MisterWearySlight improvement but now I'm dead equal with jump_ace at T1
T1: 41.465
Gotta wonder about the finish?!?
CFMLOL, you guys have gotten spoiled by the ridiculously unrealistic levels of grip that R5's offer over the last few weeks. Back to reality people.
hOt6o4bOifor any1 saying the car is a tank
just imagine putting your RL car onto the limits, the freaking tires will not give the grip you expect
the Road tires show that once pushed past the limit of the grip from the tires, the car will not turn.....
so either slow down... or keep giving yourself understeer
When i first started this combo.. dang.. slowest time
But now after 10 laps or so.. jeepers..
Track aint too bad.. just a few tricky corners.. havent pushed this car too hard yet..
Hopefully if i have time more to come! Check this out for a split
T1: 43.634
Embarassing sector time.. i know.. meh.. at least it gets me on the leaderboard
New T1: 42.875
Small_FryzYou have cornered nearly 200kph? on a corner like 130R?
This car isnt as bad as you guys are making it out to be. You musnt be driving correctly or your to used to R tires.
fasj6418which brings up a good point to all the aussies out there: in real life, the GT ´04 comes equiped with which tires? just curious...
hOt6o4bOifor any1 saying the car is a tank
just imagine putting your RL car onto the limits, the freaking tires will not give the grip you expect
the Road tires show that once pushed past the limit of the grip from the tires, the car will not turn.....
so either slow down... or keep giving yourself understeer
hOt6o4bOifor any1 saying the car is a tank
just imagine putting your RL car onto the limits, the freaking tires will not give the grip you expect
the Road tires show that once pushed past the limit of the grip from the tires, the car will not turn.....
so either slow down... or keep giving yourself understeer