Right so they delay the game for almost a month (and counting) so they can run a large roughly 30 day advertising campain that they have yet to start even and puts the release after black Friday and we are already at the previous launch day...
A dash more logic in the thinking there might help
I have never understood why anyone would put down 100% of the purchase value up front... it makes no sense to me and is like giving the store a 0% interest loan with some potential risks (like the system looses track of your preorder, you loose your receipt, who knows who knows what goes wrong, the store goes out of business...)
I have heard the reasoning like "this way I don't have to worry about if I have the money on launch day, I just walk in and pick it up.) which is some of the strangest logic I have ever heard.
If you prepaid the full amount you already HAVE the money... the only reason you WOULDN'T have the money on launch day is if you spent it on something else. The logic would be that you WOULDN'T spend it on something else unless it was more important than GT5.
Now I don't know about you, but if something more important comes up... don't you want your money where you can get it to pay that off instead of tied up in a GT5 pre order?
So there are only 2 possibilities:
1: Something more important DOES come up before GT5 launches, you need to spend the money on that, hopefully you can get it back from your pre order and then it's spent and guess what, no money for GT5 but it didn't matter that you put the preorder anyway did it?
2: Nothing more important happens, your money sits in someone elses pocket until GT5 launches, you get your game and are not ahead in any way at all and you have missed out on the opportunity cost of money the whole time.
BTW if you aren't aware the opportunity cost of money is the inherent value that having money has. It means that should beneficial opportunities arise, you have the ability to take advantage of them. A possible example might be a bank offers a 10% CD for 6 months. Had you put your money into the CD you would have earned some profit off it and still had it at the end.
BTW the % paid on CD's is directly related to the fact they are paying you to give up the opportunity cost of money