GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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That comparison video is so lame. for one. GT4 runs at 60 fps, that video is running at 30fps. Forza still looks choppy in comparison. Especially when going around corners. Even at that small size, the cars and track looks artificial, GT4 looks more like a video to me. Sure the road on Forza has more skid marks. whoop de do. But at 30fps. Forza to me is inferior to GT4.

Period. And as I suspected the damage in Forza is far from realistic. At most the only thing you can do to your car is damage the frontend or do cosmetic damage? In the demo I repeatedly rammed my car into a wall at 70 mph, but I was still able to drive. I sure they will fix that but if not then that just sucks.
I guess the only real issue I have with the way cars work in the game is grip related sort of...

I don't like the way in GT and indeed all racing games that you are always flooring the accelerator to get the right sense of speed and feeling of acceleration that you remember from the real car.

I know accelerating without traction control ingame will also give wheelspin and you can slide a lot and if you're in a corner in an FR and you floor it you'll have some troublesome oversteer to deal with or end up spinning. But it just feels like there isn't a huge amount of power underneath your foot.

I've experimented with using the accelerator more conservatively in GT4 and it does work for some cars but most of them they just feel like you're going much too slow.

Just a little niggle really and I may have not explained it very well :P

The only real factual issue I have with GT4 is how they screwed up 2 player replays.. I can't believe how bad they are, you can't even get a single full screen replay anymore? I thought the fact I couldn't save them to be bad enough, but I intended to capture them to .avi straight away... I can't even do that if I can't get a single fullscreen replay.

Oh and as for Forza, that Laguna Seca comparison was nice, the car still floats though ;)
I don't like the way in GT and indeed all racing games that you are always flooring the accelerator to get the right sense of speed and feeling of acceleration that you remember from the real car.
I know what you mean. I have never driven a race car, but I would imagine that I would not be flooring the accelerator most of the time. In my own car, even when I am driving aggressively on the highway, I may floor my accelerator for a short time, then ease off on it, then floor it briefly again if necessary.

Has any one here driven a real race car on a real race track competitively? How often and how realistic is it to floor the accelerator and hold it there for most of the race (except during braking, turning, etc.)

GT4 is pretty good in that if I let off the accelerator, it doesn't decelerate too fast. Also, in rally mode, I have to be very gentle with the throttle (in a good way), and I rarely need to floor it. Rally = control is more important.
I know what you mean. I have never driven a race car, but I would imagine that I would not be flooring the accelerator most of the time. In my own car, even when I am driving aggressively on the highway, I may floor my accelerator for a short time, then ease off on it, then floor it briefly again if necessary.

Has any one here driven a real race car on a real race track competitively? How often and how realistic is it to floor the accelerator and hold it there for most of the race (except during braking, turning, etc.)

GT4 is pretty good in that if I let off the accelerator, it doesn't decelerate too fast. Also, in rally mode, I have to be very gentle with the throttle (in a good way), and I rarely need to floor it. Rally = control is more important.

With the DFP I am all over the map on throttle position.....with my DS2, I pretty much had it floored the whole time (except for huge turns etc).
Of course racers are gonna have their right foot to the floor as much as possible. If you watch any Best Motoring Videos Or F1 telemetry videos wheere they show onscreen data with video you can see that. Its not unrealistic.. Personally i think the cars all are a bit too responsive and should require more steering work and more carefull pedal manipulation. Plus in Real life it is possible to powerslide through a few consecutive hairpin turns with a rear wheel drive car .. in GT4 it is not. :indiff: 👎

one reason i'm looking foward to Enthusia...
First off, I own the demo from Issue 39 of Xbox Mag, and the full versions of GT4, GT3, GTC2k1, GT2, GT1 and Project Gotham 1&2, Midtown Madness 3 (sucked). I have been playing the demo since it came out. Lately I have played it more while GT4 is B-spec in endurance. Use PIP to keep changing to 3X. Before I had played GT4 I liked Forza, after I didn't. GT4 looks better and more realistic. Even the damaging modeling everyone wants so bad for GT4 looks terrible in Forza. The cars look more cartoony and washed out than GT4, also no cockpit mode where you can see the hood in Forza, and the 1stperson cockpit mode seems too low and doesn't feel right at all, the 3rd person the cars look too wide and disproportional, and the control seems worse in 3rd person. The controls were terrible. In my opinion the fun part of the game is too feel the difference between the cars, of just the few cars (350z-F1 Ferrari) there didn't seem to be just enough noticeable differences between them, especially in 1st person. Yes, I know that this is only a demo and not the final version so hopefully some of these issues will be fixed, I hope so. The two questions
we must ask ourselves at the base of the argument is 1.) which is better from what we know now? 2.) Does it matter for the purchase? Addressing #1, from what I have played, and especially on the Laguna Seca track GT4 is hands down better. How do you compare a 4th generation game to a 1st gen. #2- I will still Forza (on sale) because after I finish GT4, I will be hungry for any racing just to quench me, but that said there still is Enthusia, which looks to me to be better than Forza, but not GT4. Hope this helps, great thread.
Plus in Real life it is possible to powerslide through a few consecutive hairpin turns with a rear wheel drive car .. in GT4 it is not. :indiff: 👎

one reason i'm looking foward to Enthusia...

Yes it is.

I'm not seeing where you got that idea from... I drift throug corners whenever I want to, and I'm not a drifter...
You can drift the last two hairpins on Amalfi with the driving force pro and N2 tires using a Stock S15 with no assists?
You can drift the last two hairpins on Amalfi with the driving force pro and N2 tires using a Stock S15 with no assists?

Could you do that in real life?

I'm not forunate enough to own a DFP. but I can pull some drifts using the DS2.
I can drift just about any turn but consecutive hairpins its like the car has too much grip and the rear just stays in place..

Never driven an S15 in real life. just a 240sx w/ imported engine :) and a cusco LSD. and with some slightly warn factory tires its possible in that car. so.. i'd assume a in new more balanced more powerfull version of that car it would be possible too. :)

LiveForSpeed, can you drift those hairpins with the stock car? If you can then maybe i'm using the wrong technique.. but doughnuts arent even possible so i'm pretty sure I'm correct.
Here is 151 new screens from the december(?) build



LiveForSpeed, can you drift those hairpins with the stock car? If you can then maybe i'm using the wrong technique.. but doughnuts arent even possible so i'm pretty sure I'm correct.
I meant you probably could in real life, I'm not much of a drifter myself so I'm pretty crap at it when I do try but I'm sure some drifters would know how to do it, maybe adjusting the weight balance would help.
I know the cars don't float but in some pics they look "separate"from the tracks themsleves.Almost as if somone stuck a pic on a background.
I meant you probably could in real life, I'm not much of a drifter myself so I'm pretty crap at it when I do try but I'm sure some drifters would know how to do it, maybe adjusting the weight balance would help.

Yes, I agree but I guess "stock" means no tuning whatsoever. My point is, if you can't do it in real life, can you do it in GT4? I think not. I honestly don't think a stock s15 could chain two consecutive drifts in those harpins at Amalfi. The game is just recreating the normal behaviour of the car. The physics may not be 100% true to life, but I thinks that in this case their just doing their job (correctly).
Yes, I agree but I guess "stock" means no tuning whatsoever. My point is, if you can't do it in real life, can you do it in GT4? I think not. I honestly don't think a stock s15 could chain two consecutive drifts in those harpins at Amalfi. The game is just recreating the normal behaviour of the car. The physics may not be 100% true to life, but I thinks that in this case their just doing their job (correctly).

well, forget drifting those hairpins, just getting the car to rotate is hard enough in GT4 because the rear stays planted no matter what at low speeds.
Very Blurred cobbles on this track :)

The blur is because the focus of the camera is on the car on not on the scenary, if you focus on the scenery you will obserb a greater sharpness and clarity on the road for example.

I, as a neutral gamer (i own all 3 consoles) beleive that GT4 is the best choice for a racing game/drive sim. I think its true to say it has superb graphics, sounds and attention to detail. It is far more indepth than Forza Motorsport, meaning more cars and tracks (i believe, correct if wrong). The physics model on GT is superior to forza. With GT being better than Forza and i recon along with many other people, PS2 being better than XBOX, the PS2 should be the number 1 choice.

I really think GT4's graphics are superior to this. I am neutral and dont plug any console but seriously, take a look, GT4's quality is just greater than this. Its blurry and the reflections look a mess, GT4 has greater reflexions, i was going to buy forza after GT4, but now im not going to bother. Its not just this pic either, take any pic and GT comes up tops over forza.
well, forget drifting those hairpins, just getting the car to rotate is hard enough in GT4 because the rear stays planted no matter what at low speeds.

That totally depends on the car your using, my stock renault 5 turbo will drift pretty easly, i also set up a toyota supra rz with 590 HP specifically for drifting it works really well can hold long drifts around tbuska( spelling? ), Im glad drifting is more limited in gt4 takes more time and skill to get it right, in Gt3 you could pretty much drift any car at any speed this kinda thing isnt realistic

Edit: Im only using the dual shock controller im wondering if this makes drifting a bit easier?
That totally depends on the car your using, my stock renault 5 turbo will drift pretty easly, i also set up a toyota supra rz with 590 HP specifically for drifting it works really well can hold long drifts around tbuska( spelling? ), Im glad drifting is more limited in gt4 takes more time and skill to get it right, in Gt3 you could pretty much drift any car at any speed this kinda thing isnt realistic

Edit: Im only using the dual shock controller im wondering if this makes drifting a bit easier?

low speed drifting is really really difficult to pull off. that's what I was trying to say. for example, the hairpins on costa d'amalfi are difficult because the cars stay too composed even when you try to swing the weight around or if you try to power out of the curves.

I'm learning slowly to get the cars to do what I want them to, but driving in real life shows that cars are not very tossable in GT4.

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