GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
To be honest, there would be no need for defending if it wasn't for unnecessary, ridiculous, unfounded, attacks. This thread follows the trend of someone attacking, usually with falsehoods, and others coming in to straighten out the claims that are put forth.

That's what I meant about "defending game until death" to be honest. I did appreciate for those who did the corrections based on actual facts though.

Okay first of all @emula I want to say that me and all people here understand your preference over GTS. Myself also like GTS. But remember not all games is flawless and they did have their weaknesses. But if you want to go to carry on then fine. But it doesn't make GTS any better. It is what it is and you should accept it. It looks good yes I agree. However, that doesn't mean other games is not pretty isn't it? That's unfair in my perspective.

That's why there is criticism against GTS, because they want it better and suit with their expectations. If not at least there is significant improvement than before. Same thing with other games in general.

It is up to you if you want consider it or not. I'm giving an advice not just for @emula though but everyone else who come to this thread. Hope you all understand.
Hi there! :D
I just found these two pictures. I think I can post them here. I'm sorry if it looks like cherry picked. :indiff: Both are bull shots.
Project Cars 2 - I know it's rainy but we can see the details. Does somebody have this picture in higher resolution?

Gran Turismo Sport


according to digital foundry GTS looks better than FM7 maxed out on PC.... all the rest that I can see here is a lot of frustration every time that a comparison confims this fact
:odd: Is that really all you took from that video? They clearly explained the pros and cons of the route that they took, as well as Forza. It's like you literally ignored absolutely any con about the game. That all makes sense though, considering how you do that exact same thing in this thread. It's sad to see someone go to such extreme lengths, especially when the game you prefer isn't faultless.
according to digital foundry GTS looks better than FM7 maxed out on PC.... all the rest that I can see here is a lot of frustration every time that a comparison confims this fact
Wrong if you take a look at 21:05 you can see how false your claim is.
First they inspected on the car models and GTS came to be slightly more realistic by having better shading and materials modeled. Then they continue to inspect on the track and trackside details, they mentioned how both of them looks gorgeous but Forza came in top in it's sharpness of resolution quality. They further inspected on other details such as shadows, TOD difference and neither of them were told to be better but to be unique on how they were approached. Forza was praised for it's dynamic track conditions and GTS for it's spectacular lighting even on particle effects.
The video further explained how reflections on car models are captured and were told their differences while again NEITHER came on top.

To summon up both titles were praised on how gorgeous and talented their developers were and was said NEITHER of them fells short in how gorgeous they can be. So again nice attempt.

My personal prefference goes to GTS for it's amazing lighting shading and car modeling. But Forza has the advantage in how sharp, smooth and beautifull cars look even on a base hardware.
So all in all Forza has the advantage on texture quality but falls a bit short on how realistic they look in comparison to GTS that has the adavantage on how realistic and gorgeous it can look sometimes.
Well. to sums up actually there is variety of choices you had for racing games tbh. Want some serious racing with lifelike physics you could have RaceRoom, I Racing, PC, AC etc. Want some racing but also want collecting cars you had Forza and older GT. Want something inbetween you could have GTS. Or other bunch of racing titles.

Tbh, I don't get the fuss is all about since all of us here have our own preferences and taste on racing games. "Defend your game till death" however isn't the purpose of this thread imo. That's what I felt a bit annoying here. Just give some clear evidence of your favorite game and compare it with other game and let us discuss it responsibly and thoughtfully. How hard is it to understand that?

A bit off topic but @Scaff nice Volvo you have there. Love the Polestar blue 👍

This comparison thread mistakenly shows that these 3 games Forza7 GTS and PCars2 does not conflict with each other. They may be competing for sales but never do they bump heads. The conflict is actually user created imo.

Hi there! :D
I just found these two pictures. I think I can post them here. I'm sorry if it looks like cherry picked. :indiff: Both are bull shots.
Project Cars 2 - I know it's rainy but we can see the details. Does somebody have this picture in higher resolution?
Here you go, another GTS version free from rainy mud so I hope you can see it better.



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This comparison thread mistakenly shows that these 3 games Forza7 GTS and PCars2 does not conflict with each other. They may be competing for sales but never do they bump heads. The conflict is actually user created imo.



You're really not doing the vehicle any justice with those shots. They seem to have a loss of detail with blurriness and compression issues. The first shots posted do a much better job at portraying the difference, especially since they're nice and crisp.
I took the three pics at a similar angle but the PC2 shot was the sharpest angle yet still looked much better. Not sure what the issue is with comparing like for like across all three games.

That's because P cars on PC probably has really high anisotropic filtering. That game has high-resolution textures, but as stated before, doesn't have bump maps /parallax occlusion. Just shaders. GT sport has bump mapping on most textures / Parallax occlusion (on tarmac/concrete surfaces)/ and shaders on most surfaces, even the crappy textures have shaders as evident from the sun glare. This form of specular diffusion requires a shader to mask off certain regions of the texture map. IF it was just glare it would look awful.

Edit. Just to be clear, I think P cars 2 is using outdated technology bbut spends its budget well by using super high-resolution textures, GTS and Forza are using lower resolution textures , but also include Bump maps/ Shaders. At the end of the day, I PREFER textures to have bump maps/shaders/parallax scrolling. Heck, Self-shading parallax scrolling textures with bump maps are only used in one game to my knowledge, Driveclub.
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This is completely incorrect. Perhaps you should leave the moderating to us. 💡
  • You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
Darn I was always carefull not to use etc or enz believing they were textspeak my mistake. :dunce:
That's because P cars on PC probably has really high anisotropic filtering. That game has high-resolution textures, but as stated before, doesn't have bump maps /parallax occlusion. Just shaders. GT sport has bump mapping on most textures / Parallax occlusion (on tarmac/concrete surfaces)/ and shaders on most surfaces, even the crappy textures have shaders as evident from the sun glare. This form of specular diffusion requires a shader to mask off certain regions of the texture map. IF it was just glare it would look awful.

Edit. Just to be clear, I think P cars 2 is using outdated technology bbut spends its budget well by using super high-resolution textures, GTS and Forza are using lower resolution textures , but also include Bump maps/ Shaders. At the end of the day, I PREFER textures to have bump maps/shaders/parallax scrolling. Heck, Self-shading parallax scrolling textures with bump maps are only used in one game to my knowledge, Driveclub.
That’s PC2 on Xbox. Oh, and you know what they say, a picture speaks a thousand words.
Decal resolution






GTS looks as much as Forza 2 10 years ago
Alright Alright settle down with the last comment you might catch the whole PD Police on you.

However what you share here again proves the point of GTS downgraded resolution and LOD in-game and Forza 7 (Xbox one X? right) maintaining the decals in High resolution with a high LOD.
To my knowledge I think the base hardware also showed some jagged decals right or am I wrong here :confused:.

While scapes and the liverie mode shows it with a much higher LOD and resolution.
Decal resolution



GTS looks as much as Forza 2 10 years ago
Again a biased, unfair comparison, Forza 5-7 swaps in the highest LOD model during photomode . Also, decal resolution varies from multiplayer/ Races with AI, and time trial in GT sport. A better picture would be Forza 7 in-game VS gt sport in photo mode ( as gt sports photo mode does not swap in anything)

I'll rustle up some video footage tonight. Not sure how a moving image is going to magically improve GTS and FM7 so that it looks better than PC2 in this particular example however!
Are you serious? do you guys even know what parallax scrolling is or bump maps? These are textures that are designed to look like REAL LIFE objects and not a piece of paper with a texture of asphalt. Its basically an illusion of depth /texture. If any one has Drive club/far cry 4 , you can see how well parallax scrolling works at creating the illusion of 3d cobblestones on a 2d/ surface. Bump mapping means a texture looks different REALISTICALLY at noon than at sunset.
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This is completely incorrect. Perhaps you should leave the moderating to us. 💡

  • You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
Darn I was always carefull not to use etc or enz believing they were textspeak my mistake. :dunce:

Lol, thank God. etc etc.
Again a biased, unfair comparison, Forza 5-7 swaps in the highest LOD model during photomode . Also, decal resolution varies from multiplayer/ Races with AI, and time trial in GT sport. A better picture would be Forza 7 in-game VS gt sport in photo mode ( as gt sports photo mode does not swap in anything)

Are you serious? do you guys even know what parallax scrolling is or bump maps? These are textures that are designed to look like REAL LIFE objects and not a piece of paper with a texture of asphalt. Its basically an illusion of depth /texture. If any one has Drive club/far cry 4 , you can see how well parallax scrolling works at creating the illusion of 3d cobblestones on a 2d/ surface. Bump mapping means a texture looks different REALISTICALLY at noon than at sunset.
Forza 7 uses the second highest quality model on Xbox One X and the highest quality model on PC during gameplay.
I find that for myself graphically I would put the 3 games in question in the order of GTS, FM7, Project Cars 2, With the caveat that I find Project Cars 2 to present the "muck" of racing better than the other 2. Ie: The mud, damage models, scrapes and bumps, the race "grittiness".

But more than that. i really wanted to say I think that it is a win win for everybody who loves racing games that we have 3 games so close that even the dedicated fans of each title have to cherry pick photos and videos to support their position.
I think it’s crazy how far some people are willing to go just to make their favourite game look superior to the competition.

Yes, GTS looks great. No, FM7 doesn’t look as bad as what you’ve made it look like. It’s been like this for months, you take a picture in GTS in the best possible conditions, then go to FM7 and take awful pictures that don’t show off the true beauty of the game, may that be by drastically zooming into the subject matter to make it look as though it’s made up of less polygons, or other stuff. It’s getting pretty boring, honestly.
Spot on. It's all personal preference. & in my opinion, PC2, GTS & FM7 all look great! I have yet to play FM7 so I can't judge it by its gameplay. Will be getting it for Christmas though. But so far I'm having fun on both GTS & PC2. & I hope everybody else is too.
I find that for myself graphically I would put the 3 games in question in the order of GTS, FM7, Project Cars 2, With the caveat that I find Project Cars 2 to present the "muck" of racing better than the other 2. Ie: The mud, damage models, scrapes and bumps, the race "grittiness".

But more than that. i really wanted to say I think that it is a win win for everybody who loves racing games that we have 3 games so close that even the dedicated fans of each title have to cherry pick photos and videos to support their position.
I’d say that is pretty much spot on.
Again a biased, unfair comparison, Forza 5-7 swaps in the highest LOD model during photomode . Also, decal resolution varies from multiplayer/ Races with AI, and time trial in GT sport. A better picture would be Forza 7 in-game VS gt sport in photo mode ( as gt sports photo mode does not swap in anything)
no, that doesn't make it unfair. What you're saying to do will. Compare gameplay to gameplay and photomode to photomode. It's absolutely ridiculous to imply anything other than that.

As for the liveries, I'm surprised to see any sort of blurriness within the decals. Wasnt the importing of svg files supposed to eliminate that? It seems hit and miss, and if that's the case it doesn't seem a feature to make a better livery editor, but just a way to speed up a process.

Both looks good though. GTS is a bit low-res but not that bad. Forza looks better probably because of SVG size allowed is much bigger? Does it count
There is no svg files or importing feature with Forza.
I'm doing something wrong? but like in the GTS is not so bad as on Hage dayo screenshots
Is this on the standard PS4 or the PRO? It looks to be on the PRO and perhaps that may be the reason for the blurred decals on Hage Dayos post?