GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
They did lie. They SAID the release date was going to be November 2nd (or 3rd) :lol: The bottom line is - don't give a release date if you're not 100% sure you can meet it.
Because they did.
No, they didn't. Release dates are tentative. They always have been, and they always will be. It doesn't even really matter what industry you are in, either, but it is especially applicable for software development. Even the most official set in stone shipping dates are subject to change, because you can not plan ahead for every setback. And PD obviously found a setback somewhere.

Now, what would you suggest they do for it? Ignore it, and have a Day 1 patch instead? You do realize what that entails, don't you? Depending on how big the bug is, there could be tons on negative publicity within the first few days of the game's launch. Think of every big name game that came out that needed major patches. Think of all of the screaming and complaining and yelling that said game went through. Think of all of the "they were really lazy with the testing in this game" posts that crop up on gaming blogs and message boards. Even worse, think of all the people who ended up suffering from the bug because they weren't able to get the latest updates and whatnot.

I'm not saying that delaying the game is a flawless way to deal with situations like this. But it isn't anywhere near as black and white as people have been throwing around. Neither solution is any more right or wrong than the other one. This is very much a catch-22 for PD: They delay the game and face ridicule because of its long development time, or don't delay the game and face ridicule because the game was buggy despite its long development time.
hehe, the irony :dunce:

In all honesty, has anyone thought that maybe the technical problems are more on the publisher side of things? Would it be possible that there is an issue with compression volume, could it be the largest game in terms of volume of all time? They did say 'technical issue' although, obviously that could mean anything.

If Polyphony Digital made a game that was more than 50GB, knowing they only had 50GBs to work with, they're running into incompetent, which I don't believe for a second.
Well, that's it! I haven't finally decided but maybe I'll cancel my preorder. That's not the way you treat the fans who have waited for 5 years.
Oh for heaven's sake! I know KY and PD are perfectionists but this is bordering on lunacy.

My guess is that the reflections on the door handles weren't quite right....
Or that the treads on the tyres were facing the wrong way....
Or that there wasn't enough gravel at the sides of the tracks....
Or that the colours of the eyes on the trackside spectators were green instead of blue, cos KY likes blue....
Or that the clouds weren't fluffy enough....
Or that the raindrops during bad weather were too small....
Or that.................see where I'm going here?

The game had better be no less than 100% perfect, bug-free, pristine, utterly better-than-every-driving-game-ever-released brilliant after this.

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If Polyphony Digital made a game that was more than 50GB, knowing they only had 50GBs to work with, they're running into incompetent, which I don't believe for a second.

I'm with you mate.

It's like going up to the board of directors and saying don't worry I'm just putting PS4 levels of coding into a PS3.

Just ain't gonna happen, no way would anyone be stupid enough to do that.
You know what probably happened?

They found a glitch/bug/lost some data and are too embarrassed to talk about it because they are perfectionists
If they were perfectionists they wouldnt even consider releasing this game until ALL the cars were premium. Not just 20%. Thats basically releasing a game that is only 20% finished. Far from being perfectionists. If they truly want to make it perfect then ALL the cars need to be premium. Maybe we will get lucky and have engine and drive train swaps or a vinyl editor or all the other stuff we asked for. That would make it worth the wait but I would prefer to see the game 100% finished before they release it. Which I know will never happen. I still cant believe they are even thinking of working on GT6 when this game is not even finished yet.

I still cant believe how many people are actually surprised with this GT5 delayed news. But it does make me laugh at all the people that argued with me and said this game would never be delayed. I am tempted to buy GT5 Prologue off of Craigslist for $10.00 because I truly dont expect this game to come out until 2011 or later.
If "holiday season" means anything, it's not long of a delay. Maybe around a month or so. Considering all the other great games coming out (like NFS) it's really no big deal IMO.
OK Time to add a little bit of fun here:

Come up with funniest reason you can think of for the delay:nervous:

Here's mine:

:sly:China didn't make enough of them "little cars" for the CE edition so PD delayed the release.:sly:

To Scaff I'm feeling your pain having to edit post I'm glad you are:tup:. Do you think this will be the top "infractions" thread beating out the "Funny picture" thread. I think it will!
Sucks that they've probably known for a few weeks they wouldn't make the date. They just can't be straight with their own customers, always waiting till the last minute to break bad news. Reminds me of little kids that don't want to get in trouble so they just don't say anything till absolutely they have to.

It they would just have some honesty and disclosure it would be all good
OK Time to add a little bit of fun here:

Come up with funniest reason you can think of for the delay:nervous:

Here's mine:

:sly:China didn't make enough of them "little cars" for the CE edition so PD delayed the release.:sly:

To Scaff I'm feeling your pain having to edit post I'm glad you are:tup:. Do you think this will be the top "infractions" thread beating out the "Funny picture" thread. I think it will!

I think Kaz forgot to put that ONE hole in the brake rotor of the Audi R8.
I got to thinking about this, I am going to blame Call of Duty Black Ops and the mass amount of sales that game is going generate in November.
OK Time to add a little bit of fun here:

Come up with funniest reason you can think of for the delay:nervous:

Here's mine:

:sly:China didn't make enough of them "little cars" for the CE edition so PD delayed the release.:sly:

To Scaff I'm feeling your pain having to edit post I'm glad you are:tup:. Do you think this will be the top "infractions" thread beating out the "Funny picture" thread. I think it will!

Kaz realised the door handle on the Fiat 500 is 2.8mm out of position
I honestly truly believe at this moment that GT5 will not be released in 2010. I am expecting a 2011 release and a late 2011 release at the moment. It just seems like the type of things that would be added to GT6 could be done within a year. I might be screwing myself over right now with these thoughts. At least I will be happy if it comes out before then.
If they were perfectionists they wouldnt even consider releasing this game until ALL the cars were premium. Not just 20%. Thats basically releasing a game that is only 20% finished. Far from being perfectionists. If they truly want to make it perfect then ALL the cars need to be premium. Maybe we will get lucky and have engine and drive train swaps or a vinyl editor or all the other stuff we asked for. That would make it worth the wait but I would prefer to see the game 100% finished before they release it. Which I know will never happen. I still cant believe they are even thinking of working on GT6 when this game is not even finished yet.

I still cant believe how many people are actually surprised with this GT5 delayed news. But it does make me laugh at all the people that argued with me and said this game would never be delayed. I am tempted to buy GT5 Prologue off of Craigslist for $10.00 because I truly dont expect this game to come out until 2011 or later.

They already said that they had to find a balance and they went a bit over the top with the premium cars, as far as I can see that is the only shortcoming on their part for the game, the rest (livery editor, drivetrain swap, engine swap, etc...) were never announced for the game, so they don't count, as PD never said they would be in the game.

Oh of course how could I forget, the never-ending delays, that they take blame for too, but content-wise I'm sticking by that statement

"Ok Mr. Yamauchi, so you ARE putting cockpit views on the standard cars...........yes, I'll call the PR department!!
When all is said and done, I still look forward to playing GT (when ever it will be released, I'm thinkin' March next year), and even though I'm disappointed now, and probably still is tomorrow, come Monday I'll be just as psyched about it, and will still buy it.
So will 99 % of the rest of the board members here, on the contrary of what they're writing in this thread, I'll bet my first born on that (unless it's a boy of course) :)

Not saying that this delay is okay, far from it, but I hope PD and Sony will redeem them selves by offering the first 5 DLC packs for free or something like that.
Wow you guys sound like babies. If they release it now you guys will complain about the problems, if they push it back to fix it you still complain lol. So what if you bought a wheel? You are still going to use it whenever its released.
Well, I think in the end it is all about the sales.

COD:BO comes out on Nov. 6, Assassin's Creed:Brotherhood comes out Nov. 16th, NFS:HP comes out Nov. 16, as well. In December, there are no big games coming out.... at all. So, the opportunity to sell more copies is better and they can actually come up with better bundles (i.e. Console + game bundle). Plus, everyone in December will be on a spending spree....

Yes, Forza 3 Ultimate Edition comes out around end of October, but that game only brings so much. Everyone who has the game at this point is getting bored with it and majority of the players have all the DLC. The only thing to look forward on this version is new cars, Top Gear, Stigs Cars.... and that's it?

Assuming that it does come out before the end of 2010, it's better for everyone because people will be out of school for winter break. No grades will suffer, no calling in sick excuse, no job loss due to GT5, etc. :)

If it doesn't come out by end of 2010, they can still make good sales because no serious competition will come out 'till March due to Crysis 2 (if it really is a big game). Well, yes, we have Test Drive Unlimited 2 coming out on Jan. 15, but who plays that?

If it comes out later than March 2011, basically they're toying with us then. All we can do is wait, wait, wait, and then wait.... then wait some more.

I just hope that if that is their primary motivation to delay, they better take advantage of the time to extremely polish the game because a lot of people will be talking crap about it being delayed so many times and it doesn't even live up to the hype. They really need to make sure they use their time wisely.

Also, we have to consider that PD is currently battling some issues especially about that one issue about some place wanted stuff off the tracks or something. I don't remember, but PD has their issues.

Other than that, we can officially call KY and Sony liars at this point. They lie time and time again, but we'll keep supporting them nonetheless. You and I know that they are.... don't be in denial. :)

So, we wait.
OK Time to add a little bit of fun here:

Come up with funniest reason you can think of for the delay:nervous:

Here's mine:

:sly:China didn't make enough of them "little cars" for the CE edition so PD delayed the release.:sly:

To Scaff I'm feeling your pain having to edit post I'm glad you are:tup:. Do you think this will be the top "infractions" thread beating out the "Funny picture" thread. I think it will!

My funny reason is, Their printers broken (scared forza employies??) so they can't print the box art.
I swear there has been a reply every minute in this thread since it was made. :crazy:

I firmly believe (yes I'm crazy) we are heading for a end of year 2010 release. :dopey: