GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Can someone describe in detail what the AI in Forza will be able to do. Besides the learning thing? I mean, will it drive around slower cars, adjust to changing conditions, etc?

If this is a repeat question, please direct me to the appropriate thread, thanks

Well, I know if you slow down in front of them, they will go around you, even if you are in the racing line.
Exatcly it isnt the point in racing, this hasnt stopped people using similar arguments against GT4, like rubbing against cars to take sharper turns, or using walls

well, don't worry, because shunting other cars off the track in forza is detrimental to your speed and lap times. you also run a high risk of losing control of YOUR vehicle when you do that as well. It would be nice to see a penalty system with different flags though...

GT4 is fun fun fun. I think it has more realistic weight-shifting for the cars, but forza has much more realistic tire physics (from the demo I've played). Hmmmm... if only we could have the best of both worlds in ONE game...
Exatcly it isnt the point in racing, this hasnt stopped people using similar arguments against GT4, like rubbing against cars to take sharper turns, or using walls

My point was that being able to knock cars of the road like that is realistic.

The reason people have been bagging GT about cheating due to no damage is that it's not realistic.
if you've ever watched nascar or any type of touring car races, you'll see that using other cars as a cushion is a real (dirty) technique used in real life :) Only problem is there is no damage in gt4 for using too much force. but your supposed to drive near perfectly and never see damage. :)
McLaren F1GTR
Well, I know if you slow down in front of them, they will go around you, even if you are in the racing line.

Thanks for the info. :)
I'm downloading now :)

Hopefully the video will have some good ingame shots. so someone can make a side by side gt4 vs forza video. :)

If they could some how make an xbox adapter for the DFP and give Forza DFP support I might actually get the game. I dont want to drop money on another wheel.
With all honesty the AI in gt4 may be a little easy. However, how would you like to have a race were the ai is so hard that its always 2 tenths of s second behind you for 24 hrs?? Lets not forget that the computer dosn't have to make mistakes and humans always do, i would not find that fun rather i would find it frustrating and annoying. You have more than 150 races you have to do, some of which are 4 - 24 hours long. Ya you can beat them, mabey easily sometimes, but thats the point. Once you make the AI too hard normal people who aren't very good will stop playing the games(thats bad for sales too). Plus if he was to make the AI really good he would have to restrict the races way more so you could only use certain cars so that u would be evenly matched(the learning curve becomes extreemly steep for every new track and car). In my opinion AI should be boosted a little but not much. I basically enjoy gt4 for what it is. As for can bet it won't be as much of a sucess as any grand turismo. Project gotham and PGR2 came close only because it was so close to the same kind of game, only for the XBOX. :)
Or how about a better idea, like in Forza you get to choose how good the AI can be.

As for this comment.
As for can bet it won't be as much of a sucess as any grand turismo. Project gotham and PGR2 came close only because it was so close to the same kind of game, only for the XBOX. :)
This is a very biased comment, Forza will without a doubt be the X-Boxes larges selling racing game, you can't compare Forza sales to GT4's directly because the sales figures are proportional to the number of consoles owned, theres far more PS2's than X-boxes. And Project gotham racing 1 and 2 were not a similar type of game to GT or Forza so I have no idea what your whittling on about there. Forza is similar to GT but it offers a wider selection of choices and options making it on paper at least a more desireable game imo.
Yes Forza has the real ring, the track is said to be accurately modelled.

+ 200000 points for Forza
Or how about a better idea, like in Forza you get to choose how good the AI can be.

As for this comment.

This is a very biased comment, Forza will without a doubt be the X-Boxes larges selling racing game, you can't compare Forza sales to GT4's directly because the sales figures are proportional to the number of consoles owned, theres far more PS2's than X-boxes. And Project gotham racing 1 and 2 were not a similar type of game to GT or Forza so I have no idea what your whittling on about there. Forza is similar to GT but it offers a wider selection of choices and options making it on paper at least a more desireable game imo.

I do agree the forza is alot more like gt than pgr is but none the less pgr was similar in that it had an arcade mode and a "career" mode with lots of cars with the option to buy(perhaps not sell).

Either way, there is a reason the Xbox has less systems sold. I own both an X box and ps2 and i rarely play the Xbox because of the game play which usually occurs on the xbox games.

Time and money beyond the reaches of forza is imbedded into gt4. Technically you could say GT is an unfair comparison. I guess we will have to see if paper becomes reality.
Grip = pwned.

Grip - 200000000 points for making wild guesses.

Either way, there is a reason the Xbox has less systems sold. I own both an X box and ps2 and i rarely play the Xbox because of the game play which usually occurs on the xbox games.

Umm's because sony has the "cool" image. It's like Ipods, they aint actually any better then the rivals but they still sell more because of the image and name. All the little kids want Playstations because it has the image and all their mates have one. Quality games obviously does not sell a machine, look at the dreamcast and saturn :P. Not saying the ps2 doesn't have good games, it does.

Anyway, for a game that's had less time put in to it, it seems to be giving GT a good run for it's money, hell on it's FIRST game and they allready have stuff which GT has never had. Not bad going if you ask me.
pwnage is still yet to be decided. Don't jewb gt4 just yet. I will buy Forza as well im sure it will be a fantastic game and like i said..we'll see how forza dose against gt4. :P
Finally someone brought up the fact sales don't make anything good/better than anything else.

San Andrea's is a perfect example!

The Ps2 is honestly, just less of a consol than the xbox, there's no denying that like it or not. Ps2's just got the name "Playstation", behind it. Honestly for the X box being microsofts very first console, it kicked the CRAP out of Ps2 w/ or without the customer "support" Sony had backing it.

Gran Turismo is a SERIES, it's got the following of 3 different games, and like 4 spin offs going into the debut of GT4, forza's brand new.
If forza even get's 1/2 of the sales of GT4 it's a rediculously HUGE accomplishment, not to mention the sudden jump in everyone's automotive involvement over the past 5-6 years.

Oh and I'd say the biggest selling racing game for X box would be Sega GT, because for the first 3 gens of X box's you bought the system and technically the game.
if you've ever watched nascar or any type of touring car races, you'll see that using other cars as a cushion is a real (dirty) technique used in real life :) Only problem is there is no damage in gt4 for using too much force. but your supposed to drive near perfectly and never see damage. :)

Yeah I watched one touring car when two cars wouldn't give up pole position... They where pushing against each other and you could see paint and rubber flying all over the place... Obviously they were caught up by another car (a blue mustang... Well it didn't look like one but hell its a touring car)... Sadly the Mustang blew one of its tires and couldn't finish the race...(spraying rubber and paint and metal all over the area!!) One of the most awesome races I've ever seen on Speed Channel...

Well If the AI on GT4 would fight back... I guess playing dirty would make some sense... But they don't so meh...
I made this pic a while ago, with a shot I took while in Japan. Incredible how similar the real picture is to the Forza one, isn't it?

And someone take a similar shot of GT4 and replace the crappy one I put, because I don't own a USB device! :yuck:

The number plate is backwards on the Gt4 one.Why do pd always do this? Its the same with the zonda race car. that movie the SLR has no air brake, and the bumper cam is too much low, and the New york track is the same as Gt...

Graphicaly it was AWESOME, but weight transfer seems absent.

The sense of speed was very good too!
I made this pic a while ago, with a shot I took while in Japan. Incredible how similar the real picture is to the Forza one, isn't it?

And someone take a similar shot of GT4 and replace the crappy one I put, because I don't own a USB device! :yuck:


again not to get into a battle about Forza....but I'm sorry that car has no specular, and looks plastic. First thing you learn in is everything.

Still looks damn good to me.....just saying that I wish that engine had better specuar and some sort of light bounce simulation.

I know people will say I am being a picky graphics whore (guess I am hehe ) but lets face it, one of the biggest things in a driving game is to trick your mind into thinking you are really driving in that environment
Plastic cars pull me right out of this reality.

Not saying GT4 is perfect....but it really looks damn real more often than not.
The number plate is backwards on the Gt4 one.Why do pd always do this? Its the same with the zonda race car.

It's not that, silly! I flipped the image so it was facing the same way as the other 2 pics (BTW the Real one is also flipped..)

Oh and I also agree, the cars in Forza just look... plastic...
Lighting is all!


Ooo working headlights


No doubt these have been posted before ;)

Oh yes, those cars look like you'l be saying that GT looks like its made of jelly. :D

I put it down to crap screenshots.
again not to get into a battle about Forza....but I'm sorry that car has no specular, and looks plastic. First thing you learn in is everything.

...I am being a picky graphics whore...

Plastic cars pull me right out of this reality.

Not saying GT4 is perfect....but it really looks damn real more often than not.
Well of course a image mapping is going to look more realistic than a CG car.
Gotta say though, I never knew that a rounded hood/roof = rectangular solid shadow (GT pic) And the fact that the dust moves right on through, what would usually be, a solid piece of side skirt into the crevis between the front and rear passenger seats. But I guess that's just the realism I've never known, what with the lies reality and my eyes have told me. Personally, I would much rather be able to change the color and other visual aspects to soothe my own eyes than be given a map someone else decided was acceptable... after all, it's my money eventually going into dev's pockets.