GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

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It’s amazing how little difference 3D trees make when actually Looking at gameplay instead of finding any little thing that it might do better than other games in photo mode. What sticks out on Pcars is the aliasing.

One thing I notice that sticks out like a sore thumb on GTS is the blurriness to the environment compared to Pcars in that video. I’m sure it looks better in game. Another thing is how the road looks in GTS, it looks like a flat grey slate. Road imperfections are also much more pronounced in Pcars 2.
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Oh look an actual video comparison.

GTS & PC2 LMP1 at Le Mans

Nice one. Looks like you drove different car in PC2 is that TS040 if I reckon? Also, may I ask why you choose to show GTS VR gameplay instead of usual gameplay?

It’s amazing how little difference 3D trees make when actually Looking at gameplay instead of finding any little thing that it might do better than other games in photo mode. What sticks out on Pcars is the aliasing.

One thing I notice that sticks out like a sore thumb on GTS is the blurriness to the environment compared to Pcars in that video. I’m sure it looks better in game. Another thing is how the road looks in GTS, it looks like a flat grey slate. Road imperfections are also much more pronounced in Pcars 2.

Both looked fine to me, but in this case the GTS footage were taken from VR mode where it troubled with graphic resolution. In normal gameplay it does look better in my opinion. Take a look at this for example :

Anyway, it depends on how you judge some aspect of the visuals. For me both games already do their job as it is.
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Oh look an actual video comparison.

GTS & PC2 LMP1 at Le Mans

Just to have the main 3

Had to two part it because for some reason I don’t have a 5 minute option on my Xbox anymore. Don’t mind the shoddy driving, I’ve literally never jumped in this class.
but it has more pop-in on trees and trackside objects (the start/finish straight on Monza for example) which I would consider to be a draw distance flaw.
That's the other face of the medal: there are objects abruptly disappearing in the mirrors, but there's also stuff that pops up as you move closer (trees at Monza, details/light effects on the standings at Nurb GP or Suzuka etc.), as you said. Maybe "draw distance cut off" wasn't the best way to describe it, my bad.
Not only that, isn't that GT5? Videos of GT6 seem more in par with what the GTS image shows.

GT5 and GT6 LeMans are basically the same except for some added new building props in the 2013 dlc update revision. Those buildings got updated for GTS.



GTS Le Mans is a pretty massive upgrade; they even remodeled some of the terrain. Easily the best rendition I've seen of it graphically with the photogrammetry assets on top of PD's material and lighting work. Hoping all of the future DLC tracks have the same quality and treatment.














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GT5 and GT6 LeMans are basically the same except for some added new building props in the 2013 dlc update revision. Those buildings got updated for GTS.



GTS Le Mans is a pretty massive upgrade; they even remodeled some of the terrain. Easily the best rendition I've seen of it graphically with the photogrammetry assets on top of PD's material and lighting work. Hoping all of the future DLC tracks have the same quality and treatment.














I was just shocked because that photo looked abnormally bad.
It’s amazing the detail they put into the smaller details like the screw heads, and the material textures like always look top notch. The aliasing seems to stick out when viewing in full size, is that due to it being just a photo? Is it the same in game? Although I’m surprised to see that Forza seems to have rounder edges, especially on the gauges.
Racing game without rain is obsolete

Rainy day race with 24 cars with the highest load

Unlike GTS, there is no separation between photo mode and game play:lol::lol:

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Both look pretty good, both push the details in different areas according to the vision of the artists and their interpretation and technical ability, to say one beats the other on all accounts would be foolish and embarrasing, I'm noting how some trackside detail is much better in forza, but trees are better in GT, forza has grass while gt is a flat texture, Forza looks sharp while GT looks a bit soft, Forza has to manage reflections on the wet road which adds significant load on the system, etc. Both look good in their own way.
GTS has a lot more naturalness to its lighting engine, making it more easier to get those great shots. Forza takes some getting used to as the primitive setting aren’t the best.

However, you do the veterans much descredit with what they can accomplish with an inferior photomode and lighting.

I am one of those veterans. Whilst we can work with it, some tracks are just so horribly baked for white balance it's untrue.
Both look pretty good, both push the details in different areas according to the vision of the artists and their interpretation and technical ability, to say one beats the other on all accounts would be foolish and embarrasing, I'm noting how some trackside detail is much better in forza, but trees are better in GT, forza has grass while gt is a flat texture, Forza looks sharp while GT looks a bit soft, Forza has to manage reflections on the wet road which adds significant load on the system, etc. Both look good in their own way.

Have you noticed that they take photos only from time trial mode?.... It is no coincidence....

Time trial

In race
recipe of success:
do ugly stretched 4k screenshots and blame the settings of ps4 pro in everything.
select a time trials and takes a buggy WRX in GTS (even the photomod does not help it), it's a pity that there is no FT-1 in Forza, cuz in GTS it's look so badly, that it was a better comparison for you.
Turk and Hage still trying their best to misrepresent GTS.

So if something is dynamic its automatically better?

I'm telling you its silly to compare baked shadows to dynamic ones. Dynamic is of course better, unfortunately there is not time of day change in GTS so it doesn't lead to much.

what Hage Dayo will never show you ....



Don't you know Emula, Forza 7 has better trackside details :lol:

The foliage in Le Mans is top tier. No other sim has it as good. The trees are not entirely 3D, though many are, but PD have made the light interact with the leaves to make it look 3D in various angles.

Have you noticed that they take photos only from time trial mode?.... It is no coincidence....

Time trial

In race

Oh wow :lol:
What I don't understand is why some people are carefully picking photos to make their sim of choice look great instead of presenting comparison videos like it says in the thread title so we can make up our own minds about the gameplay.
What I don't understand is why some people are carefully picking photos to make their sim of choice look great instead of presenting comparison videos like it says in the thread title so we can make up our own minds about the gameplay.
Didn’t you know? It’s only possible to prove your point nowadays by comparing 20x-zoomed shots of the stitching on a track marshall’s shoe.
Turk and Hage still trying their best to misrepresent GTS.

I'm telling you its silly to compare baked shadows to dynamic ones. Dynamic is of course better, unfortunately there is not time of day change in GTS so it doesn't lead to much.

Don't you know Emula, Forza 7 has better trackside details :lol:

The foliage in Le Mans is top tier. No other sim has it as good. The trees are not entirely 3D, though many are, but PD have made the light interact with the leaves to make it look 3D in various angles.

Oh wow :lol:
Im trying nothing, you guys on the other hand keep posting photomode pics that doesn't represent the game. I say GTS has one of the best lighting and some pretty good shaders and im lovin the game. But you guys just can't accept the fact that Forza does the other things better. I show all gameplay pics, but when GTS is the one that look worse its or bugged or in the wrong mode. If i wanted i could post some really bad GTS shots here, but i don't do it because its unfair and not what the other half of the game looks. All i did was compare the games as fair as posible. So stop trying to make me look like a GT hater, i paid 600€ to play that game.
Turk and Hage still trying their best to misrepresent GTS.

I'm telling you its silly to compare baked shadows to dynamic ones. Dynamic is of course better, unfortunately there is not time of day change in GTS so it doesn't lead to much.

Don't you know Emula, Forza 7 has better trackside details :lol:

The foliage in Le Mans is top tier. No other sim has it as good. The trees are not entirely 3D, though many are, but PD have made the light interact with the leaves to make it look 3D in various angles.

Oh wow :lol:
Want to know the funny thing? it’s mostly the people following GTS, and nothing but, that are trying to misrepresent it, In this thread. I’m still a bit shocked that someone would go as far as to actually report someone just because someone caught on to their hypocrisy. Trying to silence someone just because you they were put in the spotlight? :lol:

Also, what exactly is the issue with time trial? It has less resources on screen, wouldn’t that be better when comparing?

Both look pretty good, both push the details in different areas according to the vision of the artists and their interpretation and technical ability, to say one beats the other on all accounts would be foolish and embarrasing, I'm noting how some trackside detail is much better in forza, but trees are better in GT, forza has grass while gt is a flat texture, Forza looks sharp while GT looks a bit soft, Forza has to manage reflections on the wet road which adds significant load on the system, etc. Both look good in their own way.
What’s also funny about this is that it seems it’s only the people that prefer Only GTS are having the fit that people think both games look good(with The one poster cherry picking FM7). The people that seem to be more open with their games have actually shown they prefer not one, but pretty much all on the market. It’s like nothing is allowed to be as good as GTS to them, and it’s an insult if it does.
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Not sure about you guys, but I watch MotoGames TV and their comparison of Gran Turismo sounds to Forza sounds makes Forza really sound outdated. What I do is I find the closest onboard video of that car and compare it to both games to get a sense of how close the sounds are (yes it won't be perfect because I'm not actually there but it's a start) GTS sounds much more close to the real thing than Forza about 98% of the time. Now granted rfactor, iRacing and race room have some of these most realistic sounds in sim racing period. But sometimes GTS competes with them in some aspects (even if it is only 20%) The point is I hope Forza fixes their sounds in Forza 8. I skipped 6 and 7 because I got tired of it. But has anybody noticed the sounds difference in Forza versus real life versus GTS?
Not sure about you guys, but I watch MotoGames TV and their comparison of Gran Turismo sounds to Forza sounds makes Forza really sound outdated. What I do is I find the closest onboard video of that car and compare it to both games to get a sense of how close the sounds are (yes it won't be perfect because I'm not actually there but it's a start) GTS sounds much more close to the real thing than Forza about 98% of the time. Now granted rfactor, iRacing and race room have some of these most realistic sounds in sim racing period. But sometimes GTS competes with them in some aspects (even if it is only 20%) The point is I hope Forza fixes their sounds in Forza 8. I skipped 6 and 7 because I got tired of it. But has anybody noticed the sounds difference in Forza versus real life versus GTS?
Honestly, no. While some of the audio samples in GTS are well made (F40, Enzo, Aventador for example), most of the others are either too weak or too generic to be considered on par with other games, Forza included. The LM55 sounds nothing like a 4-rotor, the magnific inline-5 sound of the Pikes Peak Audi is unfortunately far away from what we have, the F1500T is like a purring kitten, the Vulcan is closer to a vacuum cleaner than to a magnific V12, the R92CP released yesterday sounds like it's powered by a big american V8 and so on. I think that, for PD, there's a very long road ahead before they can catch up with the competition.
It’s amazing the detail they put into the smaller details like the screw heads, and the material textures like always look top notch. The aliasing seems to stick out when viewing in full size, is that due to it being just a photo? Is it the same in game? Although I’m surprised to see that Forza seems to have rounder edges, especially on the gauges.
But you did not notice a bad overall picture in forza?, again you see some kind of "material textures like always look top notch" and "road texture looks like smeared butter" in GTS (although it is not so) And are you still trying to keep neutrality? although in every your post you just "neutrally" try to protect two crazy forza fans ( saying that only GTS fans are trying to make everyone think that their game looks best ), one of them is sitting on a Japanese 2chan and makes everyone buy an xbox one and forza because in GTS liveries in replays look worse,another spent 600 € to make ugly stretched 4k screenshots. This is ridiculous.
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But you did not notice a bad overall picture in forza?
I'm not quite sure where you're getting at with this question.

again you see some kind of "material textures like always look top notch" and "road texture looks like smeared butter" in GTS (although it is not so)
Yes, I think GTS material textures look top notch, more so on interiors. Also, yes, I think the road texture on the pictures look like smeared butter in that picture. It very much looks like it, and it's not something that is restricted to this track. I very well know it may not be every track, I was mainly commenting on this one.

And are you still trying to keep neutrality?
Yes, because that's actually possible, even if you think it's not because you can't. I can very much say GTS and Forza has strong points and weakpoints, like I have. It's very easy, you should try it some time.

although in every your post you just "neutrally" try to protect two crazy forza fans
No it wasn't, in fact I was the first one to call out that same Forza fan for cherry picking, and was the first to comment on his picture on why his forza picture was so zoomed out, yet the GTS ones are microscopic in comparison. Try reading. I wasn't protecting anyone because they can very much do that on their own, I was commenting on the misinterpretation of a lot of things going on here. I never said one game is worse than the other, not once. If you dont believe me you can go count it out yourself.

( saying that only GTS fans are trying to make everyone think that their game looks best )
I didn't say that at all, you need to go re-read the statement as I've not once said it was only GTS fans. I've said mostly, because there is literally 3 people in this thread misrepresenting things, and one being accused of it. I've called out both sides of the fence for cherry picking, and have done so many times in this discussion already.

This is ridiculous.
The fact that you're blinded and seriously can't understand what's going on in front of you is ridiculous. You're making a Saint out of someone who is using the dirtiest tricks in the book, one that is literally doing the same thing as the people youre calling out for Forza. One that cries wolf every time he gets caught in his own ridiculous schemes, one that reports people just because he is put in the spotlight when he's the one that starts the downward spirals that these discussions turn into. One that will make a mountain out of an issue in Forza, but act like its non-existent in GTS(like these track side objects that aren't that great in some area's that aren't even noticeable when playing, like he with tire walls and track marshals.)

If you think he's "fair" than I'd say we dont share the same definition of the word, and I'm absolutely glad about that.

I am one of those veterans. Whilst we can work with it, some tracks are just so horribly baked for white balance it's untrue.
I wasn't talking about me or you. I'm talking about the ones that seem to be able to nail it no matter what the track. There are just some people out there that work that inferior engine like no other, and produce shots right up there with GTS. It's just that those people are few in comparison to the amount of people around. However, I very much do agree that the lighting in GTS just is no contest. That's why I'm excited to dabble in photomode when I finally get the game.

To all the people who want to comment on my stance and pretend like I dont actually like GTS, you want to know the funny thing? I'm not even fond of Forza at the moment, and have listed my gripes in the appropriate Forza Forum for this recent iteration, I haven't even actually finished a race since November :lol: Not only that, but I "dislike" GTS so much that I'm going to go out and spend $500(actually waiting to hopefully see if anything goes on sale) just to play it.. so weird right?
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Im trying nothing

No one believes you. Your screenshots as pointed out by several users aren't captured correctly. If you want to compare an overall look of a track and the car, there are numerous videos showing that far better and in a far fairer light then you ever could:

Im trying nothing, you guys on the other hand keep posting photomode pics that doesn't represent the game. I say GTS has one of the best lighting and some pretty good shaders and im lovin the game. But you guys just can't accept the fact that Forza does the other things better. I show all gameplay pics, but when GTS is the one that look worse its or bugged or in the wrong mode. If i wanted i could post some really bad GTS shots here, but i don't do it because its unfair and not what the other half of the game looks. All i did was compare the games as fair as posible. So stop trying to make me look like a GT hater, i paid 600€ to play that game.
Turk, you do not have to be discouraged.
GT planet is the site of GT fanboy purveyor.
There is a clear difference in graphics between in-game and photo, but the people here will not admit it. It is exactly a cult.