GT4 Diaries Thread

  • Thread starter Duke
hi, hello... my diary of stats and stuff is in the signature link below--has pics, also... soon to be updated as i progress through the game... currently wasting time collecting every variation (dealer/tuner) of Honda/Acura car in every color new/used... um--i need therapy... :embarrassed:
DJ-CiviC Diary

Day 978
Complete: 26.9%
A-Spec Points: 327 pts
Licenses: 64 Gold - 1 Silver - 15 Bronze
A-Spec Mileage: 6,366 km
B-Spec Mileage: 1,654 km
Total Trophies: 173
Total Prize Cars: 51
Total Prize Credits: 2,046,600
Total Car Owned: 57

- CR. 999,976,573,319

First Updates (September 4th 2005 - 21h48, GMT -5)

On The Races Board:
- Monday September 5th 2005, Test runs, practice runs on Laguna Seca Raceway. Preparation for the Laguna Seca 200 Miles. Testing the capacities of the BMW M3 GTR Race Car, getting the car prepared for the race.
- Tuesday September 6th 2005, Big day, Laguna Seca 200 Miles Endurance Race is on, full A-Spec, full DFP :D

24h Nurburgring Updates:
- As some of you knows, I'm getting mentally, physically and technically prepared for the biggest race of them all. I'm not ready yet to do it, I still have some theories and Reports to read. I got a lot to learn about what I want to step in. I'm a Nurburgring's veteran racer, I always race on it, but the endurance race still not the same thing as Track Meets... I need to acquire much informations about this race, even if I think I know enough, "We never have enough informations"... So, I'm still planning all this, as I said, FULL A-SPEC, FULL DFP !!!! I'll keep yall informed about this.

- I just bought a DFP today, and I have to say, its totally insane... I like it all !!!! Except, it seems that my brake pedal is too sensible, I just touch it and the brakes are locked... WTF !!! so everytime I don't pay attention, I get my brakes locked and I just turn around... Its even worst in NFSU2 because the brakes are ultra sensible in this game, so with the DFP pedals, its just ****ed up... Anyway, the wheel is just so great, I can't wait to make the big Nurburgring 24 hours with it :drool:

Second Updates (September 5th 2005 - 20h41, GMT -5)

On The Races Board:
- Tuesday September 6th 2005, Laguna Seca 200 Miles Endurance race is gonna take place. Full A-Spec, Full DFP. I just bought a PlayStation Pescarolo C60 and I decided to take it to the endurance race instead of the BMW M3 GTR Race Car. I made some test runs on Laguna Seca and I must say that the PS-P-C60 is THE best race car I've ever drove... Powerful, not handling like the GT-one but its a great car... Hope to have some very good results for you tomorrow on the endurance...

Updates (September 6th 2005 - 15h12, GMT -5)

On The Races Board:
- I've just finished the Laguna Seca 200 Miles with a final time of 2:05'45.057. I decided to use the PlayStation Pescarolo C60 instead of the BMW M3 GTR Race Car and I must say it was a charming race. Despite of the pedals electric problem, I been +9laps of the Shelby Serie 1 in 2nd place. I did regular times from 1'20 to the best 1'16. I must say, I liked this endurance and I hope to race another one soon, as soon as I will repair the electric problems of my pedals... :mad:

Updates (September 7th 2005 - 21h18, GMT -5)

Day Off = DFP Pedals pissed off:
- A day off is quite deserved after a great performance of yesterday in the Laguna Seca 200 Miles endurance race. Despite of playing GT4 today, I caught myself playing Need For Speed Underground 2. PEDAL PROBLEMS ARRIVED !!! I tought it was the wires that was touching each others but I think its the general pedal problem thing so I'm gonna need to fix it soon because THE HELL IT SUCKS !!!!!! So, I've opened it, found nothing strange so I decided to close it and I'll repair it another time (well maybe tomorrow). So anyway, I just tryed NFSU2 again, the pedal seems ok for now, but I hope that it still this way...

24h Nurburgring Updates:
- Well after an enjoying 30 minutes to find out that my pedals were having the problems that every DFP of this board got... So, I'll need to fix this soon. Concerning the 24h race, it still a little bit far away because I got some things to do before. I'm starting to think about what I'm gonna need and do, planning is soon. I'll expose some theories later too.
Complete: 75.5%
Game Day: 5905
Win Ratio: 76.4%
Trophies: 2701
License: S (18 gold, 52 silver, 0 bronze)
A-Spec Kms.: 24,735
A-Spec Points: 22,386
B-Spec Kms.: 24,212
B-Spec Points: 8,118 (94, 81, 79)
Cars Owned: 757
Prize Cars: 509
Prize Credits: 40,319,800
Credits: 1,085,249
First Car (Purchased): Mazda 323F '93
Most recent Car: Volvo 240 GLT '88
Most Recent Event: 'ring Family Cup on a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo II '94
Favorite Accomplishments: Racing every car in the game (wherever possible) on at least 10 different track in Family Cup mode, on level 5 and above.

Begun: The day it came out (I think) March 17, 2005
Last Update: 16 September 2005
Last Updated: 3/5/05 - 8:40am

I've given up on updating my car list, takes way too long.


Thanks to GTJugend for the pic!

I'll update this post as I play it more.

whoa whoa whoa whoa... Zero's on B's? and u got some in IB? and IA? i think you're liar, because u MUST finish B to 'unlock' IB and IA.......:odd: :odd: :odd: :odd:

Edit: whoa whoa, i'm mistake, sorry, NOT B but i mean A :lol:
Stats so far


B: 16 gold
A: 16 gold
iB: 16 gold
iA: 16 gold
S: Not done yet

Game comp : 4.2%
A-spec points : 6250
Prize cars owned: 15
Total cars owned: 15

Driving missions completed: 1-25

Win percentage : 0.0%


Buy as few cars as necessary and do all the missions and licences first.


Have to start playing again stopped for about 4 months. Start with mission 26 and go on from there. :D

Real life car:

Alfa Romeo T-spark 2.0 FL
License: S (1 Gold, 0 Silver, 79 Bronze)
Missions Passed: 1-10, 19, 21-24
Complete: 79.1%
A-Spec Points 12,979
A-Spec miles: 2425+
B-Spec Points: 10,000 - Skills (100,100,100)
B-Spec miles: 21,524+
Cars Owned: 317
Game Day: 1850
Playing Since: Feb 22, 2005
Favorite Accomplishments: Maxing B-spec points; collecting all 17 colours of E-type

Last Update Oct13/2005

(broken photobucket links) (or should be)

Following is not up-to-date...

I keep a diary at

I record most of the above there, but not mileage. (Later, I did begin recording mileage there...)
I have a program which can take that diary and produce a listing of my garage, ordered by date acquired. As a side-effect that program does various minor validation.

License: S (16+2 Gold, 60 Silver, 4-2 Bronze)
Missions Passed: 1-10, 12, 16-17, 19-20, 21-24, 25,27,28, 30,31,33
Complete: 98.4%
A-Spec Points 23,969
A-Spec miles: 18,142
B-Spec Points: 10,000 - Skills (100,100,100)
B-Spec miles: 62,472
Cars Owned: 508
First Car: Nissan Silvia K's '88 (Lime Green Two-tone) (Cr6,600,used)
(Well, that's after winning Lupo, Sunfire and Nike One from licenses)
Favorite Car (for driving): Mazda 787B
Favorite Car (for B-spec): Bentley Speed 8 '03 ?
Favorite Car (to look at): E-type Jaguar
Game Day: 2584
Playing Since: Feb 22, 2005
Favorite Accomplishments: Maxing B-spec points; collecting all 17 colours of E-type; A-spec Nurb24; 200A E/Inf

Last Update Mar20/2008
Last Update Aug22/2020

Decided to add the image as an attachment. Plus a related one.

Last Update Feb09/2021

Wow. I'm surprised I actually edited this in Aug 2020. I guess I was prompted by photobucket images dying.

I am pretty sure I did not play GT4 in August 2020. This past week or so, I have been trying to redo the Final Super License test (Mercedes Touring Car at Nurburgring), but so far reverted to practising for it in Arcade Mode. Sometimes by a -10 race using the car, other times in Time Trial mode. I am still at least 15 seconds over, and cannot stay off the grass for an entire lap. Early in this current re-opening I did complete a lap or two of the other Nurburgring lap license test, with the pace car, finishing well over a minute outside the goal..


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u could see it in my sig. and it will update everytime when i'm done playing gt4 for day..... and SAY NO TO B-SPEC!!! lol... Favorite Accomplishments: done everything By me....
Complete: 30.2% :grumpy:
Game Day: 10,365
Win Ratio: 76.8%
Trophies: 185
License: S (80 gold, 0 silver, 0 bronze) :sly:
A-Spec Miles: 2,156
A-Spec Points: 3857
B-Spec Miles: 181
B-Spec Points: 3686
Cars Owned: 146
Prize Cars: 76
Prize Credits: 2,227,900
First Car: Ford Mustang GT '05 (with money from GT3)
Most recent Car: Toyota Minolta
Most Recent Event: El Capitan 200 Miles

Would be further, I mean I got the game the day it came out, but my data got corrupted last june. :grumpy:
This is my diary. First completing the licenses and mission hall events before starting the races. I'm going for top numbers.

Restarted 18 Aug 05
Updated 23 Dec 05
Complete: 5.6%
Licenses: B A IB IA S ....80/0/0
Coffee Breaks: 1/3/1
Credits: cr222,500
Vehicles: 19
Win ratio: 0/0=0%
A-spec points: 8250
A-spec mileage: 0km
B-spec: There will be none.

Events completed:
B License 1-16 & CB, A License 1-16 & CB, IB License 1-16 & CB, IB License 1-16 & CB, S License 1-16 & CB
Mission Hall MH1-33
License: I've got everything
Missions Passed: 1-10 I think
Complete: 71.3%
A-Spec Points: 8313
A-Spec km: 4948
Races won: 512/693 = 73.8% win
Prize cars: 99
Prize money: 13,497,900
0 Gold, 11 Silver, 69 Bronze

B-Spec Points: 7801
B-Spec km: 25378
Machine Skill: 93
Course Skill: 79
Battle skill: 74
Cars Owned:: 111
Favorite Car::
Game Day: 1006
Playing Since: "Since Adam was a boy"
Favourite Accomplishments: All endurances done.

EDIT: Sorry about the first one. Fixed now
License: Everything
Missions Passed: 1-10 I think
Complete: 70%
A-Spec Points: No idea
A-Spec km: No Idea
B-Spec Points: No Idea
B-Spec km: No Idea
Cars Owned:: No Idea
Favorite Car::
Game Day: No Idea

I think you should check out your stats/results before posting in this thread... just a thought
i'm trying to finish the game, 91.6% already, but i still haven't found a daihatsu midget for ENTERING the daihatsu event (where i can win a midget) but i need one to get in. where or how can i get one???
please help :)
I seriously doubt this is the correct thread to ask this question. You should check the Used car lists... anyway, it's in the late 90s used car lot... I don't know the day when it appears, but it appears quite often.
Complete: 83.1%
Credits: 2,115,175
Win Ratio: 433/438 = 98.8%
Licenses: S (80/0/0)
A-spec points: 64,506
B-spec points: 0 (0/0/0)
Number of cars owned: 238
Most Recent Race Event Entered and Completed: All Japan GT Championship Race 1
First Purchased Car: '00 Audi TT 1.8T Quattro
Most Recently Purchased Car: '99 Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-spec
Most Recently Acquired Car: '71 Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi
Favorite tracks: High Speed Ring, Fuji Speedway 80's and 90's, Trial Mountain, New York Reverse, El Capitan, SSR5, Twin Ring Motegi, Suzuka Circuit, Laguna Seca, Apricot Hill, Swiss Alps, Nurburgring
Biggest Accomplishments: destroying the gold time in IA-15 by an insane amount of time, getting 80 golds, getting a sub-7:00 min time on S-16
Future goals: Aspec remaining 10 enduros (including the 3 24 hr races) :)

Diary start: 2/13/06
Last Update: 5/21/07
well here is my diary

Days: 2337
Completion: 100%
A-Spec points:12,946
B-Spec points: 8207
A-Spec Mileage: 4,729Km
B-Spec Mileage: 29,275Km
Licences: 80 Golds
Cars Owned: 703 cars
38.0% complete
74 cars
80 golds, 5 gold coffee breaks
missions 1-33

what i am doing is seeing how far i can go without spending any money. i have not bought any cars, no oil changes, no mods, nothing.

i am currently in the middle of the first le sarthe 24hr race.
Game Complete - 63.8%
A-Spec Points - 10468
Licenses - 80 Gold 0 Siver 0 Bronze
A-Spec Mileage - 3,263 miles
Win Ratio - 345 / 464 = 74.3% :grumpy:
Total No. of Trophies - 360
Total No. of Prize Cars - 106 cars
Total Prize Credits - 3,543,200
No. of Cars Owner - 332 Cars
B-Spec Mileage - 53 miles

B-Spec Skill - 1181
Machine Skill - 15
Course Skill - 11
Battle Skill - 12

Missions Complete
34 of 34

Stats -

Game Completion - 100.0%
A-Spec Points - 36,155
A-Spec Mileage - 9,194
Win Percentage - 63.8% (1,025/1,606)
# of Trophies - 1,081
Total # of Prize Cars - 374
Total Prize Money - 72,905,300cr
# of Cars Owned - 732

B-Spec Mileage - 111,682
Driver's Profile;
Overall Skill - 8,812
Machine - 99
Course - 88
Battle - 83

Licences Obtained -
B -- 16G/-0S/-0B
A -- 16G/-0S/-0B
IB - 11G/-5S/-0B
IA - -4G/12S/-0B
S -- -2G/14S/-0B
Total- 49/31/0

Missions Complete - 34/34

Current Credits - 10,375,907

Updated August 4th
License: S (2 Gold, 24 Silver, 54 Bronze)
Missions Passed: 1, 2
Complete: 30.3%
A-Spec Points: 1221
A-Spec km: 1.040miles
B-Spec Points: 7535 Skills (87,75,72)
B-Spec km: 8,532 miles
Cars Owned::60
Prize Credits: 4,521,400
Favorite Car: RUF CTR2
Win Ratio: 66.9%
Game Day: 723
Playing Since: some time in 2004 on and off
Favorite Accomplishments:

Last Update: 20/09/2006
My Diary.


85 Gold (including Coffee Breaks).


A Spec - 11,524 Miles.

B Spec - 6,826 Miles.

Game - 100% Complete.

Win Ratio - 87%.

Cars Owned - 438.

Money - 12,632,196


Favorite Accomplishments - 85 Gold Licenses, A Speccing three 24 Hour endurences, winning the Black Formula Gran Turismo.

Favourite Cars - Vauxhall Calibra Super Touring, BMW M5.
dunno if its the right place but i just wanted to post this, i feel so bad...just completed the gtwc aaaand.......yay, my gt4 crashed, woohoo!
Rustyhole's GT4 Diary

Complete - 94.3%
[only missions 12-34, 4 in FormulaGT & 2 Special Condition races left!] :eek:

Licence - S
Days - 2863
A Spec - 4404cr / 4155 miles
B Spec - 7885cr / 74,610 miles!?
Prize cars - 245
Trophies - 853
Credits - 46,142,200

Probably finish about when the PS3's price comes back to earth & about 1yr. before GT5 comes out! :cheers:
heres my full update

Day 299
Game completion 15.2%
A- spec mileage 507miles
A- spec points 3255
B-spec skill 2341
win percentage 94/127 = 74.0%
no. Trophies 102
No. of prize cars 30
cars owned 29
Total prize money 1,152,500
Current 53,651
most recent car won Mazda BP Falken RX-7 03
last car bought Daihatsu copen Ative top 02
Most recent achievement Turbo Race of turbo sports in the proffesional hall with the nissan Option tream Z
Best achievement completing The 1000 miles
5- gold
19- silver
56- bronze Drivers profile
overal Skill 2341
Machine skill 27
course skill 22
Battle skill 24
Missions done 1-10 and thats it at the moment:grumpy:
got al my licenses, finished the beginner and half way through professional stages, and im now entertaining myself with trying to find out the fastest road car from each country on the Las Vegas Drag Strip. Japan are miles ahead with the GTR concept at 7.987 seconds, then Germany with the Le Mans Quattro, then England with the Esprit V8 at 8.707 seconds. :) its entertaining to find faster and better road cars to push England to the top.

Game Completion: 30.3%
A-Spec pts:347
Win ratio:236/346=68.2%
cars owned:88
First Car: Mitsubishi Lancer '92
Favorite car: Formula GT '04
Fastest Lap: 0:19:88 (super speedway)
Longest Lap: 16:43:07 (ran out of fuel on Sarthe)
Licences: B,A,IB,IA,S
===Autofreak4986's GT4 Diary===
Complete: 72.3%
A-Spec: 4558
B-Spec level: 8839
Days: 13,615 (I thought the game ended after day 9,999)
A-Spec miles: 7,268
B-Spec miles: 48,698
Machine skill: 100
Course skill: 90
Battle skill: 82
Win ratio: 5515/6027 = 91.5%
Licenses: B, A, IB, IA
G: 1
S: 7
B: 63
Prize cars: 872
Prize credits: 32,621,600
Cars owned: 259
Trophies: 5558
First car: '00 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (Torch Red); used a GT3 save when first played back in '05
Events completed: Beginner and almost all manufacturers
Shortest lap: 1:27.976 (Laguna Seca)
Longest lap: Over 2 hours (various Endurance races)
Missions: 1-10 complete
(this is tentative; content may be subject to change)
PeterJB's Diary (This is my 3rd save, and the only one without any cheats included!)

Percent Complete: 96.7
A-Spec Points: 17650
B-Spec Points: 8237
Machine Skill: 94
Course Skill: 83
Battle Skill: 80
Days: 1508
A-Spec Mileage: 2,492 miles
B-Spec Mileage: 11,136 Miles
Win Percentage: 514/699 73.5%
Licences: All of them
Golds: 10
Silvers: 58
Bronzes: 12
Prize Cars: 155
Prize Credits: 13,032,000
Cars Owned: 2
Trophies: 606
First Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution GSR '92
Current Cars: Toyota 88C-V and the Formula Gran Turismo
Events Completed: Everything but the 24 Hour race on Circuit de la Sarthe I and the Formula GT World Championship.
Missions: Everything but missions 13 and 14.