GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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All i've got to say is play GT4 for 2 days. Then go play the forza demo with all the assists off. That's what I did (prior to returning my GT4) and I've never had a harder time braking. That's of course because the triggers were my shifters so it wasn't as easy using pressure to brake.
To the people who have played a Demo of Forza
Does or doesn't the Demo of Forza feel like what F355 would if it were on a console. The same need to finess the brakes, the same need to not accelerate to hard, all that. In the demo alone it gave a more "i'm really driving a car feel" just because it was so unforgiving I didn't get that from GT4. I got "Hey you're driving a pretty bad azz car here with turbo's and NAWZ and woo man am I a great game or what" feeling

Yes, thats exactly how I fell. It just fells are driving I guess? I don't know how to explain it either but man it just fells good to drive/race in that game. I hope when you upgrade your car you don't lose this fell. Like too much traction and what not. From what I understand from the previews they did exstensive work on tire modeling, and it really shows.
I've never had a harder time braking. That's of course because the triggers were my shifters so it wasn't as easy using pressure to brake.
clearly the xbox controller was not designed for racing games, or any other games, infact it would make a good doorstop.
i like the xbox controller for racing games better than the ps2. the triggers do an awesome job of simulating the brake and gas pedal. i dont like the ps2 controller cause its hard to get a feel of how much brake and throttle is being applied. with the xbox controller its a much better feel. and using the right thumbstick for gas and brake is a joke.
anyone know if the DFP will work for forza with some type of xbox adapter? if so and forza turns out to be a good game, i might buy an Xbox.
anyone know if the DFP will work for forza with some type of xbox adapter? if so and forza turns out to be a good game, i might buy an Xbox.

Unless there is a USB> XBox adapter I'm guessing no. But there may be some kind of patch you can dowload to the Xbox hardrive to enable you to use it. Like with LFS.
and using a TRIGGER isnt?

Yeah, i meen the right thumbstick is alot more realitic than a damn trigger, i meen i know what your tryin to say, the sensetivity etc makes the triggers useful but, do you drive in your car with two guns, the left being throttle or whatever, i meen i know people dont drive with a 3-d stick either but its closer than two triggers to R/L. Anyway, if your triggers are throttle, what the hell are the gears :lol:

The lack of 4 shoulder buttons shows again :lol: :lol:
Yeah, i meen the right thumbstick is alot more realitic than a damn trigger, i meen i know what your tryin to say, the sensetivity etc makes the triggers useful but, do you drive in your car with two guns, the left being throttle or whatever, i meen i know people dont drive with a 3-d stick either but its closer than two triggers to R/L. Anyway, if your triggers are throttle, what the hell are the gears :lol:

The lack of 4 shoulder buttons shows again :lol: :lol:

if your triggers are the throttle and brake, you use the x and b buttons for gear changes. pretty simple really, it's just a matter of getting used to. I prefer it actually.

you know, every post you make makes you less and less deserving of the title "neutral"
Oooh, when in doubt call me a fanboy. I love it, considering i've loved the GT series since it's first installment. Can I help it if I was really let down by the latest? But I guess if my opinions differ from the "GTplanet communities" I must just be some fanboy.


Laughing about the triggers on a X box? Since when do you drive a car with two thumbsticks?
I absolutley prefer the xbox contoller for racing games. The triggers are awsome for sensetive accel and braking. I don't hate the PS2's controller but I always find my self just going full throttle or full brake, nothing inbetween like with the xbox controller.
Dude, putting the throttle and braking right above or below the gear up gear down buttons has to be the most retarded idea i've heard, seriously. 4 shoulder buttons has NO benefit other than making the controller look like Sony tried that much harder to beat out "Mad Catz" in the ugly department
Been reading this thread for awhile now, and felt the need to register.

For those that shun the Xbox triggers in favour of DS2's thumbstick, let me ask you this: can you perform left-foot braking? Since when did the two pedals become fused to a single axis of operation?
Speaking of being dissapointed with I the only person whos getting abit bored?

Anyone who says the PS2 pad is better for driving then the XBox S pad is obviously abit silly, how can you NOT like having 2 analog deep triggers, I mean that's allmost what a real car has for pedals, cept for your fingers :).
Speaking of being dissapointed with I the only person whos getting abit bored?

I bought it the day it came out. Been 3 weeks since I've played it. Yea I'd say im bored of it. Just hankering for some online action. Waiting patiently for forza.
I play GT4 every so often.

Just did 3 endurances today.

Anyways, although I don't prefer my racing on the Xbox, I do love the triggers for one thing.

FPS'! The triggers make the controller perfect for playing almost any FPS.
new pictures:

gt 300 Endless 350z

some tunning options
I have the demo of Forza, and I believe it is better (at Laguna that is). If any of you seen the comparison video, and from my own experience, I think Forza has better graphics, and the demo build is almost a year old. There both great games, and I would recommend getting both.
I have both the FM demo and GT4.there are tracks in GT4 that look much better than Forza laguna Seca. The Forza Laguna track looks better than GT4 version of Laguna Seca. Even though the color paletes are diffrent it actually looks more realistic.
Is it just me, or do the reflections/gloss of that "ingame" shot look on par with gt4's photomode??
I have both the FM demo and GT4.there are tracks in GT4 that look much better than Forza laguna Seca. The Forza Laguna track looks better than GT4 version of Laguna Seca. Even though the color paletes are diffrent it actually looks more realistic.
exactly, gt4's coloring style is aesthetically appealing and why most people say it "looks" better...
Is it just me, or do the reflections/gloss of that "ingame" shot look on par with gt4's photomode??

exactly, gt4's coloring style is aesthetically appealing and why most people say it "looks" better...
From the Forza demo and the finished GT4 i know the Forza demo version of Laguna Seca looks absolutely better and probally more realistic looking than GT4 Laguna Seca. and from pics and video i know Forza TSukuba looks better than GT4 Tsukuba. but i havent been able to compare other tracks or cant remember. The GT4 Hong Kong track sections with all the lights is probally the most realistic graphics ive seen yet though.
Speaking of being dissapointed with I the only person whos getting abit bored?
Nah, not me. I've had a strange relationship with the game, though. Ever since I got it, it has progressively grown on me.

Mind, I don't even slog through the races & events. If I were a "completist" insisting on 100%, then hell yeah it'd be boring. It'd be boring because I have been playing Gran Turismo in some version or other for the past SEVEN YEARS. Ok? Follow?

No, I just earned all my licenses and then a week ago, bought a Codebreaker 9.0.

I recently spent 3 hours in one sitting just trying out different cars.

This game for me, then, admittedly isn't really a game at all; it's some kind of, of


Well, hobby. Hey, whatever worx, right!? :lol:

So nah, I love it still.

Anyone who says the PS2 pad is better for driving then the XBox S pad is obviously abit silly, how can you NOT like having 2 analog deep triggers, I mean that's allmost what a real car has for pedals, cept for your fingers :).
There you go again idiot, calling people silly and stuff. :P:P j/k Hey, I agree with you, man: For me, the Controller S with triggers is the most perfect controller to come along YET for racing games.

If I could get an adapter so's I could use it with GT4, I'd be in heaven.


p.s. Oh! Btw, for some strange reason, when using the DS2, I can only use it with D-pad & buttons. Yet when I'm back on Controller S, I'm using trigs & the left stick. Idn't that weird? Just can't get on with the dual-stick method, man. It frigs with my head. :P
Y'all got my interests piqued all over again and, seeing's how I had the opportunity, I went ahead and took a '99 Toyota GT1 and a 2004 Acura NSX out on Laguna Seca in both games. Identical track, identical makes & models. I have my Xbox & PS2 both connected, and so was able to switch back and forth betwixt the two very easily. (Video 1/Video 2, that sort of thing.)

I have to tell you, the competition is incredibly tight, and it ain't gonna be pretty or tidy when Forza-gone-gold hits the shelves. What I can say is I enjoy the experience of GT4 much more. There can be no denying that the slick framerate alone provides an overall brighter, smoother quality to everything that moves.

But I also noted something I hadn't noticed before, and that is the feel of the cars (i.e., what all four tires are doing at any one time on the pavement) seemed more precise and more clear in GT4.

Mind you, I used controllers for both games, though this isn't really a controller issue. It's to do more with *the feel* of your vehicle--something Gran Turismo has down so pat. I'm sure you all know what I am talking about.

Especially with the newer, more refined physics of GT4. Whew. Hard to describe, impossible to put down; but KY is a friggin' GENIUS. :)

You've heard it many times - Forza has its work cut out.

Cheers ~

Just don't sweat it, then. Many people either are not bothered by it or just cannot tell the difference. If you're in that category, then the best advice is, don't worry about it; coz you'll be happy either way.

It's an almost pointless debate nowadays anyway because modern game programmers handle these things very well. Basically if a game has a really low frame rate then the motion/action onscreen can seem chopppy.

But Forza looks very good, trust me. :)