GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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this statement is only funny because you are unrealistic about forza...

Anyway. TOCa is hardly on the level that GT4 is on. It features nearly HALF the polys on screen at any given time, and the AI is NOT as good as you proclaim it to be, it was good, but not anything to write home about. The damage was also decent, but not very demanding. To compare toca, a game that's physics are noticeably less intense than that of GT4:P to a full version of GT4, let alone the visuals, is not completely accurate. Toca has ROOM to use extra power, GT4 does not.

Also, the main thing you should look at is SALES. How many sales does TOCA have compared to GT3 even, it's quite different. Fact is, while TOCA may be a fun game, it includes nice models, and decent AI, along with average damage, it is not something PD could have done, simply for the fact that they would have been critisized for it.

Their franchise is heavily based on the fact that it is a great looking game. It's been that way since GT1. Everyone was impressed by the visuals in GT1 given the hardware, then by GT2 they were even more impressed.

GT3 had to be completely redone for the most part, which is in part why is seemed like it was half complete. Just think of what they had to do.

Remodel each car, recreate every texture. Implement the tuning system (although not in depth, it still had to be produced and researched). Not to mention all of this is on brand new hardware that is very complicated to use.

Give what they had and the time they had to complete the game, they did a decent job.

A lot of you fail to realize exactly how much power the GT4 engine saps. Just by looking at it each and every one of you should realize that it is extremely above average. Think of all that is has to process, then think how strong the PS2 ISN'T.

Car Models
Car Textures
Track Models
Track Textures
Real Time LIghting Effects
New Physics Engine (physics are always the most processor intense aspect)
Car sounds (while not outstanding in anyway)
Particle Effects at any given time (tire smoke and dust)
AI (albeit only average)
AND Maintain a steady 60FPS

Now,just a few of those features eat up at the PS2's power, and the room needed for complex AI calculations is just not available, they knew this with GT3, and they know it with GT4. PS3 will present new options, however we'll not go into that, because it's still some time off.

Sure I'm writing a lot, but none of you seem to get the point, you only see the negative and want more.

This game is economicaly driven. PD is NOT a large company. PERIOD. They thrive on ONE series. They have NO OTHER GAMES. They made ONE other racer in the past.

IF they were to sacrifice their trademark image of outstanding looks in exchange for better AI, to say that of the quality of TOCA, then they would lose a TON of thier fanbase, because the MAJORITY of the people that buy games, INITIALLY buy them because of their looks. That is how the market is driven now. GT on PS was the best looking racer there was at the time, hands down, it was outstanding for it's hardware. Given that standard they COULD NOT be out shined. They had to maintain that standard, so you are presented with the option. Lose your visual title, and a lot of your fan base, and then eventually your very generous support from Sony, or continue to do what you do best...

It often seems as some of you would appreciate no more GT series games rather than wait for better things to come. Perfection is impossible, what you all want is NOT POSSIBLE on PS2. You can have one or the other, but on PS2 you WILL NOT GET a beautiful racing sim, it will either be lower quality visuals with good AI, decent physics, etc, or high quality visuals, above average physics, no damage average AI.

If you don't understand the trade off please do not reply, because there is no better way to explain this, if it doesn't hit you, then you must be thick headed or you are not reading my post. give it deep thought, not just assumptions.

like Kev said "be realistic"

some good and some bad points in there. Mostly good. 👍

I am comparing TOCA to GT3, not gt4, as I havent played GT4p or any other demo. And yes, it is a much more compelling and "intense" drive, at least on the road courses (the rallying and ice racing are awful.).

1. The A.I. is challenging, and actually merits the I in the designation. Plus, there are a lot of them on track at once. You actually feel like you are racing, and driving smartly offers rewards that GT's dip**** A.I. would ruin. Working your way through a pack of racecars bumper-to-bumper while trying not to screw up is exhilirating, as opposed to mashing the gas and late braking to completely trounce GT's Artificial Unintelligence.

2. The physics, while not as vast as GT's (because of the amount of settings and modifications), are more realistic IMO, because the weight transfer, elevation changes, tire traction and racing lines play a much bigger role. In GT3, the brake button cures all ailments, and despite a wide range of road vehicles, they seem to all handle like the same model with different parameters. Turning off assists only makes the tires ridiculously slippery, not more realistic. You can never accurately gauge when traction breaks off, you just have to react to the car's strange behaviour. To put it shortly: in GT3, you never really feel connected to the car, because beneath that veneer of flashy graphics and seeminly realistic physics, the cars don't behave as they should. It's hard to explain, so I won't be surprised if you're puzzled after reading this paragraph.

You have to realise that we are talking purely from a critical standpoint, not a business or marketing one. You always bring up sales and business, I am just stating what I think a good racing game SHOULD have included. Of course GT4 will sell tons of copies, that's beside the point.

In fact, if I were to rate the 2 games, GT3 would get a much higher score because of the "bang for your buck" factor. It offers many more cars and options, better graphics, and deep customization. Toca2, despite it's fantastic racing experience, just doesn't stack up. Graphics, unfortunately, really do make a big difference.

P.S. Your point about PD being a small team because they thrive on one game... baloney. Bungie is a first party developer that currently works on 1 title, and yet they strive to make the best game possible, to please their fans and critics. They are also a big company because of the MS ownership, and they have admitted it themselves that things are much easier with a huge global conglomerate backing them up and funding them (a la PD).
T5-R, the thing that will be different about PS3 will be the readily available suppor and Dev kits. Sony has already given modeled information to developers as to the power etc. of PS3, though this information will remain disclosed until March of 2005, when the official Specs of PS3 will be announced. But the problem with PS2 was the complex programming required, and the lack of support from Sony. Sony knows this and is fixing the problem, and given all the power that PS3 "should" have, there aren't really tons of areas to improve on, and it will be more than capable of creating significantly AI. But these are hopes. For the PS2, no it was not possible due to what they were doing. But on PS3 if AI remains the same, well then it's their bad. But it will boil down to the fact that PS2 was just too weak to handle the whole load.

Also, I'd take better physics over AI anyday. I'd rather simulate driving and not really care about the othe rpeople, more on my lap time, rather than slip and slide with arcade physcs, but the AI is right behind me...if I want that I'll go play initial D, lmao.
good stuff knigitt.

I was under the impression that you were comparing TOCA to GT4, and asking why that is not present.

Granted I agree with you about GT3, that it is in fact an easy racing game. But I do believe the physics engine to be better, btw, physics are a constant, the car is the variable, with that said, I would give GT3 a slight edge over toca, but not much, but GT4:P is ahead of toca, and since I have not played anything past GT4:P I cannot comment, but it is said to only get better.

And I do keep bringing up business, but that is simply because it is what drives the industry, and what will, in the end, produce the final product. You have to weigh your options. Will more people buy this game if it looks pretty, or if it's hard to play. Will more people buy this game if it feels realistic to drive, or if the AI responds in a realistic manor.

Then you have to understand that there are many more people who bought GT3, as well as will buy GT4, simply because it looks amazing. No other reason. And this, unfortuneately, will continue to drive the market. And it is why PD is forced to make such slow progress. Either that or lose the fan base, then lose support, and eventaully end up like acclaim. Polyphony doesn't have enough money to survive on it's own for more than a decade. That's two consoles. WIth less money, quality lowers, so within 5 years, the games would have started going down hill.
T5-R, the thing that will be different about PS3 will be the readily available suppor and Dev kits. Sony has already given modeled information to developers as to the power etc. of PS3, though this information will remain disclosed until March of 2005, when the official Specs of PS3 will be announced. But the problem with PS2 was the complex programming required, and the lack of support from Sony. Sony knows this and is fixing the problem, and given all the power that PS3 "should" have, there aren't really tons of areas to improve on, and it will be more than capable of creating significantly AI. But these are hopes. For the PS2, no it was not possible due to what they were doing. But on PS3 if AI remains the same, well then it's their bad. But it will boil down to the fact that PS2 was just too weak to handle the whole load.

Thing is though, this is exactly what they said about the PS2, when the PSX was in the running. Yet the PS2 has notoriously been regarded as harder to program than its rivals, being so cpu dependant with such limited RAM & various other difficulties.

Also, I'd take better physics over AI anyday. I'd rather simulate driving and not really care about the othe rpeople, more on my lap time, rather than slip and slide with arcade physcs, but the AI is right behind me...if I want that I'll go play initial D, lmao..

I'd rather have 'next generation' AI to complement the 'next generation' physics, which was what was promised ever since GT1.
For those that chose AI over physics, I don't think you have played w/ multi-player. If you haven't, you're missing a lot of what the game really has to offer. Don't short change yourself...find some new friends that know how to play GT and you will understand.
3000+ post threads - ain't got shit on this :sly:

This isn't a Forza debate anymore. PPL come here when they hear bad news about GT4 and rant. It happened w/ online and now the 2% AI. Haven't you noticed?
For those that chose AI over physics, I don't think you have played w/ multi-player. If you haven't, you're missing a lot of what the game really has to offer. Don't short change yourself...find some new friends that know how to play GT and you will understand.

Yeah & you don't have to even play in the same room! Just go online and... oh wait. :crazy:
PPL come here when they hear bad news about GT4 and rant. It happened w/ online and now the 2% AI. Haven't you noticed?

When I first read that KY quote about the AI "being 1 or 2 % of an acceptable level" I read it as "1 or 2% off an acceptable level" as he doesn't say "good level". I thought it was just a spelling mistake and he was saying it needed 2% of tweaks to make it playable, but most people are interpreting it as 2% of what is needed.
I could be wrong, but wouldn't he have said it was at 2% of a Good level.
When I first read that KY quote about the AI "being 1 or 2 % of an acceptable level" I read it as "1 or 2% off an acceptable level" as he doesn't say "good level". I thought it was just a spelling mistake and he was saying it needed 2% of tweaks to make it playable, but most people are interpreting it as 2% of what is needed.
I could be wrong, but wouldn't he have said it was at 2% of a Good level.

I wanna agree w/ you but nah, I think he meant it the way everyone is interpretating it. That's why he said it'd take 10 yrs to get it right. I honestly think it's gonna be impressive though. KY just doesn't like to hype things up (unlike Forza). He says 2% so that expectations are not high. Expectations for Froza and their "Drivatar" system are high because they hyped it will disappoint. We are expecting a 2% AI...GT4 will not disappoint, only impress.
Dunkee, good thing they didn't HYPE up the the online mode.

Yeah, that one did suck...but I don't think I remember them hyping it up. It was more the magizines and web sites. If anything they just un-hyped it...the game isn't out yet, remember? I did want to strangle someone from PD when I head that but they're just being money hungry smart-@sses. They wanna do the same as Sega GT. They are bastards for doing that but hey, we're still gonna take it and buy the game.

Do I think Forza is better cause it's already online? Nah...the mystery and hype about Forza is gone. They showed what they got and it's just OK. It will be what ppl use to tide them over before GT comes out on-line. You can disagree w/ me if you want, but you know it is the truth.
high profile? in what respect? got a pic that illustrates it well?





Both Audi RS6s as far as I know. The wheels look like they are about 16ins with 60 series cartoon tyres, not 18 or 19in with 40 series.

The models on the whole a very nice and detailed but that just spoils the look of the whole car for me.
But your still gonna buy the game, right?

I probably will buy the PAL version when it is eventually released, but it is rather tempting to take advantage of my ADSL line :grumpy: I was really looking forward to playing GT4 over christmas, might just get hold of a 'preview' copy before the PAL release ;)

Regardless, just because you buy a game doesn't mean your not dissapointed, as far as I'm concerned I've been waiting since GT2 for a proper GT (& GT2 itself was dissapointing). For a start I won't be buying a Network adapter, unless GT online is utterly kick arse. Otherwise I'll stick with tunnelling software & the offline version.
a friend of mine played forza at a games convention and he said it was very good and very sim like. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
I probably will buy the PAL version when it is eventually released, but it is rather tempting to take advantage of my ADSL line :grumpy: I was really looking forward to playing GT4 over christmas, might just get hold of a 'preview' copy before the PAL release ;)

Regardless, just because you buy a game doesn't mean your not dissapointed, as far as I'm concerned I've been waiting since GT2 for a proper GT (& GT2 itself was dissapointing). For a start I won't be buying a Network adapter, unless GT online is utterly kick arse. Otherwise I'll stick with tunnelling software & the offline version.

You need the adapter to get on the LAN fro the tunnel software...I think?
a friend of mine played forza at a games convention and he said it was very good and very sim like. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Forza looks very sim. They did good but my assumption is it's gonna be full of kids that loved NFSU. When you play online you will race kids that will either give no challenge or crash you till frustration. After everyone has their fun w/ Forza online, GT online will come out and that's when you'll get your ass handed to you ;)
oh, i'll be playing gt4 online even before Forza releases if all goes well ;)
Doesnt mean i wont enjoy both games.
As for the kids crashing into me, i only play with people i know, so its a non issue for me :)
oh, i'll be playing gt4 online even before Forza releases if all goes well ;)
Doesnt mean i wont enjoy both games.
As for the kids crashing into me, i only play with people i know, so its a non issue for me :)
Dunkee on Xlink as well ;) If your only gonna play ppl you know, what good is online?
They did good but my assumption is it's gonna be full of kids that loved NFSU. When you play online you will race kids that will either give no challenge or crash you till frustration.

FFS don't take it so damn seriously, it's just a game. I doubt any kids would really have forza for the reason that most own ps2s, most arn't online, and forza aint exactly a huge brand.

Anyway, I race people I know (usually, but I've had some amazing pgr2 races against random people)
FFS don't take it so damn seriously, it's just a game. I doubt any kids would really have forza for the reason that most own ps2s, most arn't online, and forza aint exactly a huge brand.

Anyway, I race people I know (usually, but I've had some amazing pgr2 races against random people)


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