You can only adjust Brightness and contrast, add text, borders and use the clone stamp to remove the GT4 watermark. Anything else is not allowed.G-T-4-FanPhotoshop ISN'T ALLOWED??!!
......ok I'll try to give it a shot this week too
I LOVE your entry brock, best one yet IMO
Brock5000Last drinks, gentlemen!![]()
I've asked 440 Charger for his Top 20 so if you're yet to enter, do it soon 👍
MelaneimoonDOR, You're a real bastard! you know that?
Very delicious wheels! 👍 👍
But it looks to me that you've made a selection around the car to blur the background. As far as I know that's not allowed... ?
(that's got nothing to do with the "bastard" ofcourse, that was just because your so good 👍 ).
Green3VZAdjustment of the aperture will change your depth of field, ie how focused things in the fore/background are compared to the subject you are focused on. He was probably just using a very small aperture.
k1mario1986Final Entree
440 CHARGERActually, I thought the same thing as mealaniemoon when I first looked at Danger Orange's entry, soooo... You can kind of see a halo around the car. Look through the wing and there is not as much blur. DO, if you can send me the original and have it look the same way, than you are all good. But otherwise, I may have to leave you out, and I don't want to do that!
You obviously have a photoshoped image here with alot of Sharpening filter. But you must tell me what wheels those are! They look really great, as does your shot. It's shame it's not within the rules.![]()
SlipZtrEmIt could just be me, but it looks like you used some soft focus effect for your shot.
SlipZtrEmIt could just be me, but it looks like you used some soft focus effect for your shot.
It would appear that two of this week's entrants have failed to follow the rules, they are k1mario1986 & LGforce. As such I have no option but to disqualify them from this week's competition. Please be sure to stick within the rules next week.Please read all rules. Inability to follow rules may result in disqualification.
- Photoshop may NOT be used to change colors, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.
Jonas_AHI accidently removed my pic at ImageShack so I had to upload it again and the adress to it changed. Just so you know![]()
Oh yeah... Damn time zonesspykerdriverHe said he PM'd 440 and 440 is somewhere(I think) in the American Midwest where it is like 6 A.M. on a Saturday.
Danger OrangeTHANKS!!! truth be told, I was just trying to make it as smooth as the Impreza on your avater!!
Danger Orange