GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Production car we're talking about, the Sledgehammer like many top speed US built cars is a highly tuned Corvette. The Sledgehammer's name was right as it looked like it was hit by a few and then smacked into the ugly as sin wall then reversed and did the same about a dozen more times.

The Koeeeeeeeenigsssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeggggggggggggggg (what a name) is the fastest production car however I still look at the F1 as holding that title, as I would rate a non turbo/supercharged powerplant over anything with. Of note the CCR produces 800bhp and the F1 627bhp yet the CCR still only managed 1mph more (or 2 if you wanna be really techinal). Imagine what an F1 with 800bhp could do, in fact if you've ever watched the F1 high speed run you'll notice it could probably go faster as the engine sounded like it had more in it. :)

Play nice.
....will this thread please either get on topic or just die?

If it's not a fanboy hyping forza it's a fanboy bashing it. this thread is retarded and redunant...bleh.

Who cares what cars are in forza? As of right now they float off hills...and AI isn't great, so unless they stop with the unnecessary crap and focus on the game, I'm not at all excited...I hope they work their asses off, my xbox continues to collect dust from poorly produced games...
Who cares what cars are in forza?
I do, the car's and tracks are what make's the game.
and AI isn't great
Who care's when I can play online.
So unless they stop with the unnecessary crap and focus on the game, I'm not at all excited...I hope they work their asses off, my xbox continues to collect dust from poorly produced games...
I doubt they care about what you think your an idiot really :)
I have to dissagree Front, AI is important, regardless of online play.
Tha_con, stop buying crap games on your xbox and you may enjoy it more, I have lots of fantastic fun games on mine, so I dunno what your complaining about.
I'm hardly a fanboy, I'm just looking forwards to more quality racing games.
I have to dissagree Front, AI is important, regardless of online play.
Tha_con, stop buying crap games on your xbox and you may enjoy it more, I have lots of fantastic fun games on mine, so I dunno what your complaining about.
I'm hardly a fanboy, I'm just looking forwards to more quality racing games.

The AI seemed fine from what i've read about the AI, the AI learn's from the player and what that player was doing was smashing car's repeatedly how that would affect the AI is not really known it may go into aggression mode and try to mimick what the player has been doing.

And seriously the AI can't be any worse than the GT sereis, if you watch the video's you see the AI make frequent mistake's it's almost they don't know the track going wide etc which is impressive if it is the Drivatar technology working.

But can we please wait until the demo is released before anyone judges the AI judging it based on the IGN video's is stupid :yuck:
The AI seemed fine from what i've read about the AI, the AI learn's from the player and what that player was doing was smashing car's repeatedly how that would affect the AI is not really known it may go into aggression mode and try to mimick what the player has been doing.

And seriously the AI can't be any worse than the GT sereis, if you watch the video's you see the AI make frequent mistake's it's almost they don't know the track going wide etc which is impressive if it is the Drivatar technology working.

But can we please wait until the demo is released before anyone judges the AI judging it based on the IGN video's is stupid :yuck:

right...and you juding the AI based on the developers statements is much better...

Again...everyone here sould understand that Front is here to promote Forza, if you do not believe me, check out his signature, everything about him screams Forza, it's obvious he is here to convert...ignore or take as a grain of sale, his words are biased.

GT's AI is bad, yes, but from what I've seen, Forza's AI is just a little worse than GT3 as it stands right now.

And even if you plan on playing online, you'll have to play single player to get htose cars/credits to get what you want to play either way you still have to suffer.

Code: I have some of the "good" xbox games, point is they are short. Halo was boring, Fable was short, DOA is shallow, the only game I enjoyed was Ninja Gaiden...everything else I can play on PS2 and enjoy just the same, and usually sooner than it releases on xbox.
Bit offtopic but,.. 3 new rFactor video's
The incar vid looks nice :D
I wish GT4 had incar-view + nice exhaust popping sounds :(


I can see myself driving a full endurance race :D


Code: I have some of the "good" xbox games, point is they are short. Halo was boring, Fable was short, DOA is shallow, the only game I enjoyed was Ninja Gaiden...everything else I can play on PS2 and enjoy just the same, and usually sooner than it releases on xbox.

DOA is shallow, so I play SC2.

Halo is brilliant, even to this day I play the multiplayer mode with friends, and we have an UTTER blast. The single player mode may get boring (even though it has some BRILLIANT moments), but it's the GENIUS multiplayer, 16 player halo is a pure joy.

Fable is short, but OH so sweet.

And ninja gaiden is brilliant.

Granted both machines share many games, but usually the xbox version comes out at the exact same time and is better in terms of graphics and sound (burnout 2 + 3, soul cal 2, thug 1 and 2, rd2, sc 1 and 2, GTA 3 and VC, pop etc etc etc apart from MGS 2 which they rushed). OFC they play the same, but given the choice, I'll spend my money on the prettier one if they cost the same :). Please don't argue this point, I own both fricking machines, and play both quite abit. IMO in terms of games quality, both are quite equal, regardless of what tha_con or anyone says. PS2 has titles like ico, vf4 evo, GT4, etc, and the xbox has titles like halo 2, rsc2, kotor etc. So nerrr, take that console bashers. OFC the ps2 gets more exclusives, but halo 2....HALO 2 MAN! Halo 2 is to the xbox, what Gt4 is to the ps2. Now you may not like halo, you may say it's crap, but remember that there are people who say GT4 will be a pile of crap too...

GT's AI is bad, yes, but from what I've seen, Forza's AI is just a little worse than GT3 as it stands right now.

Well you can't really say it's poor because it doesn't dodge a player playing chicken, but I do agree that the non dodging of a standing car is poor for a game released these days, but it is no worse then the garbage on GT4p, and if Gt4's AI and physics can improve from GT4ps, I see no reason why forzas can not. Tha_con, while you at least don't make rubbish points like some fanboyish members, you are being pretty quick to shoot forza down. You don't seem to realise that I'm just looking forwards to a racing game, that has features that are missing from GT4, and while you quite "ok" about ignoring mistakes in Gt games, you rip apart anything in others.
those are some very impressive screenshots above. i just might have to buy an Xbox. Maybe they will release Forza for the PC... that would be awsome... 💡
DOA is shallow, so I play SC2.

Halo is brilliant, even to this day I play the multiplayer mode with friends, and we have an UTTER blast. The single player mode may get boring (even though it has some BRILLIANT moments), but it's the GENIUS multiplayer, 16 player halo is a pure joy.

Fable is short, but OH so sweet.

And ninja gaiden is brilliant.

Granted both machines share many games, but usually the xbox version comes out at the exact same time and is better in terms of graphics and sound (burnout 2 + 3, soul cal 2, thug 1 and 2, rd2, sc 1 and 2, GTA 3 and VC, pop etc etc etc apart from MGS 2 which they rushed). OFC they play the same, but given the choice, I'll spend my money on the prettier one if they cost the same :). Please don't argue this point, I own both fricking machines, and play both quite abit. IMO in terms of games quality, both are quite equal, regardless of what tha_con or anyone says. PS2 has titles like ico, vf4 evo, GT4, etc, and the xbox has titles like halo 2, rsc2, kotor etc. So nerrr, take that console bashers. OFC the ps2 gets more exclusives, but halo 2....HALO 2 MAN! Halo 2 is to the xbox, what Gt4 is to the ps2.

Well you can't really say it's poor because it doesn't dodge a player playing chicken, but I do agree that the non dodging of a standing car is poor for a game released these days, but it is no worse then the garbage on GT4p, and if Gt4's AI and physics can improve from GT4ps, I see no reason why forzas can not. Tha_con, while you at least don't make rubbish points like some fanboyish members, you are being pretty quick to shoot forza down. You don't seem to realise that I'm just looking forwards to a racing game, that has features that are missing from GT4, and while you quite "ok" about ignoring mistakes in Gt games, you rip apart anything in others.

Well, I never said Halo was bad, just that it's repetative, most FPS games are, mostly it's just not my taste, but I think TS games (timesplitters) were so much more fun. IF they manage to do TS3 right, it will be outstanding, and even for you it's supposed to feature 16 player online support, and I'm faithful it will appear, because EA is publishing this one.

SC2 is good, but at times it's fairly unbalanced. Tekken now...I like tekken lots, lol, but between the two it's more personal taste, haha.

I'm not necessarily shooting down Forza persay, just the fact that the Dev's are talking it up and mocking GT like they're so ahead of the game. They aren't humble to the fact that this is a first for most of thier developers making a sim, half of their staf that is working on physics etc is staff from arcade developed racers.

And the fact that is has a few things GT is missing doesn't attract me for one reason. Because without focus on the racing aspect, it won't please me, nor the hardcore sim market. Sure it has damage and all the bells and whistles, but if it doesn't shape up a lot, then they will be hurting.

Also, note the time difference between GT4P and what GT4 is and will be. Forza videos that have just been released demonstrate this AI, and these physics, and they only have what, 4 months left? there was like a year and six weeks between GT4 P and GT4 (assuming it releases on time) the "make up time" arguement is just a little...well nm :P you get the point :)
just the fact that the Dev's are talking it up and mocking GT

In interviews they praised Gt games, saying some of them got in to games because of it. TS is pretty sad compared to halo, but the 60 fps frame rate was pretty sweet. TS will never match the glory of an 8 player DM on hang em high though, nor the BRILLIANT AI, nor the vehicles, nor does it have the style, sound quality, detail, playability, blah blah blah. I've found that Halo and Riddick are the only console FPS games where I can actually aim and hit stuff...

And lets be honest now, it's gonna be pretty damn realistic regardless of what the vids show, they have experts from tyre companies helping them, racing telemitry from real teams, and the people working the physics are, well experts in their fields. Just because some people made an arcade game a few years ago, does not mean they have no idea about what it takes to make a sim racer, look at sega and ferrari 355. Now I would be a fool to say it looks as realistic as Gt4, but the vids I've seen of forza look promising. For one the cars don't look quite as "glued" down as Gt4, theres loads of latteral movement on acceleration, and loads of wheel spin that actually alters the position of the car in a much more relaistic manor then from what I have seen in GT4s tame acceleration style. Also the way the tyres bite in to the road (I point to the 350z vids) when cars brakes, looks fantastic, now obviously I havn't played it, and I'm going on videos, but I think it's a safe bet to guess that forza is gonna be pretty damn good. As good as Gt4? I don't think so, but it offers some interesting things like how parts wear, the in depth tuning etc, damage (smashing things is fun above all ;)), and some of the slightly more "hardcore" aspects of racing. I know this stuff has been said a million times before, and they may not pull it off, but with a dev team consisting of racing nuts, and people with YEARS of experience making some damn good racing games, I'm willing to give it a go :). If it's crap I'll just play Gt4 anyway ;)

For those who want to know I played Forza Motor sports yesterday at GameonNY. GT4 wasn’t there sadly, as Xbox was the main attraction. I played with the Infineon Audi R8 and the BMW V12 LMP. There were 3 tracks there, Laguna Seca, Rio de Janeiro, and another track that started with an H. Here are my thoughts on Forza.....


The Graphics were.....ok. The cars were riddle with small jaggies and the models of the cars looked somewhat off. Laguna Seca is more realistic than the gt3 version, yet the graphics were not standout. The crash details weren’t bad either, yet they weren’t that realistic when my car flipped over. :indiff:


The control over the cars wasn't bad, yet at some times it was really tight or twitchy. Overall it was okay.


There was Skylines to Ferraris to Lmp cars, there was a Gt-one and a ferrai LMP car, and the car models were a little off in my opinion.

The AI

Was good but not really challenging. I raced against 3 other Computer driven vehicles, and while I suck at using the Xbox controller, they aren't that smart...just fast.

I can also answer other question if you want too....

This game is good but I can’t see it as a GT beater. YET!
In interviews they praised Gt games, saying some of them got in to games because of it. TS is pretty sad compared to halo, but the 60 fps frame rate was pretty sweet. TS will never match the glory of an 8 player DM on hang em high though, nor the BRILLIANT AI, nor the vehicles, nor does it have the style, sound quality, detail, playability, blah blah blah. I've found that Halo and Riddick are the only console FPS games where I can actually aim and hit stuff...

And lets be honest now, it's gonna be pretty damn realistic regardless of what the vids show, they have experts from tyre companies helping them, racing telemitry from real teams, and the people working the physics are, well experts in their fields. Just because some people made an arcade game a few years ago, does not mean they have no idea about what it takes to make a sim racer, look at sega and ferrari 355. Now I would be a fool to say it looks as realistic as Gt4, but the vids I've seen of forza look promising. For one the cars don't look quite as "glued" down as Gt4, theres loads of latteral movement on acceleration, and loads of wheel spin that actually alters the position of the car in a much more relaistic manor then from what I have seen in GT4s tame acceleration style. Also the way the tyres bite in to the road (I point to the 350z vids) when cars brakes, looks fantastic, now obviously I havn't played it, and I'm going on videos, but I think it's a safe bet to guess that forza is gonna be pretty damn good. As good as Gt4? I don't think so, but it offers some interesting things like how parts wear, the in depth tuning etc, damage (smashing things is fun above all ;)), and some of the slightly more "hardcore" aspects of racing. I know this stuff has been said a million times before, and they may not pull it off, but with a dev team consisting of racing nuts, and people with YEARS of experience making some damn good racing games, I'm willing to give it a go :). If it's crap I'll just play Gt4 anyway ;)

Timeplitters is IMO loads better than halo, halo is a good FPS, but the fun value just doesn't seem to be there for me. And IMO, you cannot say that the same character models with different colors gives it any sort of style points whatsoever. TimeSplitters had kick ass levels, awesome characters, humorous moments, timesplitters 2 took it farther with level interaction, and flame throwers just rock in games, not to mention playing 4 player with 12 computer bots (with great AI, esp. the snipers). We'll see if Halo2 gets better ratings than TS3, I think TS3 will be better. Maybe I'm just being as hopeful as you are with Forza, but from everyone who doesn't worship halo as the savior of FPS (the smart people) Halo2 isn't that great. And to call the game brilliant...really now. It's a FPS, none are brilliant, if anything GoldenEye was the first and last brilliant console FPS.
the smart people

Woah, just because I think a game is brilliant, hardly makes me stupid :P

For ME halo was everything I wanted. You don't like it, that's fine, but I guess you just can't appreciate that a great game it was. TS better, BW AHAHAHAHAH, seriously, that's crazy talk.
code, to be honest, the vids dont show anything impressive to me. The game looked like a freaking arcade racer in those vids. Do the cars have body roll or what? I dont see forza being as good as gt4 as a driving sim.
code, to be honest, the vids dont show anything impressive to me. The game looked like a freaking arcade racer in those vids. Do the cars have body roll or what? I dont see forza being as good as gt4 as a driving sim.

it has some what body roll.
Umm askia, ofc I havn't played, as I said before, all I'm doing is judging vids, screenies, previous games etc, and I said it looked good. The same thing I'm doing with Gt4 tbh.

cobra, I could stick you in a real smegging car, and you would still say Gt4 was more realistic :P

I love how he allways avoids the car off the cliff question :D
Nice one. some people I know who went to the event said forza was as good as pgr2 in physics, some say it was pure crap but it's all opinion.
some people I know who went to the event said forza was as good as pgr2 in physics

Some one you know, who you just made up. BTW what ever happened to your 3d expert friend, who said that the massive back grounds in gt4p were 3d, and then when everyone got gt4p, and they were obviously 2d, he suddenly vanished?
You know something code, that 3d exert is the one who said that. He didnt say the whole background was 3d, only the canyon that was sticking out. And you know, he had the toyota demo at the time.
How are the physics compared to gt3?

much better, but im not sure how it will compare to gt4. The car could be hard to turn and you could lose countrol quickly if you didnt brake early. a little twitchy though. one slight press of the e-brake and you spin out fast!