GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
He's implying that the $60 or whatever he's spending on a game is going to be a demo. If it were, it wouldn't be $60, and it would say DEMO on it.

Why would PD cancel GT5 at this stage? I've never heard of a game that has it's content 100% complete, ready to be launched, with approximately $80 million spent, just get cancelled like that.

Guys let's launch this game, it's ready after 6 years finally!!! Nah, cancelled, see ya!
I think it will be the 3rd or the 10th of december for uk. I have a kinda feeling it will be.

Think so too, except think that the US gets it before Black Friday ... and we in Europe get it the week after ... just a feeling ....
Well, Sony and PD's reputation already suffered enough from that delay. For all non GT fans (and for even some of fans) GT5 became another Duke Nuken Forever.
"Is that game still don't have even release date? Olololol" You can find it all other the web and i know some guys in real life who's like that too.
It's a sad sad truth.
Also, some ppl (probably non true gt fans, but anyway) will buy a used game after all that disappointment. CoD released before GT5, new AC, NFS, ppl will find other games to spend their money on. And used games = no money for PD/Sony.
So, if GT5 will miss Xmas sales... It'll hurt sales once again and that not what sony/pd wants after 6 years of development i believe.
So let's hope for the early december release date. ^^
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We normally get it about four days after the US. A common case is that the game is released on a Monday in the US, then on a Friday here in the EU.
Well, Sony and PD's reputation already suffered enough from that delay. For all non GT fans (and for even some of fans) GT5 became another Duke Nuken Forever.
"Is that game still don't have even release date? Olololol" You can find it all other the web and i know some guys in real life who's like that too.
It's a sad sad truth.
Also, some ppl (probably non true gt fans, but anyway) will buy a used game after all that disappointment. CoD released before GT5, new AC, NFS, ppl will find other games to spend their money on. And used games = no money for PD/Sony.
So, if GT5 will miss Xmas sales... It'll hurt sales once again and that not what sony/pd wants after 6 years of development i believe.
So let's hope for the early december release date. ^^

If it does make it out before the holiday season I don't think pd's reputation will suffer. Any bad press will be drowned out by the awesomeness reviews the game gets and the delay will be forgotten. I fear if it isn't out by Christmas the delay will linger in reviews ans haunt the games legacy till GT6, and them when GT6 is in development everyone will have a sense of "here we go again..."
If I did in fact break a rule I would suggest u rewrite your policy to avoid this in the future.

Er... don't think that's how it works here. (Also, double-posting isn't going to help matters).

I still think it's entirely possible the game just isn't done yet. We have a single person giving the story that Kaz was only "3 days late on his end"... I would think that if it were really the case, PD would be mentioning it more to urge Sony to make a quick decision (because it would give the fans a clear target for their questions).

And I think the delays should affect reviews. The game's development time should definitely be taken into account in regards to how it's scored; it'll be huge, undoubtedly bigger than any racing game that came before, but seeing as how it's had at least double the dev time of any of it's competitors on consoles... uh, shouldn't it be?
Think so too, except think that the US gets it before Black Friday ... and we in Europe get it the week after ... just a feeling ....

Either that or we have a worldwide release on black friday. You still get it 6 hours before us anyway. :sly:
Leave the txt language to texting and when you msg ppl.............<------it's a written rule, go look for it.

Now that one I am sure I'm guilty of from time to time, especially when I post on my Droid. I think unless you get rediculous with it they let little slips slide pretty fairly.
Er... don't think that's how it works here. (Also, double-posting isn't going to help matters).

I still think it's entirely possible the game just isn't done yet. We have a single person giving the story that Kaz was only "3 days late on his end"... I would think that if it were really the case, PD would be mentioning it more to urge Sony to make a quick decision (because it would give the fans a clear target for their questions).

And I think the delays should affect reviews. The game's development time should definitely be taken into account in regards to how it's scored; it'll be huge, undoubtedly bigger than any racing game that came before, but seeing as how it's had at least double the dev time of any of it's competitors on consoles... uh, shouldn't it be?

Yes and no. Historically review scores are based only on the game in hand and nothing else. In the write up they may mention a long development time or a delay but I can't remember a time it ever affected the score. Like you, I would like to see it in the reviews but to what extent I'm not sure. I don't want the reviews to not reflect the try quality of the game simply because it took a long time to make. Once its out it is reviewed against games released at the same time, not started in development at the same time So development time really doesn't matter once its out.
No, it's a rule just like the others, that apply to every post. Rules are rules right?

Not according to the mods, so take it up with them. I think they understand that certain rules are easier to break absentmindedly than others and also realize saying "u" a few times now and then is far less detramental to the forums than nude images and cuss words everywhere and enforce the rules accordingly.
It could also just be That they don't notice the text lingo that happens from time to time and that is why it isn't enforced with an iron fist.
bah they should give the job of making GT5 to the stig:


Nope. :)

It hurts knowing that GT5 would have been released in just a few days. I'm buying a PS3 Slim this friday (after my fat one died a few months ago), I took my DFGT from the attic, but sadly, there wont be no GT5 the coming days... :(
Nope. :)

It hurts knowing that GT5 would have been released in just a few days. I'm buying a PS3 Slim this friday (after my fat one died a few months ago), I took my DFGT from the attic, but sadly, there wont be no GT5 the coming days... :(

So true.. would have been released next week :ill: