GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

  • Thread starter Front
It does seem that people are VERY quick to accept anything being new or uber in GT, but at the very mention of anything being great in forza, a stink is kicked up. Odd that.
Fronts post listing the stuff was hardly fanboyish tbh.
What most considered fanboyish was when he was corrected, he tried to find a way to make it true still. It's a game, and since this is GT forum, people who don't like it and want to talk about how great Forza is should go here .
It does seem that people are VERY quick to accept anything being new or uber in GT, but at the very mention of anything being great in forza, a stink is kicked up. Odd that.
Fronts post listing the stuff was hardly fanboyish tbh.

What he posted was not, but the manner that he posted it in was.

Code, honestly, we've all seen exactly what Front posts, the video, the claims, etc.

Fact is, most of those are NOT firsts, they are just being put in the forefront of attention, so people are NOTICING them. But rest assured, few of them are "firsts".
It took me 3 goes with the Forza demo before I could set aside my GT fanboyism to really see what Forza offers and I was pleasently surprised. Forza >>>>> GT4 with Dualshock2. Forza = GT4 with driving force pro.
Yes i have GT3 and Forza demo. The Xbox controller is much better for racing games than the dual shock because it simulates the gas and break pedals of a car greatly and the stick controll is better as well. I bought GT3 and played for a week or two I love GT4 but i had to put it down because i couldnt make myself go from playing with the Xbox controller with such precise control of throttle and braking to playing with the PS2 controller.
Front wasn't being fanboyish IMO. His point was (initially) well made until people started being nitpicky and he was then standing up for himself (more than specifically standing up for Forza). Cut him some flack. This is coming from someone who is a (reformed) GT fonboi. GT really lacks (bullet point back of the box style) new feautures as the online mode was cut. That however doesn't mean squat when it comes to judging which game will be better overall.

GT's sound has always been a bit japanesey video-gamey one dimensional (namco/sega-ish high pitched whizz without enough low end). The V8 cars never truly burbled for instance.

Hey Wolf, definately get the Xbox!! The very fact that we're discussing whether Forza will better GT4 is enough reason IMO. Either way it will be a VERY good car game in addition to GT4. If Forza turns out like an absolute bomb (unlikely), theres always halo 1+2, better versions of rally games/burnout3 etc. I really like the Xbox MOTOgp games, very cool. Your money can't be wasted really.
What most considered fanboyish was when he was corrected, he tried to find a way to make it true still. It's a game, and since this is GT forum, people who don't like it and want to talk about how great Forza is should go here .
So you think everything non GT should be discussed outside of this web site eh. I suggest people who don't like to see people talking about Forza don't come into a thread with Forza in the title.
So you think everything non GT should be discussed outside of this web site eh. I suggest people who don't like to see people talking about Forza don't come into a thread with Forza in the title.

There's a point!
Okay, well I have a question, GT4 is practically maxing out the PS2 in terms of capablities. Does anybody know what Forza's ratio to the X-box is? The thing that I am getting at is, will we see some of the things we want (hyper realistic damage with the physics and AI to boot) with out compromising graphics with the hardware we have currently. Or are we waiting for PS3 and the next gen. hardware for the games we really want?
Okay, well I have a question, GT4 is practically maxing out the PS2 in terms of capablities. Does anybody know what Forza's ratio to the X-box is? The thing that I am getting at is, will we see some of the things we want (hyper realistic damage with the physics and AI to boot) with out compromising graphics with the hardware we have currently. Or are we waiting for PS3 and the next gen. hardware for the games we really want?

it's kind of impossible to gauge that kind of thing. people can max out hardware by being inneficient, or letting their art team go nuts, or not having a good test team.
So you think everything non GT should be discussed outside of this web site eh. I suggest people who don't like to see people talking about Forza don't come into a thread with Forza in the title.
Now that's a respectable burn. Good point. Kinda ashamed of myself. :yuck: But Front is annoying still.
Even if there was potentially untapped juice left in the PS2/Xbox to squeeze a better car game out of them after GT4 or Forza respectively, there's no way any company would bother with the exponential difficulty in finding that extra 1% in processing efficiency with the next gen looming. GT4 will be the PS2's last hurrah and ditto for Forza with Xbox (esp. with the muted pre christmas '05 release of Xbox Next).
ok, im a Forza boy!....

Gt4 looks impressive, but what i've allways hated is the countless numbers of skylines, in 450000 "different" versions.. sure the car fan knows the difference, but us normal people dont! they're useless!!! Same with the Subaru's and the Evo's and the Supra's..... bahhh! duh! and you'll eventually tune them into the unknown side of the soundbarrier... so what use does it have with going back and start over on the "same" car???

Forza has less cars yes! but has that customization level that is extreme!! every car has 6 "sides" each capable of packing 100 layers of decals each!! thats 600 decals!! go online, and you'll never find a car thats the exact same as yours!

The aftermarcet parts are about the same, but forza has spoilers and bumbers, that actually change the cars preformance, adding a front bumber adds front downforce, etc.... :dunce:
ok, im a Forza boy!....

Gt4 looks impressive, but what i've allways hated is the countless numbers of skylines, in 450000 "different" versions.. sure the car fan knows the difference, but us normal people dont! they're useless!!! Same with the Subaru's and the Evo's and the Supra's..... bahhh! duh! and you'll eventually tune them into the unknown side of the soundbarrier... so what use does it have with going back and start over on the "same" car???

Forza has less cars yes! but has that customization level that is extreme!! every car has 6 "sides" each capable of packing 100 layers of decals each!! thats 600 decals!! go online, and you'll never find a car thats the exact same as yours!

The aftermarcet parts are about the same, but forza has spoilers and bumbers, that actually change the cars preformance, adding a front bumber adds front downforce, etc.... :dunce:

Well, at least you're not hiding your stance.

Uh...well. I guess you're not a car enthusiast. Because car enthusiasts love to have as many different types of cars as they can. Yeah, sure, there are about 40 some skylines in GT4. But a lot of them are different from the others. Not to mention the fact that the skyline to the Japanese is much like the Mustang and camaro are to americans. That's like saying "Well, we have one Ferrari so we have them all." And we all know that's just not the case.

The thing about the decals, yeah. The only real reason that it's there is because of the online competition. It's a good thing to be different from others. But if there wasn't the online mode, there wouldn't be a need for that level of decals.

As far as the aftermarket goes. There are spoilers in GT4 that effect performance.

Again, it's nice to see that you're not hiding your stance.
No it's not. It's not like the skyline is the only nissan in the game.

Nissan and Ferrari are very different car companies. Ferrari doesn't make any minivans or full size pickups do they?

I was just illustrating a point. When you look at the car list for GT4 and have any knowledge about the cars you know that the majority of them are significantly different. GRanted, some are exaclty the same in maybe wagon form. But you get my drift....I hope.
Theres not getting away from the fact that they went OTT on some cars, while ignoring others. I just find it abit of a shame tbh.

Yeah, I can see that. I wish they would've had more american coupes in there. Like the Cavalier and what not. But oh well.

the skyline in Japan, is more like the... ehem... G35 in america... cough cough.

True enough. But Mustangs and Camaros are more common in America then Infiniti's. Wouldn't you say?
not everyone drives a skyline though, they are about as common as a viper in south beach, but not everyone has one. but I can tell you this, If I could drive a skyline in america, I would get one over a corvette in a heartbeat... sorry little pun. but yes I agree, there are not enough differences in all the skylines and lancers to have 15 of them in the game.

If you really wanted a comparison, compare it to a corvette, they seem to sell as ofter as a skyline overseas.
You should, especially if you own an HDTV! It's an awesome console to own if you have HD!
Let's not get started on how much fun XBL is.. :dopey:
1. I dont have HDTV.
2. I dont like paying for a service that uses MY OWN connection.
thats because the sound inside the car was not done in stereo, and neither was the outside sound, to be honest, I don't understand how half of these companies think of how to reproduce engine sounds. Seriously, if you take the most powerful microphone, and just record, when you play it back it is a 2 dimensional sound. It was a 3 dimensional sound to start with but since it is reproduce from one direction to another, it is linear instead of dynamic.

what they should have done, was use a manakin head made of ballistics gel, and insert High power condenser mics where the ears would be, including ear lobes. Now if you were to play back these sounds through high response headphones, and include a subwoofer for the bass vibrations, if you were to close your eyes you would swear that you are there.

You dont need stereo to get accurate engine noise or to reproduce the variation in frequency cuased by the dopler effect. As far as I know the engine noise is produced from the engine its self acompanied by the exuast noise. In third person view the noise from both should be linear and in cockpit, only with rear speakers should there be a difference if you have a front engine.

If you wanted to accuratly record a video you would want to use stereo recording but a program/videogame should be able to produce accurate stereo sound by itself.
1. I dont have HDTV.
2. I dont like paying for a service that uses MY OWN connection.

Have you ever played PS2 online ? it totatly sucks sorry to break it to you. Now i agree that I don't like to pay to play online but XBL is so stable and easy to use compare to ANY online implementation on PS2 that it worth the 5.99$ / month.

Be prepare because PS3 is going to copy XBL and it's not going to be free.
Man, Front really stirred up a hornet's nest with this thread. Looks like all those pent-up frustrations from waiting for GT4 are taking there toll here. There's more ruffled feathers than a **** fight. As for me, since I have both consoles I hope both games are great. With GT4 out in about a week I'll have about 2 months playing time and propably be ready for Forza when it comes out in May. Its a WIN-WIN situation. Oh I almost forgot, since the original thread was posted in August I assume you have bought a XBOX or PS2 by now, but if you haven't my advice is borrow the money and get both.
Have you ever played PS2 online ? it totatly sucks sorry to break it to you. Now i agree that I don't like to pay to play online but XBL is so stable and easy to use compare to ANY online implementation on PS2 that it worth the 5.99$ / month.

Be prepare because PS3 is going to copy XBL and it's not going to be free.
Actually, I've played XBL numerous times at my friend's house (Xbox geek :crazy: )
So, sorry to break it to ya, XBL totally sucks compared to SOCOM and FFXI Online. (not to mention other online games).
BTW, whered you hear PS3 is going to copy XBL? Seems like a pretty stupid idea to me since free online is one of the PS2's strong points!
Online is one of the PS2's WEAK points, it's under supported and it's lacking quality most of the time it is. XBL urinates all over it. As for the PS3 it's pretty obviouse Sony will charge per month for access to their network. People pay for services that use their own whatever all the time. You pay for games that use YOUR PS2. You pay extra to play games like Star wars galaxies online. Sony just doesn't have the quality and the online user base to start charging for it at the moment, with online built into the PS3 everyone will be capable of connecting, but rest assured there will be a fee.
Online is one of the PS2's WEAK points, it's under supported and it's lacking quality most of the time it is. XBL urinates all over it.
Well, that's YOUR opinion, not mine. You haven't actually measured the speed of each connection, have you?
Sony's below par PS2 online network is not an opinion, it's a fact and a well known one at that. Sure not EVERY game on PS2 online is really bad, but at the same time if you've had a bad experience witrh one or two online games on the X-Box, you have to be willing to accept the same facts, hence not every game online on the X-Box is really good. Overall the X-Box live has far greater support than PS2 online, if you dissagree with that, I'd love an explanation.
I don't disagree, but you should be able to EXPECT better service when you pay for it. Sony's network is free. By the way I don't have my PS2 hooked up to the net.