GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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gt4 looks more realistic, from pics and vids i've seen Forza has more complex modeling, but lower quality lighting and higher rez, but less realistic looking textures in most cases. But forza will have damage and engine swaps and more exterior mods.

Just wondering, how much longer will this fanboy vs. fanboy arguement continue? People bashing pics of gt4, people bashing pics of forza, but... no videos? only Forza Vs gt video i've seen was FOrzaVSGT3 :embarrassed:

WHy dont one of you guys take the time to make a Forza Vs GT4 video if you have so much time to argue back and forth. :dopey:

and dont say because forza isnt out because that hasnt stopped you guys from arguing for 200 pages.
It's a pity you get people so against one or the other, because it makes people slag one or the other off trying to prove them wrong. The bottom line whichever game you preefr the look of, they both look great, they both play great (from what I've been told of the Forza preview build), Forza offers a wider selection of options fr customisation, multipayer modes ect, GT4 offers a much wider selection of cars to drive.
*loud groan*

by pummeling, I meant totally whipping them on the track (driving cleanly I might add)

they take the racing line, but they also do stupid things as a result of their simplistic programming, like smash into each other on straights when there's plenty of room to drive AROUND opponents, or hammer into your car when you try to drive past them nicely.

the only time I have trouble winning is when the A.I.'s car totally outclasses mine, like in the classic race series that had the Buwicked car totally trashing everyone else, including my lowly cougar XR-7

Sorry for misinterpreting what you said, the Ai in GT is well known to be far from perfect.
If you reall think the AI in GT is good go home now, it's utter crap. As for your complete misquote of what kinigitt said, thats just shameful because he never mentioned hitting other cars.

I do not think the Ai in GT is "good", it also is not utter crap, just flawed.

Why is misinterpreting what someone said shamefull?....his usage of the word "pummelling" which means to hit or to beat something, made me think he was "hitting" the Ai cars to gain an advantage. An honest mistake in most peoples books.
Looking at pics wont get you anywhere honestly. How about actually looking at that games in motion to have a solid judgment. I have seen forza in motion, in person and I have gt4. In my opinion, forza is far from looking realistic compared to gt4. forza might have looked realistic when gt3 came out but compared to gt4 in motion, it falls in the abyss
Well if it was an honest mistake fair enough and sorry for implying it was, but it's commonly used as slang for beating people by quite a bit in non-violent ways, ie winning a race by a large margin.
Yeah this is just old. People are showing pictures of different turns in the game and comparing them. I'm sorry if I was one of the people bringing up tree's in the game. Seriously, plants.
We're on Gran Turismo Planet argueing about the realism in tree's.
Just end this, the only video's of Forza out there are of a demo more than a year old.
They're both good games in their own respect, hell..They both have the Ring.
That's improvment enough.
Graphic Whores!! (j/k)

I think you guys are too picky about game graphics... I think both of them look repectively great compared to many other games... Besides... Doesn't the hardware change a couple settings also? As you know the PS2 and the X-Box are two totally different consoles... If you compare the same games on both systems the PS2 lags around textures than the X-box one... I think GT4 is pushing the limits of the PS2, while people forget that with Forza, it is its first outting... The development team probably need more experience to push the X-box to its limits... Look at GT3... And then look at GT4... PD has definitely improved... The Forza team would also push harder next time round...
Looking at pics wont get you anywhere honestly. How about actually looking at that games in motion to have a solid judgment. I have seen forza in motion, in person and I have gt4. In my opinion, forza is far from looking realistic compared to gt4. forza might have looked realistic when gt3 came out but compared to gt4 in motion, it falls in the abyss

You are dead right about pics being miss-leading.

But are you making a judgement on the Forza demo or on the completed game?

Can't be the completed game so your abyss comment isn't really fair IMO.
I've noticed the discussion has changed to who has better reflections and after watching this video [Link]

I'd honestly say Forza Motorsport is clearly the winner in this catagory. GT4's reflections while static look good but in motion that's when GT4 really suffers the reflections just don't flow naturally over the car like Forza.

The reason why no videos have been allowed from the new build of Forza Motorsport is because there still working on the graphics so the screenshots you are seeing for Forza Motorsport right now probably wont represent it very well when the game is realesed in May.
For those of you talking about the AI, the AI in GT4 is bad but the AI in Forza is even WORSE. Also, its very doubtful they're going to change their whole AI system they put in a demo just because a bunch of forum kids told them to do so.
One thing I really like in GT4 is the way the car bounce realistically to the bumps and dips on the road. Not only is it visually pleasing during replays, it also has a real effect on the way I drive and play the game. You can feel and see the threshold of your suspension when it is about to loose grip of the road. These details make GT4 very realistic for me. Screenshots are nice, but the real test is when everything is in action.

A big bump on the road going at 350 km/hr can really put a damper on your driving style (especially if you spin out of control because of it). :scared: In GT4, I need to learn not only the track, but also the bumpy roads (just like in real life). In Nurbingring for example, I can think of a few bumps that can cause me to spin out if I am not careful. I like it!

Other racing games in general (not necessarily Forza), the screenshots are nice, but when you see it in action, it looks so fake. The cars seem to glide along on the track too smoothly.

Static screenshots are nice to look at, but you need to see the game in action for a clear judgement. Once everything is moving, things like bumpy roads and framerates are much more interesting.
For those of you talking about the AI, the AI in GT4 is bad but the AI in Forza is even WORSE. Also, its very doubtful they're going to change their whole AI system they put in a demo just because a bunch of forum kids told them to do so.
At least they're smart enough to know to go around you. I stopped in the middle of the front straightaway. All they did was go on the inside and outside of my car.
One thing I really like in GT4 is the way the car bounce realistically to the bumps and dips on the road. Not only is it visually pleasing during replays, it also has a real effect on the way I drive and play the game. You can feel and see the threshold of your suspension when it is about to loose grip of the road. These details make GT4 very realistic for me. Screenshots are nice, but the real test is when everything is in action.

A big bump on the road going at 350 km/hr can really put a damper on your driving style (especially if you spin out of control because of it). :scared: In GT4, I need to learn not only the track, but also the bumpy roads (just like in real life). In Nurbingring for example, I can think of a few bumps that can cause me to spin out if I am not careful. I like it!

Other racing games in general (not necessarily Forza), the screenshots are nice, but when you see it in action, it looks so fake. The cars seem to glide along on the track too smoothly.

Static screenshots are nice to look at, but you need to see the game in action for a clear judgement. Once everything is moving, things like bumpy roads and framerates are much more interesting.

The only problem I've seen with Forza are the pics from 3rd person. They show the car, but they show no tires. I know if you look from 3rd person, you can at least see some tires. In some Forza pics such as the black Enzo, looks like it just floating there. I only see the tires when I turn.

But look, neither game is really that worthy of the Ultimate Simulator. That would be between GPL, GTR, and F355.
You know, i went to walmart today and saw a kid playing forza demo, i don't know how realistic forza's physic is, but it looked like the kid had no problem getting the car back on track after loosing control, just a liitle left, right, and he got it,... what a crap...may be i'll go to walmart tomorrow and try it out to see how """"realistic""""""""" forza's physic is
I don't know why everyone is saying the wheel rims in gt4 look flat.


ok, ok, I know, photomode, but still...
For those of you talking about the AI, the AI in GT4 is bad but the AI in Forza is even WORSE. Also, its very doubtful they're going to change their whole AI system they put in a demo just because a bunch of forum kids told them to do so.
The AI in the Forza demo can not in any way be compared to the AI in the finaal build. Forza uses a pogresively learning AI engine, in the demo all it's ever doing is repeatingthat one race, it's not learning between races or anything like the AI will in the final build. Besides that, the AI in the demo was better than in GT, far from great but better than GT. Also if you think they need to change the whole AI system you know jack **** about programming, I don't know much about it at all, but I still know that with the type of system you have in Forza you can allow it to know how to pass stopped cars from the off rather than having to wait for it to learn how. MGS can decide how good the AI will start at for each difficulty level.
The AI in the Forza demo can not in any way be compared to the AI in the finaal build. Forza uses a pogresively learning AI engine, in the demo all it's ever doing is repeatingthat one race, it's not learning between races or anything like the AI will in the final build. Besides that, the AI in the demo was better than in GT, far from great but better than GT. Also if you think they need to change the whole AI system you know jack **** about programming, I don't know much about it at all, but I still know that with the type of system you have in Forza you can allow it to know how to pass stopped cars from the off rather than having to wait for it to learn how. MGS can decide how good the AI will start at for each difficulty level.

Can someone describe in detail what the AI in Forza will be able to do. Besides the learning thing? I mean, will it drive around slower cars, adjust to changing conditions, etc?

If this is a repeat question, please direct me to the appropriate thread, thanks
I don't have a link but the AI is supposed to learn how to drive better in all aspects, cornering, overtaking, braking ect according to the developers. Theres too many links and articles to sift through to find the right bit.
Im hoping this kind of things isnt as easy as it looks, i know gt4's ai is bad but the cars are very hard to knock off the track, in this forza clip it looks like you only have too gently hit the ai to make them loose control? this looks as cheap as using the walls or using other cars to take a better corner

This kinda thing cant be that easy in the final game?

No you don't only have to gently hit the AI for them to lose control.
Thanks for the info Need4speed. I guess I'll have to go and find out what's the total deal with it. Cause to be honest, that's the only aspect of Forza that I see that could possible "eclipse" GT4.
Whatever your final judgment of the game I think as long as you've played it or looked into it then thats a good judgment. Personally having played the demo, looked at vids and previews and seen Tha_con's opinion on it, I like what I see. Some don't who've done all that, then some people don't like GT4. I think you've been one of the best people not so keen on Forza in this thread, simply because you've always made a point and listend to the replys ect.
Whatever your final judgment of the game I think as long as you've played it or looked into it then thats a good judgment. Personally having played the demo, looked at vids and previews and seen Tha_con's opinion on it, I like what I see. Some don't who've done all that, then some people don't like GT4. I think you've been one of the best people not so keen on Forza in this thread, simply because you've always made a point and listend to the replys ect.

Thanks. I've always tried to stay level headed. What's the point of flaming all over the place. We've seen the results of that about 100 pages ago or so heh heh.

I still believe that Forza is trying to "live up" to the GT series for the simple fact that GT has been established as an incredible console racing sim. But that doesn't mean it can't be better then GT4. Personally, I don't think it's going to be better. But the online thing really does give it an advantage in the multiplayer aspect.

After messing with the LAN play on GT4, I mus say I'm less then impressed. I was actually incredibly dissapointed to find out you CAN'T use your garage cars. What kind of garbage is that? PD dropped the ball on that big time. 👎
Im hoping this kind of things isnt as easy as it looks, i know gt4's ai is bad but the cars are very hard to knock off the track, in this forza clip it looks like you only have too gently hit the ai to make them loose control? this looks as cheap as using the walls or using other cars to take a better corner

This kinda thing cant be that easy in the final game?

Well knocking other cars off the track really isn't the idea behind racing is it?

When you have a bunch of cars running close to the limit of adhesion they really aren't hard to punt off the track. Watch any racing on the telly, it only takes a bump! :)
After messing with the LAN play on GT4, I mus say I'm less then impressed. I was actually incredibly dissapointed to find out you CAN'T use your garage cars. What kind of garbage is that? PD dropped the ball on that big time. 👎
This is a bit off-topic so I'll keep it short. I read somewhere that there is a trick to use your Garage in LAN. Go to Arcade mode, choose a track and at the car selection screen, push the arrow up to add any car (including ones from your garage) to your "favorite" list. In LAN mode, you'll be able to load your "favorite" cars. However, you'll still won't have any custom tuning, but at least you can use cars from your Garage. Can you try it and let us know if it works? Thanks.
Well knocking other cars off the track really isn't the idea behind racing is it?

When you have a bunch of cars running close to the limit of adhesion they really aren't hard to punt off the track. Watch any racing on the telly, it only takes a bump! :)

Exatcly it isnt the point in racing, this hasnt stopped people using similar arguments against GT4, like rubbing against cars to take sharper turns, or using walls