GT4 WRS Week 41 : "Phantom of the Opera"

  • Thread starter Tedehur
Well Hollo ... your settings saved me .3 at the line, but I was chasing my ghost all the way and even that was a good bit off the pace.

It seems to me that I'm pretty much consistent across the whole course, but unfortunately consistently *bad* ... I'm the only 'D2er' at the bottom of the pack and I'm not seeing any obvious ways to be quicker anywhere on the track.

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm running the wrong tires or something, but I know I'm not.

With every lap pretty much the same as the previous one, with every run now neck and neck with my ghost and no real idea of how and where to improve, I'm forced to lament somewhat over previous weeks, in which better drivers would post 'drive throughs' on how to handle certain corners and aspects of the track in general.

This week I seriously have no idea where I'm going to find .5, never mind 2.0
Im not sure if I technically qualify as a "better driver", but,
My thoughts:
-The first right hander, the car wants to understeer alot (pig.) but if you have the right settings and the right ratios you can get the tail to come out just enough to get you through at a pretty good clip.
-Hairpin before the long straight you should be entering in second, shift to third when you are done braking. patience is hugely important here, just before the dark blue padding on the outside of the wall turns lighter you should be able to nail it and keep it off the wall, if you get on the curbing on the inside though, you will spin.
-fast right on the straight, im taking consistently at about 110, its all luck, but you can help yourself out by using the slight bump on the left side of the course to get the car very slightly sideways, tap the brakes here as well.
-The higher speed right-left kink, im entering the right hander in 4th to get traction from all the tires and lower the chance of spinning, downshifting into 3rd and taking the left *really* carefully with the throttle, you cant get through here without using the curbs.

thats all I have for now, its whats working for me, but my car is perhaps alittle stiffly sprung still, so Im pretty inconsistent and facing the wrong way alot.

Actually, id be interested to hear more about settings and strategies here too, it seems like everybody is pretty competitive, which is cool, but were really here to get better at the game, and Im sure some of the slower guys and girls would appreciate the help!

New times

EDIT: some of my advice sounded stupid
Thanks bbq ... i'm still plugging at it and shaved off a little more time, but I'm looking for another second. I'm a good bit slower at T1 than most people, so if I could find it here, I think I could carry it through.

Unfortunately it is one of those situation where my ghost has been faster and continually taunts me, but I'm not entirely sure *HOW* I did it.

My car seems to labor somewhat in the gears sometimes, is this nomral? Can it be combated in anyway?
yeah, there doesnt seem to be any power below about 4000 right?

Here are the ratios im using, I have it set up so that im in the top of 6th gear at the end of the long straight..

Auto 8
1- 4.294
2- 2.834
3- 2.263
4- 1.778
5- 1.420
6- 1.176

I also have the LSD set to
14 initial
50 accel
20 decel

Its the only way i can think of to get rid of the laboring and keep rear traction at the same time

I hope they help you out!

btw, if the ghost is beating me, i usually exit and reenter to get rid of it.. it makes me nervous sometimes
I've printed those gears out, thank you :)

I haven't tested them yet, but I saved .2 at T1 and .6 at the line, and that was essentially just adopting a wider angle on the hairpin before the long straight, a little patience ;) and trying to get through the kink faster by using the bump as a marker and driving 'aid'. Thanks for that, I really appreciate it.
improved my time by .4 with a slightly better setup

35.979 (seen 35.7xx many times)
1'05.890 (thats the fastest split i saw)


just change gear 2 to 2.550, auto at 13 still

lsd none
bb same
tcs 1

now the way to do T1.5-T2 the right/left/left/right is to stay in 3rd, initially take the right quite fast at 115, then brake as u hit the inside apex on the left, drop ur speed down to 90 ish, and just half throttle it around at 90ish, untill ur ready to line up the left right. and the last chickane section, do NOT hop on the first rumble strip/bump, but the next right then left, try to cut it as fine as possible but stability is the key as u dont want to get out of shape on the exit of the last corner. time submitted, but i know i can go a maximum of .2 faster if i can replicate a few of those 35.7xx's.

hot6o4boi, where are u?

u can now race this combo now as someone has provided a setup for u, lol
Righty-O, here it is...

Weary's Whirlwind Opera Tour

I agree with every one's comments of late, this week is odd, it's quiet...a little TOO quiet, here is everything I've learnt this week, take it or leave it, it's long and detailed and might just help someone. I'll start with my setup:

Brakes - 3/3
Aids - 0/0/1 (TCS at 0 is impossible unless you're veil)
LSD - 5/5/5 (As holl01 said, LSD is for wimps)
- Spring rate: 8.0/8.0 (Soft to cope with bumps)
- Ride height: 90/95 (High'ish to cope with bumps)
- Damper (Bounce): 3/3
- Damper (Rebound): 5/5
- Camber: 2.0/1.0
- Toe: 0/0
- Stabiliser: 5/5

The big thing this week I think is the gear ratios, you need to make sure you're in the power band for all your corner exits (thanks to Kart and MinorShunt for this info) and so this is what I've got:

Gear ratio - Auto settings at 10

Then i've changed the ratios of some of the gears, can't remember which ones so here they all are:

1st - 4.145
2nd - 2.577 (This one is very important!!! Stretch it out!!!)
3rd - 1.968
4th - 1.602
5th - 1.338
6th - 1.161

And with that done, here is a breakdown of how I take the entire track:

  • Usually hit the start/finish at about 150km/h (93mph) you want to be near the middle or over to the left if possible and I usually hit the rev limiter in third when I start braking down into 2nd gear. I then maintain a steady speed around this corner staying close to the inside curb.

  • The next left turn immediately moves into the right turn and these need to be considered as one connected corner, your goal is to get onto that little back straight with as much speed as possible. These corners are tough but if you go easy on the throttle while on the corners and hit it when you get onto the mini-straight you should be right, try and keep a steady speed while negotiating the corners. At the end of the straight you should hit the rev limiter in second just as you need to break for the really tight right corner.

  • The really tight right hand corner is a slow corner, just accept that and use it to prepare for a good entry onto the first part of the big straight.

  • After negotiating the tight right-hander you should try and get as far over to the right of the track as possible and give yourself the fastest and best line onto the first part of the straight. Getting onto the straight with good speed will make up a LOT of time so make this corner a priority to get right. I usually touch the brakes briefly just after exiting the tight right and coast for a moment before powering onto the straight.

  • The right-hand kink between the two long straights is important to take fast because speed maintained here will result in tenths of seconds at T1 (which is coming). I stay on the far left coming up to the kink and as you hit the bump in the road you touch your brakes and drift slightly across to the right and you should be able to maintain 165km/h (103mph) quite safely. As you come down the straight you should hit T1 in 36.4 - 36.7 your brake point is right in the middle of two shadows almost immediately as you see your T1 time, you need to brake hard and at the end veer into the corner and you should be in second gear.

  • The next two corners are important for gaining tenths again. The first hairpin is very difficult to brake correctly for, the main thing is to leave the corner safely with very little wheelspin and with a good speed. As you leave the corner stick to the FAR left, as far as you can.

  • This next right hander is very tricky to get right in my opinion. you need to ensure you get a good line for your exit that allows you to duck through without touching the rumble strips, touching these will provoke wheelspin which costs tenths and getting onto this straight with good speed should be your goal when approaching this corner. You'll then power down the straight and you should move to the far left when you get the opportunity.

  • This next chicane section (right, left, left, right) needs to be taken as one big tricky corner. I brake right on a shadow across the road (you'll pick it) and downshift to 3rd and try and maintain a speed of 110km/h (68mph) into the first part of this chicane. Right as you reach the middle of the chicane, downshifting to 2nd will make your exit easier, you will also need to brake a little. Once you've settled the car and have a line for your exit, power through and change gears as you touch the exiting rumble strip, this will ensure the rumble doesn't unsettle the car and it will also ensure you don't drift too wide and touch the wall. You then power down this straight and get very left when you can.

  • As you come down this straight you should achieve a T2 of 1'07.2 - 1'07.6 or thereabouts, your brake point for this next corner is right as you hear the rev limiter kick in in third. You brake hard and move the car late into the corner and try and maintain as much speed as you can for this next straight. Power down the straight and move to the far right when you can.

  • The next set of corners before the S/F line are quite tricky and hard to take fast, you can easily lose 0.5 seconds just on these corners so I suggest you take them in third gear to remove the threat of wheelspin and ensure you take it easy through them, not using full throttle at around 100km/h (62mph), you should cross the finish line in a Finish of 1' - 1' :sly:

And that's everything I know!!! I can't seem to beat my current time so I'd suggest it will be submitted, hopefully we can get more people competing, the board is looking so very Div 1 heavy, not fun for my first Div 1 experience :scared:

Laters 👍
with my setup, i just did a 1'05.472 T2 split, only to loose it on the next corner, LOL, i know i can do a similar split again though, but doubtful, but i dont care, i messed up, **** happens.
Holy crap! I've only gotten a half an hour in this week, and it looks doubtful that I'll get more than an hour or two in tomorrow. I'll still submit, but I doubt I'll be anywhere near the top of D3! LOL!

holl, straight up you settings didnt work too well for me (must be ive got some learning to do), but with a combo of mine (different gear ratios, LSD) and your suspension, I got my best lap yet. AND ITS CLEAN!!

T1- 36.425
T2- 1'06.671
improved by a further .3 but still botched the last section


i think i can improve it maybe .2 at max, to get to that second barrier which is possible

bbq0801, the suspension is the most imporetant part of setup, and the lsd is not neseccary at all, and i dont see how a different gear ratio to the auto 13 (with a slight adjustment to gear 2) could possibly make u go any faster, seen a 1'05.333 T2, and also a 35.544 T1 on that same lap. i'll submit my time soonish, may have one more session to see if i can crack into that second barrier which would be nice, cya mates
All right, I'm not far off being in the D2 pack now ... thanks guys :)

I still want to give this a good bit more time, but I'm getting better and - more importantly - smoother.

Thenks for the feedback and suggestions 👍
bbq0801, the suspension is the most imporetant part of setup, and the lsd is not neseccary at all, and i dont see how a different gear ratio to the auto 13 (with a slight adjustment to gear 2) could possibly make u go any faster, seen a 1'05.333 T2, and also a 35.544 T1 on that same lap. i'll submit my time soonish, may have one more session to see if i can crack into that second barrier which would be nice, cya mates

I think I noticed a big difference in the corner exit ability with the LSD, I played with the settings some, and found that i could get the car to have lightly less oversteer on corner exit while only giving up alittle understeer in the high speed corners. As far as the gear ratios go, I just made it so that I felt i was in the powerband as much of the time as possible. believe me, it wasnt a big change from yours, but I think it did make a difference, I shortened second from what you had, and third from stock *very* slightly and shortened 5th so that I was using all of it on the back straight. Honestly those changes only might have made a mental difference to me, but I thought the car felt better through 2nd and 3rd gear corners with these changes. I understand that the suspension is the most important part, and I think i learned alot from what you posted for us.

while only giving up alittle understeer in the high speed corners.

this in itself makes u slower overall, any negative side effects from using lsd always hugely outweigh any positives from using LSD. the standard LSD for most cars is the fastest IMO

got under that second barrier i was aiming for:)


i used the DFP also, the DS2 has no control whatsoever.

time submited, great combo flatout:tup:
this in itself makes u slower overall, any negative side effects from using lsd always hugely outweigh any positives from using LSD. the standard LSD for most cars is the fastest IMO

Totally argee. I've never, ever, used a LSD when a stardard one is available.

Only have run a couple of laps this week, I'll hopefully have a run tonight and get some decent splits down. I'll post my set-up too, not that anybody is interested in it :sly:

EDIT: Ok, had a talk to Hol, and had a go at his set-up. Found it too understeery underbraking for my liking so I did a variation.


My splits are still too embarrassing to post....
improved my time by .4 with a slightly better setup

35.979 (seen 35.7xx many times)
1'05.890 (thats the fastest split i saw)


just change gear 2 to 2.550, auto at 13 still

lsd none
bb same
tcs 1

now the way to do T1.5-T2 the right/left/left/right is to stay in 3rd, initially take the right quite fast at 115, then brake as u hit the inside apex on the left, drop ur speed down to 90 ish, and just half throttle it around at 90ish, untill ur ready to line up the left right. and the last chickane section, do NOT hop on the first rumble strip/bump, but the next right then left, try to cut it as fine as possible but stability is the key as u dont want to get out of shape on the exit of the last corner. time submitted, but i know i can go a maximum of .2 faster if i can replicate a few of those 35.7xx's.

hot6o4boi, where are u?

u can now race this combo now as someone has provided a setup for u, lol

i tell you what your setup is very similar to the one i have been using (different to the one i posted), especially the lengtening of second gear and keeping the auto setting at 13...

don't like this combo at all now... :yuck:

TIME SUBMITTED (expecting dead last in Div 1)
I am interested on this competition,because I do like the Arta NSX(JGTC)
I think it´s on Long Race Series,if anyone knows arround here when to start the new Season,plese reply to this Thread.:sly:
Thank You
I am interested on this competition,because I do like the Arta NSX(JGTC)
I think it´s on Long Race Series,if anyone knows arround here when to start the new Season,plese reply to this Thread.:sly:
Thank You

I think you're looking for the JGTC series which can be found here.
I think you're looking for the JGTC series which can be found here.
Thanks Colby for taking care of this.
And thanks for the loooooong post about settings and lap review. That deserves some reputation points, but I can't give you some now since I haven't rated 10 other people since the last time I rated you :(
It seems to me that I'm pretty much consistent across the whole course, but unfortunately consistently *bad* ... I'm the only 'D2er' at the bottom of the pack and I'm not seeing any obvious ways to be quicker anywhere on the track.
That was only because I hadn't found the time to run really yet...

And dayum it's late. I want to sit down and play though... So I'mma go get a little quicker than where I'm currently at, using some of the setup stuff I just read about. Tomorrow I'll go at it some more after I finish reading through all the writeups you guys are providing now. Thanks!!! 👍 Some preliminary, most likely slow, splits coming soon.
i got some laps, but unfortunately i dislike the car and the track
and i have to say, that i´m a gt mode n00b :D

best i got was that here


using DS2

@jump_ace: yes, i´m trying to discover new land :D
Nice to see ya around MADFORCE! Welcome!

Thanks Colby for taking care of this.
And thanks for the loooooong post about settings and lap review. That deserves some reputation points, but I can't give you some now since I haven't rated 10 other people since the last time I rated you :(

Is this something *I* can do? I can't seem to find any buttons/links to do this.
Is this something *I* can do? I can't seem to find any buttons/links to do this.
You can do it whenever you think you have to do it : I'm not asking anyone to do this for me.
When you want to rate a post, click on the red check mark located on the top right corner of that post. Then follow the indications.
You can do it whenever you think you have to do it : I'm not asking anyone to do this for me.
When you want to rate a post, click on the red check mark located on the top right corner of that post. Then follow the indications.

No, I think it's a good idea; i asked for assistance and three guys jumped in here, so giving them a nod of appreciation in this way is the least I can do.

What does reputation do?
EDIT: Ok, had a talk to Hol, and had a go at his set-up. Found it too understeery underbraking for my liking so I did a variation.


My splits are still too embarrassing to post....
I noticed the same thing... Didn't know if it was because I messed with the brake balance I had used before, or what, but yeah, I brake too late to make them work with my current driving style. I'll try out versions between your guys' setups. Thanks! Oh, and I don't understand at ALL how your posted setup would help reduce understeer under braking, but, I'll try it!

And I got too tired last night, so I didn't post my splits, lol. WILL HAVE SOME SOON I PROMISE! Hopefully in the 1'08 range, :ouch: .

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