kinigittlow speed drifting is really really difficult to pull off. that's what I was trying to say. for example, the hairpins on costa d'amalfi are difficult because the cars stay too composed even when you try to swing the weight around or if you try to power out of the curves.
I'm learning slowly to get the cars to do what I want them to, but driving in real life shows that cars are not very tossable in GT4.
True its not as easy to get the cars drifting like in a real car, but i do find some games over do drifting a little to much . The fastest way around corners is still using the correct braking zones and getting a good line atleast gt4 gets this aspect spot on
Low speed driting is hard unless you use a really powerful car, try modding a supra rz this things back end will brake loose very easy its a great drift car