- 1,001
- Germany
Escort Twins Battle PREVIEW
Final Entry posted >> here <<
Final Entry posted >> here <<
Hey, it's alright man, it doesn't appear odd to anyone else so it's safe to say I've been sitting behind this monitor for too long! It looks like you've won the crowds over as well, I look foward to seeing you win this week 👍!atlopSecond, that picture is tweaked using only the allowed tools (all of them actually). That is resize, crop, add frame and signature, brightness and contrast. That's absolutely all. That this picture takes this tweaking very far is obvious of course, that's the point of this entry and I think it works well with the cars in question. I would not like to post the original one because it's dark and dull and IMO would spoil the whole thing. But if you absolutely insist I can put it online and PM the link to you.
ALPHAHey, it's alright man, it doesn't appear odd to anyone else so it's safe to say I've been sitting behind this monitor for too long! It looks like you've won the crowds over as well, I look foward to seeing you win this week 👍!
PunkRockYou can't use an entry twice, Zubicar...
Teampotsyeah i thought you can re use hon mentions in the comp as long as you dont re use a final entry
Teampotsyeah i thought you can re use hon mentions in the comp as long as you dont re use a final entry
Slick6Zubicar, I'll let you off this time. But from now on, no uses Final Entrys or HM's from previous competitions.
Thats the first reason I don't submit HMs. The scond is that I have noneSlick6Zubicar, I'll let you off this time. But from now on, no uses Final Entrys or HM's from previous competitions.
Sorry this is not valid ... I think it is a bit far to classify as a same type725Franz is this picture valid? The Subaru is a rally car and the BMW isn't, if not let me know and I'll change it