant to the claim that big angle 'Top Gear' powerslides are easy. Personally I'm going to take Mark Higgins view over @CSLACR, as I suspect he may have a little more real world experience in this area.

Is it just me or did GTS gets a graphics downgrade? The E3 Demo have much better lighting and the trees are actually 3D.

It's relatively common for games to get worse looking from early demo builds. As development goes on and more things are included, developers find that they have to turn down the graphics in order to achieve a stable frame rate.
Is it just me or did GTS gets a graphics downgrade? The E3 Demo have much better lighting and the trees are actually 3D.

The E3 demo had much worse trees and performance, if anything, it's an upgrade. Keep in mind that a beta is targeting performance -- hence graphical intensive effects like smoke particles and skid marks are disabled.

It is something I'm noticing with Sony's First Party studios then generation, they're doing a reverse-Ubisoft.
Is it just me or did GTS gets a graphics downgrade? The E3 Demo have much better lighting and the trees are actually 3D.

Slightly different time conditions, but E3 demo looked worse to me. Trees are a mixture of 3D and 2D in both. But E3 had overblown white balance, and their temporal AA caused massive artifacts in motion, you can see it on the trees to the left here:


compared to Beta:


Regardless, new Porsche build looks better than both. :D
I didn't have to get used to it. It feels incredibly natural. The vast majority of the time it happens with zero thought process. I'm looking at the track, feeling what the car is doing through my wheel and my 30 years of real world driving and sim racing experience do the rest.

You tell us you are a racing God, yet I, who am a decent racer but not close to being a deity like yourself, find it easy to deal with oversteer in AC as I do in all the multiple sims I play. Don't you think that's a bit odd? Can you give us a run down of your sim racing history? What games have you spent a lot of time with?
You tell us you are a racing God, yet I, who am a decent racer but not close to being a deity like yourself, find it easy to deal with oversteer in AC as I do in all the multiple sims I play. Don't you think that's a bit odd? Can you give us a run down of your sim racing history? What games have you spent a lot of time with?

@CSLACR If you are used to a driving habit, it takes some time to get used to other sims. It took me 40-50h to get from GT to all the others because driving fast in GT is so different from all the rest. Here's my record:

Gt5: 130.000km
Gt6: 20.000km
PCars: ca. 350h plus countless hours in the development
AC: 60h
F1 2016: 90h
Raceroom: tested once for a few hours
Race07: 30h
PCars 2: not as much as I want to
GTS: yes, I have the beta

I have won online leagues in gt6, pCars and held a WR on pCars on road America in gt3 and I am 100% with @PzR Slim and @Scaff regarding the physics.

Edit: Wrong quote initially
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The E3 demo had much worse trees and performance, if anything, it's an upgrade. Keep in mind that a beta is targeting performance -- hence graphical intensive effects like smoke particles and skid marks are disabled.

It is something I'm noticing with Sony's First Party studios then generation, they're doing a reverse-Ubisoft.

Those are big bold statement having no clue what the final product is going to be. Hoping and wishing is not the same as FACT
Well at least I seem to have finally gotten you kids off the braking topic. Wow. That was actually pretty hard.

That's not rear wheel steering.

Now please explain, with reference to real world physics, what it does, why its wrong and what it should be doing.
In reverse, yes, cars drive as though they have rear wheel steering. I'm not arguing that.
GTPlanet seems to have some really obtuse members.

Sorry, but your explanation here reads as a bit of a jumble.

Could you state a car and corner and break into down into what you are doing, what happens and why its wrong.
Why? So you can change my words and argue a strawman? I'll mention flugplatz and you'll talk about Laguna Seca? I think not.

You gave no other context and provided how fast you are in GT6 as a reference. Its a reasonable assumption to make given that.
No, it's not. If you can read, that is.
I pretty clearly said powersliding quite a few times.
Interesting how such intelligent people can "miss" all words not pertinent to their false argument.

Even in humour don't do this.
Even in humor don't enforce the AUP on only one member.
Let's talk about fictitious claims. (Oh I bet you missed those too, right?)

All of them added up, I do not lose control 90% of the time.
Oh, so my exaggerations don't fly? Two-sided much?

Excellent you will have no problem at all describing what ts doing, why it breaks the laws of physics and what it should be doing.
But you would have a problem listening, and not twisting my words.

I didn't have to get used to it. It feels incredibly natural. The vast majority of the time it happens with zero thought process. I'm looking at the track, feeling what the car is doing through my wheel and my 30 years of real world driving and sim racing experience do the rest.

You tell us you are a racing God, yet I, who am a decent racer but not close to being a deity like yourself, find it easy to deal with oversteer in AC as I do in all the multiple sims I play. Don't you think that's a bit odd? Can you give us a run down of your sim racing history? What games have you spent a lot of time with?
Gonna pull that fictitious claim / AUP stuff.
If you're going to lie we're going to have problems.
Retract statement please and thank you.

If it were real, you wouldn't have to get used to it if you were a trained race driver in reality.

If you're a guy who spends a lot of time going really fast in not so accurate simulations, you may well have to get used to it. Or if you're a guy whose head isn't so big that he assumes that anything he can't deal with is physically inaccurate.

Play it. Learn to deal with it. Then come back and tell us how the responses required to deal with oversteer are inaccurate. People here are telling you that it can be done, and if you can't do it then that sort of negates the complaint. The rest of us can catch countersteer quite naturally, and in my limited experience with real cars it feels remarkably similar. I'm not the only one, as you can see from this thread.

Here is a video that may be of use to you:

Here's a video with Slaptrain (who admittedly does a lot of drifting in various games) but you can see his hands and what he's doing with them. Doesn't look too unnatural to me:

There are many more of these on Youtube if you want to see other people sliding around in AC. It's quite popular with sim drifters.

Oh, videos of people drifting. You win. NFS is as real as anything.
Excellent point, welld made. 👍

@CSLACR Did you mean a reverse 180 in the F40 like this?
If so, it was quite easy and doable.

So if I post a vid of mine not doing that, (when) what then?
A room full of people would be proven to have ignored the most important question asked because they were too busy flaming someone that dared bust on their precious?
"is it that same on XB1"? (Nobody answered, I asked twice now)

It's pretty clear the tone here is "AC is GOOOOODDDDD"
I would like to apologize to the GTPlanet AC fan club as I have not agreed with them!
Imagine the horror. And have a great day guys. Find another person that dislikes your game to flame.

P.S. Perhaps direct your energy toward flaming the people claiming miserable little games like Pcars and AC are going to "overthrow" GT. It's laughable. Albeit not in favor of the precious.

Gt5: 130.000km
Gt6: 20.000km
PCars: ca. 350h plus countless hours in the development
AC: 60h
F1 2016: 90h
Raceroom: tested once for a few hours
Race07: 30h
PCars 2: not as much as I want to
GTS: yes, I have the beta

I have won online leagues in gt6, pCars and held a WR on pCars on road America in gt3 and I am 100% with @PzR Slim and @Scaff regarding the physics.
Is that enough sim racing history?

As long as you get flamed for 3 pages for saying you think you're good at racing and driving games, that's just fine.

I'll start.
How dare you call yourself a God? You think you're good at racing games, and that makes you good at racing games? How foolish. And another thing, you think playing games makes you better at playing games? What else? Running makes you faster? Oh and I suppose picking heavy things up would make you stronger too right?
What a joke!
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Those are big bold statement having no clue what the final product is going to be. Hoping and wishing is not the same as FACT
Isn't everyone doing just that? I mean we are comparing a beta game to full blown games that have been updated. Nobody knows what the final product is going to be but we are still debating.
Gonna pull that fictitious claim / AUP stuff.
If you're going to lie we're going to have problems.
Retract statement please and thank you.

You are clearly not a driving God because you can't catch oversteer in AC. I know that's probably tough for you to hear as you have such a high opinion of yourself but hey wouldn't want to put words in your mouth. Come back when you can back up your claims with evidence. Or claim we are all out to get you and run away from the discussion.