GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
they'll release it just in time for "Administrative assistant" day - I bothers me they didn't specify "which" holiday they would release it for....... Greek Orthodox Xmas ? Chinese New Year ? we've got a whole year of "holidays".

What other games does Sony have coming around the same time?

They could cut production by 50% on one of the games so they have 50% of the resources to burn GT5 too, and not have too much of a delay.
What other games does Sony have coming around the same time?

They could cut production by 50% on one of the games so they have 50% of the resources to burn GT5 too, and not have too much of a delay.

Sony doesn't have any major titles coming out for the rest of the year. But there are other major titles that have to have their discs printed also. CoD, Assassin's Creed: BH, and NFS are the main games that fall into that category.
Ok sounds like they are still working on it....because I came straight from this frontpage where some insider from sony said it was the hackers fault etc. Maybe sony/pd should start to talk together så they dont get caught with their pants down lying

Ofcourse one could be telling the truth...

I think the problem is two thing's are being confused. But are related.

When Kaz say's
Apparently, finalizing some areas of the game's more complicated systems is taking time.

He is talking about being three days late delivering the complete game to Sony.

Which then led to.............

Sony missing their slot for replication and so the Sony execs decided to take the opportunity to upgrade the firmware requirement.

Like GT5's release date, my opinion is subject to change!
So in 3-4 months they will more than likely be able to copy version 3.50 anyway so the loss will still be there (Them Pirates are quicker than PD).:sly:
No I don't even know how the pirated PS3's work or ever seen one. The reason I started playing games on the PS3 was that they were too many cheaters on PC's.:yuck:

Yes that's quite possible... in the meantime though you have a lot of people looking at their Jailbroken PS3's wondering "do I hold out and hope someone hacks 3.50 or do I just give up on Jailbreak so I can play GT5?"

I have a feeling Sony is aiming squarely to hit those people with GT5 and getting them to give up and upgrade to 3.50.
Is anyone even looking at the news page?

Firmware 3.50 is what's holding it back... like I said originally... jailbreak protection.

They are working to make sure their big title is as jailbreak proof as possible and also as strong a tool as possible to make jailbreak users choose between jailbreak and GT5.

It is still a possibility, but not confirmed. Thats why there is a question mark in the title.

It's just a matter of time before starts sending out notices pending delay on special orders.
People need to be reminded that the PlayStation 3 was technically never hacked, someone leaked Sony's own hardware used for servicing consoles, the jailbreak dongle is Sony made and the usb boot exploit was their idea. It doesn't change the reality that you can play pirate games on PS3 prior to 3.42, but I feel pretty confident that 3.50 onward will never be cracked unless someone at Sony leak the firmware for the hackers to program a custom 3.50 firmware, or whatever revision is present at said time.

Imagine a couple hundred thousand lost sales due to pirating (think China, Russia, and other communistical places distributing copies as well as P2P).

There is no communist country and has never been one in modern times, those states either are, or used to be, socialist states. If you read the book, communism means the absence of government, a stateless country, wich isn't the case here. Unless you seek very small societies living in very remote places, isolated from our civilisation, you haven't witnessed communism and know nothing about it except the theory. You should educate yourself and learn the truth about our world and its history, like the fact that capitalism never defeated socialism, in reality democracy prevailed over tyranny.
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What other games does Sony have coming around the same time?

They could cut production by 50% on one of the games so they have 50% of the resources to burn GT5 too, and not have too much of a delay.

COD:BO for one.
I ordered my collector's edition from amazon and they pulled it. I guess they sold out? I checked my open orders and it's still there so...
There is being a loyal GT5 supporter and there is being blinded by Sony/PD and ones admiration for GT5. Some people like yourself Scope are in the latter category and will take GT5`s further delay faithfully on the chin with a smile and say thats ok i`ll just place my pre-order receipt for GT5 next to the my one for Duke Nukem Forever,it`s all good `cause i know they will both come when they are ready!

I think the majority of fans are sick of the wait,it really is becoming a joke now. GT5 was suspossed to be a PS3 release title. Many people in Aus dropped just over AU$1000 on a 60gb PS3 in march 2007 in anticipation of GT5,to be told it`s been held a few months. Ok no problems. Xmas `07 passes and still no GT5,we now might not get it for xmas `10. The saying "Last straw that breaks the camel's back" comes to mind here scope.

Hopefully it`s only a minor delay caused by the SDK issue,but it does beg the question of what next? :ouch:

Growing up, did you ever get really mad at a game? I mean really mad. You know, you are trying to beat this certain level and you cannot seem to beat it. You throw this fit and one of your parents hear you... They come in there confused. Wondering why you are allowing yourself to be so frustrated. It is a game right? It is supposed to be enjoyed. The moment you start taking this stuff seriously, well that is your problem.

People like you, seem to be missing the point.

In other words, I have a degree in Political Science and will probably be in Peace Corps this time next year. There are things that are worth my negativity. There are things that are worth my angst. But a game? No way, I will blindly enjoy that thank you. And I certainly won't throw a moody like I am 8 years old. Because only children should be allowed to get upset over these things. I mean, it is everything in their world. However, for adults like you and me... Well if you are getting this upset, maybe you should stop playing and go to bed.
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There is no communist country and has never been one in modern times, those states either are, or used to be, socialist states. If you read the book, communism means the absence of government, a stateless country, wich isn't the case here. Unless you seek very small societies living in very remote places, isolated from our civilisation, you haven't witnessed communism and know nothing about it except the theory. You should educate yourself and learn the truth about our world and its history, like the fact that capitalism never defeated socialism, in reality democracy prevailed over tyranny.

Did you bump your head or eat some bad poutine?
I ordered my collector's edition from amazon and they pulled it. I guess they sold out? I checked my open orders and it's still there so...
It's simple, they can't take any more pre-orders. Those who have already pre-ordered don't have to panic....I guess.
Idea for Kaz/PD if he/they happen to read this post:

Stay in Japan and finish the effin game! Quit traveling to different locations to either drive exotic cars or be present for some other auto related function. YOUR JOB AS OF TODAY IS A GAME PROGRAMMER!!!! After you release the game, sure, take some time off to test drive a new car and take it out for some laps around Laguna Seca.

I heard that there may have been bugs in the game. Guess what, this would not be the first time for a patch. Crap, every time I boot up my PS3, there is always some type of update/patch that needs to be downloaded. Also, did November 2, 2010 sneak up on you? Not me, I have been patiently waiting for the game and will continue to do so.

Kaz, take one final smoke break and get your act together. We will be patiently be waiting on your results. By the way, if you are trying to please yourself, then I understand. If you are trying to please the masses by making “tweaks” to the game, then you will be working on this for the rest of your life because you WILL NOT PLEASE EVERYONE WHO PLAYS THIS GAME!

As you were….

Ardius Reply

Every game ever has bugs. I don't know why you want to complain about patching, as that means they can still fix stuff after release, where they otherwise would have been a bit stuck (Gran Turismo 2).
As for the rest - you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes at PD (or even at Sony). Please don't assume laziness is to blame.Kaz's job isn't as programmer by the way either. Its through his travelling to these auto shows that PD get their hands on various licences and special concept cars. Would you rather not have the Miura? Thought not.

Bigworm377 Reply

1. You do know what goes on behind the scenes every day at PD? Sounds like you are there every day, so tell me first hand why this game has been delayed again (it will just be between us, I promise).

2. Programmer/developer - you say potatoe, I say potato. Also, when he started out and there were just 4 people working at Sony Imagesoft/989 Studios/PD and I would think that he would have something to do with the programming / development. Now I know that he is now the President and board memeber of PD, but isn't someone who is a Doctor always a Doctor (even though they don't practice).

3. When did you get the ability to read minds? How did you know that I always wanted the Miura in GT5? Personally, I wanted the Jalpa, but you already knew that, didn't you. Thought so......
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Do I really need to break down the communism/socialism/capitalism/democracy thing for everyone? :banghead: anything else...on the topic...

**moves to different thread**

Rosh Hashanah 2014!

Pffft.....everyone knows it's going to be released at Chanukah 2014. :P:dopey:

As for the rest of you, STOP YOUR WHINING!! I swear, with some of the reactions coming out of people's heads on here, you'd think that Kaz had home invaded your house and kicked your mother's head like it was a soccer ball. :irked:

lalaurentide, are you serious about that with communism?? Go and check out Cuba and tell Fidel Castro (well, now Raul Castro) that there's no communism in the world. Check North Korea out too while you're at it and tell Kim-Jong Il that he's running a great democracy. :rolleyes: Comments like that are proof that my current status is on the money with some people. :cool:
Pffft.....everyone knows it's going to be released at Chanukah 2014. :P:dopey:

As for the rest of you, STOP YOUR WHINING!! I swear, with some of the reactions coming out of people's heads on here, you'd think that Kaz had home invaded your house and kicked your mother's head like it was a soccer ball. :irked:

lalaurentide, are you serious about that with communism?? Go and check out Cuba and tell Fidel Castro (well, now Raul Castro) that there's no communism in the world. Check North Korea out too while you're at it and tell Kim-Jong Il that he's running a great democracy. :rolleyes: Comments like that are proof that my current status is on the money with some people. :cool:

I think what he meant to say is that no government in its true form exists in real life. Soviet Russia was never a true communism, but it was closer to that than Socialism.The US is not pure capitalism, if it was, then you would have to hire policeman, firefighters, postal services etc etc. China is more capitalist than communist, even though they they're communist.
Growing up, did you ever get really mad at a game? I mean really mad. You know, you are trying to beat this certain level and you cannot seem to beat it. You throw this fit and one of your parents hear you... They come in there confused. Wondering why you are allowing yourself to be so frustrated. It is a game right? It is supposed to be enjoyed. The moment you start taking this stuff seriously, well that is your problem.

People like you, seem to be missing the point.

In other words, I have a degree in Political Science and will probably be in Peace Corps this time next year. There are things that are worth my negativity. There are things that are worth my angst. But a game? No way, I will blindly enjoy that thank you. And I certainly won't throw a moody like I am 8 years old. Because only children should be allowed to get upset over these things. I mean, it is everything in their world. However, for adults like you and me... Well if you are getting this upset, maybe you should stop playing and go to bed.

Honestly if you can enjoy something, then you can be angry or dissapointed about it.

To say otherwise is just posturing.

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