We're gonna get a chunk of new PS2 guys in here, because GT4 has hit in the US. Here's a little document to help you get going - PLEASE use it in conjunction with the existing "quick setup guide", the FAQ and the "Search" button in here..
Step 1 - Installing Kai
Easy this one, get it from the downloads section, run it. It will install. Run it from Start menu. The first time, it will download loads of stuff it needs - if this doesnt work - *keep trying* - if it still doesn't work, you have some software (firewall? weird proxy setup?) which is stopping the app from downloading stuff over HTTP (port 80). The app will attempt to use IE's web proxy settings, if they exist and are enabled. As a last resort, ask nicely for a *mod/admin* to link to a zip of the pacakges for you.
Step 2 - Get an XTag, Sign in
Signup ison our website, so go there. Do that, verify your email thingy. Use it to log into Kai.
Step 3 - Checking If You're Reachable
Kai can bust its was through most firewalls / NAT / routers, but sometimes it can get killed by evil firewalls etc. So, press the little "World" icon at the top of the app. You will go to Arena mode. From the list, press the small -> on the XBox bit (yeah I know you don't have an xbox - bear with me here). Navigate, in the same way, First person shooters, halo2, americas. Once you're in there, we can check if you can be contacted by other players. Press the magnifying glass at the top of the app. You will see a list of stuff. Network reachable should change, within 5 seconds, to "Yes". If it does, great, if not, you may need to open a UDP port, or configure your firewall. This is where the search button, Quickstart and FAQ are useful. If you're really dying, post a help request in the right forum.
Step 4 - Making sure Kai can talk to your PS2
This is perhaps the nastiest bit. For the techies out there, I will summarise. Kai acts as a DHCP server - and will tell you your console has Failed to Configure, unless it could assign it's own sick looking IP address / subnet to it. For the noobs, here's what to do:
Turn your ps2 on, go into gt4, try to join a game. It doesn't matter where you are in Kai - you arent expecting to find a game yet. Press the magnifying glass for diagnostics, then the little folder under it. If it says no consoles detected, you need to check your cabling and firewalls. If it says configured successfully, excellent - move on. If it says failed, do the following:
* Restart Kai and restart ps2 each time your try the things below*
a.) If you have a 2nd network card in your PC, connect the ps2 directly to it using a Crossover cable (couple of USD). Restart Kai, it will work (usually).
b.) If you don't have a 2nd network card and a crossover cable, but can afford to buy one, go buy one. It's a hell of a lot easier.
c.) You must be using a router I guess.. So, look in your router. See if you can block the MAC address of the PS2 - ie stop the router from providing the ps2 with an IP address. Hopefully, with this done, Kai will be able to do it.
d.) If you've got this far, and you're still knackered, you need to post me your PS2 mac address (its a 12 digit number, on the back of the bba .. probably something like 00144a22acd3). *When I get time*, I will reply telling you a bunch of settings. You need to setup the IP settings in GT4 to match what I say. One day, I'll make a little app so you can do this yourselves. Watch the news for that.
Step 5 - Playing the game Smile
OK.. You've got "Reachable: Yes" and a nice green Successfully configured ps2. Excelent. Press the world icon (for Arena mode). Use the -> Arrows to dig down into the gt4 arena, then press the real slim > on the far right edge of the app. This will open a nice chat window, meet people in here and decide to play. I SUPER STRONGLY recommend you use private arenas for ANY AND ALL GT4 GAMES.. Playing in the "main" gt4 arena will work, but will be super laggy if a lot of guys are in there.
Cheers, and enjoy this excellent game.