GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Ok, I stopped back by the thread and the conversation is still going on. So, I guess I'll post this.

Russia, China, and Cuba were all part of a "Communist Movement" that swept the world after Karl Marx published his book the Communist Manifesto. However, he actually died way before these countries' Communist parties came into power. But, guess what? Communism and Marx followers were around way before the Cold War.

These nations were nothing more than the culmination of the Communist Movement. Which has now fizzled and died. However, when you think of Marx you shouldn't really think of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, or Castro. These are guys who rose to power on the back of the movement. Which should not directly reflect on Marx's original conception of Communism.

You have to understand, that when Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, the average worker in world was getting absolutely crapped on. They had no rights and had no chance of being upwardly mobile. So, he saw everything as a "haves" vs. "have nots".

So, when these Communist parties were forming all over the world, it was in the interest of the "People". However, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The people were to willing to give too much power to the Communist parties, which resulted in terrible crimes against humanity.

So, this could go on forever, but the most importing thing to take away, is that these countries are not really Communist in a philosophical sense. Most are extremely Capitalistic. However, they are often ran by very few people at the top. Which should not be confused with Communism. Which was nothing more than Karl Marx's theoretical answer to the atrocities that plagued the working man during the Industrial Revolution.

Honestly if you can enjoy something, then you can be angry or dissapointed about it.

To say otherwise is just posturing.

Is "posturing" your way of calling me fake? :lol:
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Wonder if this has anything to do with this... from psgroove...

"PSX-Scene brings us the latest on Sony’s legal battle versus jailbreak hackers, which continued on October 12th. This was the hearing date for the preliminary injunction against the named defendants. However, none of the hackers showed up. The hearing was heard in front of Judge Vaughn R Walker, who had no choice but to grant Sony’s preliminary injunction. This is the first of many legal battles Sony is bound to stir up, and they will ultimately continue to win them until someone stands up against them. Unfortunately, it seems the first ten defendants will take this injunction lying down, as none attempted to fight it. A full list of what the injunction entails after the jump. All related court document are available for download below."

I'm tired of these thieves... I 100% agree with one of the comments from their website.

"Do you guys realize that Sony isn’t in business to make games, it’s in business to make money… while delivering good games like GT5. If most people pirated they would not make games. You have already hurt the PC market… Because of you, I have to wait for GT5, because of you, I lost interest in PC gaming, because of you companies waste millions to prevent piracy… all this because of theft. Similarly, because of people like you I payed for a car alarm and an expensive bicycle lock… But I will happily will vote for increased taxes to keep thieves locked up…"
Is "posturing" your way of calling me fake? :lol:

If you want to talk phsychoanalytics about people who get angry over something they are interested in and try to insult them by saying it's the behavior of an 8 year old I will call you out on it.

Just as many people like to bash people who enjoy video games for enjoying "kids games" and only little kids should have fun with it.

Truth is that things either can invoke emotion in you or can not. If they can they can in either direction. To say that you can enjoy something but then try to say that it's stupid to be upset by the same thing is just posturing. Can be for many reasons, often some form of sour grapes or denial.
Well people should get over it,I clearly understand why everyone was upset when the standard cars but the thing is that the delay was announced,It has been discuss but there is anything else on it to be analyse,maybe the reasons of why the game was held,but that's it,I'm seeing even communistic talk(which I reply with: "in Soviet Russia GT5 delays you").

seriously stop the whining its been two days and its just a game,a good point to debate but a game nevertheless so don't expect the whining will bring something extra,it just wont.
If you want to talk phsychoanalytics about people who get angry over something they are interested in and try to insult them by saying it's the behavior of an 8 year old I will call you out on it.

Just as many people like to bash people who enjoy video games for enjoying "kids games" and only little kids should have fun with it.

Truth is that things either can invoke emotion in you or can not. If they can they can in either direction. To say that you can enjoy something but then try to say that it's stupid to be upset by the same thing is just posturing. Can be for many reasons, often some form of sour grapes or denial.

Ummm, being disappointed that you can't beat a level, and screaming and yelling about it are two different things. They may originate from the same emotion, but typically as we get older we learn to display these emotions in different ways.

Sorry, if you feel my post is stating that I was never disappointed. Or that I do not care that it was delayed, but it was more pointing to the way that emotion is displayed.

However, at this point, I can feel an argument of semantics coming on. Which is never really a debate about anything constructive. It was simply a statement towards an individual who was "kicking and screaming". Which is often a sign you are taking the game way too seriously.
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Because of the delay, I put on the Troll Face

You mean this one?
Yeah, if Sony wants to troll us around, why cant we? Also it will have some laughs, kill some time before GT5.
I'm hoping I have your permission to don the beauty. :lol: Oh man, the file size isn't small enough.

:lol: Absolutely, I guess you're right though, it's too big to make into an avatar :ouch:

I love this thread, there have been some classic posts in here :)
@ People attacking me on my comment (interstingly all americans, go figure)

Communism is what Marx put in the book, I'm not defending the idea, I know it's an utopia in the crowded world we live in. All I'm saying is that communism doesn't exist, what you call communism is in fact socialism; communist economic principles with a government, the alleged half-step between capitalism and communism. You can't change the definition as you please.
And for the record, I actually thought you had it 'more right' than anyone else.

Yeah, I saw a couple of people trolling me, it wasn't directed at you, as you said I don't have the intention to start a debate on the matter neither, the two posts were just a clarification on the subject, using wrong definitions and slogans doesn't make for a good understanding of any situation, the term communism is already distorted enough as it.
Yeah, I saw a couple of people trolling me, it wasn't directed at you, as you said I don't have the intention to start a debate on the matter neither, the two posts were just a clarification on the subject, using wrong definitions and slogans doesn't make for a good understanding of any situation, the term communism is already distorted enough as it.

Hey no worries. :)

And if nothing else, I think we can definitely agree on the part I bolded. 👍

@ People attacking me on my comment (interstingly all americans, go figure)

Hey, I am American. I though we were making nice? :lol:
GT5 delayed again? I honestly can't say i am surprised :)

Bad Marketing? Hell NO! i think this is just a huge marketing scheme to get GT5 more worldly recognized! I mean come on, they announce it gets delayed, and every major gaming website in the world posts it as its front page...HUGE PR!!!
:lol: :lol: That bloke in that video "if it ever comes out at all... it will have exceeded my expectations!" So true.. I agree with that 100%.