GT4 Diaries Thread

  • Thread starter Duke
Let's give this a shot. Post your GT4 Diaries in this thread! Give your current status, license results, precentage complete, credits, mileage, whatever. In the interest of keeping this thread manageable, lets have some guidelines:
  • One post per player! Instead of a huge meandering thread, please confine your diary to one post. Then edit that post as you update the world on your progress. Discussions should happen via PM or in separate threads on the specific topic.

  • Keep it fairly brief! It doesn't have to be bare bones only, but don't go off at great length. If something deserves a detailed writeup, by all means, make a separate writeup for it and link that in your post here.

  • Date your updates! Just a little "Last update on..." blurb will help.

  • Have fun! Make this worth reading and easy to read. Lets see the different approaches everybody takes.

Enjoy the game, everybody.

1. I'm at about 2 million dollars.
2. I have completed half of the Super License
3. I have 110 completely tuned and finished cars
4. I have completed 70% of the game
5. I'm looking to purchase a few more cars soon.
6. Too many cars to pick a favorite.
Race Driver Name= Jasen
# of Prize=136
Total Prize=5,499,600Cr.
Current Amount=220,610Cr.
Career Highlights;
Breaking the 300mph barrier (read my sig)
Favorite Cars;
Suzuki ESCUDO Dirt Trial Car '98, Subaru Impreza Super Touring Car '01
Btw: my stats suck because I spend most of my time goofing off:sly:
well i tryed again and my first car was the bmw 330i then quikly got the bmw gtr racecar and thats my favorite
all licencies 23.2%
20 some cars
still trying that d*** gran turismo world championship race stupid pesicarlo
For a thread like this, it would be nice if the posts could be ordered by editing time, instead of posting time. It would seem that setting would need to be a special one, settable only by moderators.

That way, everyone would see everyone's updates at the end of the thread as they made them.

I'll post this idea, and maybe more related thoughts, in a forum-question forum.
i just wanted to let you know,keep up the good work.ijust tried the blackbird,1 awesome ruff,also i tried the grimr34er.,onthe ring,boy was i impressed. i am new to this so i hope this gets where it,s supposed to go.i,ve been chatting with,leonidae,he,s pretty kool.i like his advice,it help,s out alot again thanks. pickie825491
1 PS2 (thin), 6 memory cards all with games complete.
Ran across GT Planet from search.
Read some stuff and signed up.
Deleated a gamesave to try some stuff with new game. 9 cheated, "all cars in garage" for testing.
Deleated that started honest game today.

day 60
Win Ratio 2/2=100%
Trophies 2
Prize cars 3 & a shoe (NIke)
Pr. credits 20,000
Total credits 129,950
license 3 Gold 5 Silver 24 Bronze

Nike from lic test
Nismo 270 R from lic test
DMC Delorean from Missions
Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car Won using the Delorean w/oil change.
Hey mate, do the B and A licenses as well. The Lupo is a good Sunday Cup runner (can do it bone stock with the aids off, easily I might add), and the Sunfire GXP from A license works well as an FF racer for some. The experience can only help you.

Take the 270R to the Silvia Sisters one make, then re-run it in the prize Sileighty for more A-spec if you so wish. Silver IA license somewhere in here so you get the GT-R concept car, use that to clean house at the Race Of Red Emblem (Another Nissan one-make race), and then go beat up on all of beginner hall.

By then you should have a nice car collection and if you make the right decisions, quite a bit more A-spec.
Wow. Been a while since a new addition to the thread...well, here I go, newbie here.

Bought the game about a year ago, finally looking last night for tips on the hard rallys...played off and on depending on time available and frustration level (esp. with Was just goofing off at first, then got into getting things done.

Complete: 98.1%
gameday: 2027
win ratio: 63.4%
trophies: 1102
licenses: b,a,ib,ia,s, gold=14, silver=8, bronze=58
a-spec miles: 25,422
a-spec pts: 17,638
b-spec miles: 16,574
b-spec pts: 2647
(b-spec)machine: 37
(b-spec)course: 23
(b-spec)battle: 26
prize cars: 189
prize credits: 35,477,600
cars owned: 198
credits: 30,167,954
first car: prize: Autobianchi A112 Abarth '79
first car: bought: '95 Mazda Miata MX-5 VR-Ltd (J)-since modded: racing exhaust/filter, racing brakes, n/a tuning st2, port/polish, balanced, racing chip, full custom trans, triple plate clutch, racing flywheel, 1.5 slip diff., carbon driveshaft, weight redux st3, rigidity

most recent accomplishment: License golds b1-b4,b6-b15. Also, a couple mainly b-spec 24 hr Nurburgring.

favorite accomplishment: A spec all three 24hr races.

Easier to list what I still need to do:

Rally (all hard, both directions): Grand Canyon, Whistler Ice Race, Chamonix, Swiss Alps, Tour of Tahiti.
Driving Mission 34
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i just finished it today (100%).

Licenses: B, A, iB, iA. Still working on S.
Cars in garage: 6
Mazda 787B
Nissan R92CP
Pescarolo C60/Judd
Formula Polyphony
Auto Union V16 streamline
Mitsubishi 3000GT

Favourite car:
Mazda 787B

Next on "to do" list:
Complete S license
Formula GT World Championship
I'll give this a try:
Game name - Angel
Completion - 75.0%
A-Spec Points - 75,037
Win ratio - 587/587 100% (This is due to resetting quite a few times when testing cars)
A-Spec - 8,594km
B-Spec - 0km
Credits -1,630,609
Prize money - unknown
Cars owned - unknown
Prize cars - unknown
Days - 944

Most used car - Nissan R390 GT1 LM Race Car '98 (1,850+km no endurance)
Current favourite - Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car '02. Love the combination of speed, brakes, tire wear and handling, even on worn tires.

Gold - 75
Silver - 5
Bronze - 0

Those licence figures are on a different game though, one that I went through a year ago but it was at 50/30/0 when I started this game so I go with that.

Currently - Picking off races in All Japn GT Championship for 200 points with the ASL Garaiya JGTC
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My Memory Card corrupted in February so I had to start again...

So, my stats as of March 26th (the last time I played this game) are:

License: A (1 Gold, 23 Silver, 8 Bronze
Complete: 17.3%
Game Day: 313
A-Spec Points: 820
A-Spec mileage: 80 miles
B-Spec Points: 2537
B-Spec mileage: 104 miles
First Car: Mazda RX-7 Infini III (FC, J) '90
Current Car: TVR Cerbera Speed Six '97
Most Recent Event: Beginner - Light Weight K-Car Cup (Car used: Suzuki Capuccino (EA21R))
Favorite Accomplishments: All Silver in B License on my first try / ~50 A-Spec points in all Sunday Cup races.
Starter a new game the other night and have been really enjoying it. My status:

License: A (27 silver, 5 bronze)
Complete: 7.9%
Game Day: 122
A-Spec Points: 879
A-Spec Mileage: 142 miles
B-Spec Points: 0
B-Spec Mileage: 0 miles
First Car: Lancer Evolution GSR '95
Current Car: Lotus Ellise 111R '04
Most Recent Event: Lotus Elise Championship (Won with 46/50 points, losing at HK)
Favorite Accomplishments: All silvers on B license, 200 A-Spec Points on Apricot Hill Clubman Cup

Start Point: July 6, 2009; 10:54 PM
Updated at: July 8, 2009; 5:05 PM
Licenses: b, a, ib, ia, working on S
Complete: 63.3%
Game Day: 1582
Credits: 867,400
Win Ratio: 71.2%
A-Spec Points: 5629
B-Spec pts: 6456
First Car: Can't Remember???
Current Car: BMW 2002 Turbo '73
Cars In Garage: 113
Cars Owned: 113
Driving Missions: 1-10
Fav. Car: '67 Mercury Cougar XR-7
Trophies: 603

Cougar23 :)

EDIT: My data corrupted a few weeks back but I forgot to update this post sooner:guilty::indiff:. Current complete percentage= 14.4%. I will do a full update later. :)
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License: S (1 Gold, 49 Silver, 27 Bronze)
Missions Passed: 1-10, some others at random
Complete: 34.2%
A-Spec Points: 7189
A-Spec miles: 1,509
B-Spec Points: 6,217 Skills (76,63,58)
B-Spec miles: 472
Cars Owned::101
First Car: VW lupo GTi 04'
Favorite Car::Aston Martin V8 Vantage '99 (and not for its looks ;) )
Game Day: 855
Playing Since: 08/24/06
Favorite Accomplishments: Completing the El capitan 200 coming in 3rd in my 50,000Cr. Aston budget car. Oh, and saving up for day 694 so that i could have at keat a few of the black LMP cars.
Day: 3051
Game completion: 96.4%
A-spec points: 16562
License: S (4 Gold, 37 Silver, 39 Bronze)
A-spec mileage: 23890 km
Win Percentage: 1004/1809 = 55.5%
Total no. of prize cars = 226
No. of cars owned = 467
B-spec mileage: 17579 km
B-spec skill: 6852
Money: 5.416.097 cr.

-Most recent event: Formula GT World Championship with tuned Playstation Pescarolo.
-What I want to do:
*Achieve some more gold and silver licence medals.
*Win at Infineon, Motegi Roadcourse, Nürburgring and Suzuka. (Formula GT races)
*Buy old cars and some new ones.
*Some driving missions.

*Driving missions: 1-10, 15, 17-19, 21-32
*Special Conditions: all of them, except from Grand Canyon (Hard), Ice Arena (Hard) and Chamonix (Hard).
*All American, European, Japanese, Beginner, Professional and extreme events. (only 4 races in FGT championship aren't won yet)
*All endurance races, but not the 24h races.
*All the specific racing events.
Not exact, will update once I finish the Laguna Seca 200mi on GT3.

License: S (x Gold, x Silver, 0 Bronze)
Missions Passed: 1-33
Complete: 21.x%
A-Spec Points: 11,xxx
A-Spec km: Don't know
B-Spec Points: 0, (0,0,0)
B-Spec km: 0
Cars Owned::40 something
Favorite Car::Acura DN-X (Honda Dualnote)
Game Day: ~250
Playing Since: Don't know
Favorite Accomplishments: CLEAN 200 A-Spec point race in the Tsukuba Wet Medium Race, Acura DN-X vs. Mercedes SLR McLaren.
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POSTED @ 28/08/09

Missions Done: 1-10, 21-24, 25, 28, 31 and 32
Complete: 49.5% (SOOO CLOSE TO THE JAG!!!)
A-Spec Points: 5515
A-Spec KM/Miles: 4,699km/2 919.8mi
B-Spec points: 5997
B-Spec KM/Miles: 5,436km/3 377.8mi
Machine Skill: 75
Course SKill: 60
Battle Skill: 55
Cars Owned: 129 cars
Cars Won: 131 cars
Total Prize$$$: 4,908,700Cr.
Current $$$: Around 400,000Cr.
Win Ratio: Around 50%
First Car: Some bad S14 Silvia that I never drove
Most Recent Car: Delta S4 Rally Car
Fave Car: Formula GT but 'Renault Clio V6 F1 Edition' by MFT is a
close 2nd
Fave Goals: Comlpeting Special Licence Nurburgring with a silver 1st go.
ok, here i go.
licences: 80 gold
game completion: 99.1%
a-spec points: 50441
a-spec mileage: 30,636
win percentage: 2558/2936 = 87.1%
total no. of trophies: 2750
total no. of prize cars: 499
total prize money: 43,402,100
no. of cars owned: 984

b-spec mileage 29,535
overall skill: 6858
machine skill: 87
course skill: 68
battle skill: 65

and i'm at day 7020.
I just want to chuck this is the diary today I reinstalled my ps3 after giving away the ps4 and decided to start from scratch on the best GT game GT4.
Wow I forgot how much fun this game is. If you still have it chuck it on for a bit I guarantee you will be on it for a while it wipes the floor with gt5 6 and driveclub.
Loving it,:bowdown:gt4:tup::)
Today I renewed my relationship with GT4 with a 199 A-Spec point victory in the glorious El Capitan 66 lap enduro.

I entered a Mazda RX-8 Type E in the first race after a Sarthe II preview, winning over a Corvette Grand Sport, TVR 350, etc. by about 15 seconds, I drove three stints on Sports Hard tires totaling 46 laps, then switched to the medium compound for the final stints of 10 laps each. Tire wear was nearly even. No cheating or rough tactics were used; clean all the way.
Yesterday I continued my retro-foray back into GT4 with a 200 A-Spec point win at the El Capitan 200 over a Lotus Motor Sport Elise. This was the very first lineup after console reset. I used a Toyota MR-2 Spyder '02, well tuned for even tire wear over 5 stints, the first three on S2 and the last two on S3. I never tire of trying to tame the mighty El Cap mountain course, especially turn 6, the blind, high-speed swerve over the crest after the tunnel.

This morning I reprised my two favorite series, La Festa Italiano and the Pan-European Championship. For the Italian festival I used a rip-snorting Stratos with semi-racing exhaust, and for the Pan-Euro a BMW M3 CSL vs a McLaren SLR Mercedes, heading the first lineup after reset.

After all these years, I continue to marvel at the superiority of the GT4 career races - even down to the complication of tire wear.
Hi all. Anyone around? Some folks may remember me. I used to be SleepingDragon, admin at the old House of GT forums back in the GT2-3-4 days. I went off radar sometime in the GT4 era. Didn't keep up with the series, Never got a PS3 (or 4) or any of the titles past GT4. About a year ago, I grabbed another refurbed PS2 and GT3 and 4. I have new saves in progress for both. I'll come back with an actual stat report if anyone's alive around here. the skinny is that 4 is at 100% with all license golds. 3 is close to complete. Working on those time trials to cap it off. Still need to win some of the must have cars like the GT one racer and a few of the JGTCs

Just hoped to find some of the old faces :)

Okay, rather than double post I will edit in the data for GT4 @ 9/22/16

Complete: 100%
A-spec points: 18,184 points
A- spec milage: 42,524 mi
Win Ratio: 1715/2647 =664.7%
Trophies: 2174
Prize Car total:496
Total pr Cr: 93,228,700
Cars Owned: 372
B-spec skill level 7385
B-spec Milage: 69,841
machine skill : 834
Course Skill:73
Battle Skill:72
Days: 4624
Cr: 84,164,295
License 80,0,0

In game date is May 4th of who knows what year, lol Still trying to win a red/white formula one car from N-ring 24, one that somewhat looks like a ferrari and have had somewhat of a goal of reaching 100 mil cr. Trying also to own at least one of every car if there is room in the garage. I'm pretty sure there is.

10/03/16 Edited in an increase in a spec points and milage. Details of my 200pt enduro race are in the enduro thread in 200 pt section

Edit 10/10/16 Game date Nov 28 of whatever year. Updated all stats This reflects increase in a spec points on short races including a few 200's in beginner league
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After all these years, I continue to marvel at the superiority of the GT4 career races - even down to the complication of tire wear.

I take it they must have simplified it again after 4? It was an adjustment flipping over to 3 from 4. No fuel usage or ability to change tire type in pits or keep fronts or backs and let them heat up. Just a lot more strategy options in 4.
I take it they must have simplified it again after 4? It was an adjustment flipping over to 3 from 4. No fuel usage or ability to change tire type in pits or keep fronts or backs and let them heat up. Just a lot more strategy options in 4.
TBH, I never played 3 - only 4, 5 and 6. GT4 held my attention and my devotion much longer than the others because of the 200 A-Spec point challenge. That said, the superior graphics and visual experience of 6 is hard to deny and overcome. I just detest the brevity of the career mode, lacking enduros and lacking a meaningful challenge.
TBH, I never played 3 - only 4, 5 and 6..

TBH, if I had the new platform and new titles, I'd probably never look back on 4,3,2,1 but *shrug not an option for me right now. I got 3 for 2 bucks.. that price was right. I Still had 4 but ordered a new copy (in the wrapper) online because the old one was used to begin with and it was a constant fight with the disc read errors.

No enduros? :banghead: What are they thinking? lol. I've always loved the longer races. 24 was a bit much. I think I only ever did it a couple times without b-spec driver. Enduros are mostly what I do in 4 now. A lot of Laguna and El Cap to sell the car and Tokyo since I've really begun to like that track a lot more over the years. I must look into this 200pt challenge topic. It's not been my objective but I've run it with cars that would be a lot of points if I didn't use the b-spec some
To be honest, I never played GT1, but when I first got GT2, I was downright terrible. (Then again, I got the game at age 8. :D) But I ended up picking up GT2 again 12 years later and progressed pretty far. (Still got a bit of the game to go.)

I never got GT3, but I did get GT4, and I was severely dedicated to that game. I had over 50% of the game completed in a month's time. I didn't have a GTP account until this year, but some of my greatest and memorable races were in GT4. I never got to 100% completion due to some game error (I forget what it was) but I did complete EVERYTHING in the race.

To be honest, IMO, I didn't get a chance to get to the advanced races because my skill level wasn't high enough in GT5, and I didn't feel like rerunning the same races. But GT6 was far too easy for my taste.
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Updated post above with changes due to 1st 200 pt enduro win. Details of that in that section of the forum. Kept telling myself if I manage to win one, I was never doing another. Pfft! Who am I kidding. I'm already working on grand Valley and wondering what others might be doable. This will be my GT life until I can afford the newer systems.

lol NAS, GT1 and 2 were both horrid graphically. I revisited a few years ago and ugh. I suppose that's how people feel abut 3 and 4 now. 3 is a good game and you can probably find it cheap. Some of the tracks actually look better than their GT4 counterparts IMO just because of how they did the lighting and effects. Some are also smoother and easier to drive. GT1 was a very small game compared to those that came later, even 2. But the cool thing was you could race mod every single car in the game and almost every car was capable of winning the GT championship, so you really weren't done until you'd cleaned everything up with a Demio A-spec,lol
IMO, even though GT2 was pretty bad graphically, it had some great tracks (Red Rock Valley, Seattle Circuit, Grindelwald and Midfield to boot) and the car selection was pretty good (Everyday cars you would see on the street such as a Dodge Intrepid, BMW 8 series, and Ford Taurus to boot).

I have to say that GT4 was one of the best games for the PS2. The Gold music in particular was pretty epic, and I felt like I accomplished something awesome when I got gold on one of the difficult license tests (S-14 Chamonix and Mission 34 come to mind).

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