GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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Hey last night I realised something. I've usually been thinking that even if Forza has about 200 cars, it's still enough to have good fun. But I'm now questionning myself about it. Compared to the 650+ cars of GT4, 200 seems very meager, even with all the quality rides featured in Forza. and moreover, we already know 160 cars that are there for sure, so this is 80% of the car lineup revealed. Will there still be room for surprises? My only hope is that even if 200 is the official number, there will be more in the final count and I think that's waht they'll do, because it has always been like that with GT, and they will follow GT's path.

Just my toughts

see ya :sly:

Well the new IGN progress report says that "more than 200" is the current count. And while 200+ compared to GT4's 650+ does seem meager to some, its more than enough for me. Every car that I wanted to drive are in, so thats cool for me. Also, keep in mind that with the game's deep customization, you can create your own beast of a car, its possible for everyone to have a unique looking and handling car...sounds good to me.

One thing I want to know though is, where is Lambo man? At least make an appearance in either game ha.
Hey last night I realised something. I've usually been thinking that even if Forza has about 200 cars, it's still enough to have good fun. But I'm now questionning myself about it. Compared to the 650+ cars of GT4, 200 seems very meager, even with all the quality rides featured in Forza. and moreover, we already know 160 cars that are there for sure, so this is 80% of the car lineup revealed. Will there still be room for surprises? My only hope is that even if 200 is the official number, there will be more in the final count and I think that's waht they'll do, because it has always been like that with GT, and they will follow GT's path.

Just my toughts

see ya :sly:

The developers said in one of the interviews during the last month that there will be well over 200 cars.
...notice he is a fatman. Which would explain why he is playing a simulator online rather than driving...lmao.

Online play is fun, but again, it only take a handfull of kids to ruin an online experience, and with all of the mainstream components (body kits) there will be a large userbase of kids 12-14 playing this game with the intention of demolishin your car, lol. No knocking online play, or saying it's useless yada yada, because is it a let down it's not in GT4, but to bring it up as if it is the main thing that puts forza up on top...negative.

Again, none of you have played forza, which humors me, because you keep talking about how good the AI is etc...we'll see.
...notice he is a fatman. Which would explain why he is playing a simulator online rather than driving...lmao.

Totally agree with you there, lmao.

he was good for a laugh mind you 👍

But online play is very important to me it's true you do get alot of "bad" egg's but when you get a group of good racers it's a very rewarding experiance.
Yeah the fatman does say it right, "if you do want to get your racing sim fix in this year, it's not going to be with Forza". Trying to cause trouble as always eh Front? :lol:

Where's the rest of the video anyway?
Yeah the fatman does say it right, "if you do want to get your racing sim fix in this year, it's not going to be with Forza". Trying to cause trouble as always eh Front? :lol:

Where's the rest of the video anyway?

Not causing touble the rest of the video is on my HDD in fact the entire video is on my HDD it was "on the Spot" or something, just thought it was comical was all :)

It was a preview of Forza Motorsport
Yeah the fatman does say it right, "if you do want to get your racing sim fix in this year, it's not going to be with Forza". Trying to cause trouble as always eh Front? :lol:

Where's the rest of the video anyway?

Don't listen to the fat man.

Gamespot is run by fat ignorant slobs.
The only thing I honestly can say forza has over gt4 in looks are the road textures and the track side textures. When seeing forza in motion, it's all nice and all but I dont get the aw like I do when I see a gt4 vid *rumbles through gt4 vids*
cobra a game can look great and play like crap, visual's imo don't make a game (though they do help), content and longetivity and playability do.

Of note probably posted but first I seen it:


To me it looks like Forza has been tinkering with the lighting, then again might just be me. lol
WOW after seeing the 350Z who obviously has a death wish I must say Forza is looking very very impressive. The damage, sounds and graphics are quality, I loved hearing that Evo revving back onto the track and also seeing the NSX lose it after hitting the 350Z.

Constant laying down of skid marks kinda made me think of Need for Speed but that's only a small thing and I'm sure it'll be toned down for release. Seriously though I love GT but this game is seriously making me consider get an Xbox just for it alone.

Any doubters I advise you to watch this video (1st 350Z with the garbled screenshot)
That fat ass from gamespot cant even pronounce forza correctly. It's an italian word meaning "be forceful" and it's pronounced "fortza". Hasnt anyone seen a formula one race in italy? Shows how much of a motor sport fan that fat ass is and why his opinion means nothing to me.
WOW after seeing the 350Z who obviously has a death wish I must say Forza is looking very very impressive. The damage, sounds and graphics are quality, I loved hearing that Evo revving back onto the track and also seeing the NSX lose it after hitting the 350Z.

Constant laying down of skid marks kinda made me think of Need for Speed but that's only a small thing and I'm sure it'll be toned down for release. Seriously though I love GT but this game is seriously making me consider get an Xbox just for it alone.

Any doubters I advise you to watch this video (1st 350Z with the garbled screenshot)

LOL, screw the damage, check out that OUTSTANDING AI...just running RIGHT INTO the car while it sits on the track...didn't even make an attempt to move...yea the AI in this game is greaaaat... 💡 just like the GT series...- one point for Forza for having bad AI (joke)....

So uhh...are you guy's going to keep talking up this AI thing?
also notice how at the start of the race the AI just RAMS into the back of him ala GT3...well didn't they move in GT3? I can't remember...oh wait...I'm sure I'm going to hear this is a 40% build right?
also notice how at the start of the race the AI just RAMS into the back of him ala GT3...well didn't they move in GT3? I can't remember...oh wait...I'm sure I'm going to hear this is a 40% build right?
You are going to hear it is not the final build.
It's a newer build but it's not possible to tell
if it's a recent build.
also notice how at the start of the race the AI just RAMS into the back of him ala GT3...well didn't they move in GT3? I can't remember...oh wait...I'm sure I'm going to hear this is a 40% build right?

you're having fun aren't you.

watch some GT4 vids and check out the AWESOME A.I.

People can still hope that playing it reveals better results than a tiny video clip of an incomplete build.

Or maybe we should all just behave like cynical bastards like you.
my point is do you think that the difference in the AI will be that dramatic? Come on now, even the gravity physics were freakish, look how the cars just float like GT3 did...from this build, things are looking shaky in that department, looks good, damage looks good (though still not caculated well...look like it's impact based, not speed/etc). And it looks fun, but doesn't look like it will be an outstanding simulator it's first go round.
you're having fun aren't you.

watch some GT4 vids and check out the AWESOME A.I.

People can still hope that playing it reveals better results than a tiny video clip of an incomplete build.

Or maybe we should all just behave like cynical bastards like you.


When did I claim GT4's AI was awesome? haha...if I recall correctly it was you and Code that were talking up the AI of this game, saying how "improved and advanced it was"...looks like their focus wasn't on AI was it, nor physics from the looks of things. The cars float when coming off hills at high speeds. GT4's "float" physics are much better and display true weight properties of cars...hopefully forza will tune up....buut I have my doubts so far.
my point is do you think that the difference in the AI will be that dramatic? Come on now, even the gravity physics were freakish, look how the cars just float like GT3 did...from this build, things are looking shaky in that department, looks good, damage looks good (though still not caculated well...look like it's impact based, not speed/etc). And it looks fun, but doesn't look like it will be an outstanding simulator it's first go round.

Yeah, I just have to play it to see.

I agree with you, the floatiness needs work. But we really haven't seen a true demonstration of the A.I. yet, you'll have to admit.

When did I claim GT4's AI was awesome? haha...if I recall correctly it was you and Code that were talking up the AI of this game, saying how "improved and advanced it was"...looks like their focus wasn't on AI was it, nor physics from the looks of things. The cars float when coming off hills at high speeds. GT4's "float" physics are much better and display true weight properties of cars...hopefully forza will tune up....buut I have my doubts so far.

I don't remember claiming it had amazing A.I.

I've never seen it. I was just parroting the Dev's comments in their interviews.

What I have said is that GT's A.I. has been god-awful.
so let me get this straight....

GT devs say it has good AI...people parrot, you mock.

Forza devs say it has good parrot...I say I'm dumb....

one of these equations is funny here....

Also....parroting helps no one. Why complain about GT's AI if Forza is just as bad (and a little worse from what I see).
Yeah, I just have to play it to see.

I agree with you, the floatiness needs work. But we really haven't seen a true demonstration of the A.I. yet, you'll have to admit.

I would think that computer running laps against a human opponent is a demonstration of the else would the deomonstrate it?

I just don't understand how people have so much faith in a game...and all they have is words to rely on. That is what truly bothers me about forza.

I never rely on words because they let down. You will all be let down by forza, simply because you KEEP ON BUILDING IT UP.

Just let the game come out and then hype it.

We know GT4 will be good because it's based on a solid series. Forza is iffy and no one knows, so I dislike the praises for the damage etc...when the physics and AI are looking sub par. And what's with the ten million tire skids...a little excessive wouldn't you think?
I would think that computer running laps against a human opponent is a demonstration of the else would the deomonstrate it?

I just don't understand how people have so much faith in a game...and all they have is words to rely on. That is what truly bothers me about forza.

I never rely on words because they let down. You will all be let down by forza, simply because you KEEP ON BUILDING IT UP.

Just let the game come out and then hype it.

We know GT4 will be good because it's based on a solid series. Forza is iffy and no one knows, so I dislike the praises for the damage etc...when the physics and AI are looking sub par. And what's with the ten million tire skids...a little excessive wouldn't you think?

fair enough.

You don't have to be such a spoil sport about it.

Seriously, find me a quote of myself talking trash concerning Forza's A.I. All I remember doing is quoting stuff from their interviews and hoping that it's true.

p.s. I never called you dumb. I called you a cynical bastard.
Well to make my point :)
Forza is not a bad game, but it should'nt be compared with the whole gt series, i mean if you look at all the other driving games out there (except for enthusia), they all look like a video game, i know i might sound stupid, but gran turismo 4 it actually look like wacthing a race. I mean how can you call this

better than this, uhh ha
Guru, you should stick with vids to knock forza's visuals ;) Pics can only go so far, check out the vid in tiptopcream's thread, the second one. It's Bspec and it simply...let me say it....owns!!!!....any forza vid to date :P
Well who knows about the AI, I noticed the sloppyness of it too, but I think tha_con has gone about OTT about it, he fails to understand that we are just racing game fans, not just GT fans. As far as I'm concerned forza looks promising, and they still have time to improve the AI (which by the looks of the vid is needed). Hell if PD can do a claimed massive physics change from GT4p to GT4, I'm sure improving AI shouldn't be that difficult. I hope...

Why complain about GT's AI if Forza is just as bad (and a little worse from what I see).

FFS tha_con, it's not like we MADE forza, just because the AI is bad in abother games doesn't mean we can ignore GT4s :P. I was just hoping that finally there would be a racing game WITH decent AI (GTR seems to have it though). You call other people idiots, but some of the stuff you come out with is utter trash, you act as if you have some kind of victory over us rofl. Is there something wrong with looking forwards to a game now? I have NEVER saif forza will be better then GT4, NEVER, I'm reserving my judgement until I've played em both, but forza does some to have some plus points, call them gimmicks if you want, but they are important parts of racing (damage, wear, tyre heat, skid marks being layered down etc), and while I can't comment on how well these will be implemented, I can at least hope that it will be good :).

I have so much faith in forza as it's being developed by people with a track record of making some rather decent racing games.
Guru_nissans whole basis for judging a game seems to be graphics...what a smart guy!
so let me get this straight....

GT devs say it has good AI...people parrot, you mock.

Forza devs say it has good parrot...I say I'm dumb....

one of these equations is funny here....

Also....parroting helps no one. Why complain about GT's AI if Forza is just as bad (and a little worse from what I see).

Forza will have better AI than GT4 the simple fact it can go online ensure's that, i'd rather play online anyway.

AI in forza no one know's yet speculation mainly about "learning AI" it sounds promising no one has said it will be better than GT4 because frankly no one know's.
But online play against real people is what draws me to this game over and above any other feature's you can shove your emotional graphics and Photomode.

Not saying GT4 will be bad BUT a major pulling point for me is racing against people all over the world and mix in your buddies and it should be a great laugh think of Forza's races man..

Ferrari Enzo vs Carrera GT vs McMerc SLR vs Pagini Zonda vs Koenigsegg CCR vs Honda NSX vs Ford GT

OMG I'm going to have so much fun online it's going to be unreal it'll be like somthing out of Best Motoring :)

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