I came to GTP to find out some new info on GT5, maybe find some like minded people who were looking forward to playing the future of car racing games... However, mostly what I find is a ****-waving competition.
Everyone has their opinion on what Gran Turismo *is*, and what they want GT5 to be, and won't hear anyone say anything different. Some times they won't hear anything different by not reading the thread and then posting something useless like 'Nonononoooooo!', sometimes they clearly don't even read the first *post* before replying.
Some people only read the last post and then attempt to discredit it without a hint of critical thinking. There is one thread (now closed) where the OP tried to talk about something in a particular situation, and not one reply listened to what had been said in the first post, critically eveluated it and posted a balanced reply. One reply was huge, regurgitated a whole lot of stuff that had been said before (all true, it has to be said), but which unfortunalty had no relevance to the situation in the OP. Most of the rest were 'nooooooo!' or arguing sementics, or trying to use PD's name to back up their views.
BULL **** the lot of it. If you can't debate or get your point across without resorting to personal insults, or building straw men, or indulging in reductio ad absurdium, putting your fingers in your ears and going 'lalalallala', or even something as simple as realizing that a single counter example disproves a theory, but hundereds of positive results only show that the testing hasn't been exhaustive enough to find a counter example, then DON'T POST, take a critical thinking and logic class instead and find out why your post makes you look like an ass.
I have thousands of hours on 'arcade' games, and more than a hundred hours on commercial simulators. Gran turismo is neither. Most of the arguements on this forum come from people arguing arcade vs. simulation. It is a console racing game. Get over it. Until they simulate body roll and g-forces and when you hit a bump or clip a curb the steering wheel is ripped from your hands and you get thrown forward against your belt, it isn't a simulator, because they really do have that in commercial simulators. Heavy landing in a light aircraft simulator? You know about it from the bruises. Drop a wing on a big commercial jet and stall it? You know about it because the drop leaves your stomach behind.
It's a game. What's more, it's PDs game and they'll build it how the want it. There's 25 million PS3s, one person saying 'noooooooo!' won't change a thing.
I came to GTP to find out some new info on GT5, maybe find some like minded people who were looking forward to playing the future of car racing games... However, mostly what I find is a ****-waving competition.
Everyone has their opinion on what Gran Turismo *is*, and what they want GT5 to be, and won't hear anyone say anything different. Some times they won't hear anything different by not reading the thread and then posting something useless like 'Nonononoooooo!', sometimes they clearly don't even read the first *post* before replying.
Some people only read the last post and then attempt to discredit it without a hint of critical thinking. There is one thread (now closed) where the OP tried to talk about something in a particular situation, and not one reply listened to what had been said in the first post, critically eveluated it and posted a balanced reply. One reply was huge, regurgitated a whole lot of stuff that had been said before (all true, it has to be said), but which unfortunalty had no relevance to the situation in the OP. Most of the rest were 'nooooooo!' or arguing sementics, or trying to use PD's name to back up their views.
BULL **** the lot of it. If you can't debate or get your point across without resorting to personal insults, or building straw men, or indulging in reductio ad absurdium, putting your fingers in your ears and going 'lalalallala', or even something as simple as realizing that a single counter example disproves a theory, but hundereds of positive results only show that the testing hasn't been exhaustive enough to find a counter example, then DON'T POST, take a critical thinking and logic class instead and find out why your post makes you look like an ass.
I have thousands of hours on 'arcade' games, and more than a hundred hours on commercial simulators. Gran turismo is neither. Most of the arguements on this forum come from people arguing arcade vs. simulation. It is a console racing game. Get over it. Until they simulate body roll and g-forces and when you hit a bump or clip a curb the steering wheel is ripped from your hands and you get thrown forward against your belt, it isn't a simulator, because they really do have that in commercial simulators. Heavy landing in a light aircraft simulator? You know about it from the bruises. Drop a wing on a big commercial jet and stall it? You know about it because the drop leaves your stomach behind.
It's a game. What's more, it's PDs game and they'll build it how the want it. There's 25 million PS3s, one person saying 'noooooooo!' won't change a thing.