GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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low speed drifting is really really difficult to pull off. that's what I was trying to say. for example, the hairpins on costa d'amalfi are difficult because the cars stay too composed even when you try to swing the weight around or if you try to power out of the curves.

I'm learning slowly to get the cars to do what I want them to, but driving in real life shows that cars are not very tossable in GT4.

True its not as easy to get the cars drifting like in a real car, but i do find some games over do drifting a little to much . The fastest way around corners is still using the correct braking zones and getting a good line atleast gt4 gets this aspect spot on

Low speed driting is hard unless you use a really powerful car, try modding a supra rz this things back end will brake loose very easy its a great drift car
He's so neutral, he judges a finished game on low quality Jpegs! Just reading what you said pretty much proves you don't have a clue, was the ps2 your first console per chance? :P

The blur is because the focus of the camera is on the car on not on the scenary, if you focus on the scenery you will obserb a greater sharpness and clarity on the road for example.

That whole shot is in focus, the textures on GT4 aint exactly high quality, hell you can even see pixelation on the cars.

I, as a neutral gamer (i own all 3 consoles) beleive that GT4 is the best choice for a racing game/drive sim. I think its true to say it has superb graphics, sounds and attention to detail.

Oh gt4 looks good, but it sounds like crap. I'm sorry, but if you think those engine sounds are good, then your obviously stupid.

It is far more indepth than Forza Motorsport, meaning more cars and tracks (i believe, correct if wrong).
So because it had more cars it's some how more indepth?

The physics model on GT is superior to forza.

I've heard that they are pretty much on par, with forza also boasting things such as tyres heat etc

With GT being better than Forza and i recon along with many other people, PS2 being better than XBOX, the PS2 should be the number 1 choice.

With forza not being FINISHED, I'd say you were pretty much wrong. PS2 being better is a matter of opinion anyway, IMO the xbox is better.

I really think GT4's graphics are superior to this. I am neutral and dont plug any console but seriously, take a look, GT4's quality is just greater than this. Its blurry and the reflections look a mess, GT4 has greater reflexions, i was going to buy forza after GT4, but now im not going to bother. Its not just this pic either, take any pic and GT comes up tops over forza.

OHHH it makes sense now, because Forzas graphics don't look as good as the photomode stills of GT4, forza is OBVIOUSLY a crap game!!11! Oh and the reflections on that shot are fine, notice how they are actually COLOUR reflections...yes Gt4's are better...*snicker*.

This isn't to flame GT4, I love it, it's great.
I'm just curious. Code kev, what exactly do you mean when you say Forza includes 'tyre heat'? I'm assuming that it has to be different from tyre wear, but what else can it be? Do your tyres melt? o.o A full explanation would be appreciated.
He's so neutral, he judges a finished game on low quality Jpegs! Just reading what you said pretty much proves you don't have a clue, was the ps2 your first console per chance? :P

That whole shot is in focus, the textures on GT4 aint exactly high quality, hell you can even see pixelation on the cars.

Oh gt4 looks good, but it sounds like crap. I'm sorry, but if you think those engine sounds are good, then your obviously stupid.

So because it had more cars it's some how more indepth?

I've heard that they are pretty much on par, with forza also boasting things such as tyres heat etc

With forza not being FINISHED, I'd say you were pretty much wrong. PS2 being better is a matter of opinion anyway, IMO the xbox is better.

OHHH it makes sense now, because Forzas graphics don't look as good as the photomode stills of GT4, forza is OBVIOUSLY a crap game!!11! Oh and the reflections on that shot are fine, notice how they are actually COLOUR reflections...yes Gt4's are better...*snicker*.

This isn't to flame GT4, I love it, it's great.

Gt4 has colour relfections i have seen this many times
Shorti, most people spin out SOMETIMES in Gt4 you smug git. You try driving a 650+ bhp bmw m5 with no aids on, and not spin.

"1'm 2 1337 t0 5p1n j00 n00bz"
I have the demo of Forza, and I believe it is better (at Laguna that is). If any of you seen the comparison video, and from my own experience, I think Forza has better graphics, and the demo build is almost a year old. There both great games, and I would recommend getting both.
I'm sorry, but if you think those engine sounds are good, then your obviously stupid.
The kid is wrong in many respects, but here he was just stating what he believes. His opinion does not make him "stupid."

This topic has held up pretty well, but personal attacks will bring it down quickly.
If you think a BMW m5 sounds like a lawnmower in real life, you are stupid. There's no other way of putting it. I'm just stating what I believe. :D
Ummm no it doesn't.

I can 1000% gurantee you it does, there is a tyre gauge on the hud when you start a race the tyres are blue after some laps they heat up and turn green this is when the tyres are at there optimum performance
He's so neutral, he judges a finished game on low quality Jpegs!

Oh and the reflections on that shot are fine, notice how they are actually COLOUR reflections...yes Gt4's are better...*snicker*.

you obviously havnt played gt4 yourself code_kev because if u had you wud know gt4 has colour reflections an how do u know he is deciding just on that pic for all u know he cud have a demo or something?? 👎
What I meant by the reflections was that they seems better on Forza, more colour, more detail. TBH I put the over in abit of a silly way...

I thought that was just wear tbh, so if I'm wrong, sorry.

And Lancerevo911...

you obviously havnt played gt4 yourself code_kev

HA. Shut up. I got it from amazon on the release date.
GT4 does not have tire heat.
It has tire wear.

The tires are blue and gain more grip as green, but then they turn red and lose traction.
And IMO, the blue and green just seem the same.
IRL it is possible to drift two consecutive low speed hairpins. so it should be possible in GT4... Its possible in enthusia apparently, since rear wheel drive cars in enthusia can actually do donuts... Probably in Forza too.. How could PD leave that out. :dunce:

All you guys who think its impossible. go get in a decent powered RWD car. and if your afraid of going at two hairpins on the road. Try some cones. Its Easy once you get used to shifting weight and keeping revs up. But in GT4 it is Impossible under the same surcomstances. 👎

IF you've EVER watched best motoring you should know it is possible in real life. but not in gt4 because of a flaw in the physics engine. I dare ya to post a video and prove me wrong.
It just strikes me as funny that on some races the tyre bars are there, and in some races they aint...

tbh I allways thought that was just tyre wear, where once you got it worn enough, then mehbeh it grips, but once it wears past that point, it slides...doesn't seem like tyre heat to me. Strikes me that it's not heat that effects the grip, but wear...i may not be wrong...
I'm pretty sure its just tire wear, which makes them green that seems to increase grip. My lap times get better once the tires are green. I'm pretty sure thats not because i'm getting used to the track, because the car seems easier to break traction with blue tires. If tire temperature were in the equation, how could PD leave out the AI swerving left and right to warm up the tires at the start of races? :dunce:
It just strikes me as funny that on some races the tyre bars are there, and in some races they aint...

tbh I allways thought that was just tyre wear, where once you got it worn enough, then mehbeh it grips, but once it wears past that point, it slides...doesn't seem like tyre heat to me.

what does the game manual say it is??
IMO ita a mixture of the two

P.S. Sorry i was rude to u earlier Code kev, no hard feelings i hope :guilty:
It is a meter that calculates tire wear, however, BLUE is BLUE for a reason. Cold tires. GREEN is warm tires, then they begin to wear.

While it is only a set calculation, it still determines when tires heat up and begin to wear. It's extremely simple to understand. Cold tires from start, green tires are warm,

If you think there is no difference, run a lap on cold blue tires, warm them up to "green". Stop in the pole position, and run another lap. I promise you will notice a difference. I always do.

Again, it's not an excellent tire model by any means, it's just standard calcs done for all cars, however it does determine initial heat.

If it was just tire wear, there would be no difference in grip between blue and green, because if it was ONLY tire wear, blue would be BETTER than green, seeing as how it would have to be a constant decline is tire grip from wear.

However, since grip does indeed IMPROVE during the "green phase", this "theory" is flawed.

If there was no temp characteristics, then there would be absolutely no way to increase grip, because it would be like running COLD WORN TIRES all the time. This is not true.

:) smile.
it would have been cool if pd made the AI swerve to the left and right like they are trying to warm up their tires... little details like that make the game more immersive... but of course no.
it would have been cool if pd made the AI swerve to the left and right like they are trying to warm up their tires... little details like that make the game more immersive... but of course no.
Like at the beginning of the race?
That'd be cool.
how does a detail like that make the game more immersive?

You are completely missing the point of GT4, though I'm not going to get into this arguement again...the primary focus of Polyphony when creating this game is not to establish a prime Racing experience, this is evident as they fail in each and every GT. HOWEVER, they create a SUPERB DRIVING experience in EVERY GT game for the current generation.

When I buy a GT game, I'm not looking for the races, I'm looking for the cars and the fun.

Thats just me, since I run road courses and auto-x I'm not all into the weak race aspect of GT.