GT Sport vs Other Games: Comparison Video Thread

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
I like how been are responding aggressively to emula, when he is the one who always puts quality photographic material and decent comparisons and you are ignoring the questionable comparisons of the user in question who has already demonstrated, several times, to post material of dubious quality .
As for me, this topic has lost any sense of existence given the general attitude hovers in here.
I like how you are responding aggressively to emulate
Yes, because I'm going to respond to a person the way he responds to everyone else that has a differing opinion than him. Problem being I'm not going to pretend he said things he didn't, like he does to most everyone else.

when he is the one who always puts quality photographic material and decent comparisons
He does take some great photos, however, that has nothing to do with a comparison thread, and in no way means he can't be questioned, even when hes blatantly being a hypocrite half the time. Also, he does absolutely terrible when making comparisons when its for games he doesn't like. He has misrepresented most of the comparison to other games for a while now. This is not new.

you are ignoring the questionable comparisons of the user in question who has already demonstrated, several times, to post material of dubious quality .
I'm not ignoring anything. I'm calling him out for doing exactly what that user is doing with his "dubious" posts. He has done that ten fold. Coming into the thread, maybe you're unaware, but they're both the worst when it comes to comparison, because they both go out of their way to portray a game in a way that doesn't actually reflect the game. You're calling one a dubious poster, which doesn't make sense, because the other is doing exactly the same.

You are the one ignoring things here.

As for me, this topic has lost any sense of existence given the general attitude hovers in here.
I don't think you really even knew what was going on in the first place, to be honest.
I like how you are responding aggressively to emulate, when he is the one who always puts quality photographic material and decent comparisons and you are ignoring the questionable comparisons of the user in question who has already demonstrated, several times, to post material of dubious quality .
As for me, this topic has lost any sense of existence given the general attitude hovers in here.
Nobody (as far as the discussion goes) denies the fact that emula post top quality pictures showing all GT Sport glory, but only point out the obvious behavior pattern he has shown by portraying an "exegerrated low LOD" from -insert other game- example in comparison to GTS "well captured LOD" only to fit to his own satisfaction.
Denying when pointed out that GT Sport has similar moments of bad LOD when the competition on the other hand does not.
Also ignoring that these games have reasons to do compromises to keep a stable FPS.

That has been the pattern shown over the course of the months and therefore can be viewed as a hypocrite by many members eyes now including me if he tries to make a "decent" comparison.
I do not hate on emula I simply cannot take what he says seriously anymore because of the continuing behavior.
Le mans...





another clear PS3 direct port according to Hage dayo and his friends

Woo :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
It's just right there at the beginning of each video. The tail lights on the GTS car are much more defined and polished than in Forza, the lighting is much better in GT... overall, it's hard to deny IMO that the GTS example is far better-looking. Strangely, the Forza video linked by @emula doesn't include an interior view. However, if you compare the interiors as shown in the video below, the difference is extremely noticeable. The GTS version's interior is less polygonal and more polished by a country mile. Look to the left of the driver's hand. There are some very noticeable polygons above the air vent in the FM7 version, while it's smooth in the GTS version.

I mean, I'm a fan of both franchises and have poured hundreds and hundreds of hours into each, but the graphical difference is night and day here. That said, FM7 can look drop-dead gorgeous in many circumstances. Ever raced at midnight at the Nurb with the HUD off and just basking in the glow of the gagues? Not even being sarcastic, it's simultaneously a tranquil and terrifying experience, and it frankly beats "night" racing at the Nurb in GTS.

At this point its abundantly clear that GTS not only has the best car models but also the best lighting system and even trackside detail. PD have always surprised with some of the details they added to these games and thats still present in GTS.

GTS's graphics and cinematography is unmatchable in the genre.

Even in the sound department, GTS is doing very well.

Cool - can you pop open the bonnet and take a look at the engine bay for us and then take a look around the interior.


Le mans...





another clear PS3 direct port according to Hage dayo and his friends

Le Mans is a stunner. Would not be surprised if this is the best looking Le Mans in any videogame.
At this point its abundantly clear that GTS not only has the best car models but also the best lighting system and even trackside detail. PD have always surprised with some of the details they added to these games and thats still present in GTS.
That was never not clear lol. They've been the best for what, 20 years now? It's just that everyone is catching up now, as the differences are getting more and more minor between all these games. The one thing I don't see any dev trumping for some time is likely the Lighting engine. As for modeling, the differences are minor at best on the outside, with Forza doing so much more on the inside.

It's a shame that it's restricted to one single mode that requires an entirely different peripheral to actually be able to do so. Where as Forza it's available at basically any moment outside of racing. So in short, no you can't.
It's just that everyone is catching up now, as the differences are getting more and more minor between all these games.

Don't see that at all. GTS at its best still looks far above any other 60fps sim racer.

with Forza doing so much more on the inside.

Forza's cockpits look objectively worse.

t's a shame that it's restricted to one single mode that requires an entirely different peripheral to actually be able to do so. Where as Forza it's available at basically any moment outside of racing. So in short, no you can't.

You can look around the cockpit while you drive lmao

VR mode in GTS is far above anything Forza offers in terms of in game cockpit fidelity.
Don't see that at all. GTS at its best still looks far above any other 60fps sim racer.
Than I would say try opening your eyes a little bit more and try experiencing what's on the market. They're all good games and are all making pretty decent leaps in many departments, GTS included. To pretend that one is bad just because one is good, is absolutely ridiculous.

Forza's cockpits look objectively worse.
Yeah, material wise they seem to be off and on. I'm not talking about cockpits though.

You can look around the cockpit while you drive lmao
I know that, I was saying the only way to get a good look at everything like you can with Forza is to use VR, as you will literally not be able to get those angles whatsoever if you're not using it. Not only that, that's not even an answer to the question that was asked, as you're just trying to find a work around that best represents what was asked, even though its not really that close.

VR mode in GTS is far above anything Forza offers in terms of in game cockpit fidelity.
VR is far above it because it's actually the only game in the comparison that actually has a dedicated VR mode on these consoles :lol: But still, it doesn't change the fact that within the actual models, GTS is actually doing less, making it a no to the question that was asked, or at least very impartially.
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Wow, there's parts on GTS that also don't put full detail into track side objects? Who would have thought!?

Is something that you'd think no one would have to point out, but apparently this doesn't exist to some people. The conversation about trackside objects like this is a very stupid one, in my opinion. Anyone that chooses to focus on it to try to put down another game, when the game that they prefer is also doing it, are really the ones that are trying to misconstrue the information to make things appear worse than they are.

The funny thing being that is actually the same member that is posting here.
Already have.
It really seems like you have rose-tinted glasses on, to be honest. I'd be shocked to see what you'd be like if you truly have.

Polygon geometry is worse as is the shader technology.
Still, wasn't talking about that. You're using that as a distraction from the actual question. It's not as good as GTS, however, that doesn't make it terrible. Just like GTS, Forza also makes cuts here and there, and with the features it has to run that GTS is lacking. GTS has a better opportunity to make the smaller things like that pop, while Forza plays it conservative with it since it has the 4k updates, dynamic instances, and more cars per track. Sometimes a bit too conservative.
Playing GTS for 2 weeks on the PRO, i got to say it has some of the best lighting and some pretty good shaders but other than that it got nothing against Forza in game. Forza has higher quality textures, higher quality car model, better texture filtering, better reflections, better weather, better shadows, better track side details and draw distance.

All gameplay











It's not as good as GTS, however, that doesn't make it terrible. Just like GTS, Forza also makes cuts here and there, and with the features it has to run that GTS is lacking. GTS has a better opportunity to make the smaller things like that pop, while Forza plays it conservative with it since it has the 4k updates, dynamic instances, and more cars per track. Sometimes a bit too conservative.
Both have their pros and cons. I think that GTS has a better, "softer" general look and the lighting engine, most of the times, is a wonder (the bloom effect at sunset or the "tunnel run" at Tokyo are visually very impressive), but worse in terms of shadows and reflections, which are more detailed and with a higher refresh rate in Forza (Talking about FM6 but I expect FM7 to be equal or very close to its predecessor). I also don't remember any major draw-distance cut off in Forza, but in GTS is a really evident measure used to mantain the framerate as stable as possible (For example, Conrod Straight at Bathurst just disappears in the mirrors). So yeah, both are trying their best with the current hardware and anyone who tries to tell you that one game is absolutely superior no matter what is just trying to hide some things under the carpet.
Why don't you tell us the specs on the system those pics are from lol

Higher specs leads to being able to output higher textures. Nothing surprising.

Modelling wise, no.

Doesn't Forza have baked shadows? GTS has real time rendering iirc.


DF where completely wrong with GTS using the same car model from photomode. GTS uses a much lower quality car model, let me show


So if something is dynamic its automatically better? Did you see how low quality the shadows are in GTS. Forza shadows are much higher quality and don't ditther like in GTS. Plus the car model shadows are dynamic in Forza and still are higher quality.
Why don't you tell us the specs on the system those pics are from lol
Well it's only one of two choices, Xbox one X/PC or Xbox One. However, are you waiting for one answer so you can try to pretend it doesn't count?

Higher specs leads to being able to output higher textures. Nothing surprising.
Issue being? It is still what the game is representing.

Modelling wise, no.
Only when it comes to the interior* and some hard to notice spots on the exterior*. If you only focus on one thing, sure, but everything combined though, Forza is modeling more at a high level.

Both seem to be hit and miss, but hey, 3d trees you know.
Playing GTS for 2 weeks on the PRO, i got to say it has some of the best lighting and some pretty good shaders but other than that it got nothing against Forza in game. Forza has higher quality textures, higher quality car model, better texture filtering, better reflections, better weather, better shadows, better track side details and draw distance.

All gameplay Cut

I'm cracking up with laughter:lol:
That is, the photos of GTS are blurred even in the words below the photo:lol:

This topic is also calling to the trolls:lol:
I'm cracking up with laughter:lol:
That is, the photos of GTS are blurred even in the words below:lol:

This topic is also calling to the trolls:lol:
That's because it's captured in 4k, while the Forza images aren't. That likely has more to do with your monitor resolution than anything else. The trolls indeed.
I'm cracking up with laughter:lol:
That is, the photos of GTS are blurred even in the words below the photo:lol:

This topic is also calling to the trolls:lol:
What troll? GTS is not native 4K and PS4 Pro captures all my image in 4K. My pc captures Forza in 1080p beacause thats my tv rez. Im playing both on the same tv. Also GTS is set for priority framerate so its in 1080p even if the image is 4k. They both 1080p so i don't see what the trolling here is. Using high quality image to compare games, gets called out for trolling lol.
DF where completely wrong with GTS using the same car model from photomode. GTS uses a much lower quality car model, let me show


So if something is dynamic its automatically better? Did you see how low quality the shadows are in GTS. Forza shadows are much higher quality and don't ditther like in GTS. Plus the car model shadows are dynamic in Forza and still are higher quality.

PS4 PRO set in 1080p to make the game looks worse... LOL
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what Hage Dayo will never show you ....


It's funny that you still pretend that you aren't doing exactly what he's doing. You're a terrible liar and ignoring it doesn't mean it didn't happen :lol: Why is it so hard for you to come in and be truthful about any situation in these comparisons without slinging your feces at everyone as you pass by? What a terrible personality you have, that you feel you have to come into these threads and act as immature as you do.

PS4 PRO set in 1080p to make the game looks worse... LOL
How else would he be able to play the game? He doesn't have a 4k TV. Kind of dumb thing to point out. Even disregarding the resolution, it shows a major difference in LOD between game and photomode. It's a thing that Forza does much better in this regard, as the LOD in Forza doesn't deteriorate half as much when switching to photomode. I cant recall correctly but I'm not sure the exterior LOD changes at all.
PS4 PRO set to 1080p to make the game looks worse... LOL
1080p doesn't make it worse, my pics Forza are 1080p too lol. Funny that you compare xbox one s with the ps4 pro above with both in photomode and overexposed Forza picture. All you do is post photomode shots from GTS where it is native 4K and oversampled. Also look at the track texture on Le Mans in GTS in the pciture you posted. Do you think that looks good? Even with the overexposed Forza picture you can clearly see more blades and better texture in Forza even with 1080p vs 4k.
1080p doesn't make it worse, my pics Forza are 1080p too lol. Funny that you compare xbox one s with the ps4 pro above with both in photomode and overexposed Forza picture. All you do is post photomode shots from GTS where it is native 4K and oversampled. Also look at the track texture on Le Mans in GTS in the pciture you posted. Do you think that looks good? Even with the overexposed Forza picture you can clearly see more blades and better texture in Forza even with 1080p vs 4k.
It's the trees. The tree's are better, That's why he posted it. Jokes aside, the texture on the GTS track looks like they just got the original and smeared it over like butter, it even looks like the white lines are in motion which is a bit odd.
1080p doesn't make it worse, my pics Forza are 1080p too lol. Funny that you compare xbox one s with the ps4 pro above with both in photomode and overexposed Forza picture. All you do is post photomode shots from GTS where it is native 4K and oversampled. Also look at the track texture on Le Mans in GTS in the pciture you posted. Do you think that looks good? Even with the overexposed Forza picture you can clearly see more blades and better texture in Forza even with 1080p vs 4k.
no difference ? your 4k screenshot

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