GT4 WRS Week 79 : "Taking a french leave"

  • Thread starter Tedehur
okay guys, i think i will have some time for a small session tomorrow
even if i dont like normal tyres :D

but it´s a must on Cyril´s last race as WRS steward ;)
Being this the last race from Cyril as the race steward of WRS, I just had to give it a go again. Only my PS2 and DFP were collecting dust in a box for quite some time already, but after being set under pressure by Dion I reinstalled them tonight :)

My session was too short to drive a spectacular time, but with this lovely combo I got the hang of it again soon 👍 Lost little over a tenth compared to my personal best in the first sector, messed up in the hairpin in the 2nd section and made a tiny mistake after T2. Could see myself going 0.5-0.6 faster atm, but ended with this splits from my fastest lap:

T1: 34.522
T2: 1'16.536

Enjoy your spare time from now on, Cyril!
I let my mate borrow my PS2 so i won't be able to get anymore sessions in.

Anyways final splits...

T1 - 35.246
T2 - 1'18.222
(finished off well...considering i normally stuff up the last sector)

EDIT - Times now sent in
great track - difficult but fun car. trying to follow dan's line through the curves and - that's a FIRST for me - using mt rather than at this time:

38.248 - 1.25.113

but lots of time to be found at about every curve. too bad this week is so short for me, especially since this is cyril's goodbye-combo (bit dissed he didn't pick french le mans to make it a perfect french leave tho).

back for more.
Good news Steven - MT is waaay faster. No annoying downshifts, no annoying early upshifts. Still with aids, though? Get on MSN...

I can see myself beating my T2 by about 0.3, if I nail the downhill hairpin. Perhaps 0.5 in the combo, but my T1 was too quick - I couldn't ever make another first corner like this one, it was disturbingly quick.
hello there madforce, use ur ds2 for this combo, its a second faster than dfp

thanx for that info Dan 👍

i needed a few laps just to get into ds2 racing again :D

so my first time after 20min:

1:17,965 (seen a 17,5)
no aids
no at
no sports tyres

just a man and his machine at his favorite track

26.694 - 1.21.417

and 2.5 seconds off my previous laptime. would i have more time, boy!
Your saying thats slow for you?! I only dream of going that fast:(.

Not slow, I am content with the time I've driven. But I missed my braking point for the hairpin by a car length :ouch: Normally your fastest lap doesn't contain a big mistake...
So I'm happy with my run, but with some more time I can improve significantly.

And Madforce, just stick with the DFP! Last RPC you showed you know how to use it :sly:
Oh-Yeah! More time, baby!

T1: 0'35.841, minor improvement.
T2: 1'18.716!!!
And 0.5 faster over the line...
Didn't mess up the braking for the downhill this time, but didn't manage to go flat-out on the second of the double-right, and went down to 120 on the sweeper - cost me a 0.2 compared to my previous time, I guess.

Now I need a replay-checker, because of this little spot, after the first corner - I got two wheels on the grass, which is Ok, but since walls are invisible, AND there's a small hill which causes a jump, I can't be sure by myself... Replay available free of charge for volunteers (Is a +rep counted as payment?)
EDIT: Fifth time I'm watching this, still no walltouch detected (by me and my sister)

Some pictures:



Also, small question: How do people change the pictures in the replay? Normally, mine shows the view from second-1, but, especially in WRS68, Many people had much different pictures on - how?
Looks clean to me, Gingiba 👍 . Mostly when you hit something there at that point, you spin into the dirt on the other side of the track...
Hello everybody! I 've just seen action replay max... It contains only 2 cds but there's no maxdrive or something like that in package... One cd with cheets and another with programs... But they say that with program disc you can use an ordinary flash to travel data. I 've got a flash kingston. Don't you know, will it work this way? The only reason to buy it is to use it to prove lap times...

haha, same T2 but 0,1 faster in the end :)

okay, submitted this time:

0.35,144 :scared:
Submitted from my first and only session last week. A little birdie said I got smoked in the final sector by a certain "small tasty fatty tuber". :grumpy: :sly:
But it was a fun race, and certainly fun mixing it up in WRS the last year and a half. :)

Bye all! See you down the road! 👍
Submitted my lap also ... not been back to it since my last posted sectors ... lucky to make top 7 but what the hell!

3 Cheers for Cyril for his year of commitment to the WRS :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: .... ;)

Submitted from my first and only session last week. A little birdie said I got smoked in the final sector by a certain "small tasty fatty tuber". :grumpy: :sly:
But it was a fun race, and certainly fun mixing it up in WRS the last year and a half. :)

Bye all! See you down the road! 👍

Take care Steve.:)
To the best of my knowledge Steve is done with GT4 but may be back for GT5 depending on how it is with online capabilities as he is hooked on GTL online at the moment :) I'm sure he'll correct me if I am wrong :P
Board Updated

I found out that my first time was actually unsaved, and that I have no time to submit. No time to re run either.
I feel so stupid it's crazy, on Cyril's final race too... :nervous:
Hello everybody! I 've just seen action replay max... It contains only 2 cds but there's no maxdrive or something like that in package... One cd with cheets and another with programs... But they say that with program disc you can use an ordinary flash to travel data. I 've got a flash kingston. Don't you know, will it work this way? The only reason to buy it is to use it to prove lap times...

I'm not sure I'm afraid, mine came with 2 mini-cd's, one you use in the PS2 and one was software for the PC and it also came with a USB Flash stick. I've tried other flash sticks and they don't work...however, Dan (holl01) lost his flash stick and bought a standard USB flash stick that does work. Perhaps someone else knows more about the Action Replay maxdrive???
Yeah, I have always used a flash drive that isn't official ARMax software. Hell, I've even used my PSP with a USB cable plugged in, and that works too.
My maxdrive snapped ages ago and have been using an old mp3 player with a flip out usb on it and its so covenient I never bothered buying a new maxdrive ;)

basically it looks like all anybody would need to do if possible is download the maxdrive ps2 software if available ( not sure if they are downloadable as I still use the original mini disc ) and find a usb storage gadget that will light up the blue icon 👍
I even tested an olympus camera and that was happy to do the job also :P
Sweet 👍 Sounds like I was the exception with neither of my spare USB's working, rather than the norm :)
To the best of my knowledge Steve is done with GT4 but may be back for GT5 depending on how it is with online capabilities as he is hooked on GTL online at the moment :) I'm sure he'll correct me if I am wrong :P

Yup, yup, and nope. :)

I will still lurk and peek in from time to time on the WRS to keep abreast of the dramas, but honestly lost my motivation to play GT4 quite a while ago. GTL and GTL online is such a blast that I'm sure it will keep me occupied till GT5 comes out. I have high hopes as we all do. :scared:

I have made such good friends in the GT4 world, that I can't see divorcing myself from that world. As Ahnold would say, "I'll be back!" :dopey:

keeponrollin' indeed! :cool:
