GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Lol, I'm no Forza boy, just love stirring you guys up, lol.

Fartza 4 can't be done on the aging 360. That is unless they wantk to do some stupid "air guitar" crap except in a driving game. The xBox 1.5 can't do what t10 will require to make their game compete with GT5.

I'm sorry xBots but the only thing you have going for you on that platform is XBL, and that comes with a steep(er) price tag. Oh and advertising, including product placement. THAT is an area Sony needs to invest a lot of money! Well, wait, Sony did take a $200 loss on every PS3 for a while there. So it's not like they were raking in the cash hand over fist like Micro$oft and especially Nintendo.
Don't feed the failing troll, kiddies. This is the same guy who thinks that differing release dates in different regions is because of racism. :sly:

Off idiocy, On topic.

If PD was only late to turn in the data to be made into the production copies, we can expect that a release is fairly soon. If PD delays because they want to implement a feature, that's one thing. This is just poor timing on PD's part.
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I love how Sony/PD are screwing you whiners over, so funny.

Forza for the Win, we have out game. ANd the way it is going, we will have our next before you do, bahahahahaha.

Fartza 4 can't be done on the aging 360. That is unless they wantk to do some stupid "air guitar" crap except in a driving game. The xBox 1.5 can't do what t10 will require to make their game compete with GT5.

Wow, two premium trolls on one page. Is that some kind of (stuck) record?
Look ckeddar I feel the way I do and you may or may nit feel the same way. This site was founded upon what game? And what system is that game played on? It's just how I feel and I am not alone in my loathing of M$.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.
I don't think SONY itself puts placeholders on their sites...

they would be seriously stupid not bringing it to us before XMAS 2010:dunce: ...... don't see why a lot of you are so bitter about it ....

have a little faith ....

"Accepting Pre-orders
Available on or about 11/30/2010. We will email you when product ships."

I'm just sayin... Hopefully it was an issue of not getting all of the data to the burners on time.
If it's not out this year, I'll laugh (as I did the last 3 times it got delayed as well).

I think everyone can agree on one thing. That PD totally blows at releasing a game on time. Shame on 'em for that...
They'll probably announce the release date at SEMA. Seeing as they already have GT Awards planned.
Guests at the event are invited to test drive Gran Turismo 5 prior to its launch, with all past GT Awards Best in Show vehicles being showcased in the software. Additionally, two very special musical guests will help ring in the occasion, making for a true night to remember. If you are in Las Vegas planning to attend SEMA, feel free to come by with your badge and enjoy the GT Awards ceremony, get some hands-on time with the game, and what's sure to be an incredible night of music.
I think that by not telling us this month (when they said they would) just means they are in a real pickle with it and can't yet commit to a early Christmas release date, due to fear of disappointment of another delay.

Now I'd rather not get another delay before Christmas, would you? So its best let them sort out, even if it hurts that bit more!
I woulnd't go so far as to say I hate Xbox and Forza (I just don't really like Microsoft), but I reluctantly have to agree with some of the Forza fanboys - at least they have a game. I know, it's buggy, not as realistic as GT, etc, etc. But still, at least they have something to goddamn do!

Anyway, I notice a lot of people in this thread seem to think that Kaz was personally, single handedly, responsible for making GT5. I'm sure he spent many hours and sleepless nights forming the concept of GT5, making both gaming and financial decisions. But actually slave over the game himself? Sorry guys, but there are +/- 150 expert developers under his command. Just like how the President of Ford isn't on the factory floor, angle-grinder in hand, making Mustangs. Sure, Kaz may have been the one to come up with Gran Turismo, but if only he existed, there would be nothing. So stop worshipping him already.

Kaz,PD and Sony have effectively kicked dirt in the faces of their customers.
I asked A guy at the local gameshop he said by all acounts of what hes heard Dec.31.

Did you make sure it was a walk-in customer??
Because a bummer standing around in the store doesn't work, especially if you see him sorting the game boxes on the shelves for hours...

The best person to ask is the Soccer Mom coming to ask for the best game, she would know for sure 👍

I wonder how many people don't know about the delay and will go to the stores and find out the game got delayed
: (

There is one above :ouch:
I read on here somewhere the other day that as a result of the delay the game would be released at the earliest end of Nov and at the latest early-mid Dec. Other dates that we have seen pop up on a couple of Sony sites also seem to confirm this so it would seem that we are looking at 4-6 weeks from now.
According to the Sears and Target circulars which I just got today, GT5's still coming out on Tuesday. Man I'd be so pissed if I showed up there on Tuesday. Obviously it won't happen to me because I've been keeping on top of it. But it's a sucky thing for the customers that don't know about the delay. And I'm sure there are quite a few.

Edit: hmmmm maybe I will show up there on Tuesday and demand my copy. Try to score a gift card or something. I'll tell them "man, I took off work and shrugged all my responsibilities for the day, and now you're telling me there's no game?!?!!?!?"
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There are a lot of people saying "Sony knew it would never make Nov. 2 and are baiting us". If this statement were true why would Sony embarrass themselves in such a spectacular way by ending their E3 show this year - you know, the biggest trade show in gaming - with a promise we'd *finally* see GT5 this year, on Nov. 2?

It was a real date they set, and one they missed due to, in their words, production issues. Production issues, just like a big E3 announcement failing, make Sony look quite incompetent. You could even say stupid.

How desperate do you think Sony are to sell a few more copies of a game that is the 5th main entry in one of their most popular and high selling series, whose glorified demo (which I still love) sold millions of? It's not a gamble that GT5 is going to have impressive sales numbers and make everyone involved a lot of money. It's a gamble to make your entire corporation look that stupid, twice, in order to maybe get a few more pre-orders. The mistakes made so far look to me like real mistakes.
One I fear I have is if PD doesn't make this release window for Christmas, then the urgency for them to release the game soon will not be there. So in PD mindset the pressure to release by the holiday will be gone, thus pushing the release possibility into the end of the first quarter of the next year allowing them to take more time to perfect the game on and on.
One I fear I have is if PD doesn't make this release window for Christmas, then the urgency for them to release the game soon will not be there. So in PD mindset the pressure to release by the holiday will be gone, thus pushing the release possibility into the end of the first quarter of the next year allowing them to take more time to perfect the game on and on.

Exactly, Holiday Season 2011 here we come !!!!!!!!!!

Sony really are becoming a bit of a laughing stock..............
Everyone should do what I did and just give up on GT5 ever coming out, and get one of these.
There so much fun, alot better then any sim I've played. I don't really even think about GT5 anymore. When it comes out great, I'll either buy it or I won't. I'm not really worried about it. These RC cars are awsome and have more then taken the place of my racing sims. Check out this video of the buggys in action.
One I fear I have is if PD doesn't make this release window for Christmas, then the urgency for them to release the game soon will not be there. So in PD mindset the pressure to release by the holiday will be gone, thus pushing the release possibility into the end of the first quarter of the next year allowing them to take more time to perfect the game on and on.

And we all know once Kaz gets the game back in his hands to work on, we will not see it for another 2 years and it will remain in a 90% complete state.