GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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I think you misunderstand what Kaz is talking about. He's speaking about the perfect AI, that will respond to you, and all of the other racers, as well as them responding in accordance, without the need of a "race line" at all. An AI that will work independantly from all other aspects of the game and make it's own decisions on when to pit, how hard to drive, when to pass, when to ease up, etc. If you think for one moment that anything like this is simple, then you aren't really too familiar with how AI works. Also, given new hardware, and with Manufacturers being a bit more forgiving with their car damage rules, I believe it's very possible we could see damage in GT5.

I guess you didnt notice my sarcasm there!

I dont want or expect a perfectl AI that thinks like a Human, I simply want AI that improves on what weve had for the last 3 games. it hasnt changed and offers no real challenge.

For me all i would really need, even if i had to get 100% in GT4 to get it, is some way of setting the level of the AI to suit.

Edit: Con the AI already operates each car individually, just watch a replay from the incar views of the opponents with the Inputs visible, it just needs some adjusting, the AI accelerates far too smoothly and slowly, this is because as soon as the car breaks traction, the AI compensates, this why you see them braking in high speed curves when there is no need, it just senses the slightest loss of grip and brakes, when really if it didnt do that straight away the AI could still make the turn, this should be adjusted so it only starts to compensate when the car starts to get to far out of shape.
PD already say theyve upped the awareness of surrounding cars for the AI so all that is left now is the speed.
I love how people think that won't implement stuff if it isn't perfect...makes me wonder how Gt3 actually slipped through...or anything really.
Kev, the point I'm trying to make to you is that PD has balanced GT to appeal to a vast majority of gamers, with limited power on the system the develop for, therefore at the moment advanced AI is not quite possible without sacrificing other things.

And PD stepped up the visuals because they had to, you have to make advancements, you have to take steps in new directions, in this day and age, visuals are extremely critical in the success of a game, unfortunately it will only get worse.

You, yourself, have on more than once commented on the "low quality" textures etc...those alone should be a key identifier that the PS2 is in fact being pushed to it's limits and isnt capable of much more, let alone complex computations etc, required for good AI.
Kev, the point I'm trying to make to you is that PD has balanced GT to appeal to a vast majority of gamers, with limited power on the system the develop for, therefore at the moment advanced AI is not quite possible without sacrificing other things.

And PD stepped up the visuals because they had to, you have to make advancements, you have to take steps in new directions, in this day and age, visuals are extremely critical in the success of a game, unfortunately it will only get worse.

You, yourself, have on more than once commented on the "low quality" textures etc...those alone should be a key identifier that the PS2 is in fact being pushed to it's limits and isnt capable of much more, let alone complex computations etc, required for good AI.

Good visuals are good for promoting a game before launch, but gameplay is what will sell it in the end.

The Visuals are already at an acceptable level these days, no longer do we have to suffer Blocky looking games as we used to. Pole position anyone?

I wonder what Polyphony could do with such a hardware(high end PC). :P

Probs a very nice looking game, but with AI of pong quality.

My thoughts entirely Code :lol:
Then let me break this down for you. Casual gamers far outnumber us who are on this site. That is fact.

PS2 is near maxed with GT4. The 30 FPS is KEY. It uses POWER to run this game at 60FPS, power that could be used in other areas, however with both the new physics engine, the AI, and rendering the visuals, the PS2 simply does not have the power to have independant thinking for each car on screen, because each one has to work on it's own, in order to be considered "AI". And knowing you Code Kev, if GT4 were any less pretty, even if it had better AI, you would still complain because "the textures were too low in resolution".

And yes Polyphony does want your money, which is why they go through what they go through with the PS2. It's a limited system, Kaz has stated his frustrations with this, however he knows how large the Sony user base is, much larger than Nintendo and Xbox, and the fact is, GT4 would not do as well if it were on any other console.

There is a trade off. Sure, they could have made GT4 extremely sim like, BUT then they would lose a HUGE part of their user base, because they would have to sacrifice the visuals of the game, in order to harness more processing power, and that IS GT4's main selling point, it's beautiful...period. PD is NOT a large company, they only have support from Sony because of the success of the GT series. Should the lose their user base, and cater only to the "hardcore" sim crowd, they will not last very long, especially since the industry is hurting so much now a days from piracy etc. Video games only make money from sales. Period. They are not like music videos, CD's, etc, they do not get royalties etc, and extra sources of revenue, they have to sell in order to succeed, if a company cannot sell, they will not succeed...realize all of thise before you accuse them of being lazy, they ahve to sell the game, they have to do what they have to do in order to make this game appeal to everyone while still offering hte best racing there Kev, now that I have explained it to you, anything else that you say will be purely opinion and have no fact base whatsover, only the wants of a greedy consumer who cannot appreciate anything he is given...enjoy.

ermmmm... Pro race driver 2, for ps2, running 21 cars on track, with full damage, 60fps, and nice graphics. Oh yeah, and it has killer A.I.

Now you're going to say Pro Race driver doesn't count because it lacks GT's depth.

I beg to differ. You're going to think I'm crazy for saying this, but I have waaaaaaay more fun racing in Pro Race driver 2 than I EVER did in GT3. The handling physics (for the road racing portion) are sophisticated and in some respects more advanced than GT3's. So how do they do it? They emphasize gameplay over pretty moving pictures.
Why not? Gt3 (on the ps2) was Gt2(on the ps1), with less cars, less everything, but tartier graphics...

I love this Gt5 mentality, GT4 aint even out yet, and they allready screwed up a huge portion of the game! Online mode...Ai....sound effects....damage...

"just you wait till gt 5-6 code_kev, then we shall show you whos boss!"
Why not? Gt3 (on the ps2) was Gt2(on the ps1), with less cars, less everything, but tartier graphics...

I love this Gt5 mentality, GT4 aint even out yet, and they allready screwed up a huge portion of the game! Online mode...Ai....sound effects....damage...
Indeed a part of this portion of the game "screwed" is the portion of the game that could be added on next GT when the system are powerful enough to implement or be improved (damage, better AI, more physics possibilities, real time weather, etc), as KY said..

Btw nobody has seen the final AI, DPL2 sounds effects or online/lan possibilities of GT4, you´re too negative about this game..
I thought this was a GT vs Forza debate? Now it's a "lets complain about every little flaw GT has" thread. You know every last one of you is gonna buy the freakin game so stop your whinning already. It's a beautiful game w/ hundreds of cars, great physics, and lots of tracks...that's what they always bring to the table and yet they out sell any other game out. You seriously think they're gonna change things? KY is more into the beauty of cars and how they drive...he doesn't give a crap about what every other game is doing. Maybe if they sell less this time time they'll add more effects but it doesn't really seem to matter for them right now. I know I don't care for it.
Dunkee, ITS A RACING GAME. Right. Good. Now when you RACE, you need things to RACE (see that word keeps popping up) against. Ok. Now games THESES days (it's no longer 1990), games have smart AI, thus making the game better, more fun, a challenge. It's expected, just like good graphics, good sound, good playability. YOU may be happy playin against retarded drones. I'm not.
Dunkee, ITS A RACING GAME. Right. Good. Now when you RACE, you need things to RACE (see that word keeps popping up) against. Ok. Now games THESES days (it's no longer 1990), games have smart AI, thus making the game better, more fun, a challenge. It's expected, just like good graphics, good sound, good playability. YOU may be happy playin against retarded drones. I'm not.

Are you gonna buy GT4? Yes, OK so why complain about it?
I don't see you moaning when other people want features adding. Think of me wanting a "decent AI" feature be added :P. Why complain you ask, because bad AI is sloppy in this day and age, and while I will buy GT4, it saddens me that they release a racing game with such a weak racing element.
The new AI is gonna be more rear-ending and putting you to the wall. That's the only thing that annoyed me in GT3. If you want the AI to be faster than you, drive a slower car. I mean yes it would be good to have an awesome AI, but that's what multi-player is for. Thats where the game starts to get good...and why I still play GT3.
But still, a MAJOR part of GT4 will be it's single player.

Have you ever tried matching the AI in GT3? If you drive w/ normal tires and same HP the AI does an OK job against you. Gt4 will be better..not great, but better.
It's hardly AI, it's on rails.

I want AI that reacts to your properly, not one that's good just because it's pre programmed.

The new AI is suppose to be more natural and polite. If that's the case, I think it will react to it's surrondings as well as you. It should be least compared to GT3.
I'm not negative, just realistic.

this statement is only funny because you are unrealistic about forza...

Anyway. TOCa is hardly on the level that GT4 is on. It features nearly HALF the polys on screen at any given time, and the AI is NOT as good as you proclaim it to be, it was good, but not anything to write home about. The damage was also decent, but not very demanding. To compare toca, a game that's physics are noticeably less intense than that of GT4:P to a full version of GT4, let alone the visuals, is not completely accurate. Toca has ROOM to use extra power, GT4 does not.

Also, the main thing you should look at is SALES. How many sales does TOCA have compared to GT3 even, it's quite different. Fact is, while TOCA may be a fun game, it includes nice models, and decent AI, along with average damage, it is not something PD could have done, simply for the fact that they would have been critisized for it.

Their franchise is heavily based on the fact that it is a great looking game. It's been that way since GT1. Everyone was impressed by the visuals in GT1 given the hardware, then by GT2 they were even more impressed.

GT3 had to be completely redone for the most part, which is in part why is seemed like it was half complete. Just think of what they had to do.

Remodel each car, recreate every texture. Implement the tuning system (although not in depth, it still had to be produced and researched). Not to mention all of this is on brand new hardware that is very complicated to use.

Give what they had and the time they had to complete the game, they did a decent job.

A lot of you fail to realize exactly how much power the GT4 engine saps. Just by looking at it each and every one of you should realize that it is extremely above average. Think of all that is has to process, then think how strong the PS2 ISN'T.

Car Models
Car Textures
Track Models
Track Textures
Real Time LIghting Effects
New Physics Engine (physics are always the most processor intense aspect)
Car sounds (while not outstanding in anyway)
Particle Effects at any given time (tire smoke and dust)
AI (albeit only average)
AND Maintain a steady 60FPS

Now,just a few of those features eat up at the PS2's power, and the room needed for complex AI calculations is just not available, they knew this with GT3, and they know it with GT4. PS3 will present new options, however we'll not go into that, because it's still some time off.

Sure I'm writing a lot, but none of you seem to get the point, you only see the negative and want more.

This game is economicaly driven. PD is NOT a large company. PERIOD. They thrive on ONE series. They have NO OTHER GAMES. They made ONE other racer in the past.

IF they were to sacrifice their trademark image of outstanding looks in exchange for better AI, to say that of the quality of TOCA, then they would lose a TON of thier fanbase, because the MAJORITY of the people that buy games, INITIALLY buy them because of their looks. That is how the market is driven now. GT on PS was the best looking racer there was at the time, hands down, it was outstanding for it's hardware. Given that standard they COULD NOT be out shined. They had to maintain that standard, so you are presented with the option. Lose your visual title, and a lot of your fan base, and then eventually your very generous support from Sony, or continue to do what you do best...

It often seems as some of you would appreciate no more GT series games rather than wait for better things to come. Perfection is impossible, what you all want is NOT POSSIBLE on PS2. You can have one or the other, but on PS2 you WILL NOT GET a beautiful racing sim, it will either be lower quality visuals with good AI, decent physics, etc, or high quality visuals, above average physics, no damage average AI.

If you don't understand the trade off please do not reply, because there is no better way to explain this, if it doesn't hit you, then you must be thick headed or you are not reading my post. give it deep thought, not just assumptions.

like Kev said "be realistic"
this statement is only funny because you are unrealistic about forza...

Woah, I just said forza looked good, I've never been unrealistic about it. Wanting good AI is hardly an unrealistic thing to want. Not like a asked for real time mud splater on every car, the builds up etc lol

PD thrive on one game, because it sells a BUCKET load. Look at GTP for example, a DEMO, and it sold.
Well PD ought to prioritise things a little better with the PS2 instead of trying to prop up the PS2 against its console rivals in terms of graphics. If this is the case with the PS2, I.e. better graphics, an improvement in the car handling (which I'm not complaining about), etc... but still PS1 AI. Then why would this change for the PS3? The whole arguement of 'if you can't do it properly, don't bother' is bollocks, if this was used as a permanent rule, GT itself wouldn't exist. If he was such a perfectionist certain details wouldn't be missed out regardless also. You can't have everything, but a significant improvement to the crap AI isn't much to ask.

Now GT is a fine game, but to me it seems they are getting a little complacent which is dissapointing especially since GT1 was so ground breaking.