But you did not notice a bad overall picture in forza?
I'm not quite sure where you're getting at with this question.
again you see some kind of "material textures like always look top notch" and "road texture looks like smeared butter" in GTS (although it is not so)
Yes, I think GTS material textures look top notch, more so on interiors. Also, yes, I think the road texture on the pictures look like smeared butter in that picture. It very much looks like it, and it's not something that is restricted to this track. I very well know it may not be every track, I was mainly commenting on this one.
And are you still trying to keep neutrality?
Yes, because that's actually possible, even if you think it's not because
you can't. I can very much say GTS and Forza has strong points and weakpoints, like I have. It's very easy, you should try it some time.
although in every your post you just "neutrally" try to protect two crazy forza fans
No it wasn't, in fact I was the first one to call out that same Forza fan for cherry picking, and was the first to comment on his picture on why his forza picture was so zoomed out, yet the GTS ones are microscopic in comparison. Try reading. I wasn't protecting anyone because they can very much do that on their own, I was commenting on the misinterpretation of a lot of things going on here. I never said one game is worse than the other, not once. If you dont believe me you can go count it out yourself.
( saying that only GTS fans are trying to make everyone think that their game looks best )
I didn't say that at all, you need to go re-read the statement as I've not once said it was only GTS fans. I've said mostly, because there is literally 3 people in this thread misrepresenting things, and one being accused of it. I've called out both sides of the fence for cherry picking, and have done so many times in this discussion already.
The fact that you're blinded and seriously can't understand what's going on in front of you is ridiculous. You're making a Saint out of someone who is using the dirtiest tricks in the book, one that is literally doing the same thing as the people youre calling out for Forza. One that cries wolf every time he gets caught in his own ridiculous schemes, one that reports people just because he is put in the spotlight when he's the one that starts the downward spirals that these discussions turn into. One that will make a mountain out of an issue in Forza, but act like its non-existent in GTS(like these track side objects that aren't that great in some area's that aren't even noticeable when playing, like he with tire walls and track marshals.)
If you think he's "fair" than I'd say we dont share the same definition of the word, and I'm absolutely glad about that.
I am one of those veterans. Whilst we can work with it, some tracks are just so horribly baked for white balance it's untrue.
I wasn't talking about me or you. I'm talking about the ones that seem to be able to nail it no matter what the track. There are just some people out there that work that inferior engine like no other, and produce shots right up there with GTS. It's just that those people are few in comparison to the amount of people around. However, I very much do agree that the lighting in GTS just is no contest. That's why I'm excited to dabble in photomode when I finally get the game.
To all the people who want to comment on my stance and pretend like I dont actually like GTS, you want to know the funny thing? I'm not even fond of Forza at the moment, and have listed my gripes in the appropriate Forza Forum for this recent iteration, I haven't even actually finished a race since November

Not only that, but I "dislike" GTS so much that I'm going to go out and spend $500(actually waiting to hopefully see if anything goes on sale) just to play it.. so weird right?