GT4 European Cup | Champion: R1600Turbo !

  • Thread starter Adam41
i can't make the practice times due to work

but, i would like to practice a formation lap so i don't mess anything up

i understand how it works, but could use a minimum of experience at it

maybe we will still practice one before the race
I'm doing horrible with this series :(

You've only missed one race! Hopefully the lag won't be as bad this week, and we will do a few practice races before Qualifying to test for lag. Will you be racing this week?

i can't make the practice times due to work

but, i would like to practice a formation lap so i don't mess anything up

i understand how it works, but could use a minimum of experience at it

maybe we will still practice one before the race

Yep we're going to do 2 practice races on race day. About 15 minutes before Qualifying starts at 17:00 we will do 2 races at 2 laps each. 1 lap will be a formation lap and as we come over the start/finish at the end of the 1st lap, we will simulate a rolling start. The 2nd lap will be a sprint to the finish.

There's only really 3 things to it... stick to 50 mph, no weaving and don't get too close to the car to your diagonal left or right (and don't get too far away either).
I ain't joining

I think that's the third time you've said that. Seeing as you're obviously begging for a reply, I'll give you one - to be honest I never wanted you to join in the first place. Thanks for bumping the thread and giving me a reason to bump it aswell, though. 👍

By the way, read the AUP.
Sorry for the double post. This ridiculous Online Racing forum means that your thread stays on page 1 for about 3 minutes.

Practice will be held tonight in my lounge, 7 pm BST (GMT+1). We will do formation laps and races. :)
Looking forward to this as I blew it last night in WSGTC.
Good stuff!!

- For the race on Saturday at GV Reverse we'll be doing 20 laps. So laps will be set to 21 to account for the formation lap.
- I'll be testing the cars some more tomorrow.
- You must have 2 wheels on what is deemed as track at all times. So you must have 2 wheels on the tarmac or red and white rumble strips at all times. That means for the practice races tonight and the race on Saturday.
- You should all have your engines broken in for Saturday. This week I'll also be checking everyone's BHP and weight before they enter the track for Qualifying.

Thanks to outlaw, Jay and wge for the races tonight! Some really good racing.

Thanks to MULE, yoman and Johny for turning up, sadly all 3 of them quit.

I think Mule quit because he kept getting put in the sand, but he didn't even say bye. :(
I think yoman quit because someone hit him. Again, it's a shame you didn't hang around.
And Johny quit because... well he rage quit. Moaning that I've got the best handling car - not true - and the best car in a straight line - not true. Did you not see the changes I've made to it? It's down on 30 bhp from Rome, and just because your driving skills can't keep up with me doesn't mean you can assume that I have the best car. Here at GV, it's down on the Z4M, 370z and the 350z (your car) by 1-2 mph. Oh, and I had 60kg ballast. Sorry pal.

I hope to see most of you on Saturday! Like I said, I'lll do some more testing tomorrow concerning tyre wear.
Thanks to outlaw, Jay and wge for the races tonight! Some really good racing.

Thanks to MULE, yoman and Johny for turning up, sadly all 3 of them quit.

I think Mule quit because he kept getting put in the sand, but he didn't even say bye. :(
I think yoman quit because someone hit him. Again, it's a shame you didn't hang around.

I joined the room, because I saw Johny's little man thing (on his profile) and saw that it was a WSGTC room, and I wanted to practice for the race tomorrow. When I saw you were all using the GT4 cars, I said to myself "okay, lets practice that instead." When I got on the track, my car was understeering like crazy. Then in the first race, I got taken out on the first lap in the hairpin. (on accident, I know), then locked up the brakes the next lap, and slid off. I tweaked my suspension a bit, and that made the car a bit better, however I was still having some difficulty catching up to you guys. I ran into the sand again, then decided I wanted to focus on WSGTC, so I left.

And Johny quit because... well he rage quit. Moaning that I've got the best handling car - not true - and the best car in a straight line - not true. Did you not see the changes I've made to it? It's down on 30 bhp from Rome, and just because your driving skills can't keep up with me doesn't mean you can assume that I have the best car. Here at GV, it's down on the Z4M, 370z and the 350z (your car) by 1-2 mph. Oh, and I had 60kg ballast. Sorry pal.

I hope to see most of you on Saturday! Like I said, I'lll do some more testing tomorrow concerning tyre wear.

I'm sorry, but that is one of the most classless things I've read on this forum. Insulting your participants is the last thing a host should do. :rolleyes:
I was planning on practicing with you guys today, but I guess I got the time zone wrong. Got on at 12:00 (GMT-4) and nobody was on.
He probably just worded it wrong... it happens and turns into controversy. Just leave him and if he does it a second time, he probably means it.

(happens to me alot, I talk too much :( )
I joined the room, because I saw Johny's little man thing (on his profile) and saw that it was a WSGTC room, and I wanted to practice for the race tomorrow. When I saw you were all using the GT4 cars, I said to myself "okay, lets practice that instead." When I got on the track, my car was understeering like crazy. Then in the first race, I got taken out on the first lap in the hairpin. (on accident, I know), then locked up the brakes the next lap, and slid off. I tweaked my suspension a bit, and that made the car a bit better, however I was still having some difficulty catching up to you guys. I ran into the sand again, then decided I wanted to focus on WSGTC, so I left.

Alright. 👍 I should really rename my lounge. I keep forgetting. :dunce:

I'm sorry, but that is one of the most classless things I've read on this forum. Insulting your participants is the last thing a host should do. :rolleyes:

Insulting? Let me explain and maybe if you had read what Johny said to me when he ragequit half way through a race you could make that assumption. He said something along the lines of... "in GT4 there's real good racers but all you have is the best car in the corners and on the straight. sorry that is bb". He said that about 2 laps after I overtook him for the lead, and just after he went into the gravel (I don't know if he spun or someone hit him). I've done quite a bit of work to get the cars equal, and all I get is someone quiting half way through a practice race just because they can't keep up with someone. Did I or did I not state right from the beginning that I would you use the car which is least used? I did. At first, I gave it too much BHP. During Rome, apparently I had too much BHP. So I've taken another 30 off. It's now mid-pack on straight line speed and the worst in the corners, nevermind with 60kg ballast. As for tyre wear, it's probably one of the worst but I'm yet to confirm that.

So, what am I meant to do? I'm trying to get the cars equal as best I can and I said that I would test the cars some more today. In fact, the Mustang is easily 1 second slower than all the other cars around GV reverse. Don't take my word for it, try it yourselves. Comments like Johny's (who's a GTP tagged driver) and then I come back to my thread and I have 2 people supporting the opinion that I'm insulting my participants. Hmm alright. I'll just keep my mouth shut (you definitely just smirked when I said this).
Sorry i hvnt been around, been really busy at work this week, so ive just wanted to relax lol

looking forward to sat hopefully less lag free :D
Finally got some time on GVR last night and was able to get into the mid- 1:59's, but at the expense of eating away my tires. The car settled in good around the low 2:00 flats so that's where I decided I was happy.
how? is there something i need to do with my car, like share it ?

Nope. Just make sure you have the correct mods applied to your car. When we're in the room and I set the BHP and Weight limits individually for each car if you have the correct mods on your car then everything will be fine.

Sorry i hvnt been around, been really busy at work this week, so ive just wanted to relax lol

looking forward to sat hopefully less lag free :D

No problem. I'd think you know how to do a rolling start from WSGTC anyway. :P

Finally got some time on GVR last night and was able to get into the mid- 1:59's, but at the expense of eating away my tires. The car settled in good around the low 2:00 flats so that's where I decided I was happy.

👍 I've tested 4 cars for tyre wear so far and although the 370z's tyres don't appear to wear more than the other cars via the little picture in the bottom left, it's harder to perform laps closest to it's best lap as the tyres get worn. So your car will be getting a bit more BHP at the end of today.
👍 I've tested 4 cars for tyre wear so far and although the 370z's tyres don't appear to wear more than the other cars via the little picture in the bottom left, it's harder to perform laps closest to it's best lap as the tyres get worn. So your car will be getting a bit more BHP at the end of today.

Glad to hear it :) With my setup I'm at a good 2 minute flat, but it really does drop off quickly.
Finally got some time on GVR last night and was able to get into the mid- 1:59's, but at the expense of eating away my tires. The car settled in good around the low 2:00 flats so that's where I decided I was happy.
That's pretty much where I'm at as well. However, I somehow pulled off a 1:58.9 out of left field today but I can't figure out how I did it.
I've tested 4 cars for tyre wear so far and although the 370z's tyres don't appear to wear more than the other cars via the little picture in the bottom left, it's harder to perform laps closest to it's best lap as the tyres get worn.
I'm just happy the race isn't longer than 20 laps. On the few long runs I've done, the tires start dropping off around 4-5 laps on my Z4. By Lap 12, they were garbage.

On a side note, my lounge will be open tonight around 8:30-9:00 EST for anyone that needs some final practice before tomorrow.
Insulting? Let me explain and maybe if you had read what Johny said to me when he ragequit half way through a race you could make that assumption. He said something along the lines of... "in GT4 there's real good racers but all you have is the best car in the corners and on the straight. sorry that is bb". He said that about 2 laps after I overtook him for the lead, and just after he went into the gravel (I don't know if he spun or someone hit him). I've done quite a bit of work to get the cars equal, and all I get is someone quiting half way through a practice race just because they can't keep up with someone. Did I or did I not state right from the beginning that I would you use the car which is least used? I did. At first, I gave it too much BHP. During Rome, apparently I had too much BHP. So I've taken another 30 off. It's now mid-pack on straight line speed and the worst in the corners, nevermind with 60kg ballast. As for tyre wear, it's probably one of the worst but I'm yet to confirm that.

So, what am I meant to do? I'm trying to get the cars equal as best I can and I said that I would test the cars some more today. In fact, the Mustang is easily 1 second slower than all the other cars around GV reverse. Don't take my word for it, try it yourselves. Comments like Johny's (who's a GTP tagged driver) and then I come back to my thread and I have 2 people supporting the opinion that I'm insulting my participants. Hmm alright. I'll just keep my mouth shut (you definitely just smirked when I said this).

If someone wants to quit during a practice race, who cares? It's a practice race. I've raced with Johny in the Integras before, and he's a fast driver. In fact, he had the fastest lap in our final race. A race that included other fast drivers, like Wiifreak, nastradamus, and R1600Turbo. Just because you so happen to be a Div 1 Gold, doesn't mean you can let it get to your head and call people out and say stupid things like "hurr its just cos ur slower than me." Especially when you're the host of the series. Regardless of whether you indeed are faster than everyone else or not.

For the record, last night I actually did test out a Mustang in Turbos lounge. Though it understeered like a pig, I was getting the same times as the Maserati (which I have to shift at 5000-5500 RPM, from a redline of 7500 to get any power out of, btw). Tonight I'll test Johny's 350Z and see what I find.
I don't care if anyone quits a practice race but I don't want people to rage quit when they get overtaken, especially in a practice race. I never said it's because you're slower than me, what I said and I'll say it again, is you can't flame someone saying they're using the best car (which in my case was not true) just because they're going faster than you in a practice race. That's just childish. That's like Dan Hollland beating my GT Academy time and then me accusing him of having a better car than me for the reason that he beat me. If you think I'm saying this in a big headed kinda way then obviously I'm not very good with my words. But what I'm trying to say is, everyone needs to accept that there are better drivers than them, and when you get beat, don't be a saw loser over it.
I don't care if anyone quits a practice race but I don't want people to rage quit when they get overtaken, especially in a practice race. I never said it's because you're slower than me, what I said and I'll say it again, is you can't flame someone saying they're using the best car (which in my case was not true) just because they're going faster than you in a practice race. That's just childish. That's like Dan Hollland beating my GT Academy time and then me accusing him of having a better car than me for the reason that he beat me. If you think I'm saying this in a big headed kinda way then obviously I'm not very good with my words. But what I'm trying to say is, everyone needs to accept that there are better drivers than them, and when you get beat, don't be a saw loser over it.

These car's are unfortunately nothing like the GT academy. The GT academy, everyone was using the same car and that was known. The problem with the setup right now is that, we're aware that you've done "extensive" testing, but it's a bit hard to grasp the extensive nature of that testing as you keep changing stuff. Not that I disagree with the changes AT ALL :D However, it's difficult for me personally to believe that the mustang was equal to any of the ~390pp cars when it was up at 417 pp at rome. Even a 10pp difference seems a bit much when you think about it logically.

I don't know what the PP system is reliant on but I do know that it is flawed, I'll make a point to do my own testing with all the cars so I can back you up on your choices.

The issue seems to have been your tone so far. You've come off slightly condescending on multiple occasions. Most people know that there are better drivers than them but when there is such a drastic gap in PP levels it's difficult to believe that that's the only reason for faster times.
As a championship organizer, I do support Aderrrm here. 👍

I know the feeling when you put down so much work to create a funseries, and all you get back is complaints that "You use the fastest car" bla bla bla..

Someone that actually puts down the time rwuired to create a championship is not the kind of driver that does that, then state that he'll be driving the least popular car. And despite all these actions, still gets jumped on. 👎

No, you shuld not insult members. But members that act childish, jump on the organizer should not have a seat in a championship either. I think people need to respect the amunt of time it takes to manage a series. Sure, you can manage a casual series, and "just race".. But for the more complicated and detailed series, the creator most often have good intentions, and also puts down a lot of work. And when you put down that amount of time for someone you have never even met, and get NOTHING for it but bs over the chat or in the forums, I do understand the reaction.
If he don't like the way the cars are set up, please, creatre an own series and may he manage it in the best way he knows how.