GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
I just realised; I became like one of those people who are waiting for duke nukem forever. I used to pitty those people.
You still have 10 years to go.

GT5 was planned for 2007 at the very earliest. You got Prologue the very same year.
Duke Nukem was planned for 1998 at the earliest. We got nothing until early 2011.
Everyone should do what I did and just give up on GT5 ever coming out, and get one of these.
There so much fun, alot better then any sim I've played. I don't really even think about GT5 anymore. When it comes out great, I'll either buy it or I won't. I'm not really worried about it. These RC cars are awsome and have more then taken the place of my racing sims. Check out this video of the buggys in action.

Yea , RC cars are great fun , but it still can't simulate you driving around in a super car around the Nurburgring. I don't think you can compare it...
Everyone should do what I did and just give up on GT5 ever coming out, and get one of these.
There so much fun, alot better then any sim I've played. I don't really even think about GT5 anymore. When it comes out great, I'll either buy it or I won't. I'm not really worried about it. These RC cars are awsome and have more then taken the place of my racing sims. Check out this video of the buggys in action.

lol... how about instead you work on your real car and go race that... ALOT less gay
I think we shouldn't look to much to all those retailers release dates. I think they do it to get some more pre-orders in. They all have different release dates. Although most shops have 7 December as the date. So that is the most reliable date for now in my opinion...
Everyone should do what I did and just give up on GT5 ever coming out, and get one of these.
There so much fun, alot better then any sim I've played. I don't really even think about GT5 anymore. When it comes out great, I'll either buy it or I won't. I'm not really worried about it. These RC cars are awsome and have more then taken the place of my racing sims. Check out this video of the buggys in action.

I disagree, sure RC cars are fun, but I find unless you spend a lot of money upgrading them and collecting them, they just get boring.
RC Cars are great fun. Just as long as you have somewhere to race on a regular (weekly) basis and have people to race with. Without those, they get boring as boring can get. I used to love my Losi JR-X2 until I had nobody to race with.

Plus to really have this level of "fun" RC Cars can get expensive. "Keeping up with the Jones'" is what it becomes.
I have a question about the RC cars. On that track how do they race them like that? do they have cameras on the cars or some thing or are they on a stand some where not shown in the video?
I disagree, sure RC cars are fun, but I find unless you spend a lot of money upgrading them and collecting them, they just get boring.

I agree. I had a somewhat high end RC a couple of years ago, and it just wasn't worth it. Hours of tuning and scrubbing those tiny little parts and searching nuts and bolts you have lost and when you finally get everything set up, you realize that you are just twisting a small knob in a battery-eating controller to make a expensive miniature car turn in a sand pit.

Wow, that's OT right there.
One I fear I have is if PD doesn't make this release window for Christmas, then the urgency for them to release the game soon will not be there. So in PD mindset the pressure to release by the holiday will be gone, thus pushing the release possibility into the end of the first quarter of the next year allowing them to take more time to perfect the game on and on.

If this happens, I am canceling my pre-order and suggesting that everyone else do the same. I will buy the game, and probably even pre-order it when the time gets closer, BUT Sony and PD need to be punished for this disgusting and horrificly bad screw-up. Retailers having to give tens of thousands in refunds with no garrauntee of recouping that business will send a message.
Personally opinion based weeks of reading is this should come out early december if not late november. They said there is a software update that stalled the release due to the discs not being correct for the update, said it takes 2-3 weeks to re-prepare discs for shipment normally. I dont consider this game a "normal" release, it will probably sell a lot more copies then "normal". Based on all that I say the first 10 days of december will be the release time frame to make all the copies for the game and have them ready for the release. Works for me, I wont be home for thanksgiving in the US so I would love to have it right before xmas break.
That sure would be a strange way to build hype, by not talking about the game!

Look at Media Molecule (People who are making Little Big Planet 2), they have experienced the same delay from November into next year but they have a beta, they have a pretty consistent presence on the Playstation Blog with videos and things that are going to be in the game. PD and Sony rarely post about GT and when they do it's mostly about the car shows and not the game. Really strange. I know GT can get by on name alone but with such a long wait between games this time I'd hate to see that prestige lose some of it's luster.
Old and outdated.

We know for example that there will be more than three types racing tires.
From the newest Red Bull X1 video:


We also know there will be rain tires.
(In addition obviously to Dirt and Snow ones)
I disagree, sure RC cars are fun, but I find unless you spend a lot of money upgrading them and collecting them, they just get boring.

I've got way more money in my sim setup for GT5 I started building 2 years ago(and still no GT5) then I do my RC car. I can see how they would get boring, but if you build a nice track or have one in your area they are great. You get to tune something that's real, the physics are real, everything about it is real. The only thing that would be better is a real car, but there isn't a track within 150 miles of where I live, and it would make my sime project and rc car look like chump change.

I'm just saying. If you got tired of waiting on GT5 like I have, these RC cars are a blast and a great hobby to get into if you have friends that you can get to race with you. It's easily the most fun I have ever had in a hobby. I've got the big sim setup and have only set in it once since I got my buggy. This really doesn't have anything to do with GT5 though, so I'll leave the RC cars out of the thread. Just thought I would let some race fans see what else is out there. I had no idea anything like this existed until someone talked me into buying one.