GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
I know what you were implying. There is no game that uses their max LOD during gameplay, at least, that I know of.
You knew what i was implying and still said that the competitors do so.

But lets put this to rest, the GTS ingame models arent revolutionary regarding poly count.

Edit: i wonder what happened to adaptive tesselation, it was in the first beta after an update.
You knew what i was implying and still said that the competitors do so.

But lets put this to rest, the GTS ingame models arent revolutionary regarding poly count.

Edit: i wonder what happened to adaptive tesselation, it was in the first beta after an update.
I never, ever, literally never said that the competitors use full LOD. That's your own issue that you assumed that. No game is using the maximum LOD available in gameplay, however, that's not to say that the competitors aren't modeling it to a point that is apparently higher than that GTS photo.

If you want one example, Forza is it. I'm fairly certain Pcars2 is too, although I don't have the game yet.
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Honda Civic Type R. GTS Demo and PC2 Head to Head

PC2 stands up pretty well. But the take away for me is that in GTS it looks like a hovercraft floating across the surface of the track whereas in PC2 it looks like a racing car reacting to every little bit of surface detail on the track.

I just maked this video to compare GTS with PC2 and AC.( It is my 1st try to compare different games )
1. GT Sport have poor car physic at all, feel very smooth, like you driving a boath. No thrill at all.
2. PCars 2, After 2.0 patch lot of things are much better and driving feels fantastic. Cannot decide my self between Assetto corsa and PCars2. Both are great. Maybe AC have more accurate ffb, but PC2 have more realyistic cars performance closer to the real life cars. But the different is microscopic.
3:Assetto corsa - damn good
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From Neogaf:

GT6 vs GTS










From Neogaf:

Thats it I am done with the GT series first they introduced standard cars and now they have standard humans aswell?? :mad:Are you freaking kidding me!
There is clearly some premium vs standard quality in the humans

Good bye a long time GT Fan..:grumpy:

Said no one ever!!!!!

Edit: All jokes aside...
FM7 vs GT Sport

My only complain on GT is the lack of intake sound (making it sound a bit synthetic going into higher revs but atleast still a good exhaust tone overall)
But Forza has overly done the sound from intake making it sound somewhat V8 like (too aggressive,loud)Forza 6 had a much quieter sound of the miata/roadster.

On the Graphics site well I prefer GT's saturation but Forza does not look unrealistic either.

Positive impression overall 👍
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Interesting on the material and shaders part. On the sharp texture I agree Forza has the edge it looks very sharp compared to GT Sport. And on the reflection part I also feel like Gt lacks in the quality even on the PRO. Nontheless it is very impressive how good PD stacks up with Forza on PC. Great comparison video.
GTS completely kills Forza 7 in graphics




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Those are car models. If you watch the DF video GTS does some things better and FM7 does other things better. That's hardly either killing the other. GTS is overall the better looking game.
In second part of video it shows the difference in track modelling as well, and again GT wins in detal modelling both track and thing like trees and crowed. both are just 2D papers in Forza 7 but 3D models in GT sport
In second part of video it shows the difference in track modelling as well, and again GT wins in detal modelling both track and thing like trees and crowed. both are just 2D papers in Forza 7 but 3D models in GT sport
But not in the resolution of the track and grass textures for example. Or the fact that all other cars use the same cube map as the player car in GTS so you have the ridiculous situation where a reflection of a bridge moves across the top of another car at the same time as it does across the players car even if that car is 20m ahead. Stop trying to misrepresent what was said. I realise that the look of the game is one of the only things that GTS can cling to when compared to it's competition but I'm not sure there is any need to misrepresent what someone has said.
But not in the resolution of the track and grass textures for example. Or the fact that all other cars use the same cube map as the player car in GTS so you have the ridiculous situation where a reflection of a bridge moves across the top of another car at the same time as it does across the players car even if that car is 20m ahead. Stop trying to misrepresent what was said. I realise that the look of the game is one of the only things that GTS can cling to when compared to it's competition but I'm not sure there is any need to misrepresent what someone has said.
so? the overall result is that GT looks better and more realistic than Forza 7 as it has been shown and proven in this video. If the car modelling is already bad in FM7 then 4K won't do you any good. Minecraft is also 4k and does it look good anyway? The reflection on FM7 is simply just a mirror reflection imae from last frame image and it even shows the racing line, how ridiculous is that?
Hands down
GT is just better in terms of graphics, period
so? the overall result is that GT looks better and more realistic than Forza 7 as it has been shown and proven in this video
That's what they said?

If the car modelling is already bad in FM7 then 4K won't do you any good.
When the Xbox One X gets released, Forza is getting a 30gb update to bring it's assets and everything else up to 4k quality on consoles.

Even ignoring that, GTS is not immune to car modeling issues if you've actually been paying attention, at all.

The reflection on FM7 is simply just a mirror reflection imae from last frame image and it even shows the racing line, how ridiculous is that?
The reflections on GTS is simply using the exact same image and cube map of your car, having Ai cars 20 meters away reflecting what your car is too. How ridiculous is that?

See how easy it is to spin something?
But not in the resolution of the track and grass textures for example. Or the fact that all other cars use the same cube map as the player car in GTS so you have the ridiculous situation where a reflection of a bridge moves across the top of another car at the same time as it does across the players car even if that car is 20m ahead. Stop trying to misrepresent what was said. I realise that the look of the game is one of the only things that GTS can cling to when compared to it's competition but I'm not sure there is any need to misrepresent what someone has said.
Stick yourself to texure resolution when the game runs with PCs at max settings vs ps4 pro that has well-defined limits because it is a console, why do not you take this into account?

Judging the video in question and the kind of comparison, I would say that F7 on PC does a good job and instead GTsport on ps4pro does a awesome job a 360 °

That's what they said?

Yeah, he actually said GT has better modelling, better lighting, better shadow, 3D trees , 3D crowds. pretty much everything~

When the Xbox One X gets released, Forza is getting a 30gb update to bring it's assets and everything else up to 4k quality on consoles.
Made those who bought Xbox one like idiots lol

Even ignoring that, GTS is not immune to car modeling issues if you've actually been paying attention, at all.
whatever, at least in this video GTS clearly wins

The reflections on GTS is simply using the exact same image and cube map of your car, having Ai cars 20 meters away reflecting what your car is too. How ridiculous is that?

See how easy it is to spin something?

Yeah, and GT still looks better
GT is just better in terms of graphics, period
Which is exactly what I said in my reply to you.
GTS is overall the better looking game.
I took issue with your use of the term 'kills'. That is not the case. What is the case is that FM7 kills GTS when it comes to car count and single player, PC2 kills GTS, and everything else, when it comes to track count, car variety, single player, dynamic conditions and the sensation of racing cars. I could go on.

GTS is the better looking game. However, in no way does it 'kill' FM7 in the graphics department.
Which is exactly what I said in my reply to you.

I took issue with your use of the term 'kills'. That is not the case. What is the case is that FM7 kills GTS when it comes to car count and single player, PC2 kills GTS, and everything else, when it comes to track count, car variety, single player, dynamic conditions and the sensation of racing cars. I could go on.

GTS is the better looking game. However, in no way does it 'kill' FM7 in the graphics department.
If only you have read what I posted, I said " in graphics"
not other things but graphics which is what this video is all about
and yes, I think GT sport kills Forza 7 in terms of graphics
You can disagree with that but facts are facts.
GT looks better in this video in every aspect
If only you have read what I posted, I said " in graphics"
not other things but graphics which is what this video is all about
and yes, I think GT sport kills Forza 7 in terms of graphics
You can disagree with that but facts are facts.
GT looks better in this video in every aspect
Apart from at the times that DF said that FM7 looked better right? Seriously, I realise for some of you GT is the only game in the world but to literally just make stuff up, ignoring what has actually been said just makes you look daft.
Yeah, he actually said GT has better modelling, better lighting, better shadow, 3D trees , 3D crowds. pretty much everything~
That's not what I asked.

Made those who bought Xbox one like idiots lol
Oh you mean like the same people who bought the Ps4 Pro?

whatever, at least in this video GTS clearly wins
Ah so you're clearly admitting that you're ignoringa fault that GTS had to bring down another game that has a similar fault, got it. Not like that wasn't obvious anyways.
Stick yourself to texure resolution when the game runs with PCs at max settings vs ps4 pro that has well-defined limits because it is a console, why do not you take this into account
Well you can wait for the One X version if you'd like, there'll likely be little difference.

If only you have read what I posted, I said " in graphics
Which was wrong from the get, since you were actually only talking about modeling. Even though GTS had it's own issues in that regard.

You can disagree with that but facts are facts.
That's not a fact, that's just your unbalanced opinion.
Apart from at the times that DF said that FM7 looked better right? Seriously, I realise for some of you GT is the only game in the world but to literally just make stuff up, ignoring what has actually been said just makes you look daft.
If you don't like this video and disagree with it then you should make your own video to disprove it.
otherwise it's just not persuasive
how about some snapshot from the video to prove your point?
too lazy to even do that?

That's not what I asked.

Oh you mean like the same people who bought the Ps4 Pro?

Ah so you're clearly admitting that you're ignoringa fault that GTS had to bring down another game that has a similar fault, got it. Not like that wasn't obvious anyways.

Well you can wait for the One X version if you'd like, there'll likely be little difference.

Which was wrong from the get, since you were actually only talking about modeling. Even though GTS had it's own issues in that regard.

That's not a fact, that's just your unbalanced opinion.
Don't meltdown just because some one posted a video to prove Forza 7 is a inferior game compared to GT sport in graphics.
If you don't like it, maybe you should create your own video to prove your own opinion is correct
before you can do that, everything you said is just not persuasive compared to this video
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Don't meltdown just because some one posted a video to prove Forza 7 is a inferior game compared to GT sport in graphics
Why would I meltdown for something that wasn't said or going on at all? :lol:

I like how you ignored addressing anything I posted, so I'll just take it as you agreeing.
If you don't like this video and disagree with it then you should make your own video to disprove it.
otherwise it's just not persuasive
how about some snapshot from the video to prove your point?
too lazy to even do that?
Play the ball not the man.

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