Sure...ballstothewallAnyone willing to share their methodology for the first sector?
I think i have the right lines for the second and third sectors, but need to be .3 faster in the first.
Like that, for the hard braking just before the 50m sign anyway... I do NOT drift at all through there, that only hurts your time usually... Try to brake a LITTLE deep, so you get pushed out to the middle of the track or so, then get back on the gas LIGHTLY, so you can rotate and face the inside curbing, get back on the gas all the way, and swing as smoothly wide as you can around the exit. When I get that right, I can see 19.0xx for T1. This is in the A3, but I'm assuming it's quite similar in the other two cars.flat-outSo need I.
My technique so far is :
- hard braking just before 50m sign ;
- slightly turn right to drift and point the front end towards the curve exit ;
- back on the gas as soon as possible (120 km/h on the rumble at the outside) ;
That results in 19.3 only, but I the key is the speed at the start, not the way you take turn #1.
BTW, I hope you guys (and gals) take care of keeping 2 wheels on the tarmac or rumble strip. Those wide concrete areas behind the rumble strips are so tempting... but off track.
jump_aceThats a great Looks like its your own kart? I dont wanna know how much-yes I do how much does a kart cost u think? 2 grand? Nice to see ya around again 'teammate' u should fly up to Bobkarts this Feb dude, love to meetcha.
KLR142I can cross the S/F line at 148-152mph, and usually make it around all the same. Now if only I could make one of those 152mph ones get around there fast, and give me a 18.9xx at T1, and then finish it off with a 36.7 or 36.8, and FAST finish on the same lap, I'd be insanely happy... And done for the week.
Not that it makes a difference, but you posted Kart's "I've seen" times as his official splits.
Yeah, I think ONCE. 151 is pretty doable as long as I go around the last turn fast, which happens once out of 20 times pretty much... I just sat down for a 15 minute session and I'm struggling still to be fast through T1, and then I can't be fast through the turn you have to drift around either. Argh. Shower, then another 45 minutes of racing, then work, then another 45 minutes of racing, then dinner, then other work, then more racing... Unless I find at .2 at the finish before all that...SHigSpeedYou've seen 152 at the SFL in the A3? Wow... That's impressive... I think 151 is my fluke speed at the line...
jump_aceThats a great Looks like its your own kart? I dont wanna know how much-yes I do how much does a kart cost u think? 2 grand? Nice to see ya around again 'teammate' u should fly up to Bobkarts this Feb dude, love to meetcha.
Jerome live in South Africa dude.
The chassis cost 5 grand and the engine cost 3 grand. It is very fast and too expensive but it is what I love.
Ask hugo what it's like (when he visited S.A I gave him a go :-P)
jump_aceOh, dang well maybe not then eh? 8,000 for a go kart!?!? *Whilstles* I ain't got that kind of $$$..heheh. Unless I become a gigolo again
MisterWearySo soes that mean you'll want your job back from me???
Anyway I'm done for this week, I bought Soul Calibur III on the weekend and am too addicted to it right now to try any more on this weeks race, I had a good finish, we'll see how my lap stacks up.
Laters 👍
KolyanaYou should get your splits down, slow poke.
hOt6o4bOii will have a go right now ~ is there a good setup for the A3 i can try out?
my time with the TT was all 4's on so thats why its slow i guess... but it didnt look like cutting would help that much
and as for OLR rules............. why cant they just be common sense rules...
haha my rules would look like this
2 wheel cutting only permitted on chicanes ~ unless the corner has the extra little concrete for a closer apex... realistic racing apex's...
4 wheels on track at all times ~ including wider runoff room.... realistic racing runoff, before the marshalls would black flag your asssssss
blah blah blah, no touches obviously... and no wild runups to the start/finish to start a lap
just common sense people
O AND OMG, haha i didnt have the spoiler installed
I don't think any of my setups were that bad...hOt6o4bOii will have a go right now ~ is there a good setup for the A3 i can try out?
LSD 5/5/5 5/5/5
Gearing, my custom version of the tranny trick: Move final to 4.700, move auto to 1, move final back to 3.000 and don't touch the auto again. Adjust initial final to wherever you need it to make it so you run out of whatever gear you want to end in(in this case, on the A3, 6th gear, I might do 5th on the Golf though, and I originally started out using 2nd through 5th on the A3 as well), and of course so that your gearing matches well enough with the course.
Downforce 30/30
VCD 10
Suspension basically, just bumped the shock's bound down to 6 and 5, 6 in the front to reduce dive, rebound is at 8/9, to reduce dive again, ride height is 86/85, also to try and keep the rear on the ground during braking, camber was started at 2.4, but that was too aggressive, so now I'm at 2.0/1.0, and I might get around to lowering that more, don't know if it'll help though. Sways are still 4/4, and toe is still 0/0.
Edit: Springs are 7.5/6.0. The same general tuning theory and settings almost(move front spring up a notch or two, but leave rear spring rate stock), and then the same settings elsewhere, and you should be in a pretty good game with the Golf as well. But, it'll exit slower if you leave it the same... Gotta tune in a little less understeer on the way out of those turns, these settings "should" only make that worse actually, assuming these cars act the way you'd think they would in real life when responding to tuning... Which they, sadly, don't really.
You can do it, as long as at least two of your tires are touching the rumble strips... And that can and does mean either of your two tires. You know how it works... 👍hOt6o4bOiwith the wing now
0'18.911 (-.050)
0'36.655 (-.125)
x' ~ (-.275) if you use the extra space at the exit of the tunnel to turn
but this lap i did not do that, as long as the other drivers aint doing it... i wont