It's not that stupid, No western games go onto shelves immediately before Christmas, but in Japan they do. That might be down to logistical reasons as well as cultural ones, I don't know.
I think the delay is most likely to be down to optimisation not going as smoothly as hoped, 3D plus 16 cars with damage in the rain being even worse than feared on some tracks, that sort of thing.
Say whaaaat?i've never been to japan but i think their october has like 52 suns up and suns downs
Makes no sense .... Kaz did say he was only 3 days late ..... he said nothing about re-work...
Did he mean it was finished 3 days late or it had gone 3 days over the deadline so far?
This is fitting nicely with my prediction of Q1 2011. I don't think any of us will have GT5 before January.Got this email this morning. :I
From Amazon.
We have received new release date information related to your pre-ordered video game in the order you placed on July 17 2010.. The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:
**"Gran Turismo 5"
***Release date: December 31 2010
***Estimated arrival date: December 31 2010
Because we were unable to meet our guaranteed delivery date promise, we are refunding the shipping charges for your entire order. *This refund should be processed within the next few days, and we will send you an e-mail to let you know when the refund has been completed.
We won't get this game this year.
I believe so too, but Sony were quite adamant on it being released in 2010.We won't get this game this year.
Man I'm pretty sure its this damn 3.50 fimrware for the ps3 thats screwing everyone up.
I have two PS3 Slims, and the are both identically MESSED upright after I installed 3.5 on both of them. For eexample the browser no longer works right, if you go to the normal youtube site on the ps3 browser, thumbnails are not shown, and you cannot click on some links, instead the thing to write comes up. I also noticed some extra jitter and framrates drops on some games, and downloaded content sometimes takes ages to install, way longer than i remember.
I almost feel like wrting a letter to sony, I cant beleive they've let this go on for so long. Are their official boards any good?
I've just picked up F1 2010 from shopto for £32 delivered. It'll be here in the morning. that'll last me til "whenever"
I have an original launch PS3, my kids have a slim PS3, the Slim one is noticeably slower at everything, so much for progress !
I'm still hoping for a Black Friday release. If it was only a 3 day delay, it's not that hard to get there, they have two weeks to print (which they probably already did), and ship the BDs to US, then Europe, then Japan, then my poor, always neglected Aussie friends.
It makes sense, and that way they get their sales. But knowing Sony, they don't care, they want to sell those overpriced ridiculous 3D TVs that no one wants. If I don't even have a 30" flat screen, do they think I'm gonna buy a 3D one?