GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
No one believes you. Your screenshots as pointed out by several users aren't captured correctly. If you want to compare an overall look of a track and the car, there are numerous videos showing that far better and in a far fairer light then you ever could:
Lets take a look at his original point, and what would actually be affected by his 1080p photos that got blown up to a resolution it shouldn't have

Playing GTS for 2 weeks on the PRO, i got to say it has some of the best lighting and some pretty good shaders but other than that it got nothing against Forza in game. Forza has higher quality textures, higher quality car model, better texture filtering, better reflections, better weather, better shadows, better track side details and draw distance.
So, within this paragraph, what is actually being affected by that photo being incorrectly capture?

  • Higher quality textures wouldn't be affected by it - Looking at the photos both games seem to not be too great to be honest. If we use the road surface texture GTS looks a bit lacking and flat/smeared. Forza is it a bit better but I wouldn't say either is over the other in that department. This can just boil down to personal opinion, and thats no problem because neither is really trumping each other.
  • Higher quality car model - It depends on what one would call quality: slightly more polygonal meshes or more modeled compartments of a vehicle? Both have their instances of high quality in different regards.
  • Better Texture Filtering - not exactly sure so someone else can elaborate on that. Would that be affected by the resolution change?
  • Better reflections - Something that also wouldn't be affected by the resolution issue with the image. Wasn't that even stated in that DF video that was floating around that everyone likes to quote? GTS definitely gets that glossness down to reflect light greatly, but you'd also have to think about how it's actually functioning in comparison to each other. That's something no one bothered to ask him to clarify on.
  • Better weather - Not sure how that is also going to be affected by the images being messed up. Either way, this you can't really argue at all.
  • better shadows - Isn't it a known thing that the shadows in GT haven't always been the best? Although I could have sworn it has improved with this iteration.
  • Better track side detail - this is one I can see being an issue, because the farther something is the worse it'll look because of the aliasing on the photo. Even then, you can tell that this is one of the area's they are putting more time in than Forza
  • Draw distance - while it can make things look worse in that photo it wont be affecting the actual draw distance. This is something that I'm not sure either is trumping each other.
So with those points in mind, what exactly was being misrepresented with that photo compared to what was said? To be honest, the most noticable thing that that photo is misrepresenting is the actual aliasing issue, it's very much pronounced there. However, that was one thing that was no mentioned whatsoever. Most of it boils down to personal opinion, and even if that photo got blown up to a much larger size, it still can still largely represent the points that were listed.

Turk, you do not have to be discouraged.
GT planet is the site of GT fanboy purveyor.
There is a clear difference in graphics between in-game and photo, but the people here will not admit it. It is exactly a cult.
I wouldn't go around calling people fanboys. Not just because its a term frowned upon, but just because of how hypocritical you're appearing here. I don't understand how people see others doing it, so they decide to do the exact same thing to try to prove a point against them. What exactly are you trying to prove?
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Funny, I have trouble reading the distance markers at 300+ kph and you guys are comparing the cars parked in the parking lot. I haven't even noticed those in my 8 or so races yesterday :)

The best upgrade of Le Mans are the strict track limits imo. That track was the king of shortcuts in GT5. Yet I do miss the day / night cycle, even though sport mode races are far too short to notice any change. All this graphical prowess and we lost dynamic time and dynamic weather, not sure if it was worth it. A daily C is just long enough for a sudden summer thunderstorm :) Perhaps it will still come, the game has intermediate and wet tires and one wet track in the campaign.
Lets take a look at his original point, and what would actually be affected by his 1080p photos that got blown up to a resolution it shouldn't have

So, within this paragraph, what is actually being affected by that photo being incorrectly capture?

  • Higher quality textures wouldn't be affected by it - Looking at the photos both games seem to not be too great to be honest. If we use the road surface texture GTS looks a bit lacking and flat/smeared. Forza is it a bit better but I wouldn't say either is over the other in that department. This can just boil down to personal opinion, and thats no problem because neither is really trumping each other.
  • Higher quality car model - It depends on what one would call quality: slightly more polygonal meshes or more modeled compartments of a vehicle? Both have their instances of high quality in different regards.
  • Better Texture Filtering - not exactly sure so someone else can elaborate on that. Would that be affected by the resolution change?
  • Better reflections - Something that also wouldn't be affected by the resolution issue with the image. Wasn't that even stated in that DF video that was floating around that everyone likes to quote? GTS definitely gets that glossness down to reflect light greatly, but you'd also have to think about how it's actually functioning in comparison to each other. That's something no one bothered to ask him to clarify on.
  • Better weather - Not sure how that is also going to be affected by the images being messed up. Either way, this you can't really argue at all.
  • better shadows - Isn't it a known thing that the shadows in GT haven't always been the best? Although I could have sworn it has improved with this iteration.
  • Better track side detail - this is one I can see being an issue, because the farther something is the worse it'll look because of the aliasing on the photo. Even then, you can tell that this is one of the area's they are putting more time in than Forza
  • Draw distance - while it can make things look worse in that photo it wont be affecting the actual draw distance. This is something that I'm not sure either is trumping each other.
So with those points in mind, what exactly was being misrepresented with that photo compared to what was said? To be honest, the most noticable thing that that photo is misrepresenting is the actual aliasing issue, it's very much pronounced there. However, that was one thing that was no mentioned whatsoever. Most of it boils down to personal opinion, and even if that photo got blown up to a much larger size, it still can still largely represent the points that were listed.

I wouldn't go around calling people fanboys. Not just because its a term frowned upon, but just because of how hypocritical you're appearing here. I don't understand how people see others doing it, so they decide to do the exact same thing to try to prove a point against them. What exactly are you trying to prove?
For the time being, I was amazed that there was a person who listened to the image of other car of very low setting of PC version, as if it was a graphic of Forza 7. Forza 7 is forgiving that it is a bad graphic.
Since all the images posted by me are screenshots of in-game, there is not 100% fabric fabrication.

I do not think that this is the truth if a decent thinking circuit is done.
It reaches the cult area.
For the time being, I was amazed that there was a person who listened to the image of other car of very low setting of PC version, as if it was a graphic of Forza 7. Forza 7 is forgiving that it is a bad graphic.
Since all the images posted by me are screenshots of in-game, there is not 100% fabric fabrication.

I do not think that this is the truth if a decent thinking circuit is done.
It reaches the cult area.
You've missed the point entirely.
Honestly, no. While some of the audio samples in GTS are well made (F40, Enzo, Aventador for example), most of the others are either too weak or too generic to be considered on par with other games, Forza included. The LM55 sounds nothing like a 4-rotor, the magnific inline-5 sound of the Pikes Peak Audi is unfortunately far away from what we have, the F1500T is like a purring kitten, the Vulcan is closer to a vacuum cleaner than to a magnific V12, the R92CP released yesterday sounds like it's powered by a big american V8 and so on. I think that, for PD, there's a very long road ahead before they can catch up with the competition.

I can give you many where GTS sounds miles better than Forza 7 but here are 3:

GT always seems to miss that marvelous raspy and fiersome V8 some race cars usually make.
This car sounds like a monster in real life and while in GTS again sounding very quiet and tame.

If PD can reach the levels of Project Cars, Asseto Corsa and R3E in terms of engine audio reproduction, only then I will consider it on par to it's competitions.

Even when having backfires, pops, cabbin shakes, creaks and more other nice little sound effects, it's engine reproduction remains weak in comparison (it may sound "accurate" but again tame in comparison and I am mainly talking about V8's, V10's and V12's engine).
GT always seems to miss that marvelous raspy and fiersome V8 some race cars usually make.
This car sounds like a monster in real life and while in GTS again sounding very quiet and tame.

If PD can reach the levels of Project Cars, Asseto Corsa and R3E in terms of engine audio reproduction, only then I will consider it on par to it's competitions.

Even when having backfires, pops, cabbin shakes, creaks and more other nice little sound effects, it's engine reproduction remains weak in comparison (it may sound "accurate" but again tame in comparison and I am mainly talking about V8's, V10's and V12's engine).

PD always did a good job with how smaller displacement engine (up to 6 cylinders) sounded like, but it was downfall when the engine displacement got bigger. Hopefully the sound of Group C cars get updated just like '05 Ford GT for example it's been revamped and now it sounds better then it had back in January release.
I like the concept but all three of them the audio is too low to hear
Yeah it seems the volume of GT and Forza is lower in this video. Also less low frequencies but it's a nice head to head. Also the only one running on console (PS4 not pro) seems to be GT so that's why 30 fps replays
Regarding sounds, I really feel that it does alot for the sounds to play at a high volume, especially in a pair of good headphones. Driving the Sauber C9 in cockpit view sounded so much better then I had heard on YouTube prior to trying it myself. You can hear the small nuances better and it gives a much better experience in my opinion.

With that said, GTS does indeed often miss that raw grunt found in high powered race cars.
Regarding sounds, I really feel that it does alot for the sounds to play at a high volume, especially in a pair of good headphones. Driving the Sauber C9 in cockpit view sounded so much better then I had heard on YouTube prior to trying it myself. You can hear the small nuances better and it gives a much better experience in my opinion.

With that said, GTS does indeed often miss that raw grunt found in high powered race cars.

This, the audio in those videos doesn't reflect the real sound of the game with good headphones
Wouldn't YouTube affect the sounds of all three games equally?

All games definitely sound better loud with a good pair of headphones, so yes, checking YouTube videos doesn't always do games justice.

However, with sounds being more tame/contained in GTS then in PCars 2, it really does come to life on full blast with good headphones :).

Personally, I think GTS has improved leaps and bounds over previous GT games and have quite a respectful overall sound, but are still lacking with the grunt of the more high power race cars, which PCars 2 does very well IMO.

Just my 2 cents :)
I can give you many where GTS sounds miles better than Forza 7 but here are 3:

Nismo GT500 - Right now, I'd say It's 50/50 for me but I don't know how these cars sound IRL, I'll have to check that later.
RSR GTE - Agreed. Sounds more natural in GT S, even if I wish it didn't have that transmission whine (unrealistically featured on every race car)
LaFerrari - I believe the sound got worse from FM6/H3 to FM7 (maybe it's just my impression?), but anyway I think it feels more alive and has a bit more "punch" compared to GTS. Both of them could be improved.

GT always seems to miss that marvelous raspy and fiersome V8 some race cars usually make.
This car sounds like a monster in real life and while in GTS again sounding very quiet and tame.

If PD can reach the levels of Project Cars, Asseto Corsa and R3E in terms of engine audio reproduction, only then I will consider it on par to it's competitions.

Even when having backfires, pops, cabbin shakes, creaks and more other nice little sound effects, it's engine reproduction remains weak in comparison (it may sound "accurate" but again tame in comparison and I am mainly talking about V8's, V10's and V12's engine).
Agreed. Other games (Assetto in particular) can recreate the brute force of those sounds beautifully, while others tame their character too much. Another great example is the F1500-T I mentioned above. Simply too weak, to the point where people thought it was glitched and asked for a fix.
This video shows that forza is not even trying to have good sounds

I wonder if it’s the sheer amount of vehicles that may be putting a hamper on the sound department. Something similar to GT-prior with having 1000 cars with not the greatest sounds? Now that GTS is running but a fraction of the roster of both itself and Forza, I would imagine they have a better focal point now. From here on out I’d hope that all GTS cars will have top notch sound.
I wonder if it’s the sheer amount of vehicles that may be putting a hamper on the sound department. Something similar to GT-prior with having 1000 cars with not the greatest sounds? Now that GTS is running but a fraction of the roster of both itself and Forza, I would imagine they have a better focal point now. From here on out I’d hope that all GTS cars will have top notch sound.
Even so I still find it weird how the sound accuracy went a bit back when Forza 6 really did an amazing JOB on them.
Forza 7 I feel even tho sound have been revamped it has gone backwards in terms of accuracy.

One a side note.

When people say that you need headphones in order to enjoy the sounds of the game, it kinda rubs the wrong way and one question comes to mind "why?".
If other games sounds better without headphones that means it will sound even better with headphones on does it not?

I have played GT1 to 4 and I enjoyed the sound back then, but when it became more obvious that other car games seem to have produced a much realistic and less synthetic sound I became obsessed with the idea of as real as possible (perfection).

Playing GT5 and GT6 with headphone (good headphones) really did immerse and you could hear a lot of tiny details.
However when you hear cars like the Sauber C9 and the BMW Z4 GT3 no matter how many times I tried to "enjoy" it (despite sounding horrific), dissapointment strikes when you hear the competition producing a much richer and satisfactional audio.

Even now GT Sport having an audio revamp with lots more sound effects that immerse, it still lacks in comparison to it's competitions.
I just can't hear the brutality and aliveness like Raceroom does it when I drive the BMW Z4 or any other race cars even with headphones on.

And to be frankly honest when Kazunori mentioned an audio update was set for GT6, I expected something in the lines like what we have now for back then.

Shocking how they can recreate amazing graphical scenery with top notch details but yet fail to have the same treatment with audio quality IMO.

I know they have made improvements and keep doing improvements but let's just hope we can have a far greater sound experience in the future if not for GT sport but for future GT's.
When people say that you need headphones in order to enjoy the sounds of the game, it kinda rubs the wrong way and one question comes to mind "why?".

I disagree with the whole headphone sentiment as well.

Preferences aside, you don't need headphones to experience the great sounds of these games. Each game's sounds would suffer through tv speakers, and would get more clarity as you use better audio hardware.

That arguement kinda takes away from GTS sounds, as in the game only sounds good with headphones.


My favorite thing that I've heard from this new content is the amount of chassis noise that you can hear as these cars are speeding down the bumpy Le Mans straights. I love how GTS reproduces those sounds.

IMO what GTS lacks in all out sound ferocity, it makes up with fullness, if that makes sense. There's something about the amount of muffling, and amount of echo that they use, combined with the bangs, rattles and whistles that gives me that encompassing feeling of sitting in the cockpit. I just get a lot off depth from what I hear.

The area that i think GT needs the most work in is the off throttle overrun, more so in the race vehicles. The exhaust crackles are great, but I want to hear/feel the engine braking at work. That would go a long way in capturing some of the ferocity that is missing.

That being said, for some reason I find GTS more exhilarating when it comes to acceleratimg through gears - the cars seem like they rev harder in GTS.
Let's hope some of the lack sounding cars in GTS get the same treat as well.
If PD can go back and record the sound for the Huracan, that would be really sweet. I bought one for the Lambo Cup and it's very weak, especially in cockpit view:

If PD can go back and record the sound for the Huracan, that would be really sweet. I bought one for the Lambo Cup and it's very weak, especially in cockpit view:

I am sure you are aware that this is not the only car that sounds so tamed in comparison to several other titles.
In fact the huracan is one of the decent ones out there with a decent V10 tone.

The whole issue is the way the engine tone sounds like they are not being pushed to their limits, missing alot of "grunt"or "spicyness" to it's quality. How it lacks a proper "intake", sounding very low in comparison.
You just dont get a feeling that your driving fast enough each time your accelerating hard.

Don't get me wrong the sound quality has improved a lot from previous games, it's just not there yet with the other competitions imho.

But you know to each their own...
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I am sure you are aware that this is not the only car that sounds so tamed in comparison to several other titles.
In fact the huracan is one of the decent ones out there with a decent v12 tone.

The whole issue is the way the engine tone sounds like they are not being pushed to their limits, missing alot of "grunt"or "spicyness" to it's quality. How it lacks a proper "intake", sounding very low in comparison.
You just dont get a feeling that your driving fast enough each time your accelerating hard.

Don't get me wrong the sound quality has improved a lot from previous games, it's just not there yet with the other competitions imho.

But you know to each their own...

Correction : Huracan is V10 though not V12. That would be Aventador which has V12 engine in current Lambo line up.
I find it that the sound engines sound better more dynamic and agressive when driving on racing hard tyres instead of tyres like sports hard. I was driving with racing hard tyres in Laferrari and Veyron on Le Mans and the sound engines were great always have the sound engine volumes set to +5.
I am sure you are aware that this is not the only car that sounds so tamed in comparison to several other titles.
In fact the huracan is one of the decent ones out there with a decent V10 tone.

The whole issue is the way the engine tone sounds like they are not being pushed to their limits, missing alot of "grunt"or "spicyness" to it's quality. How it lacks a proper "intake", sounding very low in comparison.
You just dont get a feeling that your driving fast enough each time your accelerating hard.
Many cars unfortunately have those lifeless, flat notes in every gear that make them feel dead.

Don't get me wrong the sound quality has improved a lot from previous games, it's just not there yet with the other competitions imho. But you know to each their own...
Agreed. Improved but still with a very long road ahead.

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