First entry in this comp, so I'm no doubt going to get demolished... I'm mainly just interested in seeing what you guys think of my work so far, and maybe even some comments on what else to do (if that's allowed in this thread).
Now, I'm far from an expert (in fact, this will be my first week in this comp, once I finally pick a car), but I can think of three good bits of advice:
1. Levels - So helpful! I use PS7 and this is always the first setting I play with. Getting it right can make the highlights pop, and keep the contrast nice between them and the dark spots. A key to realism. A good example of it would be
Diabolical Mask's gallery, since he keeps his Photoshopping to a minimum

2. Cropping - Get rid of unrealistic elements of the shot, mostly bad textures. Y'know, really ugly 2D trees, stuff like that (though an intelligent use of the game's speed blur can solve that). When you do some extreme cropping, leaving either a very wide or a very tall shot, it makes the image more dynamic, and the unusual shape catches peoples' eyes.
3. Resizing - Remember, do this last! Find a nice balance between size and quality; a smaller image will look sharper than the untouched one, but if it gets too small people will overlook it because you may be overdoing it to cover up a flaw. I've found a good size is 800 x 600 for my gallery, since it still gives decent detail and is fairly big. Though, limiting myself to those dimensions means I throw away a lot of shots, so for comps, I try to just go with whatever aspect ratio the image calls for to look its best. Remember, you're the judge though.
These are just a few ideas that popped into my head. Also, a very light soft focus effect can go a long way, but some people aren't fans. I personally think it helps, but provided it's subtle.
Anyways, sorry for the length. I like your shot, love the car; the STi's my favourite and I always seem to forget to do a shot with it. Since you've covered it for this comp, I'm going to look for something a bit unexpected