Speaking of being dissapointed with I the only person whos getting abit bored?
Nah, not me. I've had a strange relationship with the game, though. Ever since I got it, it has progressively grown on me.
Mind, I don't even slog through the races & events. If I were a "completist" insisting on 100%, then hell yeah it'd be boring. It'd be boring because I have been
playing Gran Turismo in some version or other for the past SEVEN YEARS. Ok? Follow?
No, I just earned all my licenses and then a week ago, bought a Codebreaker 9.0.
I recently spent
3 hours in one sitting just trying out different cars.
This game for me, then, admittedly isn't really a game at all; it's some kind of, of
hobby. Hey, whatever worx, right!?
So nah, I love it still.
Anyone who says the PS2 pad is better for driving then the XBox S pad is obviously abit silly, how can you NOT like having 2 analog deep triggers, I mean that's allmost what a real car has for pedals, cept for your fingers

There you go again idiot, calling people silly and stuff.

j/k Hey, I agree with you, man: For me, the Controller S with triggers is the most perfect controller to come along YET for racing games.
If I could get an adapter so's I could use it with GT4, I'd be in heaven.
p.s. Oh! Btw, for some strange reason, when using the DS2, I can
only use it with D-pad & buttons. Yet when I'm back on Controller S, I'm using trigs & the left stick. Idn't that weird? Just can't get on with the dual-stick method, man. It frigs with my head.