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- North Carolina
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Great, thanks!
- No sign up is required for this; you can come and go as you wish.
Thanks, your fast too. I had a 1:19,909 but i had 4 wheels off at the tunnel but the thing is that it actually made me slower, I did over 50 laps with each car but smallhorse will probablly be .5 quicker anyways. This is a great competition, it made me get back onto gtplanet and open up gt4 again
I'm not actually sure if you can actually use a USB to get a video off of GT4. I know you can use a USB for pics, but I think you may need a capture card for video... but I don't know for sure!
GT4 replays cannot be transferred to a USB drive from the game. You will need a capture card for sure for this one.
To all,
If posting your replays is going to prove to be too hard, you can always just post your splits, that should give others (if you want to let them know) some info on which sections thay are gaining/losing time.
EDIT: sub 1:20.000 in the road car.
How the hell did you get a 1'19.789???
By driving quickly. And I'm far from the best driver in GT4.
No matter how quick you think you are, theres always going to be someone out there who's quicker than you. (That is unless you can beat the licence times at GTRP)
I'll also echo everything Bopop4 said.
Nailing the first two corners isn't super critical, but getting a good run out of the hairpin is (a long up hill straight follows), so a late apex for good drive is important. The next important/tricky part is the tunnel turn, you want to get it so that you, don't run too wide, only brake once and also hit the inside kerb on corner exit. The rest is all as per said above. The lap I've done includes me running wide into the last corner, so the outside rear was in the dirt, but the ensuing slide lined me up pretty well for the finish straight.
Chain everything together nicly and 19.500 is doable, but there'd be aliens out there who can probably get under 1.19.000.
Wow, and I thought I was good at this game...
I'd say your times are very good IMO.
But yeah, youtube user Holl01, has got all the GT4 licence records (AFAIK), (put GT4 licence into the search field within his page), its a humbling experience watching them though.
Optional Bonus Car: BMW M3 GTR Race Car 01
Transmission: Either
Driving Aids: Off
Tyres: R2 (Race Hard)
Quicktune: None (Stock)