Maybe I got it confused with Nintendo and XBOX (both ATI) probably what happened, I'm interrested in "the cell" also, Isn't it A ton of Microprocessors that work together?
Plus I'm very interrested to hear about how long PS3's last, PS1's and 2's have very bad technical problems, such as overheating and the famous "disk read error" I've even heard things about the PSP (such as the Analog Stick falling off, disk flying out(?!), and buttons being pressed and not comming back up) So Needless to say i'm in the "middle ground"
Im not going through 4 PS3's like I did PS2's, Not going to happen, no matter how great the games are. But this year's E3 will be REALLY interresting! And I'm hoping the new Zelda Shapes up to be everything that it looks like.
It'd also be cool to see someone use the New Duel-Core 64 Processors, I have a 2.2(Oc'd) 64, Originally I had a 2.2ghz Throughbred (AMD 1700, I should've pushed it to 2.6 ><) but this thing Seriously schools games in a hard core way even at the same Speed, It's mathmatical calculations are fantastic! and the Onchip Memory controller helps a ton too! I REALLY want to see someone take advantage of that for a console.