Your statements make you sound as if you don't even enjoy the game, which I would then wonder why you're playing it then.
I want to thank everyone for your constructive feedback. Some more than others...
In my limited seat time, I enjoy the On-line, Head to Head competition with good Friends.
Even Sport mode is a good alternative. But you don't have any way to Invite a Friend to join the event.
My Free time, I desire to spend with comrades and strengthen to bond we share together.
GT Sport affords the opportunity to do that with Friends who are distant.
Some of you are right, I Hate some aspects of the GT series. And that is wasting my time, Grinding to earn in game credits to purchase the cars.
Someone suggested I hire and pay someone to do the grinding for me.. I had to Laugh, because I've already done that with a previous version
of the series.
It didn't last, as boredom set in, and no amount of compensation (within reason) offered, persuaded him to continue.
Anyway, I hope I might have stimulated some thoughts.
For me, the Grinding is just such a waste of time. I get no enjoyment from it.